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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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Well from your demonstrated lack of knowledge of GW that would be a pretty low bar.

"another 100 years when the temps will probably have risen another 0.8c" isn't within a Bulls Roar of IPCC projections.

Try +5.0OC (+/- 1.0OC) to end of this century which is 85 years not 100 years. To be honest I haven't seen anyone get it that far wrong accept for canuck who put his hand up straight away and quickly corrected his accidental typo.

At +6.0OC GW subterranean Arctic Methane Ice Slurry (Methane Hydrates) would begin to be released. That would be 'game over'.

As you say even though your generation caused the damage you wont be around so not to worry right? I expect GW / CC only really effects people who have a moral and ethical conscience.

Should I also worry about meteor strikes as well? I mean its going to happen and no one can predict when, they missed one recently didnt they?

You can worry about meteors if you wish. Knock yourself out.

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Well from your demonstrated lack of knowledge of GW that would be a pretty low bar.

"another 100 years when the temps will probably have risen another 0.8c" isn't within a Bulls Roar of IPCC projections.

Try +5.0OC (+/- 1.0OC) to end of this century which is 85 years not 100 years. To be honest I haven't seen anyone get it that far wrong accept for canuck who put his hand up straight away and quickly corrected his accidental typo.

At +6.0OC GW subterranean Arctic Methane Ice Slurry (Methane Hydrates) would begin to be released. That would be 'game over'.

As you say even though your generation caused the damage you wont be around so not to worry right? I expect GW / CC only really effects people who have a moral and ethical conscience.

Alarmist, well done, "my generation eh"

I also dont think "we" are of any significance in the grand scale of things, one day we'll be extinct, nothing wont notice.

The science wouldn't support that theory.

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Well from your demonstrated lack of knowledge of GW that would be a pretty low bar.

"another 100 years when the temps will probably have risen another 0.8c" isn't within a Bulls Roar of IPCC projections.

Try +5.0OC (+/- 1.0OC) to end of this century which is 85 years not 100 years. To be honest I haven't seen anyone get it that far wrong accept for canuck who put his hand up straight away and quickly corrected his accidental typo.

At +6.0OC GW subterranean Arctic Methane Ice Slurry (Methane Hydrates) would begin to be released. That would be 'game over'.

As you say even though your generation caused the damage you wont be around so not to worry right? I expect GW / CC only really effects people who have a moral and ethical conscience.

Should I also worry about meteor strikes as well? I mean its going to happen and no one can predict when, they missed one recently didnt they?

You can worry about meteors if you wish. Knock yourself out.

I did with that sedative you prescribed

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Should I also worry about meteor strikes as well? I mean its going to happen and no one can predict when, they missed one recently didnt they

You can worry about meteors if you wish. Knock yourself out.

I did with that sedative you prescribed

lol good one kannot.

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Should I also worry about meteor strikes as well? I mean its going to happen and no one can predict when, they missed one recently didnt they

You can worry about meteors if you wish. Knock yourself out.

I did with that sedative you prescribed

lol good one kannot.

Now we have the assertion, based on a computer simulation by Australian engineer Michael Paine, that during the last 10,000 years, Earth was hit about 350 times by asteroids as large as the rock that wasted 2,000 square kilometers of Siberian forest in 1908. According to the simulation, during the next 10,000 years, cosmic junk could kill 13 million people, and perhaps cause wars, famines and general-purpose chaos. Although the assertion was not published in a refereed journal, the alarming news was discussed at a national scientific meeting in February.

Shit im taking the bottle full!!

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yea well I don't have that much confidence in UN 'committees' that say the ipcc doesn't really have an agenda in pushing global warming when their entire budget relies on this racket .. you have no idea what i'm talking about 'cloud seeding' it's on the ss site, that solar minimums allow cosmic rays to reach the earths atmosphere which in turn cause more clouds, the ss site says 'its not as much as previously thought' even though it calls the whole thing a 'myth' the fact that we're having these record snows suggests the traditional view is correct IMO and i wanna remind again we ARE ONLY about 1% into this thing that will go from now to at least 2070..

and another thing about the graphs while you have that one up for the 20th time, forget about the 'right wing' blogger but look at his collection of 70's ice age scare media, particularly the one up front and center that shows this sharp drop in temps between 1940-70, similar to what they displayed in TGGWS film.. BUT now they give us this new graph that shows very little drop like the one your using above, you can never forget, these agencies have an agenda and they control what data and how the data will be presented. but they can't go on bullshitting for much longer and i already see the writing on the wall for even the mean and average temps to start heading south..


lets not forget here that a few years ago EVERYONE was insisting that iraq had WMD, and their were all these security and military professionals that swore to this, and even the democrats that were opposed to the invasion didn't dare speak out against the 'intelligence' or they would be ostracized as naive, instead they would say 'yea they have wmd but lets give the inspectors more time' turned out the whole thing was a sham because there were to many corrupt war profiteers that stood to gain financially if the war went ahead.. so why the hell would it be any different with this? same goal, get the government money, you gotta scare people, a deluge of incriminating data will follow. the only question now is will this scandal blow up in the political establishments face like that did or will they be able to parley this into an 'erratic weather' thing.

Could you give me a link to Steven Goddard's published peer reviewed scientific research and the Scientific Journal it was published in.

Goddard et al (20XX) and the Scientific Journal

I would be interested in reading it.

Anything yet movieplay? You may want to try under his real name Tony Heller

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who he is has nothing to do with it, I was referring to a graph from his collection of 70's era ice age scare media clips, i even said already..as far as the discussion we're having it doesn't matter who he is.. i'm wondering, do you get paid to do this from one of the climate change industry lobbies or are you an intern at their lobby group? you obviously study this issue.. reason i ask is I had previously posted a topic on another forum about the MIA, there as here someone similar to you came onto the thread and startedaggressivly debateing and (i think sometimes trolling) and always having the last word until the topic was locked.. if your not employed as such than my thinking is that the pseudo science promoted by groups like SS is something of a cult, other commentators I have seen in the past have referred to 'global warming fanatics' etc. and now I know what they are talking about.

Where we are at in the debate is I provided links to support my opinion that we are in the early stages of a long colder period similar to the one in the middle ages, you in turn posted charts that show averages and means but that's not really what im looking at, rather i'm looking for extreme cold anomalies and heavy snows and there seems to be an abundance of those incidents in the previous 2 years.. but even the graphs and video from your side of the argument show continued average warming up to 2010 show a hump at around 2015, just about the time you would expect the turn around on averages and means to begin if you are using traditional climatology excluding 'co2 forcing'-something, after studying the issue, i believe is not real.. as I believe the climate continues to be dominated by the pdo index and solar activity as it has always been in the past.. at this point we can only wait to see what happens, considering this is an elnino year and should be warmer than usual, I feel that the writing is on the wall for the future, so I guess we'll just see if this theory of co2 dominating the climate theory holds up in the next 5 years.

Edited by movieplay
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who he is has nothing to do with it, I was referring to a graph from his collection of 70's era ice age scare media clips, i even said already..as far as the discussion we're having it doesn't matter who he is.. i'm wondering, do you get paid to do this from one of the climate change industry lobbies or are you an intern at their lobby group? you obviously study this issue.. reason i ask is I had previously posted a topic on another forum about the MIA, there as here someone just like you came onto the thread and startedaggressivly debateing and (i think sometimes trolling) and always having the last word until the topic was locked.. if your not employed as such than my thinking is that the pseudo science promoted by groups like SS is something of a cult, other commentators I have seen in the past have referred to 'global warming fanatics' etc. and now I know what they are talking about. You certainly fit that profile, i see above your going on about our 'generation', you appear to be a young person who has a case of ADD(hyper-activity). This corrupt movement you fell into will be one of the things you look back on as some of the stupid shit you did when you were young.

Where we are at in the debate is I provided links to support my opinion that we are in the early stages of a long colder period similar to the one in the middle ages, you in turn posted charts that show averages and means but that's not really what im looking for, rather i'm looking for extreme cold anomalies and heavy snows and there seems to be an abundance of those incidents in the previous 2 years.. but even the graphs and video from your side of the argument show continued average warming up to 2010 show a hump at around 2015, just about the time you would expect the turn around on averages and means to begin if you are using traditional climatology excluding 'co2 forcing'-something, after studying the issue, i believe is not real.. as I believe the climate continues to be dominated by the pdo index and solar activity as it has always been in the past.. at this point we can only wait to see what happens, considering this is an elnino year and should be warmer than usual, I feel that the writing is on the wall for the future, so I guess we'll just see if this theory of co2 dominating the climate theory holds up in the next 5 years.

So your Ice Age theory is based on random News clippings posted on a bloggsite. The science on Global Warming and Climate Change interests me. I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge. For anyone who has questions on Climate Denier 'sciency gobbledygook' and wants a quick reference point that uses peer reviewed scientific research to address those issues SS is a very good place to start also Carbon Brief is a good site also Peter Sinclair Crock of the Week on You Tube. From there you can link to the actual science on GW / CC. The vast majority of what I have used on this thread does not actually come from SS it actually comes from the peak scientific authorities. NASA / GISS, NOAA, Berkley Earth, UKMet / HADCRUT4, Polar Science Center/PIOMAS. IPCC Reports. Also in respect of Solar Radiation Minimums peer reviewed scientific research carried out by Feulner & Rahmstorf 2010. There is nothing fanatical about it just simply looking at Climate Denier clap trap and measuring it against the actual peer reviewed scientific evidence.

You have not linked to one peer reviewed scientific research that supports your view. You have linked to Climate Denier bloggsites, US Senate Hearings, News Clippings and photos of snow. It has nothing to do with what you 'believe' or 'feel' it has to do with what the scientific evidence clearly demonstrates.

If you want to enforce your theory on Solar Radiation Minimums vs Global Warming you have to gather your scientific evidence and over turn the findings of Feulner & Rahmstorf 2010 have it peer reviewed submit it for publication where again it will be independently peer reviewed and it will be published it will then go for the most in-depth peer review by an IPCC Working Group by specialists in that discipline and be included in IPCC modelling. Now you can link to Climate Denier bloggsites, senate hearings, photos of snow but I seriously doubt this would pass for scientific research. Well I hope it doesn't.

El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is NOT included in IPCC Global warming modelling. It is retrospectively removed.

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I'm not a scientist so I don't do my own scientific presentations, I have linked to video's that have phd's and professors that make scientific presentations, and when anyone watches one they will see many similar video's of REAL scientists doing presentations with charts, etc. The people at ss etc. that have BS degree's in fine arts making scientific presentations I think is a joke. the real scientists that support these views seem elusive, they wont make a presentation so instead there are a bunch of amateurs doing it like yourself, the pottery artists, the video game developer etc. suspicious. I was just watching some video's about how the models have failed so people can listen to you a murky blogger or go see what those guys with the phds say..

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I'm not a scientist so I don't do my own scientific presentations, I have linked to video's that have phd's and professors that make scientific presentations, and when anyone watches one they will see many similar video's of REAL scientists doing presentations with charts, etc. The people at ss etc. that have BS degree's in fine arts making scientific presentations I think is a joke. the real scientists that support these views seem elusive, they wont make a presentation so instead there are a bunch of amateurs doing it like yourself, the pottery artists, the video game developer etc. suspicious. I was just watching some video's about how the models have failed so people can listen to you a murky blogger or go see what those guys with the phds say..

When you are shown to have absolutely no scientific basis for your views why do you resort to personal attacks? Let peer reviewed scientific evidence underpin your well thought out considered view.

Provide links to actual scientific peer reviewed paper or research that shows an Ice Age has begun and the Surface Temperature Anomaly graphs that show Earth is currently cooling.

Please not a list of where it snowed on Earth today or a Climate Denier bloggsite.

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I still think that the man made global warming is money grubbing hoax. Mother earth does what she wants to do and this is just another cycle and entirely natural. What caused the last ice age? No one knows.

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I still think that the man made global warming is money grubbing hoax. Mother earth does what she wants to do and this is just another cycle and entirely natural. What caused the last ice age? No one knows.

It was a change in activity of the Sun.

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I still think that the man made global warming is money grubbing hoax. Mother earth does what she wants to do and this is just another cycle and entirely natural. What caused the last ice age? No one knows.

I have a little Niece that 'thinks' fairies live at the bottom of the garden. What 'Mother Earth' does is EXACTLY what the science of GW / CC is based on.

"What caused the last ice age? No one knows." Really?

There is substantial scientific evidence that Glaciations (Ice Ages) are caused by the Earth's axial tilt and orbits in relation to the Sun. There are 3 primary cycles referred to as Milankovitch Cycles.

  • Eccentricity 100,000 year cycle
  • Axial Tilt 41,000 year cycle
  • Precession 23,000 year cycle

These Glaciations are so slow they are not included in Global Warming Modelling.

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I still think that the man made global warming is money grubbing hoax. Mother earth does what she wants to do and this is just another cycle and entirely natural. What caused the last ice age? No one knows.

It was a change in activity of the Sun.

Not correct. Total Solar Irradiation (TSI) from the Sun is relatively consistent in that it does not vary all that much. It has an 11 year cycle between Solar Maximum // Minimum. Even super low Solar Minimums have a very slight effect on Global cooling. This is precisely why 'movieplay's' Ice Age Theory is fundamentally flawed.

Glaciations (Ice Ages) are driven by the Tilt and Orbit of the Earth in respect to the Sun.

The main 'engine room' of Earth's heat budget is dictated to by greenhouse concentrations in the Lower Troposphere. Greenhouse gases + moisture trap heat in the Lower Troposphere warming the Earth. In fact the greenhouse effect elevates Global Temperatures by +30OC. Without them Earth would be an icy popsicle.

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Who's saying NO children? However, below replacement level is necessary if our way of life is to survive. If humans don't do it voluntarily, Gaia will, and millions will die unhappily. We are already seeing the result of overbreeding with the "refugee" farce going on now.

Well there goes the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Back to banging rocks together I suppose. You do know that the clap of Thunder is not actually the Mythological Greek God Thor and we do have much better theories of how the Earth and Universe was formed as opposed to given birth to by the mythological Greek Mother Goddess Gaia?

Should we sacrifice a Goat or something to appease the Mother Goddess Gaia?

Give me strength.

Deflect all you want, you can't tell me that the world is not overpopulated, and from that comes all the bad environmental stuff.

If humans don't reduce their numbers voluntarily, many millions will die of natural causes, like starvation and disease ( Spanish flu- over 40 million dead ) and un natural causes like war. Up till now, war has kept the population under control.( over 60 million dead in WW2 ), but there haven't been any major wars to cull the population since then,

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I still think that the man made global warming is money grubbing hoax. Mother earth does what she wants to do and this is just another cycle and entirely natural. What caused the last ice age? No one knows.

I have a little Niece that 'thinks' fairies live at the bottom of the garden. What 'Mother Earth' does is EXACTLY what the science of GW / CC is based on.

"What caused the last ice age? No one knows." Really?

There is substantial scientific evidence that Glaciations (Ice Ages) are caused by the Earth's axial tilt and orbits in relation to the Sun. There are 3 primary cycles referred to as Milankovitch Cycles.

  • Eccentricity 100,000 year cycle
  • Axial Tilt 41,000 year cycle
  • Precession 23,000 year cycle

These Glaciations are so slow they are not included in Global Warming Modelling.

Hang on I read a report somewhere saying these ice ages came on WAY faster than anyone thought, your saying they are "so slow"

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and another thing about the graphs while you have that one up for the 20th time, forget about the 'right wing' blogger but look at his collection of 70's ice age scare media, particularly the one up front and center that shows this sharp drop in temps between 1940-70, similar to what they displayed in TGGWS film.. BUT now they give us this new graph that shows very little drop like the one your using above, you can never forget, these agencies have an agenda and they control what data and how the data will be presented. but they can't go on bullshitting for much longer and i already see the writing on the wall for even the mean and average temps to start heading south..


Tony Heller aka Steven Goddard has a Climate Denier bloggsite. He is not involved in scientific research has not published peer reviewed scientific Papers / Articles on GW / CC. It simply is not his area of expertise. His bloggsite is titled 'Real Science'

This link you have provided has 'Goddard' posting a whole bunch of News Clippings regarding reports of an impending Ice Age in the 70's. Since when has News Clippings been regarded as 'Real Science'?

I understand that these News Clippings feed into your Climate Denier view of the world but what actually was the scientific consensus at the time of an impending Ice Age during the 70's? Unlike you I go in search of actual peer reviewed scientific analysis rather than relying on a Climate Denier blogsite of News Clippings.

Peterson Connolley Fleck 2008 Published American Meteorological Society (AMS)

The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus


Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

Peterson, Connolley & Fleck 2008 (PDF)



I have no idea why you are using this ancient Climate Denier 'sciency gibberish' from a Climate Denier Tony Heller aka Steven Goddard bloggsite to mislead people. It has to be intentional because seriously, you would have to charge up a defibrillator to jolt life back into this '70's Ice Age Myth' it has been debunked for some 7 years by Peterson et al 2008.

Just ridiculous 'movieplay' and shows a total disrespect and utter disregard to fellow Thai Visa board members.


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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

I wouldn't worry TBL GW/CC will make your dream of culling the global population a reality, possibly to zero. All we have to do is nothing, sit back and watch.

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There seems to be a theory amongst those with minimal critical thinking asbilites that if someone has a "qualification" then whatever they say must be right.

You are mistaken.... To have a discussion on a topic like this you don't look at the messenger.... You look at the message.

Arguments are won on evidence not esteem.

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

I wouldn't worry TBL GW/CC will make your dream of culling the global population a reality, possibly to zero. All we have to do is nothing, sit back and watch.

Still waiting for a solution. So far from all those learned scientists there is a resounding silence on solutions.

They still haven't resolved to use video conferencing for their next hot air gabfest. Perhaps the allure of an exotic location overcomes the obvious hypocrisy of using polluting aircraft to travel to talk about pollution.

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

I wouldn't worry TBL GW/CC will make your dream of culling the global population a reality, possibly to zero. All we have to do is nothing, sit back and watch.

Still waiting for a solution. So far from all those learned scientists there is a resounding silence on solutions.

They still haven't resolved to use video conferencing for their next hot air gabfest. Perhaps the allure of an exotic location overcomes the obvious hypocrisy of using polluting aircraft to travel to talk about pollution.

This would indicate how uninformed you are.... There is a wealth of material suggesting how we should deal with CC. All your comments reveal is that you haven't read any of it. Why comment whennyou are not in possession of the basics???

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case you have forgotten the OP - - is there a mini ice-age coming?

The answer is still no.

Pretty much. Making sense of these Climate Deniers is a little like herding Cats lol

I wonder how many billion people you would have to cull to reverse GW / CC?

So instead of addressing the actual cause of GW / CC, pollution from burning Fossil Fuels, simply remove the population.

Okay lets get cracking. Which country first?

Gradually reducing the Global Population will have an effect on making global resources more sustainable and reduce CO2 but it is a lever that can only be implemented over many many generations. Earth simply does not have many many generations to implement and reduce the global population.

Also TBL seems averse to Governments, Taxes, Red Tape or Bureaucracy or people jetting about discussing issues so I am totally confused how he is going to implement reducing the global population. Hypnosis? Leaflet drop? Telekinesis? Ouija Board? Buggered if I know. lol

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

I wouldn't worry TBL GW/CC will make your dream of culling the global population a reality, possibly to zero. All we have to do is nothing, sit back and watch.

Still waiting for a solution. So far from all those learned scientists there is a resounding silence on solutions.

They still haven't resolved to use video conferencing for their next hot air gabfest. Perhaps the allure of an exotic location overcomes the obvious hypocrisy of using polluting aircraft to travel to talk about pollution.

You cannot be serious the solutions to GW / CC are mapped out in specific articulate detail in IPCC Working Group lll reports:

"Working Group III assesses all relevant options for mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions and taking actions to remove them from the atmosphere: Released April 11, 2014"

Keep up TBL

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case you have forgotten the OP - - is there a mini ice-age coming?

The answer is still no.

Pretty much. Making sense of these Climate Deniers is a little like herding Cats lol

I wonder how many billion people you would have to cull to reverse GW / CC?

So instead of addressing the actual cause of GW / CC, pollution from burning Fossil Fuels, simply remove the population.

Okay lets get cracking. Which country first?

Gradually reducing the Global Population will have an effect on making global resources more sustainable and reduce CO2 but it is a lever that can only be implemented over many many generations. Earth simply does not have many many generations to implement and reduce the global population.

Also TBL seems averse to Governments, Taxes, Red Tape or Bureaucracy or people jetting about discussing issues so I am totally confused how he is going to implement reducing the global population. Hypnosis? Leaflet drop? Telekinesis? Ouija Board? Buggered if I know. lol

Well, I'm not going to discuss my solution for the third world population ( but it doesn't include invasion and death camps ) but for the west it's easy- just stop paying people to have children and they will stop, as it's too expensive to raise children now if one isn't subsidised by the taxpayer. Pay for schools, children's health treatment etc. Soon be few children being born in the west.

You are right about not enough time if GW actually affects the world to the extent that you think it will, but I don't think you can stop it now. What government is going to stop all fossil fuel use NOW, and that is the only thing that would make a difference, if indeed there is anything that could make a difference.

No, they all want to sell more cars, build more roads, drive around in limos to show how important they are. Sad.

The one thing that might reduce carbon pollution would be machines that remove carbon from the air and store it somehow, but nobody seems to be working on anything like that- strange. What are they doing about stopping the Amazon jungle clearance- not much. Just eating more Mac's burgers.

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

I wouldn't worry TBL GW/CC will make your dream of culling the global population a reality, possibly to zero. All we have to do is nothing, sit back and watch.

Still waiting for a solution. So far from all those learned scientists there is a resounding silence on solutions.

They still haven't resolved to use video conferencing for their next hot air gabfest. Perhaps the allure of an exotic location overcomes the obvious hypocrisy of using polluting aircraft to travel to talk about pollution.

You cannot be serious the solutions to GW / CC are mapped out in specific articulate detail in IPCC Working Group lll reports:

"Working Group III assesses all relevant options for mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions and taking actions to remove them from the atmosphere: Released April 11, 2014"

Keep up TBL

Having lots of nice words in a report is meaningless if they don't actually do anything, and they have done nothing that would actually make a difference.

I scorn the working group for being just another collection of bureaucrats living in their own little world and achieving nothing.

When all air travel for the purpose of tourism, and the car in cities, is banned, I will believe they are serious.

They aren't even encouraging the use of nuclear power plants to reduce carbon emissions.

Just another bunch of useless parasites sucking off the taxpayers.

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Well, I'm not going to discuss my solution for the third world population ( but it doesn't include invasion and death camps ) but for the west it's easy- just stop paying people to have children and they will stop, as it's too expensive to raise children now if one isn't subsidised by the taxpayer. Pay for schools, children's health treatment etc. Soon be few children being born in the west.

You are right about not enough time if GW actually affects the world to the extent that you think it will, but I don't think you can stop it now. What government is going to stop all fossil fuel use NOW, and that is the only thing that would make a difference, if indeed there is anything that could make a difference.

No, they all want to sell more cars, build more roads, drive around in limos to show how important they are. Sad.

The one thing that might reduce carbon pollution would be machines that remove carbon from the air and store it somehow, but nobody seems to be working on anything like that- strange. What are they doing about stopping the Amazon jungle clearance- not much. Just eating more Mac's burgers.

Oh I see 'third world populations' okay right so the very people who are not causing the GW / CC need to reduce their populations so the developed nations can continue polluting the world. I am glad to hear you don't propose running around third world countries killing people. Goodness me.

All to lunatic right wing for me? You aren't Donald Trump are you? lol

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