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Foreigner robbed and beaten on Asoke Montri in Bangkok

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Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

I had an x-gf got her bag snatched about 6 months ago in lat phrao

They got away on a bike also

Weird thing about it was after actually stealing it, they kept the cash obviously but posted the bag back to her parents home in esaan from a post office in ayudaya

Parents posted it back to her in bkk and she got all the worthless stuff back

We assume they read the adress on the id cards etc but so weird to risk posting it back instead of throwing it in some river

I doubt very much the robbers posted her bag back to her, I suspect a passer by found the bag after the robbers had dumped it and did the decent thing...

I assume your girlfriend was unhurt which is the main thing, its only money..


Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

I had an x-gf got her bag snatched about 6 months ago in lat phrao

They got away on a bike also

Weird thing about it was after actually stealing it, they kept the cash obviously but posted the bag back to her parents home in esaan from a post office in ayudaya

Parents posted it back to her in bkk and she got all the worthless stuff back

We assume they read the adress on the id cards etc but so weird to risk posting it back instead of throwing it in some river

I doubt very much the robbers posted her bag back to her, I suspect a passer by found the bag after the robbers had dumped it and did the decent thing...

I assume your girlfriend was unhurt which is the main thing, its only money..

She wasn't injured but I'm sure she would have been if she didn't let them take the bag

She was heartbroken for losing the money but also just happy they didn't get her iPhone lol


Maybe he stole something or didn't pay for some service?

We never know...

Maybe tomorrow we read his view on what happened?

But if a foreigner gets attacked by Thai it doesn't automatically mean the Thai were wrong.

Yes it does! Anyone assaulting anyone else is wrong under law. Thai, foreign does not matter.

The only time assault is even remotely acceptable is if your are actually defending yourself from someone, no other reason and even then you have to be very careful.

You accepting that violence may be ok is a scary thought. I suspect of course if you would change your view if you were the victim of a violent attack no matter how good the reason was for the assault.


I spent a lot of my life having to wear a suit and tie at work. When on holiday I dress as casual as I can.

This guy was beaten and robbed and some morons think he should be dressed for a wedding.

Edit: I know who the scum are.


I was obviously considered for a mugging as I came out of Bangkok Bank Emporium branch yesterday. I was in there about 30 minutes, came out and headed to the BTS staircase by Benjasiri park carrying a bag with my passport, bank book etc but no cash.

Why in the world would you carry such important things in a bag which could be snatched, dropped, etc.?

Carry them in your front or thigh velcro-sealed or zippered pockets (not back pockets). If you don't have pants or shorts with sealable pockets, get some!

you are aware that this is downtown bangkok we are talking about and that emporium is an office complex as well as shopping center.

Sealable pockets on casual business attire, sorry mate, we cant all wear camel trophy 24/7 nor would we wish to.

some of us live, work and conduct business here and don't see a trip to the bank as a jungle safari.


I have thought once or twice about changing money at 'Super rich' when I arrive from the UK for an extended stay. I have decided against it thinking along the lines above that anyone leaving super rich must surely be a target for mugging. Dont know if there is extra policing in the area.

There are plenty of Superrich branches at the BTS stations, which should be safer. The rate is not as good as the main branch but it is still not bad.

I know of branches at BTS Phaya Thai, Siam, Chitlom, Asoke, and there used to be one at Phrom Phong.

thanks for the info. That could safer. Are the branches actually within the stations?

Yes, right in the stations, usually right near the ticket machines.


Smileplur; have not seen your post yet, of your recent experience.

Personally, I have not been robbed - but friends have - most often the bike-snatch type against women.

I do believe that Bangkok is comparably safe, but let us not be naive! I appreciate reading these stories, as it ensures I am aware of my surroundings (without being paranoid), and I also see some of the techniques used (that is one heck of a brick we saw on page 1!). Another new technique to me was the recent ATM robbing. No weapon involved, broad day light - and the robber (with helmet) just went up and strongly "hugged" the victim and took all the cash that just came out of the ATM.

Awareness will deflect most of these situations before they escalate - some basic self defense skills, and not looking like TOO easy a target, walking in a coma (texting is just as valid here as being drunk) - are good things to remember too!

Be AWARE of surroundings - the current economic times WILL create more desperation, so let us just be realistic here.



funny how TVF is full of armchair warriors

if they were to face a pack of angry thai men, they would probably crap in their pants in stead of the nice comments they spew here


Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

I had an x-gf got her bag snatched about 6 months ago in lat phrao

They got away on a bike also

Weird thing about it was after actually stealing it, they kept the cash obviously but posted the bag back to her parents home in esaan from a post office in ayudaya

Parents posted it back to her in bkk and she got all the worthless stuff back

We assume they read the adress on the id cards etc but so weird to risk posting it back instead of throwing it in some river

I doubt very much the robbers posted her bag back to her, I suspect a passer by found the bag after the robbers had dumped it and did the decent thing...

I assume your girlfriend was unhurt which is the main thing, its only money..

She wasn't injured but I'm sure she would have been if she didn't let them take the bag

She was heartbroken for losing the money but also just happy they didn't get her iPhone lol

Sounds like your Girlfriend has her head screwed on correctly. Ok, no one likes to lose money but it is only money, the money stolen would have been spent and forgotten in no time so its not worth risking your health or even life for it.

She did well to keep hold of her iPhone.


funny how TVF is full of armchair warriors

if they were to face a pack of angry thai men, they would probably crap in their pants in stead of the nice comments they spew here

True, True.....but it is always best to carry a small bottle of Thai Whiskey with you.

If you realize an altercation is going to develop then just throw the bottle of whisky their way and that will get their attention while affording you the brief amount of time you need to run away while they are momentarily occupied by the sight of highly prized "Liquid Gold".....lol



When I lived in New York City I witnessed numerous street crimes going down while people were robbed of their purses or brief cases or anything they could steal as they ran by while their accomplices would block the victim from chasing after the snatcher.

Several times, while looking around me and being aware of the street crime occurring I could see I was being targeted so I would go into the lobby of any building or any establishment and watch them watching me and let them know I was aware of what they were up to.

2 or more teenagers or young men will suddenly and aggressively accost you and rip away your purse or brief case or any valuables out of your hand and if your wallet is in your pants they will wrestle that off of you while beating and kicking you if need be to subdue you to get what they want .

It is not difficult to do with 2 or more people suddenly attacking another person who is vulnerable while seldom if ever will anyone come to your aid because they do not know what is happening because it happens so fast and or do not want to get involved while it only takes about 5 seconds to 10 seconds for the street thugs to beat you and wrestle you down and get your wallet where ever you keep your wallet.

Often it is very brazen and in broad daylight, so to speak, while more commonly they will choose an advantageous "squeeze point: where you are trapped and at their mercy.

Obviously at 1:00 AM in the morning while inebriated the odds are all the more against you if that was the case or if that was the case concerning the man described in the original post.

Also, It could easily have been a late night / early morning originally cheerful and friendly drinking session turned all nasty and run amuck.


Let's face it...

In our own countries, our children have gone wild. I suppose, before my time, that most children feared and respected adults. Sure, there were always the bad ones...and crime has always existed...but now it's worse.

Asia is now going the same way. Children not fearing or respecting their parents/elders. It has become fashionable to be the "bad boy".This is a one way ticket.....

Solution....Hard laws and strict enforcement. By being free....we have (ironically) become less free. Cameras on every corner, a larger police force, higher taxes to pay for enforcement/courts and prisons....and, in turn, a society that not only fears becoming a victim, but also despises the new lack of freedom/government control that is the only viable solution.


Let's face it...

In our own countries, our children have gone wild. I suppose, before my time, that most children feared and respected adults. Sure, there were always the bad ones...and crime has always existed...but now it's worse.

A common misconception.




Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

So you expect a huge city to be crime free? Very naive if you do. Bangkok and other Thai towns and cities are no different to other places. People need to get real!

it was sarcasm but you didn't get it did you?

By the way I am not aware of any other country or city nowhere else known as Land of Smiles


Threads like this show why there are so many saddos on TV and in Thailand in general. Losers who can't get drunk any more as 'Tee Rak; forbids it as 'Papa needth a new arm, knob, bellend....and they can't go to the bars anymore but anyone who gets unlucky within 100 M of a bar area must be a 'drunk or a junkie'....what a load of sad bitter old men but then if my wife had had more cocks than Bernard Matthews and I'd spent my life's work to wind up in shitsville, Isaan bringing up Somchai's kids. I'd be bitter too.....but I'm not, I'm laughing....


Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

So you expect a huge city to be crime free? Very naive if you do. Bangkok and other Thai towns and cities are no different to other places. People need to get real!

it was sarcasm but you didn't get it did you?

By the way I am not aware of any other country or city nowhere else known as Land of Smiles

Sorry but sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and gets very tiresomem


Maybe he stole something or didn't pay for some service?

Even if he stole something or did not pay for the service it doesn't mean he should be beaten up. There is a police to complain to and they would take care of the problem. This bad news for Thailand and scare the tourists.


Maybe he stole something or didn't pay for some service?

Even if he stole something or did not pay for the service it doesn't mean he should be beaten up. There is a police to complain to and they would take care of the problem. This bad news for Thailand and scare the tourists.

You lost me at the "there is police...." part


Nice one whistling.gif I was expecting some smartass comments from the usual TV bellends but expected better than that...

Just a warning for people, they can ignore it if they like. I've been full time in BKK 7 years now and that was the first time I've felt like I was being sized up for a robbery. GF felt exactly the same thing. This was 1pm in the afternoon.

Bellends....nice one! Had to google that one. laugh.png


Threads like this show why there are so many saddos on TV and in Thailand in general. Losers who can't get drunk any more as 'Tee Rak; forbids it as 'Papa needth a new arm, knob, bellend....and they can't go to the bars anymore but anyone who gets unlucky within 100 M of a bar area must be a 'drunk or a junkie'....what a load of sad bitter old men but then if my wife had had more cocks than Bernard Matthews and I'd spent my life's work to wind up in shitsville, Isaan bringing up Somchai's kids. I'd be bitter too.....but I'm not, I'm laughing....

That gave me a laugh ,as its at least half true in many cases of people on here .lol


From Stickman with more photos:


... "he saw three men attack a foreigner and rob him of his phone and other possessions before they fled in a pink coloured taxi at around 3.40am on Saturday morning close to the Islamic Bank of Thailand on Sukhumvit Soi 21."

This guy was evidently in a bad state of mind following a recent break-up with his Thai GF and was obviously out late ... Stickman speculates (unfairly or not) that his breakup and distraught might in some way have contributed to his beating/robbery ... a 'presumption' right or wrong as it may be


Please help desseminate this to all your friends, relations and media back home....people need to know whats happenning in Thailand these days.

"....people need to know whats happening in >>> fill in the city of choice>>> these days."

This sort of assault can just as as easily happen in any city in the world. Many people say they feel safer in Thailand than their home countries.

Try parts of some British cities after the pubs start clearing out on a Saturday night, or maybe Manila, Capetown, Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles or Toronto.

I am not trying to diminish the fact that a man was assaulted and robbed, just that it is not just a Thai thing.Be aware of where you are and who is around you.


That physique can sometiomes be linked to chasing the dragon....which might explain why he is reluctant to involve the po-lice.

Assuming dragon chasing, hungry ghost is just victim blaming uttertosh and Rubbish. Not all farang are bloated sweaty blimps. Veganism, and youth I'd say. I know one who does yoga, eats only veg "and chugs quite a bit of beer at night".

Thin as a rail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkfss


Once few months ago I've been witness of a robbery in sukumvit 71 when I was going home, two thai guys riding a motorbike stopped near to a women who was walking in the sidewalk near to the road, one of them did snach her neckless and they fled away with the motorbike very quickly.

I was two meters away and I could see it perfectly. The victim was thai too, they were a thai couple. The guy who was with the victim started to shout them and tried to catch them, he started running but he couldn't catch them because they run away faster with the motorbike.

Then the guy stopped one motorbike taxi driver and ask to follow the robbers. I didn't see more but I guess if that guy could reached them it probably would be messy and bloddy too.

Land of Smiles?

So you expect a huge city to be crime free? Very naive if you do. Bangkok and other Thai towns and cities are no different to other places. People need to get real!

it was sarcasm but you didn't get it did you?

By the way I am not aware of any other country or city nowhere else known as Land of Smiles

Sorry but sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and gets very tiresomem

sorry to hear you think that, because without sarcasm cannot be sense of humor, can be?

I have always heard and thought that sense of humor it's related to intelligence, sense of humor real not soap operas or what it's mostly played in thai tv


Problem is that Thailand feels very safe, so that you loose your attention and become too relaxed. This happened to me, a motorbike with 2 guys snatched my bag, I could have prevented it, if I had worn the bag on a safer way (at the police station, they said they were quite sure burmese did it, no joke). Thailand is quite safe I think, you just need to be aware of what's going around you.

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