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German killed by hit-and-run van driver in Chonburi

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Amazing mindset. In a company vehicle, well marked, passengers in the rear. Did he suddenly think he had become invisible?

Ostrich mentality..... when in trouble...stick their head in the sand.... out of sight out of mind.

I am just speculating how this is going to all integrate once borders open in ASEAN.... they cannot simply run away. The owners of the van should know who the driver is and moreover his family should know at some point that he is the culprit. But then its not ethics of most people here to face to reality and take responsibility. What are the police doing about this.... or more what are the precautions in the transport industry to prevent this happening again. Speed control on public busses.....For me these busses are coffins on wheels and go uncontrolled and is understood and accepted by the general public to be faster the Govt busses. This should be controlled by the police and stopped. I am sure once this is done then people would be able to expect less accidents.

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Stupid IS what stupid DOES ? I guess the distinguishing trait of all stupid people is they can never seem to learn from experience...hence we see this sort of scenario repeated time after time. It's pathetic.


It really isn't rocket science to get all these reckless driving under control. Sadly, there just isn't the will (or the competency) to get it done with local management/authorities. Simple first step is to restrict the top speed of these vehicles - easily done electronically.

There is no will to slow them down. Faster they go more rounds done more money to the boss. Mind those influental hi-so thais wont cut their incomes.


the van driver was traveling “very fast "

...........and usually on the mobile telephone simultaneouslybah.gif

I wouldn't travel in one of these again even if I was given a free ticket

RIP to the poor guy.

His family must be distraught.

When we have to cross the road, my wife constantly reminds me that "This is Thailand, not the same as your home country, Thai drivers don't care!".

@ Asiantravel: Unfortunately, some of us have no choice other than to use the vans, there is no other usable form of transport except a taxi and they can be as bad.

Regarding telling a driver to slow down: In a taxi where the driver was driving irratically on Rama II, I told hom to stop and let us out.

My wife suggested that we continue, I think that my request would cause him to lose face and we only had another 20 mins of journey left.

He lost face because I insisted he stop and I told him what a crap driver he was!

Later, my wife said that what I did was very dangerous, in Thailane, such a confrontation could result in my being attacked, beaten up or killed. However, it was a one to one situation not 10 Thai to 1 Ferang so I felt fairly safe.....

Regarding good van drivers: In three years (only in Thailand half time though), we have used many vans and most have been good and every time we have had a good driver, I congratulate the driver and thank him for his good driving. Perhaps we can gain more with honey than a stick?

However, I have never been to Pattaya so I have no idea how they drive on that route.

Our route is generally on Rama II Road, Samut Sakhon : Bangkok.


Amazing mindset. In a company vehicle, well marked, passengers in the rear. Did he suddenly think he had become invisible?

No, usually Thai drivers flee the scene of an accident to sober up and appear alcohol and yaa baa/ice/whatever-free next day at the police station of their choosin'...

RIP to the victim and condolences to family and friends.


Where I come from, fleeing the scene of an accident is an AUTOMATIC 5 year sentence. Killing someone in an accident is Vehicular Manslaughter. Automatic 10 year prison term, which can be longer than that if extenuating circumstances warrant it.

Thailand? 2,000 baht (max) fine, suspended for 2 weeks from driving.

No, it's 500 Baht for reckless driving, no suspension as the driver otherwise could lose his job... And that really would be too bad, no?


Although 90kmh is the maximum speed for vans by law, it may be way too fast for most stretches of road.

Not very long ago everyone was terrified going by bus to whatever place mostly due to the erratic style of driving.

Now most tour-buses have been replaced by minivans....let's say 5 vans for 1 tour bus.........you don't need a degree in maths to figure out the increase of lunatics on the road.

Why are people frightened to tell the driver to slow down. /if they are ignored then phone the company.

When drivers run away from accidents they should be jailed, minimum 5 years

Some time ago there was a video that went viral. It showed a minivan driver and a passenger having a discussion about his driving style. And that while he was driving 140kmh on the Bangna-Trad highway.

In short: The driver told the passenger to shut up.

BTW.......It's not very Thai to complain, they don't like confrontations and they certainly don't like losing their face.


I wouldn't travel in a Thai van again even if I was payed and promised a <deleted> on the way by a supermodel.

I am much, much, safer driving myself on my Ducati 1200S.

Never, ever, get in a van in Thailand.


Since it's a foreigner and not a cop, It will be interesting to see how much compinsation this family is paid. Or if police care to even catch the guy.....

Luckily his daughter is married into an influential Thai family so I hope they are able to sentence this guy for a long time.

Of course he can't escape this and will be found tomorrow , and hopefully named and shamed in Thai media.


As usual and as true as Buddha is a monk, they always run off, he will turn up tomorrow with an excuse that a ghost was chasing him so he had to go fast, or he forgot to feed the cows, etc etc, and cos he killed a Farang he will get a 500 baht fine, or it will never reach a court, or it was the Farangs fault, sigh


A rescue worker points to a van whose driver is suspected of killing a 78-year-old German man as he crossed a road southeast of Bangkok in Chonburi province before fleeing the scene.

Fleeing the scene and rushing to the scene seems to be Thailand's motto. Considering that the German was 78 years old and hopefully had a good life, we should never forget that our wives, sons, daughters or friends, could be the next victims of such brainless and reckless drivers.

I drove a few hundred thousand km's here in Thailand and nothing surprises me anymore.

Once I tested my car, did 155 km/h on the way to Ubon and a van was right behind me, gave me his high beams to piss off.

These people when get caught should work in the emergency rooms of hospitals for five years on weekends. Then they might change their behaviour a little bit.

Rest in peace, German man. I hope there's Sauerkraut and Bratwurst, where you're now. And beer in huge one liter mugs.A prost on you !!! Rest in peace.


I wouldn't travel in a Thai van again even if I was payed and promised a <deleted> on the way by a supermodel.

I am much, much, safer driving myself on my Ducati 1200S.

Never, ever, get in a van in Thailand.

Ride to live. Live to Ride.

I love bikes and hate to say that Thais don't really care about one biker. If there're more, they slow down. Wish you an angel who can fly as fast as you drive.

I'd travel by van, but only short distances. And if the driver would speed, I'd tell him to stop and let me go out. No matter where. Better in the middle of nowhere than in hell.


78 years old, crossing a highway road (assuming these intercity vans do not go into small soi) alone at 9pm. Could easily get blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars and especially if he was crossing at some random point without proper road lighting.

So?????? He deserved to be killed???? And I suppose if thats the story,the van driver,,,poor devil,,,, needn't have run awaysad.pngsad.pngsad.png


78 years old, crossing a highway road (assuming these intercity vans do not go into small soi) alone at 9pm. Could easily get blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars and especially if he was crossing at some random point without proper road lighting.

So?????? He deserved to be killed???? And I suppose if thats the story,the van driver,,,poor devil,,,, needn't have run awaysad.pngsad.pngsad.png

Your interpretation shows your prejudice. What i meant was that knowing the kind of driving here and the poor lighting and lack of consideration from drivers, it is not advisable for an elderly person of 78 years to be crossing a major highway in a poorly lit road at night. Of course, the driver should be apprehended and punished, but vulnerable pedestrians should also learn a lesson. No need to lose your life or limb to prove a point that thailand is unsafe.


So many replies, so many opinions, so many words. Almost all of them are true. But.... rarely solutions.

As some of you spot the point, it is a matter of money, like always. And yes, nobody will slow them down.

What is one more or less dead man on the road??? It is just one of many every single day. In this case it is a German guy. RIP friend. In fact it is just the small tip of the ice mountain. No body will change any things just because in this case it hits a German.

The problem of the psycho mini van drivers are well known, we all know this for years. It's true, the Thai passengers won't argument with the drivers as they don't like conflicts. And with all of them travels there god. So they just hope and pray nothings will happen. And thank there god that they are still alive after leaving the mini bus. That is the common situation, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE. Nobody like it, but it seems to me that is is widely accepted.

I see that the only way to solve this problem is to spot it to the public, where ever we can. If we are driving by our self, lets us use car cams or our old mobile devices to record the traffic and those psychos.. If we (and Thais) are in the unlucky situation that we have to use one of those dead traps, we also can record the driver behaviors and than post it to the in Thailand so much loved facebook, LINE, WE Chat, may to the police or youtube or what ever.

Those evidences will put a lot of shame to the drivers, to the company owners and to the entire country. As well it will reduces there income a lot as really less passengers like to use them so often anymore. The records are usually crystal clear. It is clear to see the mini bus company name, the plate number, even the face of the drivers. Some of those devices recording the time, GPS location and speed. Nobody can prevent those posts to the public. Imagine that the passengers check the number plate and/or the drivers face before the jump in to the mini van. And deny to drive with the wrong van number or driver, because it was shown in a public video before. Better to wait just a view minutes for the next one. This will quick result in loose a lot of money every day for the drivers and the mini bus companies for sure. With that kind of efficient self-defense against risk is not even a police action necessary, and takes away many jobs (and responsibilities) from the already very busy men in brown.

And believe me or not; THIS both hit the responsible persons where it's really hurt them: Loosing money and loosing reputation.

This for sure has enough power to change. AND ONLY THIS.



Although 90kmh is the maximum speed for vans by law, it may be way too fast for most stretches of road.

Not very long ago everyone was terrified going by bus to whatever place mostly due to the erratic style of driving.

Now most tour-buses have been replaced by minivans....let's say 5 vans for 1 tour bus.........you don't need a degree in maths to figure out the increase of lunatics on the road.

Exactly , now you have 5 lunatics instead of 1 :-(

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