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Fox News chief: Donald Trump owes Megyn Kelly an apology


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Donald. Her job is to ask questions, even ones you dont like. Your job is to answer them, nothing more.

If you dont like her then tough titties, dont be interviewed by her. But her job is with Fox and it is purely for them to decide what she should and should not do.

The more he talks the more he sounds like he would be right at home by the dear general's side.

Seems ferret hair is simply doing anything and everything to keep his name in lights. Commonly referred to as a media whore. The problem for him is that people soon tire of his kind of nonsense, its funny for a short while but then just becomes annoying when people start to consider who to vote for and want some substance.

He will stay in the limelight for a few more months then when he does the sums about what it is costing him against his chances of success he will just fade away. For him its all about the money and fame, two traits that should automatically disqualify him by reasoned people.

I will still enjoy his nonsense for a short while though.

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What's up with all the attacks on Kelly's good looks and immediately casting as "Bimbo", definition is " An attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman" per Oxford dictionary. She is intelligent (surprisingly for Fox) and asked relevant questions. This sort of bimbo attack is all too common among sexist jerks who post here, imho. Should she go have plastic surgery to make herself ugly? Trump is an obnoxious narcissist (they tend to react with great anger with anyone who dares question their greatness). He speaks his mind, that is true. But his mind is a petty, mean, narrow self-serving demagogues mind. And you want this for President?

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What's up with all the attacks on Kelly's good looks and immediately casting as "Bimbo", definition is " An attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman" per Oxford dictionary. She is intelligent (surprisingly for Fox) and asked relevant questions. This sort of bimbo attack is all too common among sexist jerks who post here, imho. Should she go have plastic surgery to make herself ugly? Trump is an obnoxious narcissist (they tend to react with great anger with anyone who dares question their greatness). He speaks his mind, that is true. But his mind is a petty, mean, narrow self-serving demagogues mind. And you want this for President?

Oh, the poor, poor media queens and kings. How dare anyone question them! Newsflash, anyone doing a pose for GQ trying to sell her sexual wares is a bimbo. You guys had better get used to this. Americans are sick and tired of the media, and the self appointed gods of political approval. They are hated. Peasants and pitchforks are coming for these Frankensteins.

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Would Trump be asked to apologize if it were a man?

That's a good point. If Trump were smart he would lay off Megan, she's a popular talking head and he just looks like a bully going after her.

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Well, I reckon this is the first real step toward Trump running as an independent. Figures too, because when all is said and done Fox News has really all along been a stalking horse for the radical liberal left and their cronies in the main stream media. If only Fox wouldn't hanker after an outdated notion of respectability and balance as a News organization all would be well. But no, they've now got to go poncing about as if they're NPR or something. Looks like the Carny Barker (Fox) will be yelling the name of some other attraction in another tent - which is a shame because Fox and Trump had so much in common.

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I totally disagree with the FOX statement. I do not think Megyn Kelly is a quality journalist. I think her questioning of me, despite all of the polls saying I won the debate, was very unfair. ~ Trump

That's some time-traveling wackadoodleness right there. Because he won the polls that were taken after the debate, Kelly shouldn't have been a bitch to him during the debate . Huh?

As to Roger Ailes respecting women? Another: huh? Have you seen Fox News?


Fox and Trump arguing about who's a smaller dick to women is like me trying to decide which is a more finer looking turd in my potty this morning.


Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are aware that a presidential run is not actually a sporting event, right? And you also realize that politics is not a zero sum game, yeah? Surely you must, because anyone who doesn't would have to be more than a bit of an idiot.

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What's up with all the attacks on Kelly's good looks and immediately casting as "Bimbo", definition is " An attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman" per Oxford dictionary. She is intelligent (surprisingly for Fox) and asked relevant questions. This sort of bimbo attack is all too common among sexist jerks who post here, imho. Should she go have plastic surgery to make herself ugly? Trump is an obnoxious narcissist (they tend to react with great anger with anyone who dares question their greatness). He speaks his mind, that is true. But his mind is a petty, mean, narrow self-serving demagogues mind. And you want this for President?

An intelligent journalist would not open the GOP debates with an attack on the candidate leading in the polls... So from that respect, Megyn's line of questioning puts her in the feminist - bimbo category... Not a question on policy or platform or any of the real issues facing the US, but instead a hit piece designed to embarrass and put him on the spot in front of a national audience... It was very well planned and executed, only to backfire in their faces and Kelly is bearing the brunt of the blow-back...

There is a reason that Faux News has as many hotties for on-air personalities as they do... It sells advertising and brings ratings, which is the primary goal, not being fair and balanced about anything...

Who would you rather watch reading a prepared script, Candy Crowley or Megyn Kelly?



Edited by Loptr
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I saw Kelly attack Trump on the so called debate and she deserved to be trashed for her stupid personal opinion. If she doesn't know enough to pick a fight she could win she shouldn't have been a moderator.

Alles has no option than to support Kelly, or fire her and he's not going to do that.

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I totally disagree with the FOX statement. I do not think Megyn Kelly is a quality journalist. I think her questioning of me, despite all of the polls saying I won the debate, was very unfair. ~ Trump

That's some time-traveling wackadoodleness right there. Because he won the polls that were taken after the debate, Kelly shouldn't have been a bitch to him during the debate . Huh?

As to Roger Ailes respecting women? Another: huh? Have you seen Fox News?


Fox and Trump arguing about who's a smaller dick to women is like me trying to decide which is a more finer looking turd in my potty this morning.


Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

Indeed, he is winning--but only the Fox demographic. What is that demographic? Older, mostly white, less well-informed than the general population (in fact, and remarkably, more uninformed than people who don't watch *any* news), less inclined to believe in science, and racist. Let him have those.

Fortunately, most Americans voters don't fall into that demographic.


Your bias shows. He is winning many demographics. He is anti politician. Democrats will follow soon. Watch and learn.

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So the consensus is that Kelly is a Bimbo for asking Trump whether he he thinks it's ok to call women bimbos and pigs? How rude of her.

What a laugh watching those who would otherwise lionize Fox News - blurting that Fox must be right because of their ratings - now saying precisely the same thing about Trump whilst he's trashing Kelly and Fox.

The populist right wing is fracturing, behaving like a bunch of loony left. Splitters.

The falcon cannot hear the falconer

Things fall apart,

The center cannot hold..

The best lack all conviction, whilst the worst are full of passionate intensity.

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Trump was out of line and shouldn't be engaging in petty Twitter feuds.

Trump is a walking petty twitter feud. 17 unelectable right wind nutter candidates and Donald Trump at #1. Roger Ails should be so proud of what's he's created.

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I just love how Faux News fabricated another glamorous lie with this whole non-story. Ailes helped get his tabloid entertainment news network to the top by hiring a revolving door of extremely attractive and brainless bimbos to sit alongside angry old men. They will all be put out to pasture as soon as they lose their appeal and a more attractive one comes by to take their place. Many guys who watch Faux readily admit that they watch specifically because the women are so attractive, even if they don't even agree with the overt political skewing of the 'news.' Now, he is suddenly playing the victim and screaming 'sexism'?!?!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are all being played for a fool. Behind close doors, Trump, Ailes, and Murdoch are all lying in the same cesspool, reveling in all the attention and laughing at all of the tools that eat up whatever crap they feel like serving to the masses. This is nothing more than another publicity stunt aimed at diverting any attention away to the real problems of the country and the world, like the economy, the disastrous effects and implications of the TPP, and the eradication of the middle class.

Edited by RaoulDuke
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I hope at least some Americans are enjoying all this as much as I am giggle.gif

and they say money can't buy everything

but it sure can buy a whole lot of freedom to express your views as a presidential candidate and deal effectively with those who try to bring you back down to earth without any concern whatsoever about political correctness.

Get right up them The Donaldlaugh.png

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Fox as propaganda machine would make even Hitler blush. I can barely watch 3 minutes of it without seeing some illogical bent unfounded attack on anyone liberal. Kelly didn't "attack" Trump.... she asked him to somehow explain his way out of his sweeping insults, which is legitimate and what the audience may wish to know. As typical among those who don't have a leg to stand on, they proceed to attack the messenger in every area EXCEPT the question at hand. I wouldn't care if she had been a porno star: it is the question and answer that matter. And I don't care when they "put her out to pasture". What seems to bother many is that she actually asked a hardball question, not the typical softies Fox tends to ask.

I would love to see Trump on BBC Hardball. Steve doesn't take BS answers and sticks on the subject like a bulldog.

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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.

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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.

I like what you said except your support for Sanders. The whole corrupt pile of bought and sold politicians are no different from each other, regardless of party. It's all about the status quo.

The reason The Donald is so popular is because the ordinary folks are sick of electing the same clones every 4 years that do nothing except talk and let everything go downhill.

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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.

I like what you said except your support for Sanders. The whole corrupt pile of bought and sold politicians are no different from each other, regardless of party. It's all about the status quo.

The reason The Donald is so popular is because the ordinary folks are sick of electing the same clones every 4 years that do nothing except talk and let everything go downhill.

That may be part of it. Another part are his one liners of promises. Unfortunately those promises can never be fullfilled.
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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.

I like what you said except your support for Sanders. The whole corrupt pile of bought and sold politicians are no different from each other, regardless of party. It's all about the status quo.

The reason The Donald is so popular is because the ordinary folks are sick of electing the same clones every 4 years that do nothing except talk and let everything go downhill.

That may be part of it. Another part are his one liners of promises. Unfortunately those promises can never be fullfilled.

Surely, surely there are no people in the west anymore that actually believe anything a politician says. If their lips are moving they are lying, especially at election time.

I remember being impressed that Obama said he would close Gitmo- it was a LIE, LIE, LIE.

I'd rather elect an entertainer than a grey man. At least the Donald makes me laugh when he claims things that everyone knows will never happen. Even the best statesman in the world could never get anything done in Congress as it's so corrupt with all the behind the scenes money men and lobbyists.

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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.
I like what you said except your support for Sanders. The whole corrupt pile of bought and sold politicians are no different from each other, regardless of party. It's all about the status quo.
The reason The Donald is so popular is because the ordinary folks are sick of electing the same clones every 4 years that do nothing except talk and let everything go downhill.
That may be part of it. Another part are his one liners of promises. Unfortunately those promises can never be fullfilled.

Surely, surely there are no people in the west anymore that actually believe anything a politician says. If their lips are moving they are lying, especially at election time.
I remember being impressed that Obama said he would close Gitmo- it was a LIE, LIE, LIE.
I'd rather elect an entertainer than a grey man. At least the Donald makes me laugh when he claims things that everyone knows will never happen. Even the best statesman in the world could never get anything done in Congress as it's so corrupt with all the behind the scenes money men and lobbyists.

Of course people believe him.
Look at the comments here on deporting all illegal immigrants, stopping new illegal immigrants and removing birth citizenship. Edited by Scott
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The reason The Donald is so popular is because the ordinary folks are sick of electing the same clones every 4 years that do nothing except talk and let everything go downhill.

That may be part of it. Another part are his one liners of promises. Unfortunately those promises can never be fullfilled.

For example..."If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"?

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Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

You are absolutely correct, The Donald is "winning". Of course he really cares not a whit whether he becomes president, but he and his allies, including Roger Ailes, are winning big time. Trump wins twice. He wins as he extends his brand, the Trump brand (similar to the Kardashian brand) which is about all he has left as he is not a very good business man as he prefers filing for bankruptcy far too often to be considered a successful tycoon. But now his brand is getting formerly unimaginable amounts of free advertising. And both Trump and Ailes and the rest of the 1% are succeeding in keeping the populist message of Bernie Sanders off the mainstream news channels and that is clearly the real goal here. This is their best bet as unlike in the past electoral cycles where they were able to keep the progressive message of Dennis Kucinich off the debate stage, they will not be able to keep Sanders out of the Democratic debate stage this upcoming electoral season. So they are keeping the ideas of the progressive movement out of the news to the greatest extent possible by this huge sideshow of the Donald making a spectacle of himself, a sideshow that is totally dominating the US TV news market.

And yes, I understand that there are reasonable arguments against Sanders (just as there are reasonable arguments in favor of his message) and I understand that Trump is no dummy. But the bottom line is that Trump knows full well he could not win a national election and thus one must ask the timeless question, "cui bono?". And I have given the answer above. Trump and Ailes remain allies and are both winning. The fate of Ms. Kelly is of no interest to either party.

Ah, conspiracy theory.

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Fox as propaganda machine would make even Hitler blush. I can barely watch 3 minutes of it without seeing some illogical bent unfounded attack on anyone liberal. Kelly didn't "attack" Trump.... she asked him to somehow explain his way out of his sweeping insults, which is legitimate and what the audience may wish to know. As typical among those who don't have a leg to stand on, they proceed to attack the messenger in every area EXCEPT the question at hand. I wouldn't care if she had been a porno star: it is the question and answer that matter. And I don't care when they "put her out to pasture". What seems to bother many is that she actually asked a hardball question, not the typical softies Fox tends to ask.

I would love to see Trump on BBC Hardball. Steve doesn't take BS answers and sticks on the subject like a bulldog.

That would be Hard Talk on BBC, not Hardball.
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