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Cannot Get Thai Passport for Basketball.

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I am 22 years old, living with parents. Both of my parents are Thai, however they will not sign me off to have a Thai passport. I have a US birth certificate, US ID, no documents stating that I am Thai. I need the passport so my agent can help me go play basketball in Thailand's league (TBL) for the Dunkin' Raptors. My parents do not believe it is a good choice, because I would not have a place to live or earn some money to live besides basketball. My agent won't discuss the other steps until I receive my Thai passport. I'm not sure what to do, and i really would like the opportunity to play, I've played on other semi-professional teams in the US so I believe this will help my career.

Any other ways to acquire a Thai passport without my parents help since they will not help me?

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As stated you are 22. As far as I know an adult does not need his parents consent to do anything. Juat call the Thai embassy near you, enquire what papers are needed ( I would think a birthcertificate and a copy of the Tabiaan baan would suffice) en go apply for the passport.

The military service thing is something to be considered, though.

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He appears to have no proof of being Thai (proof a parent is Thai would be required as he was not born in Thailand) so will likely require they submit there nationality paperwork to Thai Consulate. Not said but seems likely he has no home registration or Thai ID card himself so being 22 is not going to allow passport issue in itself.

Not sure working is about rules of playing - but as a Thai you would be able to be employed in Thailand if you found a job (you would get listed on a home register and then obtain a Thai ID card). So make sure your parents are aware of that possibility.

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Thailand has a mandatory military service which applies to all male citizens who have turned 21 years old. Some volunteer to serve in their country’s armed forces and some are subjected to a random draft lottery for a Red or Black card. A black ticket means you do not have to serve in the military and you can continue on with your life and your career. A red ticket means that you would have to serve. When there are insufficient men who have signed up, the draft lottery will decide the fate of the remaining male citizens.


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"Just remember, if you are 22 years old and come here to live as a Thai you are eligible for the mandatory military service!"

Thailand doesn't have mandatory military service.


Just go near any high school and see the students, male and female, walking around in military uniforms. That's because if they graduate from the 3 year Student Military program, they are exempt fro the draft. The draft is done as a lottery and if you pull a red card you're in. Mt son went through the 3 year program.

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Any other ways to acquire a Thai passport without my parents help since they will not help me?

Since you are apparently in Indiana contact the Thai consulate in Chicago and explain your situation.

Royal Thai Consulate General , Chicago

700 North Rush Street,

Chicago, IL 60611-2504

Tel: (312) 664-3129

Fax: (312) 664-3230

Fax: (312) 219-8663 Consular Section

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The Thai Consulate will tell him the same thing about the millitary draft lottery. They cant issue a passport at his age without him taking part.

He can however get a Thai ID card. Maybe that would help.

Also, Its still possible to pay under the table to get out of service....mt neighbors kid did it.

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One speculative post slandering the op's parents has been removed. There is nothing in the op to suggest wrong doing.

OP, have you asked your parents if their reluctance is due to the draft? Be aware that living overseas your whole life will not prevent you from having to take part in the lottery.

Other than that you have received good advice as where to start.

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The Thai Consulate will tell him the same thing about the millitary draft lottery. They cant issue a passport at his age without him taking part.

He can however get a Thai ID card. Maybe that would help.

Also, Its still possible to pay under the table to get out of service....mt neighbors kid did it.

The question the O/P raised, and the issue I was addressing as shown by including the quote of what he asked, was about getting a passport. The military draft issue was raised by other posters. If he were able to get a Thai ID, he would be able to get a passport. There would be little point giving someone living in the US a Thai ID, but refusing him a passport.

I know farang think everything in Thailand is accomplished through bribes, but he is attempting to get a Thai passport in the US.

They cant issue a passport at his age without him taking part.

So he has to do Thai military service in the US and then get a passport to travel to Thailand?

Edited by Suradit69
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I do not have any documents of my own stating that i'm Thai. I have already talked to the embassy either...... I have my parents come to the Chicago Embassy with me to get it, or show them a thai birth certificate which i do not have i do not have a Thai ID. I was born here in the US all my documents are US, that's why i was wondering if I can get a passport without help from my parents or any document that I can show to the embassy that I am Thai. I am not worried about the military, my agent said I will be fine and will be doing basketball related activities.

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Does he need a Thai passport at all? Can he travel into Thailand on his US passport and then apply for a Thai id which would allow him to stay here. I have heard of other Thai people in similar situations. They are born and live overseas with their Thai parents, but find it difficult to get citizenship here.

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"Just remember, if you are 22 years old and come here to live as a Thai you are eligible for the mandatory military service!"

Thailand doesn't have mandatory military service.


Just go near any high school and see the students, male and female, walking around in military uniforms. That's because if they graduate from the 3 year Student Military program, they are exempt fro the draft. The draft is done as a lottery and if you pull a red card you're in. Mt son went through the 3 year program.

I was asking this the other day .. The answer I got was it did not exclude you but if you were unlucky enough then you would enter at a better position.

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Does he need a Thai passport at all? Can he travel into Thailand on his US passport and then apply for a Thai id which would allow him to stay here. I have heard of other Thai people in similar situations. They are born and live overseas with their Thai parents, but find it difficult to get citizenship here.

I will definitely ask my agent if this is possible, but he keeps telling me to get the passport.

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Sounds like your parents are playing hard ball with you not to go..... I know many basketball teams have foreigners. ... you can just get a non b visa.... then when your parents know you are still going... maybe then... or maybe other family members can help... follow the chain of command lol... maybe the grand parents can help

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"Just remember, if you are 22 years old and come here to live as a Thai you are eligible for the mandatory military service!"

Thailand doesn't have mandatory military service.

I think you need to check on that. It does. 2 years if you are selected.

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Does he need a Thai passport at all? Can he travel into Thailand on his US passport and then apply for a Thai id which would allow him to stay here. I have heard of other Thai people in similar situations. They are born and live overseas with their Thai parents, but find it difficult to get citizenship here.

To get a Thai ID card, he needs a Thai birth certificate.

To get a Thai birth certificate, he needs to apply to the Thai embassy in Washington DC to have it issued. This is because he was born in the US. He then can apply for a Thai passport in DC and enter Thailand on that.

None of that is possible unless he can prove Thai heritage.

The link on the Thai embassy website appears to be in Thai only:


1. The US birth certificate needs to have 'Apostilles/Authentication' at the department of state

2. He needs to apply at the embassy, and part of that process the Thai parent needs to report the birth, along with copies of their Thai passports/other ID and house registration documents etc.

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If you think playing basketball in Thailand is going to further your career, you are completely misguided there. Thailand is not know for producing world class anything, except maybe a boxer here or there. If this is your reason for wanting to come to Thailand, better listen to your parents. If you are playing semi-pro as you claim in the USA, better stick to that path. You have no clue the politics involved in Thai sports.

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If you think playing basketball in Thailand is going to further your career, you are completely misguided there. Thailand is not know for producing world class anything, except maybe a boxer here or there. If this is your reason for wanting to come to Thailand, better listen to your parents. If you are playing semi-pro as you claim in the USA, better stick to that path. You have no clue the politics involved in Thai sports.

If he was going to have been drafted to the NBA he would have by now. Agree there are probably other second tier leagues to go to, but he isn't asking for that advice.

Having said that, absolutely nothing wrong from being a big fish in a small pond and profiting from it.

Edited by samran
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Sorry but IMHO the OP is going to have a long road to travel without his parents cooperation and assistance

He tells us he is Thai by birth but he is not a Thai citizen, he is a US citizen by birth (remember he has a US birth certificate) so without his parents cooperation he does not have a chance of a snowball in hell of the Thai Embassy obtaining Thai citizenship for him

Sounds to me like his "agent" is pushing the Thai citizenship angle just so that he can legally play in Thailand, not because he has any particular star quality athletic skills

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Foreign players are not allowed in the Thai league or does the team have the maximum number of foreign players already? Korea and Japan leagues allow foreign players.

If you read the post he would not be a foreign player, his mother is Thai but she has not gotten him a Thai ID or Passport. He wanted to know how to go about getting that info.

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Sorry but IMHO the OP is going to have a long road to travel without his parents cooperation and assistance

He tells us he is Thai by birth but he is not a Thai citizen, he is a US citizen by birth (remember he has a US birth certificate) so without his parents cooperation he does not have a chance of a snowball in hell of the Thai Embassy obtaining Thai citizenship for him

Sounds to me like his "agent" is pushing the Thai citizenship angle just so that he can legally play in Thailand, not because he has any particular star quality athletic skills

I mean i think i'm solid. i asked my agent and other mentors about obtaining a work visa, but they said that that is difficult. I think i would go there and do above average. I have a clip of me shooting nothing special it was from five months or so ago I think


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Wow, can't see any basketball competition in LOS being good for your career?. As what? A shoe salesman? Get real and get a real job.......if you can't make the NBA, or the PBA or NBL, your chances of making it big time are slim and none.....IMHO...?

Edited by chicowoodduck
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