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I am having problems with TV pages stop loading, or not loading at all, between 9pm and about 1am Bangkok time. This happens pretty much every day. I can access other websites, local and international with no problem at all, except for Thai Visa. I know that other members have the same problem, there are similar topics on this forum. i.e. "Response Time" started by senor 123 on August 18, "What's the problem lately?" started by Anthony5 on August 12, "TV pages not loading" started by Seastallion on June 18, but Forum Support seems not to be interested in this issue.

It has become that TV is unusable for members in the evenings, no viewing, or posting is possible. Yesterday I was lucky to look at this partial website load at 9pm:


the links at the top were clickable, but those pages would not load. Later that day at 11pm no loading at all (blank page), same at 1am. Now, this has been reported and corroborated by a number of members already since at least June, but there is no response of any substance to at least acknowledge the problem, let alone address it.


This seems to happen with True internet often - if other ISP is not available perhaps try a VPN?

maybe so, but why is True singling out Thai Visa only?


ThaiVisa is script and session heavy, consisting of many Web2.0 feature and ad partner scripts, with multiple partner domains being called to furnish content elements.

If *any* issue is causing data packet loss or major delay then browser page rendering gets held up. Any event causing a resend of data packets may lead to stalled pages. We see this a lot with Mobile Data Internet connections. The 'Air' interface environment is susceptible to high interference and packet loss/resend/delay. The local network interface just 'times out' or has exhausted the number of resends it can request, so the browser session can't be completed.

DNS servers receiving too many simultaneous requests, timing out and dropping domain to IP resolve requests.

Data Collision / Data Congestion from high simultaneous network use overwhelming ISP and Peer infrastructure, or over-subscription hitting choke points at peak times, causing data to be dropped or garbled, requiring resends.

Data Degradation (signal noise) on long backhauls, 'Air' microwave bridges, or poorly maintained client copper connections.

Some people find using a VPN helps (the VPN forces the data to take alternate routes, bypassing congestion and choke points)


klausdunkel, what browser are you using?

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I have been getting the same issues often lately too, especially in the evenings... Using 3BB and Firefox...

I sometimes have to open a new link and every thing is OK... facepalm.gif I think the message is "server cannot connect" blah blah blah!


the links on the "news" page never work... about three weeks now.

tested on safari, firefox, chrome, opera. from within Thailand on true. OSX 10.6.8. no problems in the past.

so i can't see any news stories posted.

sometimes just one story is listed in links over and over instead of many stories...

very strange...


Also fücked up for me. Am on True using the latest Chrome (Version 44.0.2403.157 m) with flash disabled and get the same behavior. If I use VPN performance improves. With Firefox and flash, more than five tabs open hangs the browser entirely. Like others, I get this WITH NO OTHER SITE. You need to program your page loading to prioritize thaivisa.com content so that the page is readable whether the ads load or not. Ad loading should have a timeout set.


Here is the error, mods help?

Or what is the navigation process to the classifieds from a mobile device?

I get this same error on my Android Smartphone running Google Chrome Browser, but only if I enter the url directly.

If I refresh the display the page renders fine.

I'm guessing this is either a missing 'referrer' or a cookie issue, but definitely something in the server-side code.


With server-side code issues, and the site being sold to new owners...

The last server-side issue took 5-6 months to resolve.

By the way, what happens when you tried a refresh?


With server-side code issues, and the site being sold to new owners...

The last server-side issue took 5-6 months to resolve.

By the way, what happens when you tried a refresh?

if the pages would load after refreshing, I wouldn't even have started the thread. I would be happily reading TV. For me TV becomes unreadable most evenings BKK time 9pm to 1am, simply because the web pages for Thai Visa alone do not load, nothing helps - reloading, refreshing, browser restart, reboot...anything starting with "re-" I tried and re-tried, and 'support' ja nah...nope. My guess is that it's just not sufficiently important enough an issue to warrant attention.

Home PC, ADSL, True Internet, IE 11


With server-side code issues, and the site being sold to new owners...

The last server-side issue took 5-6 months to resolve.

By the way, what happens when you tried a refresh?

if the pages would load after refreshing, I wouldn't even have started the thread. I would be happily reading TV.

Sorry... that response was meant specifically for HLover, who has a different issue to yours.

While ThaiVisa could use some 'streamlining' or 'slimming down' of the amount of Javascript code attachments it relies on, the issues you are encountering are with your ISP and the 'last mile' of your connection (otherwise ALL of the other True Internet subscribers who visit ThaiVisa would be complaining about the same thing).

It's your Internet subscription that is unreliable.

Technically you should be able to pull a vast about of data remotely and have it come to your computer without any bit out of place. As this isn't happening, or happening within a given amount of limited by the browser, then you'll need to look answers more locally.

Some people resort to VPN software when local issues prevent Internet interaction. Others examine their connection, piece by piece, looking for the problematic portions that could be reset, reconfigured, or replaced to give them a working reliable connection.


Was bad all this morning (with and without VPN) and then in the early afternoon it came right.

Most other sites were fine.


There are some distant sites I had huge issue connecting to directly via my TOT adsl connection.

Amazon.com, another site that relies heavily on JavaScripts, usually rendered as unformatted text and misplaced graphic elements so I used a free VPN (usually setting it to 'Singapore') worked best for reliability vs speed


Dropping my equipment MTU (Max Transmission Unit packet size) down below 1492 on my router settings also helped with some direct connections.

Since I converted to TOT Fiber Optic I don't have the same issue.

I believe the line condition of my previous adsl subscription was such that it was having to request data resends constantly, so the larger the page content the greater the risk of unrenderable paged.


We are always monitoring the servers and as soon we get alerted that users having problems of some sort our techs are on it, around 80% of these problems is True related.

Never use True name servers, use Google's public dns:

After that, reboot your modem and restart your computer/device.

Your milage will vary, bit give it a try! You will be surprised.

Cheers, please let me know how it goes.


We are always monitoring the servers and as soon we get alerted that users having problems of some sort our techs are on it, around 80% of these problems is True related.

Never use True name servers, use Google's public dns:

After that, reboot your modem and restart your computer/device.

Your milage will vary, bit give it a try! You will be surprised.

Cheers, please let me know how it goes.

I tried this (including Google's v6 DNS) and perhaps have noticed some improvement with other sites, but not thaivisa.com. My experience (again with the latest Chrome and True Online) is that I get quick, responsive behavior for 12 hours or so after reboot and then the TV page loading problems begin to return and get worse and worse. VPN (zenMate plugin for Chrome) then becomes necessary -- it's what I'm using now just to be able to type in this reply.


We are always monitoring the servers and as soon we get alerted that users having problems of some sort our techs are on it, around 80% of these problems is True related.

Never use True name servers, use Google's public dns:

After that, reboot your modem and restart your computer/device.

I tried this (including Google's v6 DNS) and perhaps have noticed some improvement with other sites, but not thaivisa.com. My experience (again with the latest Chrome and True Online) is that I get quick, responsive behavior for 12 hours or so after reboot and then the TV page loading problems begin to return and get worse and worse. VPN (zenMate plugin for Chrome) then becomes necessary -- it's what I'm using now just to be able to type in this reply.

As this is your first post in this support topic...

could you please let us know what System and OS Version you're using, and what True service (adsl, vdsl, Cable DOCSIS, Fiber).

TRUE's "transparent proxy" and use of Carrier-Grade NAT are the usual culprits.

Not sure if IPv6 addressing is even in play for Thailand ISP residential users. Invoking IPv6 DNS could create major issues if IPv6 packet traffic can't be routed.

Also, you meantion:

"I get quick, responsive behavior for 12 hours or so after reboot and then the TV page loading problems begin to return and get worse and worse"

What are you resetting, your PC? That usually indicates an memory allocation issue (within the OS, Browser, or plug-in add-ons). You may want to open your own topic if you want additional help. This topic is becoming a bit unwieldy with differential diagnosis as is.


could you please let us know what System and OS Version you're using, and what True service (adsl, vdsl, Cable DOCSIS, Fiber).

Am using "trueonline" (what it says on my router along with the brand nlink) over a dedicated 02 line so I believe it's ADSL. Browsing through Google Chrome on a Windows 7 machine.


Are you running downloads on your True circuit at anywhere near full capacity of your allowed bandwidth? They do have a fair use policy and it was my experience (real or imagined) they would start to limit (greatly) contact speeds. Appears to work much better if you limit speeds to about 2/3. That might be the 12 hour issue.

But as said by many there are issues using True and there DNS servers/routing. Change of DNS to in router may help but VPN from outside Thailand seems to overcome this in most cases.

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