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12 Men Rescued from Pig Farm Slavery
By Khaosod English

A group of Laotian men who were among 12 kept as slaves on a pig farm west of Bangkok in Nakhon Pathom province until their rescue by security forces after two escaped Saturday.

NAKHON PATHOM — A dozen men have been rescued from slavery at a pig farm west of the Thai capital, military officials said today, prompting police officials to hand out administrative slaps on the wrist to five officers for failing to combat trafficking.

Soldiers rescued 12 Laos men from captivity and forced labor at a pig farm owned by a local bank manager, according to a local military official, after two of them escaped and sought help Saturday; an incident resulting in five police officers being transferred to inactive posts.

At the farm, a three-hour drive west of Bangkok, three soldiers discovered the men locked inside a row of prison-like cells, according to Sgt. Paithoon Sriracha. The men told security officers they were forced to work at the farm without pay.

One of the Laotian men, who asked not to be named, said he ended up on the farm three months ago after being tricked by job broker. The broker, he said, offered to smuggle him from Laos for 5,000 baht and promised the job would pay 7,000 baht per month. However the Laos man said he was never paid.

He also told security officers that he and other Laotian workers were sometimes beaten by the Thai staff, and said they were forced to defecate in bags and dispose of them in the morning because there were no toilets in the cells.

Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom, was later arrested and charged with human trafficking, physical assault, harboring aliens and illegal detention.

Chaiyadet has since been released on a 500,000-baht bond. He denied any wrongdoing.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1440582374

-- Khaosod English 2015-08-26

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Good to see Bank Managers have good principles, just like those in the West..... NOT. There was once a day when Bank Management where revered, not any more. This one is no different from the animals he was farming.


"administrative slaps on the wrist"?...............it'll be "pass GO and do not collect £200" next.

Bloody disgraceful.


Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom, was later arrested and charged with human trafficking, physical assault, harboring aliens and illegal detention.

Chaiyadet has since been released on a 500,000-baht bond. He denied any wrongdoing.

Bankmanager and slaveowner, what a ba$tard ... released on bail, did anyone say 3rd World country ... ?

I will celebrate when US decide to make a Tier 4, where Thailand actually belong ... Human Rights is non existing here which the B2 Scapegoat case will prove ...


.................."Chaiyadet has since been released on a 500,000-baht bond. He denied any wrongdoing."............................

What's that old saying about not one prisoner in the State Pen' admitting to being guilty ?


Chaiyadet has since been released on a 500,000-baht bond. He denied any wrongdoing.

His options seem clear, he can go to Singapore, the Olympics or he can remain free on bail for 20 years. He should not have to face the indignity of jail, after all they were only Laotians. Scum, I'd make him clean the bags that the slaves had to defecate in.


so so sad for the poor men, working and living in those conditions...

when will this kind of thing stop..

its 2015 ??? believe it or not..

we all deserve a good life ...


... and once again we have the army moving in to sort out something the police are totally complicit with.

I think the ones who complain the most about the current situation are those who once thought they were safe and now fear a knock on their own door ...


And Thailand expects to even be considered for an upgrade from Tier 3 to Tier 2 on the TIP report? Give me a break.

Possibly could be claimed the military busted a slave farm and therefore are trying to combat such abuses.



This story broke in the bangkok post a couple of days ago. In that story, they concluded with saying that the Laotians had been freed from the cage, but were now being detained for possibly entering the country illegally!


The Bank manager denied any wrong doing !,

I suppose there will be no follow up to this story,

so we will never know if he went to prison,or just

got a slap on the wrist and a 500 THB fine.

after all the slaves were only Laotians.

regards Worgeordie


Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom

If costumers in this lousy Bank have any human emotion at all then they will find another bank to do their business and dont forget to tell why you move your business elsewhere ...


Pure greed on the Bank managers part.I am not relegious but that old saying comes to mind ''you can gain the whole World ,but its no use if you loose your soul in the process ''.


What could possibly motivate someone to staff a farm with forced laborers, which are there against their will and for no reward. Slavery is a single word that doesn't do justice to the list of crimes and disgusting practices that it represents. Interesting also, he hired Thai staff to manage the slave labor, no mention of those people being arrested.

I await the details on the human trafficker who supplied the men. Given the ease and willingness of Thai drug use suspects to give up everyone they know to the police (for no benefit too) they should have that scumbug in cuffs in no time at all.


Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom

If costumers in this lousy Bank have any human emotion at all then they will find another bank to do their business and dont forget to tell why you move your business elsewhere ...

i wonder if there is an "inactive post" for Krung Thai managers?

On a more serious note, I would like to know what is the bank's position regarding the

the bank manager's status.


Human Greed has obviously no limits - if this guy who is obviously already wealthy would choose to use slaves over cheap migrant labour or even Thai people at the min wage I would personally let the slaves decide his punishment ... But unfortunately I'll never be a Thai judge..


so so sad for the poor men, working and living in those conditions...

when will this kind of thing stop..

its 2015 ??? believe it or not..

we all deserve a good life ...

. I read a book over 20 years ago called Behind The Smile which was basically about how this practice was rife within a lot of abattoirs and factories in Thailand, I don't think that things have changed much in that time, just one more problem that can be chalked down to greed. I'm not sure if this book is still available but it's a good insight into what really goes on behind the facade.

so so sad for the poor men, working and living in those conditions...

when will this kind of thing stop..

its 2015 ??? believe it or not..

we all deserve a good life ...

. I read a book over 20 years ago called Behind The Smile which was basically about how this practice was rife within a lot of abattoirs and factories in Thailand, I don't think that things have changed much in that time, just one more problem that can be chalked down to greed. I'm not sure if this book is still available but it's a good insight into what really goes on behind the facade.


There's a book with same title about a Bargirl from some place called Pattaya, would that be anything to do with it? Can't find nothing else yet???


....inhuman human rights....

...and if a Thai goes abroad and does not 'earn' $500/week minimum....he cries foul and sues....and the whole government gets on board.....


"Chaiyadet has since been released on a 500,000-baht bond. He denied any wrongdoing."

It is nothing to do with me, I own the farm but the hiring of labour, the imprisonment, beatings and mistreatment, together with the non payment of wages is not my responsibility - it's someone else - don't ask me who cause I don't know as it has nothing to do with me.

Out on bail fxxk, he should be locked up in his own staffs accommodation under the same conditions which he applied.

And, ​Bht 500,000 bond - another fxxking joke - peanuts to him - should be minimum Bht 10,000,000.


Bank manager claimed he did nothing wrong, Lets hear the official position from the bank and his future in the bank as an employee.

The BIB that were found compliant should be sacked and gaoled

Yeah in his eye's nothing wrong as that is what you do at every chance you get, not even getting caught red handed will he admit to his guilt.

This guy should be not only gaoled but loose the pig farm and all recorded income from the farm he used in the illegal act, to demonstrate to the public there will be NO PROFIET from crime.

The Lao people are regarded as buffalos and deserve the same respect, and the same goes' for the Burmese people, but wait those from Isaan are looked in the same light, just more difficult to abuse and get away with it.

It's cases like these that should be publicized and closely followed so that justice is seen to be done and that the world can see Thailand is doing something to fix this practice, not just let go quietly to save face, it didn't work before and it wont work now.


Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom

If costumers in this lousy Bank have any human emotion at all then they will find another bank to do their business and dont forget to tell why you move your business elsewhere ...

There is no evidence to indicate that the bank supported this behaviour. It seems it was an employee acting on his own. Your logic is unsound.

If you ran a hotel, and one of your employees acting on his own at his personal premises abused people, would it be appropriate if the general public boycotted your hotel?

We also don't wanna know what the pigs were fed (antibiotics, hormones, dioxines in fat, etc.)...

Well said. It is obvious that this operator has zero concern for respecting the law. The labour abuse should be a red flag. The department of agriculture has an obligation to inspect the swine herd. If this operation was supplying a local meat packer, the meat packer obviously did not inspect its supplier and this would call in to question the safety of any products it processes. Is it any wonder why the Thai agriculture industry is held in poor regard by many foreign markets?

Good to see Bank Managers have good principles, just like those in the West..... NOT. There was once a day when Bank Management where revered, not any more. This one is no different from the animals he was farming.

In Thailand, a bank manager job at a small branch is nothing special. Bank managers have little authority and are basically senior clerks.

If the bank has a morals clause in its employment conditions, i.e. misbehaviour is grounds for termination, then the accused will be terminated.

I doubt the senior officers of the bank are too thrilled by this prick's behaviour.

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