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14-year-old female students dies after being assaulted by her seniors about a month ago

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It all sounds very un-Buddhist.

Are we sure they were Thai students?


Really sounds more like a headline from the USA, rather than Thailand. However, Thai students, Thai people, Thailand...Thai everything has sadly been becoming less and less Thai (Buddhist if you prefer) over the past decade. The smiles are gone, "baditude" is prevalent and traditions are disappearing. Even the body size/shape has changed drastically.

It's still home and I still love it, but it is NOT the place it used to be. JUST SAYIN'...and just calling it like I see it. sad.png


I am at a loss for words to express my outrage at this heinous act of "Thainess"

These are your Thai business, military and political leaders of tomorrow...

What a ridiculous comment ! That stupid term "Thainess" that Thai bashers love to include in their posts, has absolutely nothing to do with the crime committed in the op.

Must kill you to know that it happens all over the world. When it happens in the USA does it mean the offenders are the same "business, military and political leaders of tomorrow" ?

The "Thainess" comment is no more ridiculous than your attempt to use the USA in comparison to Thailand...many of the youth of Thailand are prone to violence...schools and universities seem to hotbeds of "Thainess" training...it is a cultural thing...that may escape your USA understanding.

I could well have listed every country in the world, would have meant the same thing. Was not picking on the USA, just happened to be the country that came to mind.

Your comment - ......................"many of the youth of Thailand are prone to violence...schools and universities seem to hotbeds of "Thainess" training...it is a cultural thing".......................could well have applied to many other countries. (Once again you have totally misused the stupid term "Thainess".)

Just because this forum is focused on things mainly Thai does not give posters open slather to ridicule, denigrate, and insult the country, or it's people, or it's culture.

And by pointing out something happens all over the world is not the same as saying it is ok, far from it.

Some posters seem to forget about forum rule #11.


And for all those posters ranting about phones and social media. It has very little to do with technology.

And everything to do with a culture in which the next level up in the hierarchy can mistreat those subordinate to them by right whilst the subordinates must blindly obey their seniors and accept whatever abuse, sexual, psychological, physical, that comes their way.

Spot on my friend! It is this feudal thinking which is the real sickness in Thai society AND..other S.E. Asian nations as well. When I watch the Thai soapy where the dark skinned maid crawls on all fours at the feet of the white skinned mother from hell ..it makes me want to puke.


"she was taken to the hospital where she was diagnosed of suffering from complications from allergy and was administered with medication."

There's a hospital to avoid.

She hadn't told anyone she was assaulted. Allergies can present as swollen faces, closed eyelids etc, even cuts from scratching.


in Australia in 1989 my 13 y/o daughter came home with strangle marks on her neck, apparently some 15 y/o girls at the school got p*ssed that a boy they liked said hello to my daughter so they decided to attack her on the way home. The school refused to do anything about it apart from letting her out of school 5 minutes earlier so she would be home by the time the others got out of school. I spat the dummy and took it as far as I could but even the police refused to do anything so I fronted the girls concerned and told them that if they ever touched my daughter again I would be exacting the same from them, luckily it was enough to put the wind up them. This happens everywhere in the world when you get these clicky groups that think they are entitled to whatever they want and will do whatever it takes to preserve it, in this case they went way to far and deserve jail time for murder but it will be doubtful especially if their parents have money/are well connected.


It's hard to figure out why they printed this story. They don't tell us what school it was, they don't tell us what hospital it was. They don't tell us if the police are investigating. They don't tell us if the school principal has apologized to the parents. They don't tell us if the boys have been identified. So we know that a young girl has died. Well, I'm sorry, but young girls die every day. There was a story in my TV news last night about an 11-year-old in Chon Buri province murdered and left alongside the road.

I speculate that the school is one of the very expensive private ones and that some of the boys are the sons of high ranking police and military officers. I further speculate that the girl is the daughter of well-to-do but not really rich parents, and that no action will be taken against the school, the hospital, the doctor, the nurses, or any of the boys. I no longer feel enraged by this because the same kind of thing happens in the U.S., too.

They don't tell us if the boys girls have been identified.

some of the boys girls are the sons daughters of high ranking police and military officers.


It's hard to figure out why they printed this story. They don't tell us what school it was, they don't tell us what hospital it was. They don't tell us if the police are investigating. They don't tell us if the school principal has apologized to the parents. They don't tell us if the boys have been identified. So we know that a young girl has died. Well, I'm sorry, but young girls die every day. There was a story in my TV news last night about an 11-year-old in Chon Buri province murdered and left alongside the road.

I speculate that the school is one of the very expensive private ones and that some of the boys are the sons of high ranking police and military officers. I further speculate that the girl is the daughter of well-to-do but not really rich parents, and that no action will be taken against the school, the hospital, the doctor, the nurses, or any of the boys. I no longer feel enraged by this because the same kind of thing happens in the U.S., too.


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