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Trump dumps insults on questioners, insists on control


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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.

There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.

They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

I agree with most of your observations about Trump, but in the absence of any other candidate having the balls to address the real problems facing the US, The Donald is it... Which is exactly why he will get the GOP nomination and go on to win the white house... The Dems don't have a candidate strong enough to beat him in the general election... The pattern that is developing is exactly the same as the run up to the 1980 Reagan coronation...

I think we both want the same thing: a Republican in the White House. But there really is no realistic way for Trump to win the General Election. Secretary Clinton, VP Biden and Governor O'Malley would all beat Trump easily. It pains me to type it, but I think even Senator Sanders could sneak past Trump to 270 electoral votes. And then where would we be?

Something needs to be done about Trump. Quickly.

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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.

There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.

They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

I agree with most of your observations about Trump, but in the absence of any other candidate having the balls to address the real problems facing the US, The Donald is it... Which is exactly why he will get the GOP nomination and go on to win the white house... The Dems don't have a candidate strong enough to beat him in the general election... The pattern that is developing is exactly the same as the run up to the 1980 Reagan coronation...

I think we both want the same thing: a Republican in the White House. But there really is no realistic way for Trump to win the General Election. Secretary Clinton, VP Biden and Governor O'Malley would all beat Trump easily. It pains me to type it, but I think even Senator Sanders could sneak past Trump to 270 electoral votes. And then where would we be?

Something needs to be done about Trump. Quickly.

Do that and the rest of the GOP candidates will be lost to oblivion. None of them have a "wow" factor- grey men all. Nobody cares what they have to say unless it's about Trump.

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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...

You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.

There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.

They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

I agree with most of your observations about Trump, but in the absence of any other candidate having the balls to address the real problems facing the US, The Donald is it... Which is exactly why he will get the GOP nomination and go on to win the white house... The Dems don't have a candidate strong enough to beat him in the general election... The pattern that is developing is exactly the same as the run up to the 1980 Reagan coronation...

I think we both want the same thing: a Republican in the White House. But there really is no realistic way for Trump to win the General Election. Secretary Clinton, VP Biden and Governor O'Malley would all beat Trump easily. It pains me to type it, but I think even Senator Sanders could sneak past Trump to 270 electoral votes. And then where would we be?

Something needs to be done about Trump. Quickly.

So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners?

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Is the above an opinion from a Republican nutty news organization? No. ABC news.wai2.gif


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Hmm, we now know that whoever pulls the strings at the AP is not a fan of The Donald... It's rather funny that the more the establish pundits come out against him, the better his polling numbers... It appears that either the sheeple are waking up -or- they are being entertained by the Jerry Springer style campaign Trump is running...
You're right about sheeple, and about the (Jerry) Springeresque campaign, but I think your options are off.
There's no waking up! It's just par for the course of the Great Unwashed.
They're not entertained, they're enthralled...as would be expected by Spingeresque sensationalism. They lap it up.

Trump is shallow, boorish, conceited, over-sensitive, undiplomatic, and has no humility. He has all the attributes of a North Korean dictator, and none of the characteristics required of a world leader.

I agree with most of your observations about Trump, but in the absence of any other candidate having the balls to address the real problems facing the US, The Donald is it... Which is exactly why he will get the GOP nomination and go on to win the white house... The Dems don't have a candidate strong enough to beat him in the general election... The pattern that is developing is exactly the same as the run up to the 1980 Reagan coronation...

I think we both want the same thing: a Republican in the White House. But there really is no realistic way for Trump to win the General Election. Secretary Clinton, VP Biden and Governor O'Malley would all beat Trump easily. It pains me to type it, but I think even Senator Sanders could sneak past Trump to 270 electoral votes. And then where would we be?

Something needs to be done about Trump. Quickly.

So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners?
Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’
Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.
The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”
Is the above an opinion from a Republican nutty news organization? No. ABC news.wai2.gif

At least stick to calling names on other Republicans in this thread about the Republican frontrunner.
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Government funds don't all come from taxes levied upon it's citizens. Most governments run SOE's (State Owned Enterprises) which supply income. Do you really think that these can be run successfully without good business acumen?

Possessing business acumen, as you put it, is not the same thing as "run it like a business". And frankly I'd rather let the private sector handle the business aspect of the country and leave the other minor nit-picky things like foreign policy and national defense to the politicians. If politicians need business involvement in government operations, they can outsource it or bring in contractors.

You run a household don't you? You have to balance the books or you will be out on your ear. So in reality you run a household business. Same same, just smaller.

No, not same-same. why the federal budget can't be managed like a household budget

Although I have to admit it would be nice if I could print up my own currency, loan myself money, operate in the red on my balance sheet (deficit spending) whenever convenient, pay my creditors with IOUs instead of money, lay off excess family members and sell my debt to my neighbors.

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Government funds don't all come from taxes levied upon it's citizens. Most governments run SOE's (State Owned Enterprises) which supply income. Do you really think that these can be run successfully without good business acumen?

Possessing business acumen, as you put it, is not the same thing as "run it like a business". And frankly I'd rather let the private sector handle the business aspect of the country and leave the other minor nit-picky things like foreign policy and national defense to the politicians. If politicians need business involvement in government operations, they can outsource it or bring in contractors.

You run a household don't you? You have to balance the books or you will be out on your ear. So in reality you run a household business. Same same, just smaller.

No, not same-same. why the federal budget can't be managed like a household budget

Although I have to admit it would be nice if I could print up my own currency, loan myself money, operate in the red on my balance sheet (deficit spending) whenever convenient, pay my creditors with IOUs instead of money, lay off excess family members and sell my debt to my neighbors.

So you confirm what I previously said then. That government should create an environment to facilitate the creation of wealth for the national interest and taxes should be used to run essential services. Politicians need business experience to appreciate the need for that and how it should be done.

I never said that people should run their households like a government and print money etc etc or vise versa. My point was householders have to balance their books as do governments. All your article said was that householders were fiscally ignorant in the main and governments have more options to be divorced from reality and run the business of government badly.Like doing all the things you point out above. Which exactly was my point about career politicians instead of people with an understanding of business holding the levers of power.

Your former argument was that onerous taxes would be imposed on the people if governments ran their affairs like a business. IMO the exact opposite is true. For example If the profligate socialist Greek government had done so they would not have needed to be bailed out so many times. The consequence of that is the Euro-zone masters have imposed such an onerous austerity program on Greece, that the people now face a hideous raising of taxes to pay for it, including for a period of time, the freezing of their own money.

I can't say that Trump would be good in government because he's too much of a wild card, but I maintain that government has to be run in a business like manner and thus I think our definitions surrounding the word "business" is a matter of semantics.

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Trump is campaigning the way Joe Citizen would campaign if he ever had the chance.

Joe citizen the billionaire who doesn't care about anyone but himself....get real!

Being rich is does not justify to be rude and abusive.

Trump, the epitome of arrogance answer selfishness.
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Trump is a megalomaniacal super freak, who worships himself above all else. He considers himself a prophet. Nobody can either question or insult the prophet. The reason he will do so poorly in the remaining debates, as he failed the first one, is that he cannot go off script. When he does, he is revealed to be the callous, pompous, callow, vicious, hateful, xenophobic, misogynistic frog, that he really is. Of course you are forbidden to contradict me. I am all seeing and all knowing. Imagine if this man had the powers of president? Scary. Many seem find his lack of political correctness refreshing. I can see that. But, the man is a goon.

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Trump has zero chance of being president. I'm sure he knows that and would be horrified if he actually got the job.

What he is doing is telling American to grow some balls and not to tolerate being mismanaged by puppets any longer.

Unfortunately (for him) very few people have any capacity for politics and are happy to vote for the puppet that entertains them the most.

You can be sure the Donald will choose a great VP, as insurance in case he wins.

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Trump has zero chance of being president. I'm sure he knows that and would be horrified if he actually got the job.

What he is doing is telling American to grow some balls and not to tolerate being mismanaged by puppets any longer.

Unfortunately (for him) very few people have any capacity for politics and are happy to vote for the puppet that entertains them the most.

You can be sure the Donald will choose a great VP, as insurance in case he wins.

Vice Presidents don't do anything in America except wait in the wings for the President to be assassinated. Based on my personal experience Trump has a good chance of being elected because I don't like him. I also did not like Obama, Bush and every other President since Lincoln and didn't really care for him that much either.

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Trump has zero chance of being president. I'm sure he knows that and would be horrified if he actually got the job

Nah, he'll do what any CEO would do - delegate. King George the 2nd was basically just a puppet with Darth Cheney and the cabinet running things most of the time. No reason to think Trump couldn't get away with that too.

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I find the OP quite slanted to the liberals... Yes, Trump is a loud-mouthed, egotistical narcissist, but is he any worse than a president that refers to anyone that opposes his Iran deal as a "crazy" or Hillary Clinton calling all conservatives "terrorists" for being pro-life? I think not...

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"Vote for Donald Trump - he's no worse than Hillary Clinton!"

That is probably the best example i have ever seen of 'being damned with faint praise'! But i suppose it has got a bit of a ring about it. Would look great on the front of a T Shirt, some budding entrepreneur in the US should get a few thousand printed up, there is a killing to be made!

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Declare the rugrat on his head pro consul.

Circus maximus for his loud and fractionally small minority of Americans (and minority of the Republican party).

A major feature of the two major political parties is that each puts up a candidate of the mainstream that appeals to the mainstream. When the system fails for whatever reason and produces a fringe candidate or an otherwise unelectable nominee, the election result gets decidedly one sided in favor of the mainstream candidate.

Goldwater in 1964 won five states

McGovern in 1972 won one state

Mondale in 1984 won one state

Trump in 2016 ???

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Declare the rugrat on his head pro consul.

Circus maximus for his loud and fractionally small minority of Americans (and minority of the Republican party).

A major feature of the two major political parties is that each puts up a candidate of the mainstream that appeals to the mainstream. When the system fails for whatever reason and produces a fringe candidate or an otherwise unelectable nominee, the election result gets decidedly one sided in favor of the mainstream candidate.

Goldwater in 1964 won five states

McGovern in 1972 won one state

Mondale in 1984 won one state

Trump in 2016 ???

Two states.

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Declare the rugrat on his head pro consul.

Circus maximus for his loud and fractionally small minority of Americans (and minority of the Republican party).

A major feature of the two major political parties is that each puts up a candidate of the mainstream that appeals to the mainstream. When the system fails for whatever reason and produces a fringe candidate or an otherwise unelectable nominee, the election result gets decidedly one sided in favor of the mainstream candidate.

Goldwater in 1964 won five states

McGovern in 1972 won one state

Mondale in 1984 won one state

Trump in 2016 ???

Two states.

Mississippi and Alabama.

Judging by a number of the posts and their intensity, he's already fully logged the fahlang vote in Issan too.

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