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True Internet in Jomtien condos

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I've been looking at condo units in (what I call) "central Jomtien": the area including View Talay 1/2/5, Jomtien Complex, and View Talay Residences 1/2/3/4.

Chatting with the folks in the lobby office about what ISPs are available in the building, I'm consistently told "only 3BB and TOT." When I ask about True, they say no. I figured it was because of exclusive contracts with 3BB/TOT denying True access to the building.

However, I was talking to the manager of one of the VTR buildings and she said she didn't think True even had cables running in that area. She said that if they did, the building would certainly permit owners to install True Internet.

Is she correct that True has no service of any type (ADSL nor DOCSIS) of internet service in that area? Seems like a potentially lucrative area to offer service, no?

I recall several years ago inquiring at the True office about getting ADSL in a condo farther down Jomtien Beach Road, and they said service to houses was offered, but not to condos. I also have read True will not provide service above the third floor in a condo building.


Interesting that they have no rights to connect condos. Is that some sort of government licensing restriction, or ... ?

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