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Jakarta police probe possible Indonesian terror link to Bangkok blast

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Police probe possible Indonesian terror link to Bangkok blast


JAKARTA: -- Indonesian police are looking into the possibility that a terrorist network in Indonesia was involved in the deadly bomb attack on the famous Erawan Shrine in the centre of Bangkok on Aug 17, according to The Jakarta Globe.

Gen Badrodin Haiti, the chief of Indonesia’s National Police, said his office was willing to assist Thai colleagues in finding out who was responsible for the bombing that left 20 people dead, including 14 foreigners.

“We’re ready to help, but they haven’t asked us yet,” Badrodin told news portal CNNIndonesia on Thursday. “We’re waiting.”

He said investigators had already started looking into the possible involvement of the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terror cell, which is led by Indonesia’s most-wanted fugitive, Santoso.

Thailand earlier this year deported some 150 Uighur refugees to China, a move that Badrodin said was believed to have angered several terrorist networks.

At the end of last year, four people who were carrying Turkish passports and speaking Uighur were arrested in Poso, Central Sulawesi — which is believed to be main area of operations for the network led by the alleged terrorist Santoso.

Indonesian police strongly suspect the four people had ties with ISIS and were on their way to meet Santoso. Three of them were recently sentenced to six-year jail terms.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/police-probe-possible-indonesian-terror-link-to-bangkok-blast

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-28


Well don't hold your breath RTP will lie cover up and hope it goes away before asking for help If there is even a slight chance of losing face.


Gen. Badrodin Haiti is very experienced in these areas, the Indonesian security and its agencies are very well versed with terrorism activists , along with the Australian AFP, these two have been sharing vital information above political ideals and through thick n thin , if there is a link with Santoso , Thailand had better shape up.


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

What for Indonesia?


Maybe it's just a way to scare the usual suspects into making fresh payoffs.

Or maybe members of two of the most corrupt police forces in the region compete to see who can be the most bent.


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

You're right but then neither is Thailand, or China, so what's your point?


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

You're right but then neither is Thailand, or China, so what's your point?

This suggests how many people do not really grasp what is happening. The muslim ummah is worldwide, its area of interest is everywhere it asserts. Wherever an assertion can be made for an islamic interest various separatists, islamists, etc., extend into this space as the battleground, the dar al harb. The previously disparate islamist cells throughout the world have become more interconnected, mutually supportive, and often increasingly trained in middle east and central asian battlespace. Islam Inc.


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

What for Indonesia?

Of course. It's something like Thailand. Completely impenetrable by undesirables and why they don't need help from experienced anti-terrorists. Yup that it.


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

What for Indonesia?

Just read the OP again. It is quite clear. Stop trying to complicate it. You are only confusing yourself, no-one else. And swat up on ISIS, Al Qaeda, Grey wolves, etc, etc.


“We’re ready to help, but they haven’t asked us yet,” Badrodin told news portal CNNIndonesia on Thursday. “We’re waiting.”

Real men don't ask for help ... right?

Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?
Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

What for Indonesia?

Just read the OP again. It is quite clear. Stop trying to complicate it. You are only confusing yourself, no-one else. And swat up on ISIS, Al Qaeda, Grey wolves, etc, etc.

Whose confusing who? And confusing what with what?

Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?
Ever heard of that fantastic "new" invention... The airplane?
Airplane, hmm, let me think...yes it's coming to me now, something about red flags, safety, bad foreigners. Yup that's it ;-)

What for Indonesia?

Just read the OP again. It is quite clear. Stop trying to complicate it. You are only confusing yourself, no-one else. And swat up on ISIS, Al Qaeda, Grey wolves, etc, etc.

Whose confusing who? And confusing what with what?

Are you here for the 15 minute argument or the 30 minute argument ;-)


And in the last year Indonesia has had to release many criminals who have done their time associated with the Bali bombings.

All good potential soldiers for the caliphate.

Very, very worrying.

Indonesia is the most populous Islamic nation on the planet...but they aren't stupid. They will have a very good handle on what is going on.

They dislike terrorists as much as anyone else does.


And in the last year Indonesia has had to release many criminals who have done their time associated with the Bali bombings.

All good potential soldiers for the caliphate.

Very, very worrying.

Indonesia is the most populous Islamic nation on the planet...but they aren't stupid. They will have a very good handle on what is going on.

They dislike terrorists as much as anyone else does.

I find this particularly disturbing. In 2002 a small group of us went to Indonesia to plan, build, train, and employ their first national counter terrorism asset, Detachment 88, in response to these bombings (then another later in JK). They took the best of their Brimob and Kapassues and channeled them into a national crisis response team (CRT). These guys were the best trained of the many places we developed these assets (only Pakistanis showed superior skills). A good asset (Note: the only bomb making our students were taught were explosive breaching- just want to nip that in the bud).

Indonesia struggles to exist in a secular framework. The islamist tendency is very great, the sympathies everywhere, and this can be seen in leniency and advocacy for Jamiyah Islamyiah. I've no doubt the Thai bomb was crafted by someone with experience. The question is, who was it and what local network could enable sliding back into the shadows? If it was an asset outside of Thailand there would not likely be a claim of responsibility, that would be from local assets. Following the probably unexpected success of this spectacular terrorism (see trends in international terrorism) it is likely local assets decided not to claim this. IMO, this event turned went better than they expected and they began to "cut away." (Parachuting term where you employ the reserve).


This video points up the tensions between the Chinese Government and the Uighurs with the latter being open to becoming increasingly radicalised. Their methods very similar to the Erawan shrine, so perhaps Prayuth was right first time. Rather alike that hastily transferred cop on Koh Tao ..


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

You're right but then neither is Thailand, or China, so what's your point?

This suggests how many people do not really grasp what is happening. The muslim ummah is worldwide, its area of interest is everywhere it asserts. Wherever an assertion can be made for an islamic interest various separatists, islamists, etc., extend into this space as the battleground, the dar al harb. The previously disparate islamist cells throughout the world have become more interconnected, mutually supportive, and often increasingly trained in middle east and central asian battlespace. Islam Inc.

+1 The Muslim ummah is everywhere and you can be sure they have cells in every country with a large population of Muslims and a large number of soft targets. Furthermore Thailand is not handled by smart police officers and only in Thailand would they got away with it.


Who said the Grey Wolves weren't active now? Both they and tourism are mentioned in this clip

I'm coming around to the Uighur theory. In my previous posted video on Chinese suppression of the muslims, together with the Uighur mowing down/blowing up Han Chinese, wanting to send 'a message around the world', attacking Koreans in Turkey thinking they were Chinese, aided and abetted by Thailand's notorious incompetence .. Ta da!


“We’re ready to help, but they haven’t asked us yet,” Badrodin told news portal CNNIndonesia on Thursday. “We’re waiting.”

Real men don't ask for help ... right?

Real men don't need a coup to claim sovereignty.


Err Indonesia is no where near Turkey the last time I looked ?

You're right but then neither is Thailand, or China, so what's your point?

This suggests how many people do not really grasp what is happening. The muslim ummah is worldwide, its area of interest is everywhere it asserts. Wherever an assertion can be made for an islamic interest various separatists, islamists, etc., extend into this space as the battleground, the dar al harb. The previously disparate islamist cells throughout the world have become more interconnected, mutually supportive, and often increasingly trained in middle east and central asian battlespace. Islam Inc.

I think I have a good idea of what is going on and I disagree with you to an extent. It's a reach to tie this into the Indonesian based jihadis. It's not their style, although they went to a new level with their Bali murders. However, that was an al-Qaeda group. Typically, Indonesian terrorists are homebodies, They just don't travel far from home like our friends the Saudis or Pakistanis.

I understand your point, but you are giving far too much credit to the unifying capability of Islam. The Islamic jihadis are not holding hands and singing their version of Kumbayah beneath a big black/green flag. On the contrary, there is a significant amount of rivalry and hatred amongst the various groups, much of it arising from racial prejudice. Keep in mind that there is a hierarchy, with the Gulf Arabs at the top, with neighboring arabs the next rung under, followed by North Africans and then the SE Asians. Africans are at the bottom of the pecking order. These folks are influenced by skin colour and ethnicity.

To date, the Indonesian jihadists have not interacted well with their middle eastern allies. They are two very different cultures at play. That's not to say that there isn't interaction amongst the groups. We all know that nationals from Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund religious indoctrination centers and terrorist groups, often with state support, and we know that the western subsidized corrupt state of Pakistan provides safe sanctuary and training bases for terrorists. However, the Indonesian jihadis have tended to stay in their own region and focus on regional issues. When Indonesians have gone after Thais it has been commercial related, i.e. related to human trafficking and slave labour. Thais have exploited Indonesians just as they have Burmese and Cambodians, albeit to a lesser extent.

There is just as much likelihood that this bombing is a manifestation of the endemic corruption in Thailand as it could be a politically related event. The cruelty and greed of Thai criminals does not surprise me. The Koh Samui bombing was supposed to be a politically motivated event, then it was supposed to be a terrorist event. Turned out it was the standard Thai commercial dispute and banished from the media never to be discussed again.


Who said the Grey Wolves weren't active now? Both they and tourism are mentioned in this clip

I'm coming around to the Uighur theory. In my previous posted video on Chinese suppression of the muslims, together with the Uighur mowing down/blowing up Han Chinese, wanting to send 'a message around the world', attacking Koreans in Turkey thinking they were Chinese, aided and abetted by Thailand's notorious incompetence .. Ta da!

Mixed thoughts. However, this video reveals the most topical information possible regarding these complex subjects. First, Islamic problems, when one distills every single problem down to its core individual complaints, can easily find a, perhaps, valid point of view. There are aggrieved, they express it, and then there are consequences. When one backs out, zooms out, we see there is actually a pattern forming. The more regional or global we zoom out we clearly see unmistakable patterns of protestations of intolerance, and shocking accommodation of violence. Clearly, one begets the other, but which?

Then superimpose upon this global observation in islamic conflicts islamic history and we see this is exactly the same pattern that has taken place... for 1,400 years! The only thing different today is the magnification provided by social media and internet, and the decreased education and knowledge of those in the modern world that this phenomena is not new at all. Remove a cursory knowledge of history from collective access and everything looks like it is caused by proximate events. Nonsense. Islam protests because... islam is designed to conquer! Period! You simply cannot divorce the ideology from the faith. I make no comment on the faith because each should be allow to worship as they please, but the ideology that acts upon others... this is the common space of interfaith culture and civilization. It is here where I have my ax to grind. It is here where we see Uighur like issues everywhere.

What one should consider as well are two key ingredients no one is discussing, both related to the US. 1) Fact: Every single foreign policy initiative of the US these past 7 years has furthered, emboldened, legitimatized, and and funded islamic jihad. These are overwhelming facts. The US fundamentally orchestrated the Arab Spring and other color revolutions under the auspices of the National Endowment for Democracy and Soros front groups. 2) The National Endowment for Democracy and Soros monies are funding the Uighur separatist claims for the independent East Turkestan state of their ancestors, a State that never existed in the history of the world. Thus, the US is once again a shadowy backer of islamic jihad. Lastly, do not rule out the US administration's disdain for Thailand at this current time. I have simply seen no contemporary evidence to suggest this should automatically be ruled out.


Yes but if Thailand admit to having help by foreigners, the chief of police cannot get his big fat raise or tips from the PM for his flawless investigative prowess.... Notice 2 days ago he was quite angered when the US asked if they could assist Thailand. Ofcoure less than 24 hours later they pulled the Turks out of the hat, and he has been all smiles and laughter on the TV ever since...

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