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Police 'no closer to solving Erawan case'

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The RTP may be no closer to solving this case but they do have an arrest

warrant out for Mr. Blue Shirt who has no name & a blurry face.

So...if the real Mr. Blue Shirt never wears a blue shirt again or if the entire

population decides to wear blue shirts....geez...what is this...some kind of

extremely sick comedy or what?

I used to have a few giggles at this investigation however there is nothing

left to giggle at. I can only cry...this is a very sad situation & while the RTP

keep blowing hot air they're only making themselves like fools.

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Trail is cold now but still the FBI, Mossad, CIA, Scotland Yard could be of help.

Yes ,Scotland Yard were so good at solving the Yorkshire ripper case !!! Only took them about 2 years while the ripper continued to bait them and kill other women .

The West Yorkshire police force were responsible for hunting the ripper. He was eventually caught by the South Yorkshire force. Scotland Yard is in London.

All police and security services have unsolved cases, but if you think that the RTP are of equal capability, skill and professionalism to any British force, or American, or Israeli then your judgement in such matters is self evident.

RTP - to proud to accept help, too incompetent to do real police work, to corrupt to care about justice anyway.


Scotland Yard were not involved in investigating the "Yorkshire Ripper" case.

It was the West Yorkshire Police. (and subsequent inquiries criticised them....)

Maybe there is a hint in the name.......?


Just looking at the pic on his tablet facial recognition would recognise this guy instantly if they have ID, Immigration photo.

all they have is a sketch to go on so I would have thought it would only narrow it down a bit, hardly definitive evidence.


The suspect captured on camera looks 25 to 30 years old and about 170 centimetres tall, as per the warrant issued on Thursday night.

clap2.gif Only a couple if million to go !!

Police 'no closer to solving Erawan case'

It's certainly probably a true statement.

But, just curious, how The Nation came to use this headline for the article and included putting a portion of it in quotes.

Since, unless I'm missing something, there's absolutely no quote or paraphrase anywhere in their article using that phrase.


The Gray wolves mentioned in the article by simple1 is actually funded by the US



RTP, all others agencies.

May the low life comments of so many malcontented people not deter your efforts in any manner.

The negativity and lack of self-esteem that they project.

We are many that support your efforts and law enforcement. We understand the difficulties of creating and caring for a nation of people.

All shapes, sizes and colors. God is with you and justice will be served.

The old hags that post here on TV will not deter you.

13 Romans. I hope TV doesn't suspend me again when they see a spiritual quote.


Trail is cold now but still the FBI, Mossad, CIA, Scotland Yard could be of help.

Yes ,Scotland Yard were so good at solving the Yorkshire ripper case !!! Only took them about 2 years while the ripper continued to bait them and kill other women .

The West Yorkshire police force were responsible for hunting the ripper. He was eventually caught by the South Yorkshire force. Scotland Yard is in London.

All police and security services have unsolved cases, but if you think that the RTP are of equal capability, skill and professionalism to any British force, or American, or Israeli then your judgement in such matters is self evident.

RTP - to proud to accept help, too incompetent to do real police work, to corrupt to care about justice anyway.

ButBaer boxer the RTP only took two weeks you mob took two years.

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