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If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

And there would be no Chiang Mai immigration.

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Does his assertion do anything to prevent it? Sounds like a school principle warning the kids to behave in this term on the first day back.

What sort of salaries are Government officials on? Do they earn enough legitimately to never need to take an envelope? Remove one of the main excuses for taking bribes the world over, the need for money, you are left with greed, then increase the severity of the punishment.

It works in Singapore, very well.

You've got that right. If every person convicted of corruption, abuse of power, fraud, etc. lost a finger for the first offense, the crime rate would drop like a boulder. coffee1.gif


you know you have a problem if you have to advertise the issue.

"no room for corruption in govt's policy" now theres a statement, who is going to enforce the law, the corrupt police department who are some of the biggest law breakers!!

try and find a policemen at night, the only ones out are the ones at the adult entertainment centers with there hands out for pay offs. try and find a cop in any other part of the city at night never happen(what a joke).

oh, the dog and pony shows really are getting worse!


How do the Prime Minister want to tackle the most serious corruption? The police corruption. This is the corruption that holds Thailand back. If YOU junta Chief loves your King and Country you have to do some drastic maneuvers amongst your friends.


I think the Thai solution is settled already, the rich elite will have the army on their side, but after a while the chicken army will tell they are on the peoples side. Just to trying saving their royal general asses.


If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

A statement like this implies that there actually are two categories: the corrupt and the non-corrupt. I'll just leave it at that ...


If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

don't forget the 1000s of generals and admirals.

Might have to add a couple of wings... whistling.gif

Isn't it reassuring to see a Prime Minister in military uniform??

Still its either that, a corrupt businessman or where I come from, a lawyer.

Democracy is losing its grip and because its changing its shape, all over the world, even in so called 'advanced' democracies

in so-called civilized countries.


No, but nepotism is very OK. So are Generals amassing millions somehow on a basic salary.

Does this mean there will be full transparency on how the members of the NCPO etc made their money ? rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif


was just wondering who voted this cabinet in to office. so did this guy hand pick them then ??

All Thai cabinet members are appointees. In previous governments, some were MPs, but PTP's "thinker" ordered that any party list MPs appointed to cabinet should resign their seat to make room for others.


As mentioned by his Deputy PM today, phase two will take YEARS, so it is indeed to facilitate the government staying in power.

Actions speak louder than words. No elections any time soon.

So what are you afraid of,if it takes years to turn Thailand round first, what is it you don't like---the people seem quite ok about it--apart from you extreme ones.

Have you joined the band wagon now shouting about elections and democracy-------give it a rest.

If the powers that be--ok it's military/PM you hate uniforms even now the streets have no red paid nutters around. or PTP corruption.


Dear General ... If you want to stop corruption...stop reshuffling and start firing.

... then get a new deck of cards.

Dear Fullstop, I think you have a card missing from your pack. STOP re shuffling ???


I watched this newscast love to comment but might end up in Jail

Please comment. others do on here and not have to go. So what the heck are you on about??? joining the minority band wagon are we. ??


If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

don't forget the 1000s of generals and admirals.

Might have to add a couple of wings... whistling.gif

Isn't it reassuring to see a Prime Minister in military uniform??

Still its either that, a corrupt businessman or where I come from, a lawyer.

Democracy is losing its grip and because its changing its shape, all over the world, even in so called 'advanced' democracies

in so-called civilized countries.

Democracy is undermined by large, powerful, statist government. It only works with limited government. People have become indoctrinated with the soft-headed idea that government is there to solve all problems and cure all injustices, which divides the population and sets them up for worsening abuse and corruption, and grows government into a monstrous big brother. The bigger it gets, the more problems there are; the more problems there are the more the ignorant masses want to grow it even further to deal with them. And of course the bigger it gets, the bigger the pot, which cultivates corruption and makes it an addiction.

The public appetite for snake oil is truly amazing. THAT'S why Democracy is losing its grip; because it's not democracy being practiced! It's become nothing more than an alias for "I want what you have".


Funny how you all complain about corruption but complain even more when steps are made to try and begin the long process of starting to act against it.

It will take at least a couple generations to change the deep embedded culture of corruption in this country, but if you never start you will never get there!!!

They've probably said the same after every other coup this last 70 years. Yet corruption is still rampany respite constant intervention by the 'good' people. Funny that.

I'd think we'd all like something done, but history tells us rhese constant coups aren't the way forward.


Corruption or/and collusion? Family Mart vs 7/11.

You can't buy smokes at 7/11 in the airport!

They send you up to Family Mart on the 3rd floor.. There the want 75 Baht for what they sell for 40 Baht outside.


I am agreeing to most of the posters that are saying the Police have to be brought to heel.

Being here some 35 years nothing is changing fast, The general public are afraid of the police, they do not have a good word for them, they do not respect them, most think they are a private enterprise operating for their own ends.

Most of the polices work on the face of it is seen to be operating morning to evening road blocks for the simple purpose of collecting tea money. To my thinking this money is for government treasury NOT a sharing at police station after a days work.

If the road checks were for stopping law breakers how does a 200 baht fine do it. ?? no hat---no licence--under age--no insurance--jumping red lights--careless driving. A friend of mine bought a new Honda m/cycle, His mothers name in the green book. he was stopped with no license, no hat, but paying 200 baht for that --where is the deterrent ???

From top to bottom it is an outrageous body. A new Police chief publicly stating ANYONE that pockets fine money sacked. vehicles with held until a hat is produced----or a license is produced etc. the new police chief to hold a special meeting of all the county area police to inform them if they are not conforming they will be replaced, EVEN if it means Military in place until new suitable persons found.

All this will put the shudders up other government bodies, and will bring respect back to the force. PM please let this be a priority.


How do the Prime Minister want to tackle the most serious corruption? The police corruption. This is the corruption that holds Thailand back. If YOU junta Chief loves your King and Country you have to do some drastic maneuvers amongst your friends.

I cant say it goes right to the "top"


If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

And there would be no Chiang Mai immigration.

So very true - amazing to see how expats in fact support the corruption in CM Imm. when they accept to pay e.g. 500B for Certificate of Residence ... blink.png

They are clueless to that either you are for or against Corruption - there is no grey area here ...

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