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Chad executes 10 Boko Haram members 1 day after verdict

Lite Beer

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Nigerian military are notorious for abuse against civilians & extrajudicial killing.

More than 7,000 men and boys have died in Nigerian military custody during its fight against Boko Haram over the last four years, Amnesty International says.


Amnesty International - Ever noticed how selective this group is?

Would anyone in their right mind believe what these groups utter?

These are highly payed individuals voicing their pay-masters thoughts

Really ? shows how little you know about them then.

Ive read some stupid posts but thats about as dumb as they come and your pretty much wrong on all points.

AI are mostly disliked for speaking inconvenient truths by people whod rather not know at all or its ruining their Sunday morning reading or countries they regularly embarrass by calling them out, and rightly so. They dont do it to be popular you know.

So please tell us about the huge salaries and who exactly these tin foil hat paymasters are, id really like to know how much you think you know about AI

I suspect its probably calling out a country or regime found wanting or performing some kind of atrocity you identify with and you probably dont like that inconvenient truth so its easier for you to just shoot the messenger... im right arnt I ? wink.png

Dosnt worry AI is used to lame accusations from apologists, worlds full of them.

Yes Really!

Ever heard what happened to Former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syrian, Ukraine etc.?

What did these 'Humanitarian' groups do? As you seems to be an expert about them (as per your wild accusations hurled at me), let me know.

You think these humanitarians are doing all this voluntarily?

And who needs to be liked when money is flowing in?

How about your country? Have they NOT performed any kind of atrocity? Are their hands squeaky clean?

Come on, apologists exists for every one! Including for your posts!

Yes, the worlds full of them, and you know very well!!!


They are NOT disliked for what they say, but the way they select what to say about whom.

What exactly do you expect AI to do that they dont already ? They stop short of military force you know. They do however provid and attempt to spread awareness, media pressure and action on issues and atrocities and news related to such incidents.

Please take some time to educate yourself because its clear you badly need to. http://www.amnesty.org.uk/

Im not going to walk you through all of it but safe to say if you want detail put in the name of the country in the search and read down the list.

Where did you get the impression I think the UK is squeaky clean ? it most certainly is not and ive no problem with it being highlighted.


You made the accusations about AI so either provide the proof or stop flapping your mouth.

Still waiting for you to provide anything backing up your accusations and BS,

Have a nice day.

squeaky clean huh; and how many atrocities did this "alleged" undercover group commit in the UK? One of the problems of Al, who certainly do good work in some areas, is that too many of its people lack a sense of proportion and undermine it's credability.
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