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Turkish embassy denies suspect is citizen of Turkey

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in this respect may i highlight the plan of erdolf erdogan ankara caliph who intend invading syria in order to re-establish the ottoman empire as well

as sending legion waves of musllim refugees into the northern welfare system.



Horse shit

whats you call horse shit ? Lukecan, the world an his wife knows what the presedent of turkey has in mind, the chances are that this man and his team are the members o a human traffic crime organization and are in on tha ground floore wi this terrorist attack

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I seriously doubt the Turkish Embassy denied any such thing, without a passport to identify him, you can't show what nationality he is. You can't prove a negative. I suspect another Thai media beat-up.

They checked his breath, didn't stink of garlic so obviously not Turkish


Please note down many Turkish people doing such things in many country .. Even my country looking for two Turkish man who came to country after no one know where they gone . My country high alert to nation wide find two Turkish man .. Please be careful with Turkish nationality people

Relax mate, we just run kebab shops and thats it. Turks don't do any harm.

or are sex tourist

Turks don't do any harm eh ?.... bet there are a few Armenian's kicking about who might disagree with your statement

OK, let's ban the Germans, the Americans, the Russians, the British, the Israëli, the ... too then. There are good and bad people everywhere. Assimilating the Turks from today with the ones who committed atrocities a century ago is a bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say?


Would not be at all surprised if it turns out that this guy has bugger all to do with the bombing. More likely he is in the smuggling business, hence the passports. Bomber/terrorists would not have a multitude of passports from one country. The bomb making paraphernalia claimed to be found has yet to be detailed. Homemade bombs can be made with household materials so many households in Thailand fall under the same cautionary note


Well he had a fair few passports on him, one down and twenty to go!

anyone with that many forged passports has to have something to hide, he been up to something as normal people don't have lots of passports and bomb making materials.


wonder how Turkey knew so quickly that he isn't a Turk

What then in the eventuality(!) the interpreter accredited by the Turkish embassy has come to the conclusion this man does not understand nor speaks turkish?


Well he had a fair few passports on him, one down and twenty to go!

anyone with that many forged passports has to have something to hide, he been up to something as normal people don't have lots of passports and bomb making materials.

I have fertilizer, sugar and diesel oil in my house, i even still have some left over water pipes, no forged passports though.


wonder how Turkey knew so quickly that he isn't a Turk

What then in the eventuality(!) the interpreter accredited by the Turkish embassy has come to the conclusion this man does not understand nor speaks turkish?

You mean when he just shakes his head and pretends he doesn't understand


wonder how Turkey knew so quickly that he isn't a Turk

What then in the eventuality(!) the interpreter accredited by the Turkish embassy has come to the conclusion this man does not understand nor speaks turkish?

More likely Turkey sent someone in from their MIT (National Intelligence Organization) to have a chat with him quickly, which means that if they spoke in Turkish in some dialect, then we can narrow down where the guy is from pretty quickly.


Please note down many Turkish people doing such things in many country .. Even my country looking for two Turkish man who came to country after no one know where they gone . My country high alert to nation wide find two Turkish man .. Please be careful with Turkish nationality people

You mean persons holding (real) Turkish passports associated with terrorist activities, like PKK affiliated... Kurds? Not 'ethnic Turks', do you?


wonder how Turkey knew so quickly that he isn't a Turk

What then in the eventuality(!) the interpreter accredited by the Turkish embassy has come to the conclusion this man does not understand nor speaks turkish?

More likely Turkey sent someone in from their MIT (National Intelligence Organization) to have a chat with him quickly, which means that if they spoke in Turkish in some dialect, then we can narrow down where the guy is from pretty quickly.

There is a guy from MIT posted in every single embassy with a fake title, you probably know what you're talking about, spot on!


plain truth is europe is being invaded by legions of muslims through greece coming from mersin funneled through by human traffickers , who

are funded by the turkish secret service based on erdogan's directiive. then they are aiming for nothern europe. most of them are from syria

wanna go to germany ....as being the most generous welfare system.

would they come to oz then receive a boat go backk,well done australia go for it




turkish dialect from the black sea hardly being understood by even tuerks.



Hardly understood indeed, but also instantly recognized.


DNA would tell them what ethnicity he is if they just knew how to use DNA.

But certainly not his religion..or nationality

Testing the isotopes say from his teeth would tell you where he grew up, if that was Turkey or Iran one could say, probably Muslim. One could also squeeze his testicles for ten minutes and get the same information,far cheaper and quicker.


I got a dna test to check what my ethnicity was recently. This is how the results came.


I think it can only confirm partially. BTW asia minor = turkey


It could have been funny, in its sheer stupidity, when not so sad, to read yesterday pm in 'the Nation' parts of a brief communiqué of that Prawut Gen. telling the guy is a Turk (my shortcut) to add, a few sentences later, as he looks Arab, while (ethnic) Turks and Arabs don't look alike, are from a different continent, different ethnicity, different civilisations and traditions (...and have been 'at odds' for millenia, only, in more recent History, sharing the Islam religion). Shows how clever the local Sherlocks are, oh my Buddha, what a bunch!

P.S.: 'a' Turk, hmm, like a typical Stanbuli then, or rather anatolian, or kurdish, or circassian, just to name a few, quite different ethnicities within the present borders of Turkey.


plain truth is europe is being invaded by legions of muslims through greece coming from mersin funneled through by human traffickers , who

are funded by the turkish secret service based on erdogan's directiive. then they are aiming for nothern europe. most of them are from syria

wanna go to germany ....as being the most generous welfare system.

would they come to oz then receive a boat go backk,well done australia go for it



Do you work for Mossad?


plain truth is europe is being invaded by legions of muslims through greece coming from mersin funneled through by human traffickers , who

are funded by the turkish secret service based on erdogan's directiive. then they are aiming for nothern europe. most of them are from syria

wanna go to germany ....as being the most generous welfare system.

would they come to oz then receive a boat go backk,well done australia go for it



Do you work for Mossad?

He is a typical TV barstool investigator.


hopefully, they snatched up his cellphone (and possibly a laptop).

if he was unwise enough to toss them in the river.

if so...he would not really need to talk at all.....others in his contact list could be questioned...and his whereabouts confirmed on the day of the bombing, and possibly calls to and from "home" country.

I would say, if he kept these items...he would be very low level.


Offer him bacon amd ham for breakfast, see how that goes down !

it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.


Diversion. RTP has all of you missing the point.

"National police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri said officers believed the suspect was part of a people-smuggling gang who helped illegal migrants obtain counterfeit documents -- and that the bomb attack was retaliation for a recent crackdown by Thai authorities."

The only thing missing is what was the purpose of the people smuggling. ISIL distributed 100,000 fake Turkish passports to militants hanging out in Malaysia and Thailand. ISIL was having all of its recruits enter Thailand and Malaysia, be provided a fake passport, then fly out to Turkey to join ISIL in Syria. In other words, and what the RTP and the Junta don't want getting out, is that Thailand was a transit hub for ISIL.

When the junta deported the 100+ Uighurs to China, it disrupted ISIL's operation. I doubt the Junta had pieced together the ISIL aspect, so this was probably accidental. ISIL had its Thailand-based militants inflict retaliation for the disruption in its militant pipeline. If you recall, the protest against the deportation wanted the Uighurs sent to Turkey (to join ISIL).

Bottom line: it doesn't matter what nationality or even religion the suspect belongs to. He is just one of the ISIL-bound militants hanging out in Thailand.

Interesting story. How come they can get so many dodgy Turkish passports through immigration in such volume in Thailand and Malaysia? Assisted or incompetent.

Obviously, Thai immigration and the RTP are asleep at the switch. I'm certain they would have been notified as there was media coverage of the scheme. http://www.todayszaman.com/national_report-16-detained-as-part-of-operation-against-isil-linked-group-in-i-stanbul_378277.html



So must the global media and intelligence agencies be asleep. The same Turkish media outlet is claiming 50k Uighurs have joined Daesh, crossing the border from Turkey, which probably exceeds the total estimated force of Deash. Sorry story sounds like complete BS


Please note down many Turkish people doing such things in many country .. Even my country looking for two Turkish man who came to country after no one know where they gone . My country high alert to nation wide find two Turkish man .. Please be careful with Turkish nationality people

Relax mate, we just run kebab shops and thats it.

And the occasional [Afghan] heroine trade/smuggle ? Or where that your friends the Kurds ? tongue.png

Since kurds are Turkish citizens as well you're pretty spot on.

Millions of Kurds will be glad you deny their existence... 'Kurdistan' doesn't cover parts of (outside Turkey) Irak, Iran and Russia too, is it?


If he is 'denying any involvement in the bombing' ---- in what language is he denying it?

Wouldn't that give a clue to his nationality?

Pidgin English... gigglem.gif

Well that was easy then.

He must be a Pidgin


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Then why did they not display his Quran, prayer cap and prayer mat along with the evidence, all these things would have been in that room along with the "bomb making stuff" ?


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

So you keep saying on various threads.

The fact is you're sure because you want that to be the truth.

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