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Lecturing girlfriend about Buddhism


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Do you not find great irony in the fact that what you are doing is not proper Buddhist behavior?

How so? I'm not a buddhist.

Ah, glad to see you back again.

I always understood Buddhism to be a way of life rather than a religion, so I had a little Google and found this link by the BBC


I haven't read it all yet but it has confirmed much of what I understood before.

A fascinating read and, yes, it would be wonderful if more people in the world actually practised Buddha's way of life.

Trouble is, most of us are too lazy, greedy and self centred to live with such compassion.

Please tell what it was that your gf wanted that caused you to start this thread.


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Buddhism has little to do with what Thai people practice. Much the same as Westerners who are nominally Christian (or any other religion), they know the rituals, but are not scholarly about the foundations.

Someone, like you apparently, who has studied some form of Buddhism, would know a lot more than most Thais, intellectually, but would not likely have the emotional and spiritual connection that Thais have been developing since they were kids.


Thai Buddhists: Buddhist-flavored animists. That's the reality, at least for the majority.

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Do you not find great irony in the fact that what you are doing is not proper Buddhist behavior?

How so? I'm not a buddhist.

Ah, glad to see you back again.

I always understood Buddhism to be a way of life rather than a religion, so I had a little Google and found this link by the BBC


I haven't read it all yet but it has confirmed much of what I understood before.

A fascinating read and, yes, it would be wonderful if more people in the world actually practised Buddha's way of life.

Trouble is, most of us are too lazy, greedy and self centred to live with such compassion.

Please tell what it was that your gf wanted that caused you to start this thread.


To wish or even think that would be possible is like "real communism has never been around... real communism is good shit!".... humans by nature ARE lazy, greedy and selfcentered.

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Not if you want to enjoy peace and harmony - then NO, if you have issues deal with the issues and respect her beliefs.

The only issue I see is the hypocrisy of a greedy person professing to be a Buddhist.

So others, like Christians, are not hypocrites? My next door neighbors are right wing, conservative Catholics and they sure do not "love thy neighbor". Is it hypocritical to expect Thais to be any better?

By the way do you two have premarital sex? That is not allowed so maybe you should stop luring her into breaking that tenant of Teravada Buddhism. IMHO

A lesser person might think that what you chose to "get" her on is because you are cheap. But I wouldn't think that.

Plenty of Christians are world class hypocrites, I have not claimed otherwise. I am not expecting anyone to be better than anyone else, I just hold people to the standard they themselves profess to subscribe to.

We do have sex, and we are not married, but as far as I am aware, Buddhism only prohibits "sexual misconduct" (which I don't see why it would include premarital sex). And even if it did violate any of Buddhism's tenets, it's not really a problem for me since I'm not Buddhist. If I stand to benefit from conscripting someone into being a hypocrite, so be it.

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Not if you want to enjoy peace and harmony - then NO, if you have issues deal with the issues and respect her beliefs.

The only issue I see is the hypocrisy of a greedy person professing to be a Buddhist.

So why do you have a relation with a greedy hypocite?

I would not characterize her as hypocritical or greedy just because there has been one instace where these attributes have surfaced. Fair enough question though.

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Not if you want to enjoy peace and harmony - then NO, if you have issues deal with the issues and respect her beliefs.

The only issue I see is the hypocrisy of a greedy person professing to be a Buddhist.

So why do you have a relation with a greedy hypocite?

I would not characterize her as hypocritical or greedy just because there has been one instace where these attributes have surfaced. Fair enough question though.

OK, so you started this thread because ......?

Something triggered it?

I get that, has happened to me before. Triggered that is.

Well, now the thread is on and stuff is being discussed.

So what did she ask for?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I may be waaay of base but I was under the impression that the Thai belief system was a combination of Buddhism, Animism and Brahmanism. So despite the fact you are being a bit of an @r$e holding her to the very specific codes of a very strict Buddhist (wheel of dharma, sevenfold path) may be pointless and unless you yourself are some pillar of virtue probably hypocritical as well.

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Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.


Only educated people will, to some extent, understand the absurdity in religion of any color. And no, just because you go to school does not mean you are educated, Thailand is a prime example of that.

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Dawkins is opposed to a Christian God but he's a bit late on that, Nietzsche and Schopenhaeur realized the futility of Christianity a long time ago.

But he's still hung up on there being an order, a system, he can't really accept the total randomness of life. For him nature is the creator in the form of , evolution, so what morals do we gain from this faith in evolution?

Is might right?

There is no "faith"[1][2] in evolution, there are only facts. And with that: there is simple no "faith" in any science. Evolution is not random, it's the exact opposite.

And how can you possible even suggest that life couldn't possible exist somewhere in the entire universe?

Furthermore, Dawkins isn't opposed to the "christian God", he sees the notation of any God equally absurd.

Not entirely sure what you mean by "is might right?"...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith

[2] http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faith

Evolution is the response by life forces to random changes of the environment, they're reactionary that's all, but Dawkins tries to see a grand design in nature .I don't know if he ever talks about Buddhism but in opposing the concept of a theist god, Buddhism did that over 500 years before Christ was born. .

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Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.

Buddhism was never in my face. Apart from the restrictions on pub opening on arbitrary public holidays. The religious beliefs of beggars is their responsibility, not mine, regardless of the colour of robes they wear.

Belief is between you and your God, and my opinion of it is irrelevant.


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Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.


Only educated people will, to some extent, understand the absurdity in religion of any color. And no, just because you go to school does not mean you are educated, Thailand is a prime example of that.

How you like to generalize and condescend and does it ever occur to you that life itself may well be absurd ?

The Khmer Rouge leaders were all well educated in France and look at the barbarity they inflicted on their homeland with their destruction of any Buddhist values.

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Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.

Buddhism was never in my face. Apart from the restrictions on pub opening on arbitrary public holidays. The religious beliefs of beggars is their responsibility, not mine, regardless of the colour of robes they wear.

Belief is between you and your God, and my opinion of it is irrelevant.



Monks & wats are everywhere. Thai people are constantly referring to buddhism. Buddhism is de facto the state religion.

So I think it is normal that outsiders judge Thai people and situations by buddhist standards.

Edited by nidieunimaitre
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Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.


Only educated people will, to some extent, understand the absurdity in religion of any color. And no, just because you go to school does not mean you are educated, Thailand is a prime example of that.

How you like to generalize and condescend and does it ever occur to you that life itself may well be absurd ?

The Khmer Rouge leaders were all well educated in France and look at the barbarity they inflicted on their homeland with their destruction of any Buddhist values.

Yes, life on this planet can be absurd sometimes... or did you mean the very existens of life on this planet?

Yes Khmer rouge did some pretty damn nasty things but what does that have anything to do with believing in after life, ghosts, karma or an invisible bearded white guy in the sky?

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Aka buddhism teach people to marry with the one who values same thing; same rule of morality, same wisdom

If you marry one that more bad than yourself then they will take advantage of you or the other way around

Unless you don't care :) but for both partner to be happy better value the same thing

Edited by Typingdog
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I always wonder why people seem to delight, in particular, pointing out that 'Buddhists are supposed to ....' as though we hold Buddhists to adhere to their beliefs more than any other religion for some reason

I don't see anyone saying 'Ooooo catholics are not supposed to ....' when they do something but when it comes to Buddhists and Thailand everyone is so quick to say 'they're supposed to be buddhists' when someone short changes them or nicks their camera

It's nonsense

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I always wonder why people seem to delight, in particular, pointing out that 'Buddhists are supposed to ....' as though we hold Buddhists to adhere to their beliefs more than any other religion for some reason

I don't see anyone saying 'Ooooo catholics are not supposed to ....' when they do something but when it comes to Buddhists and Thailand everyone is so quick to say 'they're supposed to be buddhists' when someone short changes them or nicks their camera

It's nonsense

Agree, and for the Christians who have become Atheists or Agnostic, well, it seems that the hypocrisy is still there and well maintained whistling.gif

... For some reason, of course.

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When you get involved with a thai lady you slowly begin to understand a few things about her religion. Not talking about the history, but the basics. After 7 yrs I make small jokes but would never say her beliefs are absurd, What's the point?

My personnal belief is that Buddhism here is a good for the poor. It gives them a purpose as their is always something going on at the Wat, funerals, good luck parties, exorcisms. I see it as a way of taking their minds off the fact their lives are pretty hand to mouth...literally. It gives the old people purpose, teaches the younger ones respect.

Their religion doesn't preach destruction upon other religions as some do. All in all I have to say it's not bad for them. As for me I go along to get along.

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There is hypocracy in all religions.

But the most ironic hypocracy is by athiests who mock and riddicule 'believers', yet at the same time use faith to prop up their own beliefs.

People just love to repeat this. But I'm not sure that an individual's simple failure to maintain the straight & narrow, as defined by their religion, is down to "hypocrisy". Temptation and weakness of character do enter into it. Because one isn't "perfect", which no mortal really can be to begin with, even the most devout, does NOT equate to hypocrisy. The issue arises with self-righteousness, and preaching to & reprimanding others while carrying on promiscuously with the same behaviors you're preaching to others about. And with doing in the very name of religion what the religion rules out as acceptable. But this "all-believers-are-hypocrites" thing is just ignorant hyperbole from the unthinking and needs to be reined in.

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