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Case on rice-subsidy scheme starts badly for Yingluck


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Case on rice-subsidy scheme starts badly for Yingluck


Court rejects two petitions; concern over mass of files from prosecutions

BANGKOK: -- FORMER PM Yingluck Shinawatra suffered a setback yesterday when the Supreme Court rejected two petitions by her lawyers at the first hearing on the rice-subsidy scheme, and her legal team expressed concern that it might not have time in the next two months to study a mass of documents submitted by prosecutors.

Yingluck has been charged with negligence in her oversight of the scheme, which cost the country at least Bt500 billion, and she could face up to 10 years in jail if found guilty of dereliction of duty.

The former premier appeared at the court and asked that it suspend the trial on the grounds that the rice-pledging scheme case must be tried by the Administrative Court not the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders.

She also opposed the prosecutors' move to question an additional 23 witnesses.

Supreme Court deputy president Veerapol Tungsuwan, the presiding judge, led eight other judges to examine evidence for the case, in which Attorney General Trakul Winitnaiyapak accused Yingluck of violating Article 157 of the Criminal Code and the National Anti-Corruption Act for refusing to abandon the scheme when huge rice stockpiles and debt piled up.

The judges ruled against Yingluck's request to transfer the case to the Administrative Court on the grounds that the plaintiff accused the defendants on criminal charges and the Administrative Court does not have authority to hear criminal cases.

The court also rejected Yingluck's petition against the prosecutors adding 23 witnesses and submitting additional documents as evidence. She claimed the move was illegitimate and unfair since she and her legal team had not seen them beforehand.

The judges ruled against her request, reasoning that although the court has to follow the writ filed by the National Anti-Corruption Commission it also has the right to seek the truth by summoning more witness and evidence. The defendants have the right to counter the plaintiff's evidence, they said.

Prosecutors have submitted 160 files with 60,000 pages of documents, while Yingluck's lawyers presented 61 files. So, the court ordered that both sides review the evidence every Wednesday and scheduled October 29 to examine witnesses.

Before the trial, Yingluck said she was confident that she has a solid case, with 71 witnesses to defend her. They were people who gave statements to the NACC, although the graft agency had refused to listen to some of them.

She was ready to fight all the charges against her and would appear at the court for all the hearings, she said.

However, her lawyer Norawit Lalaeng said the legal team was worried about the large number of new documents submitted by prosecutors, as they had not seen them yet.

Yingluck arrived at the court with a big smile for her supporters, who greeted her with applause and handed her red roses. Her supporters included former ministers, former Pheu Thai MPs and red shirt leaders.

The rice-pledging scheme was Yingluck's flagship election policy and helped sweep her to office in a landslide in July, 2011. However, it wracked up massive losses amid claims of widespread graft. Its failure saw her banned from politics for five years in January by a legislature appointed by the generals who toppled her government in May last year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Case-on-rice-subsidy-scheme-starts-badly-for-Yingl-30267850.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-01

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...thank you 3 times......

Impossible to believe this minority of posters are still feeling sorry for her.

Some think she was a wonderful PM omg.

Moreover are hating the now administration who were not elected may I add, for trying to clear this loss of money incurred.

All her followers who attended the court from her administration should stand on trial for doing nothing also to stop the Shin corrupt policy.

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...thank you 3 times......

Impossible to believe this minority of posters are still feeling sorry for her.

Some think she was a wonderful PM omg.

Moreover are hating the now administration who were not elected may I add, for trying to clear this loss of money incurred.

All her followers who attended the court from her administration should stand on trial for doing nothing also to stop the Shin corrupt policy.

Was there not just 3 bits of sarcasm from KIWIBATCH ?

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

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160 files with 60,000 pages of documents

A reminder of how Thai bureaucracy can make mountains of paperwork, where a few papers would be sufficient. Same for people numbers. Thai bureaucracy can have 35 people doing the job of one person, and the results will still amount to near nothing significant. Yikes.

Maybe Thailand can get a commemoration in the Guinness World Records for having; 'The Most People Appearing To Work Who Are Doing Nothing Useful.'

Or another mention: 'Most Sheets of Paper Devoted to Least Amount of Data.'

add to that: Thais don't use periods at end of sentences, so those 60,000 pages are mostly run-on sentences. Plus: they don't use capital letters for names/places or for starting new sentences, so the reader has to infer all of that. I'm glad I'm not one of the interns (at Bt.30/day) who has to read through all that!

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I have a feeling you are biased ha ha, WITCH hunt is applicable. Vengeance ?? Nothing to do with NORMAL subsidies.

So you believe her Quote " I did nothing wrong" and you actually believe it's politically motivated ???Talking about comparisons,

As in Europe Did yingluck pay the farmer for NOT growing rice ?? This would have been a better idea and we wouldn't have rotten rice now, the money would be in circulation also----not floating into unknown bank accounts as been suggested many times.

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She is a dummy, a pawn. Follow the money and see who were the big beneficiaries of this

poorly thought out and poorly run scam. She is just the figurehead, put the real criminals

under the microscope, and then jail. coffee1.gif

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I love the people that still think she is innocent. I would love to work for the companies of the people that think she is innocent. I would love to be the CEO of these peoples companies. Why? They would not sack me, but defend me for promising a plan to make the company very popular with the consumer while it would cost nothing (self funding). I would have continual board meeting to discuss this and to closely scrutinise and manage this plan, but not attend one meeting, once, ever. When the plan started to fall apart I would deny that it was. When the finance department showed evidence that is was falling apart I would have the head of the finance team sacked and denounce her. If there was still doubt in the plan to make the company very popular I would ask my brother who was on the run from the law to reinforce to the consumer that it was a good plan. I would employ all my criminal brothers friends to manage the plan who would make millions of baht from it while not seemingly helping the consumer. If the consumer started to see irregularities because I spent most of my time overseas on holiday instead of attending the board meetings and overseeing the management of the plan I would simply say there is no irregularities in the plan. I would not go into details or any depth to answer this question of course. Although I would add “just ask the new finance manager I employed. They will agree there are no irregularities” If the board members asked why I was overseas when the plan was needing my attention I would say I had pressing business commitments in the Maldives or my brothers mining interests in Africa. When the consumers started to commit suicide because of my plan I would ignore it or use a certain brand of logic by saying farmers have always committed suicide or computer programmers commit suicide too! Then when the consumers started to rise up and protest and ask to speak to me I would ignore them and refuse to speak to them. I would refuse to come out in public and I would still deny any problems existed.


Funny thing is it is these same people that would rather buy a Beer Lao over a Beer Sing to save a few bob, but have no qualms defending a women that cost billions and billions of baht.

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I love the people that still think she is innocent. I would love to work for the companies of the people that think she is innocent. I would love to be the CEO of these peoples companies. Why? They would not sack me, but defend me for promising a plan to make the company very popular with the consumer while it would cost nothing (self funding). I would have continual board meeting to discuss this and to closely scrutinise and manage this plan, but not attend one meeting, once, ever. When the plan started to fall apart I would deny that it was. When the finance department showed evidence that is was falling apart I would have the head of the finance team sacked and denounce her. If there was still doubt in the plan to make the company very popular I would ask my brother who was on the run from the law to reinforce to the consumer that it was a good plan. I would employ all my criminal brothers friends to manage the plan who would make millions of baht from it while not seemingly helping the consumer. If the consumer started to see irregularities because I spent most of my time overseas on holiday instead of attending the board meetings and overseeing the management of the plan I would simply say there is no irregularities in the plan. I would not go into details or any depth to answer this question of course. Although I would add “just ask the new finance manager I employed. They will agree there are no irregularities” If the board members asked why I was overseas when the plan was needing my attention I would say I had pressing business commitments in the Maldives or my brothers mining interests in Africa. When the consumers started to commit suicide because of my plan I would ignore it or use a certain brand of logic by saying farmers have always committed suicide or computer programmers commit suicide too! Then when the consumers started to rise up and protest and ask to speak to me I would ignore them and refuse to speak to them. I would refuse to come out in public and I would still deny any problems existed.


Funny thing is it is these same people that would rather buy a Beer Lao over a Beer Sing to save a few bob, but have no qualms defending a women that cost billions and billions of baht.

"Funny thing is it is these same people that would rather buy a Beer Lao over a Beer Sing to save a few bob, but have no qualms defending a women that cost billions and billions of baht"

Evidence? or making it up as usual? defaming other posters with NOT a shred of evidence. BTW I would not employ you as a janitor when I WAS a very senior director in a large co. and, no, I don't drink beer

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yl's problem is that she has always had whatever she wanted and never had to face the music, those days are gone. I honestly dont think she has even twigged that she may well be found guilty, probably thinks big brother will ride to her rescue. Her witnesses are mainly her ptp colleagues, all they did was say how nice she was, they havent come up with excuses for not attending any meetings or why decisions were all made without her knowledge but that she still went along with them. Stupidity would be a big one, so would arrogance, everything to her was simply too much of a distraction from her regular shopping trips etc. She went as far as to state that everything they did was above board and legal, that none of the rice was missing and there was nothing untoward happening within the scheme/scam. Being the head honcho of the scheme, by stating these things she has denied they happened when in fact they had, this alone is enough to convict her. The pity is if she had of admitted the truth this would not be happening, instead she and the ptp simply tried to cover all the corruption up so they deserve everything that happens to them now. She accepted being the puppet leader thinking she would get everything for nothing while big brother ran the show, doesnt work that way and now its time for her to pay the piper, can imagine all the tears she will shed once she does realize she is going to be found guilty with no way out.

Edited by seajae
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I love the people that still think she is innocent. I would love to work for the companies of the people that think she is innocent. I would love to be the CEO of these peoples companies. Why? They would not sack me, but defend me for promising a plan to make the company very popular with the consumer while it would cost nothing (self funding). I would have continual board meeting to discuss this and to closely scrutinise and manage this plan, but not attend one meeting, once, ever. When the plan started to fall apart I would deny that it was. When the finance department showed evidence that is was falling apart I would have the head of the finance team sacked and denounce her. If there was still doubt in the plan to make the company very popular I would ask my brother who was on the run from the law to reinforce to the consumer that it was a good plan. I would employ all my criminal brothers friends to manage the plan who would make millions of baht from it while not seemingly helping the consumer. If the consumer started to see irregularities because I spent most of my time overseas on holiday instead of attending the board meetings and overseeing the management of the plan I would simply say there is no irregularities in the plan. I would not go into details or any depth to answer this question of course. Although I would add “just ask the new finance manager I employed. They will agree there are no irregularities” If the board members asked why I was overseas when the plan was needing my attention I would say I had pressing business commitments in the Maldives or my brothers mining interests in Africa. When the consumers started to commit suicide because of my plan I would ignore it or use a certain brand of logic by saying farmers have always committed suicide or computer programmers commit suicide too! Then when the consumers started to rise up and protest and ask to speak to me I would ignore them and refuse to speak to them. I would refuse to come out in public and I would still deny any problems existed.


Funny thing is it is these same people that would rather buy a Beer Lao over a Beer Sing to save a few bob, but have no qualms defending a women that cost billions and billions of baht.

Nice to hear from you again Jamie, but why are you not in the thread about the Bangkok bombings ? Pretty quiet from you on that one !!

Have a nice day

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I have a feeling you are biased ha ha, WITCH hunt is applicable. Vengeance ?? Nothing to do with NORMAL subsidies.

So you believe her Quote " I did nothing wrong" and you actually believe it's politically motivated ???Talking about comparisons,

As in Europe Did yingluck pay the farmer for NOT growing rice ?? This would have been a better idea and we wouldn't have rotten rice now, the money would be in circulation also----not floating into unknown bank accounts as been suggested many times.

Yes i believe she did 'nothing wrong' in the corruption, intentional 'wrongdoing' dept. every PM on earth has made errors of judgement think Bush, Blair, Thatcher etc. each error costs billons of DOLLARS not THB

You have evidence she did? steal? corruption? no??? if such evidence is produced I will change my view that this is not all a concoction because censored will happen soon and they want to take out the popular power bases (you know the people who get the votes?). Thais are not that stupid and there will be a reckoning sooner or later.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

May I transfer you 100 Baht per month so you can buy some newspapers?

wrong rice on stock

wrong storage

rotten rice

non existing rice, with huge constructions under the rice to let the warehouse look like it is full.

rice that self ignited and burned away without trace

etc etc etc

Nothing wrong with subsidies...wrong is the corruption.

But don't worry she won't go in jail, or not longer than 1 week. Never seen rich/influential people go in jail in Thailand

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Thoroughly vetted verdict from this arm-chair quarterback says, ...

She's toast.

Their gonna hang her high and these guys must be having wet dreams with this "Rice Scam" case compared the auction case against her brother...

Now, the open question is still the same - will they let her 'slip away' like they did with Thaksin, or do they toss her in the klink and make her a martyr?

Wonder what the dinosaurs are thinking now.... whistling.gif

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

May I transfer you 100 Baht per month so you can buy some newspapers?

wrong rice on stock

wrong storage

rotten rice

non existing rice, with huge constructions under the rice to let the warehouse look like it is full.

rice that self ignited and burned away without trace

etc etc etc

Nothing wrong with subsidies...wrong is the corruption.

But don't worry she won't go in jail, or not longer than 1 week. Never seen rich/influential people go in jail in Thailand

when did I say there was no corruption? it's endemic in Thailand and utterly WRONG whoever does it

the foundation for my argument lies not in there was 'no corruption' but that she did not partake in it nor profit from it. I am a firm believer in parliamentary privilege that prevents successive governments suing previous governments for negligence and THIS is the standard the world over

think banking crisis... think Poll Tax... the list goes on and the PMs were all far more negligent in the banking crisis than Yingluck ever was and we all lost TRILLIONS of DOLLARS. This is not about that.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I agree - nothing wrong with government subsidies if it benefits the farmers and their commodity prices on the international market - and benefitting the whole country. But that is rarely the case - in Thailand and elsewhere.

However, in this case many farmers never really got those promised subisidies - and instead racked up huge debts. At the same time Thailand was not able to sell the expensive rice on the world market, because other countries would sell it cheaper. If Thailand had made a common policy with ASEAN it might have worked. But ASEAN couldn't or wouldn't and Thailand believed their rice was superior to anybody else's rice - well, the rotting stockpiles tells another story.

This scheme should have stopped at the same moment, it was clear it was a disaster for the farmers and the country but she didn't stop it.

These subsidy policies are in general very expensive so the amount of billions of THB is not what is astounding - it is more astounding that many Thai farmers didn't get the promised subsidies and the program was not stopped when it was clear it was a disaster.

You mention Europe and the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is also a very expensive one. It has been criticized on the grounds of its cost, and its environmental and humanitarian impacts and they are desperately trying to scale back on it. Ever since the 90's EU politicians have tried to rein in the CAP - but bear in mind this scheme is a bit more complicated and not only for e.g. wheat farmers but the whole agricultural sector in the whole EU - a bit bigger and complex than Thailand.

In Thailand it was only for rice farmers - no one else - and many farmers didn't really see any subsidies and the stockpiles were/are rotting - a waste and a disaster for the country. If it was an attempt to change the agricultural sector in Thailand to be more effective, I would be much more sympathetic as this is surely needed - but I do not see it as being such an attempt.

I am not aware of how the American subsidies work - maybe someone could enlighten?

Did she do anything wrong? I don't know, but this is why we have this procedure now to place a responsibility - after all it was probably the single most financially damaging scheme ever in Thailand, so it is good the case makes it to the courts.

Is it a witch hunt? Yes I agree, if she is the only person to take the blame - it should be the whole administration on trial.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

Even the researchers at the arch-conservative TDRI point out that 300 billion baht went to farmers and that farmers had a nearly 600 billion bhat increase in direct and indirect revenues combined.

EJ has had me and other posters point out the facts of the program - as bad as it was - to him, but he refuses (apparently) to either read the information or to go out and find the information for himself.

So in his case, ignorance doesn't seem to be a defense, it seems to be his offense...

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

You know very well this wasn't a subsidy but a off budget self financing scheme. It was a cock up from thinking they could control a commodity market, mismanaging to such an extent corruption was rife, and then be unable or unwilling to present meaningful accounts which rival PTP ministers could agree on.

The World Bank, IMF, Bloomberg and other respected media commented on the inherent dangers. The WB produced a report which shows just what a tiny % of the "support" actually reached the poor farmers, many of whom ended up in more debt than before they joined. (Research them yourself if you can be bothered).

The self appointed Chair of the Rice Support committee chose not only to ignore all the external and internal warnings of corruption, mismanagement and incorrect policy strategy but also chose not to actually attend the meetings and chair them.

She hasn't been charged with corruption. She has been charged with negligence and dereliction of duty. Which on the commonly known facts would seem something she will have difficulty to defend - no actions. Of course the 71 witnesses she's providing may bring no evidence, like showing she did attend and chair all the meetings perhaps?

Have any of the laws and rules that Yingluck is currently facing been recently made up, changed, or introduced? Or is that just another of your fairy stories? Then again the Shins don't have a good track record about obeying laws, respecting rules and procedures. Must becoming as a shock to her that they're not above the law after all.

Still, at least you've not lost your faith in her.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

Even the researchers at the arch-conservative TDRI point out that 300 billion baht went to farmers and that farmers had a nearly 600 billion bhat increase in direct and indirect revenues combined.

EJ has had me and other posters point out the facts of the program - as bad as it was - to him, but he refuses (apparently) to either read the information or to go out and find the information for himself.

So in his case, ignorance doesn't seem to be a defense, it seems to be his offense...

Always believe the 'facts" from any Thai body if they happen to suit. Otherwise dismiss them.

I think I'll prefer the WB report.

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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

if you bothered to read the OP you would know there are 60000 pages of evidence
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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

Even the researchers at the arch-conservative TDRI point out that 300 billion baht went to farmers and that farmers had a nearly 600 billion bhat increase in direct and indirect revenues combined.

EJ has had me and other posters point out the facts of the program - as bad as it was - to him, but he refuses (apparently) to either read the information or to go out and find the information for himself.

So in his case, ignorance doesn't seem to be a defense, it seems to be his offense...

tell me why the farmers were pissed off then and some commited suicide. they hadn't recieved any money in a long time before the banks weren't allowed to pay anymore.
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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

You are very frightening because your insight and knowledge is so limited but, thankfully, you have no say. 700 billion? 500 billion? evidence? facts? you think someone took it? say WHO? links? FACTS? or are you making it all up?

Ignorance is no defence but, in your case, you do try to present it as such

The comment is not at all frightening, just your overreaction to try to deflect. You continuously tell posters to provide links but you never do it yourself, you just deflect.

But you are indeed very frightening. And what you obviously support is also very frightening and is not in the best interests of a balanced civil society with a better quality and equal justice and equal opportunity of life for all Thais.

Edited by scorecard
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Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

Will you be appearing at the trial as an expert witness? You obviously have complete financial insight into a scheme that spanned several years, involved 1800 warehouses, and thousands of people. No need for 60000 pages of evidence when you have all the facts.

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