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Bangkok blast: Arrested man 'may be bomber'


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The strangest part of all this story is the photo, guy in sun glasses, hat pulled down and appears to be neither cuff nor shackled. Usually he would be sitting on a brightly lite table and face open to the public pointing at a table of nasty's. Also the starved and frail appearance of the prisoner.

The photo reminds me of those arrested in Moscow for the murder of the opposition leader a few months ago...you know the story that has gone cold?

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About 3 months ago at the same shrine in Bangkok where the bombing occurred, there were 8 men seen using electronic equipment apparently trying to trace cell phone usage at it near the main Thai police HQ's that is located adjacent to that shrine. The eight were detained by the Thai military and were Israeli IDF soldiers in plain clothes. There was very little discussion about this in any news, and later they were sent back to Israel quickly. Turkey and Israel are very close and many Israeli's occupy high positions in the Turkisk government. The USA embassy denied any connection. Strange

"many Israeli's occupy high positions in the Turkisk government."

I doubt that, no reason for that. You have proof?


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About 3 months ago at the same shrine in Bangkok where the bombing occurred, there were 8 men seen using electronic equipment apparently trying to trace cell phone usage at it near the main Thai police HQ's that is located adjacent to that shrine. The eight were detained by the Thai military and were Israeli IDF soldiers in plain clothes. There was very little discussion about this in any news, and later they were sent back to Israel quickly. Turkey and Israel are very close and many Israeli's occupy high positions in the Turkisk government. The USA embassy denied any connection. Strange

"many Israeli's occupy high positions in the Turkisk government."

I doubt that, no reason for that. You have proof?


Just another twisted case of INSANE Israel demonization. This Bangkok terror event must really be driving them batty as to those HATERS everything in the world is to be blamed on Israelis and/or Jews and this event clearly has NOTHING to do with Israelis and/or Jews.

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I am confused about one thing. The Bangkok Post reported that the Cambodian government arrested him inside Cambodia and turned him over to the Thai police at the border. While the Thai police only say they arrested him at the border crossing. So which is true? Some how I see this guy made it pass Thai immigrations into Cambodia and now they are trying to save face and not mention him being in Cambodia.

Right , according to BK Post, and other media, he was arrested by the Cambodians walking 500 metres away from the border attempting to go to Phnom Phen.

He was handed over to Thai authorities at the border and arrested then flown by helicopter to BK.

Both Cambodian and Thai authoriteis worked together after he slipped through the border into Cambodia, hence transfer of immigration officials.

Does this mean that the reward should be reallocated???

From this guys side profile and the CCTV footage I have seen I would bet he is the bomber and I think they got the guy who placed the bomb.

Whether Thai authority like it or not this was a terrorist attack, Uighurs revenge these are a people smuggling gang with Turkish connections.

I would bet you that the Thai women- (Miss innocent goodie goodie two shoes) ,wanted! and who is in Turkey knows more than she is letting on,and the weak excuse that her husband can not come back because of work commitments is suspect in itself, My money is on her husband being part of this gang.

I would bet that it is Uighurs and grey wolf as they are related and were present at the Thai embassy protest in Turkey.

My money is on a positive ID by the Taxi drivers, however I would retract that if wrong.

Wait and see, more will be revealed in the coming hours.

If I am her, I wouldn't step foot on Thai soil and volunteer myself to the RTP circus railroad even if I were telling the Gods honest truth

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The police being paid the reward before has been reported in the western media with a tone of much mockery. Do they even realize or care how the world sees that?

Ignorance is Bliss and I suspect they are delightfully blissful. Like a politician that lies so long and so often that they can no longer tell the difference, I think this must be so deeply woven into the fabric of Thai society that they don't even consider the optics from the outside looking in.wai2.gif

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At the root of all this, the Thai police implicated in people smuggling and as always feeding on criminality rather than tackling it.

For many years Bangkok has been known as a centre for the production and obtaining of fake passports (passports obtained in Bangkok have been used in terrorist attacks elsewhere). Nothing has ever been done about this trade.

Now an attack in Bangkok and all of a sudden the authorities start asking how did this happen.

The story of how this happened is hidden in the transfer of police officers.

Its time the practice of transfer was replaced with trial in open court.

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I am still hoping the present government /Pm will attack the second source of the real problems in Thailand. They are chasing the politicans, capturing a few, jailing and seizing assets from a few more. Now go after the RTP / BIB organization.

Once these two groups are jailed, fired, abscounded, assets seized, and they and their famly are given adequate / harsh punishment

Thailand can start down the road to econmic and social recovery.

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About 3 months ago at the same shrine in Bangkok where the bombing occurred, there were 8 men seen using electronic equipment apparently trying to trace cell phone usage at it near the main Thai police HQ's that is located adjacent to that shrine. The eight were detained by the Thai military and were Israeli IDF soldiers in plain clothes. There was very little discussion about this in any news, and later they were sent back to Israel quickly. Turkey and Israel are very close and many Israeli's occupy high positions in the Turkisk government. The USA embassy denied any connection. Strange

Just another twisted case of INSANE Israel demonization. This Bangkok terror event must really be driving them batty as to those HATERS everything in the world is to be blamed on Israelis and/or Jews and this event clearly has NOTHING to do with Israelis and/or Jews.

Its about time people saw beyond race & specific counties and realized that the problems in our world are due to two factors - PSYCHOPATHY and the innate emotional thinking of NEUROTYPICALS that capitulates to them.

Edited by Chopperboy
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I am still hoping the present government /Pm will attack the second source of the real problems in Thailand. They are chasing the politicans, capturing a few, jailing and seizing assets from a few more. Now go after the RTP / BIB organization.

Once these two groups are jailed, fired, abscounded, assets seized, and they and their famly are given adequate / harsh punishment

Thailand can start down the road to econmic and social recovery.

I think the PM is mainly interested in snuffing out the wrong kind of corruption, that being the corruption from those representing interests outside the central power base

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There's nothing quite like a good ole TV lynch mob to hand out justice is there?

Can there really be anyone who believes that the RTP managed to earn their reward and catch two of those actually involved with the bombing? Or is it more likely they "stumbled" literally onto an unrelated gang smuggling people through Thailand?

Are any of the photos of bomb making equipment shown by RTP legit?

Can we believe that the bomber conveniently kept his phone that he used on CCTV at Erawan shrine so police could confirm it was the one used?

At what point are statements of "fact" by the RTP enough for you all to have already convicted these two guys?

At this point, I don't believe anything I hear and maybe half what I see. The passport peddler schmuck they busted on Saturday is so screwed. No way he will be exonerated of being involved in the bombing after the RTP gave themselves 3million THB for his capture

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Interesting headline; Bangkok blast: Arrested man 'may be bomber'

Are the press accustom to the police arresting people who aren't suspects or are they surprised that the police may have actually got there man? Not sure how to read this. smile.png

The distinction is the other guy arrested is believed to be involved, but not the actual bomber. This guy is said to possibly be the actual bomber. They're looking for a lot of people believed to be involved, plus the bomber so there's no reason not to point out their possible role.

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