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Paranoid About The Funds!

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hello and thanks for the advice in my previous question"is it really that hard"

were just a bit worried about proving she has the money,my gf has lived in the philipines for the majority of her life and has only just moved to thailand she is 50/50 thai/philli. as i said in my last post she has enough of her own money to come here to visit me so i will only be sponsoring her for her accomodation however she only has acess to her current account statements in thailand and cannot prove she has any savings unless she goes back to philipines,wich is difficult.

she has about 60-100 thousnd baht in her current account at any given time,will this be enough to get her visa?

i could sponsor her but i cannot supply any bank statements i do have a job and can show wage slips but the statements are impossible(there with a debt management company!! its not as bad as it sounds) having the money is not a problem its just proving it!!

the rest of her application is sound i.e proving she will return etc etc

Any suggestions? im starting to lose my hair!!!! cheers guys

could i just get a letter from my employer stating my income???

Edited bv Markreed/Scouse.

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Your girlfriend could really do with the bank statements from the Philippines. If she's paying for her own trip, the visa officer will ideally want to see that not only can she pay for the holiday, but has some savings to go back to. Alternatively, can't you approach your bank and get duplicate bank statements?


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Having debts etc. is no bar to sponsoring a visa application. As long as you can show that you are servicing the debts from your income.

If you are unable to provide pay slips, then a letter from your employer confirming your income will do.

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