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Drink Drive campaign ,now getting serious


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Keep on ranting,

It is morons like you that contribute to the death rate on the roads. I assume from your attitude you do your fair share of diving under the influence. With a bit of luck you may be on the receiving end. I bet then you wont think it is so trivial

Now your talking BS and still ranting.

Go drive down the bar have a few cool ones to calm down

then come back .bah.gif

Unlike yourslef I am not an alcoholic. When you come out of your drunked stupor write something worth reading

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Keep on ranting,

It is morons like you that contribute to the death rate on the roads. I assume from your attitude you do your fair share of diving under the influence. With a bit of luck you may be on the receiving end. I bet then you wont think it is so trivial

Now your talking BS and still ranting.

Go drive down the bar have a few cool ones to calm down

then come back .bah.gif

Unlike yourslef I am not an alcoholic. When you come out of your drunked stupor write something worth reading

Go back and read the hole thread .

And try to clam down and stop the insults. wai2.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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They dont have tough luck. They can spend more time in jail. If they didnt drive under the influence they wouldnt need to pay a fine. It is the drivers responsibility and if he / she is not capable of accepting that then keep them off the road.

Fines could be done on the ability to pay .

But that never crossed your mind, just mad ranting.

Thai people are lucky that your not in charge. wai2.gif

Never thought about that brilliant idea.

So one who doesn't have money can drive around drunk as a mule because he can't be fined.

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Easy to stop drink driving. You have a national press release across the Country with a 3 month lead in time. After the amnesty period straight forward 3 month jail term no messing, no pay offs, no sick grannies, straight to the Jail.

I guarantee 90% of the current drink drivers including the idiots on Bikes in Pattaya would cease their activity overnight

They have not enough jail cells even at 80 to a cell for 20...

Firstly it should be an automatic ban...

Then they should also be checking driving licences...

+ insurance and obvious vehicle defects...

Then start moving the check points to other locations instead of outside the cop shops and boxes where everybody know to expect them.

Start targeting "accident black spots", with speed guns...

Most importantly when they have the road blocks the police should be looking for all motoring offences not just drunks.

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They dont have tough luck. They can spend more time in jail. If they didnt drive under the influence they wouldnt need to pay a fine. It is the drivers responsibility and if he / she is not capable of accepting that then keep them off the road.

Fines could be done on the ability to pay .

But that never crossed your mind, just mad ranting.

Thai people are lucky that your not in charge. wai2.gif

Never thought about that brilliant idea.

So one who doesn't have money can drive around drunk as a mule because he can't be fined.

Don't be silly

You would have to have a minimum starting fine.

so what's your brilliant ideas then ?

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Sounds like many want to convert thailand to first world country with lots of rules and regulations.

I personally rarely drink and drive at all and never do if I plan on drinking a lot. Taxis are so cheap I don't know why People would want to risk their life over a few hundred baht. That's aside from the fact that if they are caught they will probably get a fine in the 10s of thousands of baht.

I think the Police in pattaya have enough presence to discourage drunk driving, but don't make it overbearing.

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I live in Thailand so I drink & drive obviously,

What do you mean obvously !

My boy was knocked over on a crossing. I see you pissed and driving I have no hesitation in getting you busted Period

Sorry to hear about that.

With obvious I mean that 99% of the Thai people I know drink & drive, and most of the foreigners as well.

Bullshit !! 99% A typical response from someone who drink and drives and automatically assumes everyone has the same gutter standards

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what is defined as "drink driving" (obviously over .05% but) ?

I sometimes enjoy a cold beer from the 7/11 for the drive home.

Could that single beer get me into serious trouble if pulled at one of these road blocks. Not as though Iam driving drunk ?

Edited by Don Mega
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It will just be turned into a

very large tea money making opportunity. wai2.gif

You are about 90% correct. It would be 100% but you used the future tense by saying "It will just be etc". Thai police would protest if drunk drivers were ever to be taken-off the road for any lengthy period eg 5 year ban. Banning habitual drunk drivers would remove potential re-offenders from the police tea money gravy train. In effect this would mean current 'investment vehicles' being depleted if driving bans were enforced, The lack of strict enforcement of the wearing of helmets is a good example of keeping investment income rolling into police coffers. As we know police salaries are a pittance, and every means possible is used to supplement the police force's income.

I might sound cynical, but please feel free to differ and then explain to me why all categories of road traffic offenders are fined and not banned.

i have one issue with your logic. If they are paying tea money then they won't be put through the system anyway. The tougher the penalties are, the more likely the offender will come up with the tea money to avoid prosecution

Banning would make little difference unfortunately. Too many people drive without a licence in the first instance.........

And if they have and lose it they will still drive......

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Drink driving is not the real problem on the roads of Thailand.

its very very far deeper problem. bah.gif

Is Drinking while Driving then .

Please explain what your on about ?

Not positive what he means, but I think he is maybe asking for clarification on your statement. What exactly do you think is the far deeper problem?

Let me take a stab at this.

The problem is far deeper than any of us would care to believe. The drinking and driving is the end result of the problem.

After living here for a decade and living with Thais, here is how I see it from my own experience.

The problem stems from their culture decades if not generation? The family unit start giving their children liquor as young as 10 years old it is like a passage to giving them a chance to get their first buzz. When they celebrate which seem often for some the children see their adults road models drink on a regular bases and after just hop on their bikes or cars and off they go as if there is nothing wrong with this practice.

It is not rocket science nor do you need to be a head Doctor to figure out what is going to happen down the road in general. When I first got here I use to love going to Thai celebrations and watching the Thai people vent and celebrate since they work so hard but after I started to read and see the results. I use to love Songkran the water stuff and all but now I see it as the worse yearly event for Thailand. This two week period is a prime example of my point and more. You talk about underage kids drinking people drinking and driving this two week period is the result of what is wrong. So wrong every impose Article 44, has been issue is to curb the end result. The end results are drinking driving with no second thoughts, Kids being able to buy liquor almost anywhere although there is already a law stating you must be 18 years of age. You have adults who open entertainment establishments with total disregard for the drinking age or laws because they themselves have been brought up the same way. I've been in many Thai establishment throughout Pattaya, 3rd Road, Pattaya Tai, Naklua that are regular handouts for underage kids for drinking. A prime location was the Face Club which I gladly agree must be closed down and set a example for the rest of the population.

You take the above, with their lousy education system that pushes them along and when they fail or their grades are not good enough discriminate against them from attending High School, M-4-5-6, especially the male. Then take the lack of parental presents for many reasons including no real male road model and the kids are off with no curfew or requirement to actually have a license. All this leads to a perfect storm that produces generation of kids to adults doing the same stuff and one of them is driving after they drink. It is a build in assembly line to kill or be killed. It is monkey see monkey do!

The worse part is when you talk to Thai parents about their kids growing up they refer to the end result. Kids do not call or come home hanging out with their friends having sex and drinking as young as 13 years of age. They tell me " Same " when they grew up. So one has to wonder if they know what can happen why can't they fix it? and this is because it is so embedded into their culture as I stated above and they have not been educated in any other method of child rearing that they just shake their head go to the temple and pray that all will turn out for the best. Up to now praying hasn't help and taking your vehicle to the temple and have it marked and bless hasn't help either, the car is not the problem like a gun it is the driver period!

This is the same for their leaders they know nothing else or any other way. Their leaders can't or won't ask for outside help because Thai feel people might think they are stupid? Ever get lost going somewhere and stop in a gas station etc.. and ask your Thai partner or a Thai to find out where so and so might be? Generally, they will all hesitate asking means they might be stupid. The prime example is recently how their leaders are throwing out Article 44, making some weird suggestions like no one can sell alcohol within 300 M from a school. You have no enforcement of operation codes. Common sense for some of us is basically enforced the sale of Alcohol Law currently on the books instead throwing darts blind folded hoping you might get lucky and hit the target? It is suggestion like these that have conditioned foreigners to think Thai thinking is backwards.

Last part is the corruption in all this stuff that prevents things like this from happening. It is called enforcement! There will always be corruption but what this country leaders have to decide what are they willing to give up so they can resolve the problem. Sure having road check is just part of the solution but human nature has always been the threat of losing something of value that prevents you from doing something you shouldn't.

Solution to the problem has always been at their finger tips! Education, Enforcement Penalty, just a slap and do not do it again hasn't and will never solve the problem. Getting serious and using comprehensive solution is their key not making excuses for the Thai people.

Yes, the problem is deep and wide spread to other areas like how they drive which they continue to move up year after year until they are now number 2, in some surveys.

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Thailand49 Great post

Well done

What about the many Farangs that Drink and Drive, what's their excuse ?

Do the Farangs drive at 140km down the road after a beer ? No

Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km after a beer ? Yes.

Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km with out a beer ? Yes

Farangs, I don't care, its a very small problem, in the big picture.

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Drink driving is OK if you can pay for all the fines and damage repairs.................but how do you give some family, a son, daughter, mother or father back when you have just killed them,and how do you live with the fact you just killed your own son, daughter, or wife . Even if it was not 100% your fault? and how can you be sure ......you were drunk! And have you been sober would you have saved the day? And if you kill yourself ,what do you leave your family exposed to in their future life. Because you are not there to protect them.

The problem is drink does not make you think about these serious things. So you really do need to plan now while you are sober. so make a plan now.

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The threat of Jail time and deportation should certainly take care of the countless Farangs that drink and drive, need tougher penalties to at least get the Farangs to think twice.

Any suggestions for the non-farang offenders?

As Thais can't be deported, mandatory Jail time ?

How many Farangs drink and drive, c'mon guys it's an anonymous forum, you can admit it ?

I don't drink Alcohol but I know many that do and most think nothing of getting on their bike or in their car after having too much to drink, draconian penalties should put a stop to most offenders.

and then every bar out of walking reach (100m is enough for most) will close down.....any more winning ideas, brainiac?

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The threat of Jail time and deportation should certainly take care of the countless Farangs that drink and drive, need tougher penalties to at least get the Farangs to think twice.

Any suggestions for the non-farang offenders?

As Thais can't be deported, mandatory Jail time ?

How many Farangs drink and drive, c'mon guys it's an anonymous forum, you can admit it ?

I don't drink Alcohol but I know many that do and most think nothing of getting on their bike or in their car after having too much to drink, draconian penalties should put a stop to most offenders.

What about if you get drunk with the police officer ? Oh got it, you then are assured to have a pal in jail :)

Edit : if Thailand comes as boring as "civilised" countries, or so called one's, I'm out of here... good point, they resisted colonization. It happens that I drive drunk, as It happened since I have my licence (22 years), be it here or elsewhere, never had an accident in about 700000km

Edited by happysoul
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The threat of Jail time and deportation should certainly take care of the countless Farangs that drink and drive, need tougher penalties to at least get the Farangs to think twice.

Any suggestions for the non-farang offenders?

As Thais can't be deported, mandatory Jail time ?

How many Farangs drink and drive, c'mon guys it's an anonymous forum, you can admit it ?

I don't drink Alcohol but I know many that do and most think nothing of getting on their bike or in their car after having too much to drink, draconian penalties should put a stop to most offenders.

What about if you get drunk with the police officer ? Oh got it, you then are assured to have a pal in jail smile.png

Don't get drinking with the cops it to expensive

Last time it was two, yes two Black label Jonny walker bottles we got through.

Yes they were off duty, and not in pattaya, before the nutters read this post.

Edited by onemorechang
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I live in Thailand so I drink & drive obviously,

What do you mean obvously !

My boy was knocked over on a crossing. I see you pissed and driving I have no hesitation in getting you busted Period

Sorry to hear about that.

With obvious I mean that 99% of the Thai people I know drink & drive, and most of the foreigners as well.

Yes, this is despicable, isn't it.... especially foreigners doing it and enjoying it because they feel they can get away with it here.

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The checkpoint on Sukhumvit is not a new thing. They have a checkpoint in and out of town there from time to time. The Bang Lamung police station is right there.

It would seem that a checkpoint going into town where you mentioned would not be an ideal place to catch drunk drivers.

Quite, move it across to the other lane some 7 hours later and I am sure more would be caught.

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You should try drinking, it might improve your spelling and grammar!


Keep on ranting,

It is morons like you that contribute to the death rate on the roads. I assume from your attitude you do your fair share of diving under the influence. With a bit of luck you may be on the receiving end. I bet then you wont think it is so trivial

Now your talking BS and still ranting.

Go drive down the bar have a few cool ones to calm down

then come back .bah.gif

Unlike yourslef I am not an alcoholic. When you come out of your drunked stupor write something worth reading

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It will just be turned into a

very large tea money making opportunity. wai2.gif

You are about 90% correct. It would be 100% but you used the future tense by saying "It will just be etc". Thai police would protest if drunk drivers were ever to be taken-off the road for any lengthy period eg 5 year ban. Banning habitual drunk drivers would remove potential re-offenders from the police tea money gravy train. In effect this would mean current 'investment vehicles' being depleted if driving bans were enforced, The lack of strict enforcement of the wearing of helmets is a good example of keeping investment income rolling into police coffers. As we know police salaries are a pittance, and every means possible is used to supplement the police force's income.

I might sound cynical, but please feel free to differ and then explain to me why all categories of road traffic offenders are fined and not banned.

i have one issue with your logic. If they are paying tea money then they won't be put through the system anyway. The tougher the penalties are, the more likely the offender will come up with the tea money to avoid prosecution

I have read your post a few times and it seems to say you agree with me! I feel sure as you appear to, that both offenders and the police would prefer an increased roadside penalty to be paid (nod nod, wink wink) to keep the official paperwork/records to the absolute minimum. This way the police increase their income and the driver can continue to offend, and avoid a court appearance. It perpetuates the 'money-go-round'!

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