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how do you explain to them we came from monkeys


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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

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Try being more accurate and tell her humans came from amoeba or fish instead of jumping right into the ape/monkey correlation.

Better yet-have her invite many friends over and go with the "on the first day.....(Genesis)" fairy tale, she will love that even more than the evolution theory. Enjoy your weekend of laughter and fun!clap2.gif

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Looks like your wife is right.

While we do have similar genetic makeup, we don't come from apes/monkeys.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed

5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. thumbsup.gif

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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

You one of those lizard people therefore related HM QE II ?

Should call you my lord ?

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If we came from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys ??

Because the monkeys / apes that decided to get out of the trees and look for their food on the ground eventually evolved into us.

While the monkeys / apes that decided to stay in the trees are still there today.

Edited by kunash
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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

I met a Fillipino teacher and he was amazed by Hitler and how he tried to breed the perfect human in his breeding program....He had detailed scientific knowledge.....strange these Fillipino teachers....

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If we came from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys ??

Because the monkeys / apes that decided to get out of the trees and look for their food on the ground eventually evolved into us.

While the monkeys / apes that decided to stay in the trees are still there today.

Well we didn't come from the monkeys today. We developed from some ancient kind of monkey which does not exist anymore today...they developed in different kind of monkeys...Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Orang Utan, Humans, etc etc. And there are lots of half monkey half human be found.

If we don't nuke ourself in another million year the more modern superhuman will see us as something half monkey half superhuman and is amazed what difficult tools this underdeveloped species could use....

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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

But the bones they dig out have a clock, we know how old they are....so the half human would be younger than the normal human in your theory.....but the half monkey half human is in fact younger.

The only logic explanation is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is cheating the C14 method.

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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

I prefer to believe that numerous "me's" exist in a multiverse.


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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

The United Kingdom government has banned the teaching of creationism as a scientific theory in free schools and academies, which are the equivalent of a 'public' school in the United States. The move was done in the interests of having a "broad and balanced curriculum

For the purposes of this document, creationism is defined as, "any doctrine or theory which holds that natural biological processes cannot account for the history, diversity, and complexity of life on earth and therefore rejects the scientific theory of evolution.


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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

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What? But I see all the ancient alien shows on television. Didn't that make it into the discussion?

But as an engineer and a mathematician, I am curious what sort of science is taught in the Thai education system in general. Do they address evolution at all? What do their biology courses teach?

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

Christianity: where a man doubtless walked on water...

But a fish cannot possibly have moved onto land.......................................................coffee1.gif

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