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Tenth bomb suspect sought by police

Lite Beer

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Now there's a idea about having a Thai cop as a friend. Maybe you could have more influence to actually change things in Thailand if you all had a Thai cop as a friend and discussed your issues related to cops. I'm quite sure that Thai cops do not read all the Thai Visa bitching which produces nothing tangible except maybe lets the old mean guys get things off their gray haired chests.

It is possible to love Thailand and learn to tolerate things you don't like that are unlikely to affect you in day to day life anyway. Why spend so much energy on judgement when there are so many other great things to do in Thailand and surrounding areas.

"He said interrogation of Mr Karadag has been made via three interpretaters and the suspect confessed in Uighur language and named his accomplice."

And a new word enters the English language: interpretater - one who is both an interpreter and an interrogator.

No thats someone who interprets potatoes

clap2.gif I wonder how interpretaters taste fried? Maybe baked, boiled?


Thai cop said to my Thai wife once after an auto accident committed by a psycho on a bike, speeding (no license/insurance)........"You must to pay 10,000 baht. Otherwise you have big problem. You have farang name. You married to farang. All farang have big money".

Our insurance took care of his broken leg/hospital bill, she was 1,000% legal. Still had to pay the piper though.

Guy was in the wrong lane too.

She HATES Thai cops, as do I.

Got a friend whose a Thai cop, he often says Thai people dont like the Police

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As to the Thai-bashers:

There is a parable about a young man who journeys to another village with thoughts of settling there. He comes across an old gentleman on the outskirts, and enquires about the village. The smiling old man tells the traveler that the village is wonderful, populated with friendly and caring people, and opines that the hiker will find happiness there.

The traveler continues, and comes across a curmudgeonly old gentleman, passes the time with him and enquires about the nature of the village and its dwellers. The old gent tells him that it is not a nice village, the inhabitants are unpleasant and mean-spirited. He continues in that vein, and states that the young man will most certainly be unhappy there.

Thai-bashers, unfortunately, are the kind of folk who will criticize and find fault wherever they live, with the location and with the people who live there. If they did a little bit of self-critical soul-searching, they may possibly come to realize that the problems lie within. A re-think with a change of mind-set and attitude, could go a long way to making their stay in Thailand more enjoyable and stress-free. They would themselves be better people, for it.

Is there a parable about young men who journey to internet forums ... and being encouraged to re-think with a change of mind-set and attitude their tendency toward ad hominem attacks on those with whom they disagree, who are simply posting their own opinions and comments? Hmmm? Maybe there should be.

Oh wait. The Emperor's New Clothes...

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