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Does current state of traffic and driving in Chiang Mai restrict your daily activities?


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I've found the increase of traffic, and the state of the roads these days to be influential in deciding to not partake to do certain every day things. For example, taking a ride up to Nimman for lunch.

The Canal Road and Ring Road which starts at Mae Hia market have gotten particularly brutal to drive on. Not just an increase in the number of cars, but also because of so many small businesses popping up on the side of the road. The 1317 used to be a reasonably pleasant road to drive on,but now is a nightmare. The region from Promenada out towards San Kam Paeng in between the two ring roads is now the worst area in Chiang Mai to drive in.

I realize Chiang Mai is an old city and that navigating the moat will always be difficult, but that is understandable. However, the new road developments, the super highway, it's all poor infrastructure. It's like Chiang Mai got too big, too fast, without proper planning and it's a bit of a shame.

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Agree 100%. I moved from a lovely home in Suthep, just a couple of km past Suthep Rd. Trying to get into the city for a movie or a meal was taking more than 40minutes. Parking was something else.

Living in the city and walking is boring - footpaths broken, crowded with m/bikes, crossing is hazardous.

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Yes.....We live in the Nong Kwai area for that partly as a reason.....It takes a very specialized reason to visit/go/drive in town.....The traffic is bad and once high season arrives hordes of farangs lend their idiocy to the roads I really avoid if at all possible - which is too bad because many good things are there....

There is a good school in CM and our daughter will be changing levels so we've been canvassing schools....Some are an immediate reject because:

1- I am not driving in that sh*t twice a day....

2- I am not putting her in the risk of using available public transport and/or the assorted types of people that might approach a very nice but very beautiful young lady....

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Show me a large city, where you wouldn't take traffic into consideration when planing your day. BTW, the Nimman Extension does seem to be a reality, as construction is well under way at the Suthep interchange. I thought it was another condo building going up, but it's a road (on the South side of Suthep. I don't know exactly where it will go; but it is a fairly major project.

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Choosing where to live is all easy in hindsight.We moved here 7 years ago from Bangkok not expecting that in short period of years some CM roads would become almost grid locked with the massive influx of permanent residents going about their business.

Its hard to see where any town planning has be done.Condos,Shop house and small shopping satellite centres continue to pop up like mushrooms creating traffic problems that didnt exist before, Maya being a classic example.The number of empty shop houses in the province is unbelievable. 2015 and still not a public transport system in place unless you count songteaws which contribute to the problem.

Fortuantely for us,retired, and living south of town and close to supermarkets,restauarants etc there is very little need need to go past Airport Plaza.

Used to like going into the old city,just not worth the hassle now

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Drove in from MaeJo about 2pm today. What a mess at the 1001/11 junction. After a long wait to join Superhiway towards Maya, the few cars let through were stopped again for a looooooooong time. Could you tolerate 200 meters in 20 minutes, in a hot car surrounded by other cars/trucks? Not me thanks. I did a uturn and went back to 3026 and down 107. Don't need my blood boiling nor my radiator.

All this mess due to the construction of the underpass. But seems the engineers forgot that the cars keep coming, day and night, even when the big diggers are at work. Advise all to avoid, any time of day; if you can.

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I seldom go into the city at all anymore. What used to take 12 minutes now takes 45 and there is never anywhere to park. It's become too much of a hassle just to go to lunch which is why I always eat at home these days. My favorite place where I would swim 5 days per week I don't go to anymore either as with the construction on the Mae Rim Road, going there, making the u-turn and getting in could take 45 minutes. Getting back home, another 30-35 minutes. Now with the construction on the Super Highway, just going to the Post Office and Big C requires planning - and the good part of an afternoon to accomplish it. Not worth the hassle or aggravation.

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Drove in from MaeJo about 2pm today. What a mess at the 1001/11 junction. After a long wait to join Superhiway towards Maya, the few cars let through were stopped again for a looooooooong time. Could you tolerate 200 meters in 20 minutes, in a hot car surrounded by other cars/trucks? Not me thanks. I did a uturn and went back to 3026 and down 107. Don't need my blood boiling nor my radiator.

All this mess due to the construction of the underpass. But seems the engineers forgot that the cars keep coming, day and night, even when the big diggers are at work. Advise all to avoid, any time of day; if you can.

Which underpass is this? Surely not the one at the end of 1001?

It's so many months since this was announced. I think they said "two years to completion."

I think the traffic is gaining on the planning for this city.

A few Traffic cops along Huay Keaw Rd might have avoided a lot of congestion, as the farmer's wagons were doing illegal U turns in front of the SHELL gas station, and needing to make 4-point turns.

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When I moved to CM 18 months ago we had a lovely place out at San Khampaeng, but after risking life & limb riding to my office in Nimman we had a choice of either buying another car and adding to the traffic or moving house. Thankfully, I made the right decision and now enjoy a stress-free 3 minute walk to work. It's also quieter here as there are no karaoke bars within 100m of us.

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Show me a large city, where you wouldn't take traffic into consideration when planing your day.

Exactly. So for me, does it 'restrict' my activities.. I'm inclined to say no, although I also don't go to the Nimman area if it can possibly be avoided. That of course doesn't feel like much of a restriction..

But I regularly go into the old town, yesterday for breakfast for example; easy enough and no traffic issues, no parking issues.

Today drove straight through town to do the Samoeng Loop, again no issues, no traffic jam. (Hang Dong Road, Airport Plaza, past Suan Dok Gate, Left at Chang Phuak Gate to go up Chotana towards Mae Rim. Lovely drive; it's been a while since I did the Samoeng Loop, lots more nice little coffee shops and eateries along the way.

And going into town during rush hour (around 5:30-6pm) from the New Sankampha eng Road also takes no time at all. You can't go under the Ping River bridge from Aom Muang Road if before 6pm so then I just take the road along the railway. It's actually remarkable how traffic lessens when you get downtown, Thapae Road and so on are always moving along nicely.

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Since switching from a big bike to a family car I can say the worst piece of road is the stretch from the Canal road to Maya on Huay Kaew heading into town. Have spent more than 20 minutes there multiple times. It seems the lights are always down, and the other traffic at the intersection always gets priority. Not as much of an issue if you have a scooter or a bike.

As a family, we live around traffic. We avoid most trips from 3:30 to 6:30. Coming from a small city, its kind of annoying but we have both lived in million plus cities and CM is still pretty reasonable.

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I drive through the city every day. Simply not a problem. Yes, there is traffic congestion in many areas, but once you know where and when they are, they are easy to avoid. There's more than one road leading to Rome...

I often need to go across the Superhighway at Chiang Puak/Chottana Rd intersection. Were I to try driving north up Chiang Puak Road I'd get stuck in traffic most of the time. Instead, I drive up the smaller streets in Santithem parallel to it, all the way to the last street before the traffic lights. Never have a problem. The same is true driving across or around the Old City. If you know where and when to use which streets, driving is no problem... unless you're driving a large SUV, of course. But SUV's are really for suburban living anyway, and not designed for small city streets.

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Since switching from a big bike to a family car I can say the worst piece of road is the stretch from the Canal road to Maya on Huay Kaew heading into town. Have spent more than 20 minutes there multiple times. It seems the lights are always down, and the other traffic at the intersection always gets priority. Not as much of an issue if you have a scooter or a bike.

As a family, we live around traffic. We avoid most trips from 3:30 to 6:30. Coming from a small city, its kind of annoying but we have both lived in million plus cities and CM is still pretty reasonable.

Avoiding HK road is one of the first things you learn when driving in CM

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Chiang Mai is becoming Bangkok North. Just look at the number of cars sporting Bangkok license plates. CM is following Bangkok's lack of planning and the resultant insufferable traffic.

Pretty much all desirable places have grown too fast and without planning. We just have to get used to it.

But to answer the OP's question, yes it does affect my daily activities. I avoid rush hour if possible, just like I did in the US.

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Since switching from a big bike to a family car I can say the worst piece of road is the stretch from the Canal road to Maya on Huay Kaew heading into town. Have spent more than 20 minutes there multiple times. It seems the lights are always down, and the other traffic at the intersection always gets priority. Not as much of an issue if you have a scooter or a bike.

As a family, we live around traffic. We avoid most trips from 3:30 to 6:30. Coming from a small city, its kind of annoying but we have both lived in million plus cities and CM is still pretty reasonable.

Avoiding HK road is one of the first things you learn when driving in CM

Kind of hard to do when you live on a soi of HK. Have a great night! :)



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Since switching from a big bike to a family car I can say the worst piece of road is the stretch from the Canal road to Maya on Huay Kaew heading into town. Have spent more than 20 minutes there multiple times. It seems the lights are always down, and the other traffic at the intersection always gets priority. Not as much of an issue if you have a scooter or a bike.

As a family, we live around traffic. We avoid most trips from 3:30 to 6:30. Coming from a small city, its kind of annoying but we have both lived in million plus cities and CM is still pretty reasonable.

Avoiding HK road is one of the first things you learn when driving in CM

Kind of hard to do when you live on a soi of HK. Have a great night! smile.png



And you can't find a way around back sois avoiding HK road? I used to live in a condo behind Phucome Hotel. I never drove down HK road & that was back in 2003.

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Teach us how to do that smith. Btw, you on bike or car?

A large pickup truck.


Normally you make a lot of sense, but when did they start making large pick ups in Thailand? smile.png


well it's large compared to most city cars. Just a regular sized 4 door hi-rider pickup, but no problem driving around city lanes.

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Since switching from a big bike to a family car I can say the worst piece of road is the stretch from the Canal road to Maya on Huay Kaew heading into town. Have spent more than 20 minutes there multiple times. It seems the lights are always down, and the other traffic at the intersection always gets priority. Not as much of an issue if you have a scooter or a bike.

As a family, we live around traffic. We avoid most trips from 3:30 to 6:30. Coming from a small city, its kind of annoying but we have both lived in million plus cities and CM is still pretty reasonable.

Avoiding HK road is one of the first things you learn when driving in CM

Kind of hard to do when you live on a soi of HK. Have a great night! smile.png



I used to live in a condo behind Phucome Hotel. I never drove down HK road & that was back in 2003.




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