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The idea if anyone is interesting or a budding fictional author is to keep the story going by adding your bit on, your add on can be based on a thought or reality starring you or a Fictional character. I will start the Story off, but no one will know which way the story line goes or whether fiction or fact.

The Story begins

My plan was to catch the next bus to the Train station then onto the airport. It was a bitterly cold night I had all my belongings with me in a medium sized hold all, where is the bus I am freezing, I looked at the other two people also waiting, my thoughts were where are they going why are they going, one was a guy in his mid 30's smartly dressed but his shoes were dirty, my mother always told me you can tell a persons personality by there shoes I pondered the thought, the other person was a teenager who looked like she had all the troubles in the world on her shoulders. where is the bus its ten minutes late.

To be continued



This is how you continue the story, I add that this is my imagination I write as I get the thought.

The story continues

I was now freezing so were the two that were waiting the bus finally arrived 15 minutes late, I paid my ticket for the train station, the journey was about 20 mins, I looked round at the other passengers not that there was many, they looked as if they were on a no where journey. two kids were asleep on there mothers breast she looked tired, well it was 9pm at night. The bus arrived at the train station, I got my ticket for the airport, the train had a stop right outside the airport so I was lucky not much messing about with transportation.

I went to the coffee shop got a large mug of really hot coffee and a ham roll, as I moved away I something caught my eye it was the girl from the bus stop, looking flustered ,so me being me I went over and asked 'Sorry to ask but are you okay' She replied 'Well no I got my ticket but lost my change somehwere' I asked 'Did you want a drink' She started crying' I gave her some loose change enough for a drink and snack, She threw her arms round me and said 'Your a truly a good samaritan'.

To be continued


This is how you continue the story, I add that this is my imagination I write as I get the thought.

The story continues

I was now freezing so were the two that were waiting the bus finally arrived 15 minutes late, I paid my ticket for the train station, the journey was about 20 mins, I looked round at the other passengers not that there was many, they looked as if they were on a no where journey. two kids were asleep on there mothers breast she looked tired, well it was 9pm at night. The bus arrived at the train station, I got my ticket for the airport, the train had a stop right outside the airport so I was lucky not much messing about with transportation.

I went to the coffee shop got a large mug of really hot coffee and a ham roll, as I moved away I something caught my eye it was the girl from the bus stop, looking flustered ,so me being me I went over and asked 'Sorry to ask but are you okay' She replied 'Well no I got my ticket but lost my change somehwere' I asked 'Did you want a drink' She started crying' I gave her some loose change enough for a drink and snack, She threw her arms round me and said 'Your a truly a good samaritan'.

To be continued


The story continues

And I replied, "Oh well.. I don`t know if I`m any sort of samaritan, but I`ve been in problems before, and well, peeps have helped me in the past. Karma! you know?" and she looked at me longingly, deep into my crystaline eyes and after a few moments said, "would you like for me to....

To be continued

The story continues

And I replied, "Oh well.. I don`t know if I`m any sort of samaritan, but I`ve been in problems before, and well, peeps have helped me in the past. Karma! you know?" and she looked at me longingly, deep into my crystaline eyes and after a few moments said, "would you like for me to....

To be continued

would you like for me to.... :o

Call some one as we are 100% WILD K.O. same as you :D




Okay guys lets have a vote do you want the story to continue or not??????

No more episodes till I see if any one genuinely interested



has anyone told Mac that we have about seven never ending stories on the go?


So what, this one of the best. Let's keep it going!

Thanks for your support, but I will get a general census first before contineuing



Yes, agreed "macb" :D

Since all Tree of us “suegha” “kayo the Klown” and “The Colonel” together with “Kan Win” wish you to Khun-Tin-ue with your very own ES…………………..

Now that makes it a general census of 100% members that answered to your “Fred” (Everlasting Story, You add your bit.)

Lett-uce play.

I have shown you mine, now show me yours…………………………. :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win

This is how you continue the story :D , I add that this is my imagination :D I write as I get the thought. :o

The story continues

I was now freezing so were the two that were waiting the bus finally arrived 15 minutes late, medium.jpgI paid my ticket for the train station, the journey was about 20 mins, I looked round at the other passengers not that there was many, they looked as if they were on a no where journey. two kids were asleep on there mothers breast she looked tired, well it was 9pm at night. The bus arrived at the train station,

large.jpgI got my ticket for the airport, the train had a stop right outside the airport so I was lucky not much messing about with transportation.


I went to the coffee shop


got a large mug of really hot coffee :D and a ham roll :D , as I moved away I something caught my eye :D it was the girl from the bus stop, looking flustered ,so me being me I went over and asked 'Sorry to ask but are you okay' She replied 'Well no I got my ticket but lost my change somehwere' :D I asked 'Did you want a drink' She started crying' I gave her some loose change enough for a drink and snack, She threw her arms round me and said 'Your a truly a good samaritan'.


To be continued


TNES © will Khun-Tin-You

P.S. All Photos are my own work

Yes, agreed "macb" :D

Since all Tree of us “suegha” “kayo the Klown” and “The Colonel” together with “Kan Win” wish you to Khun-Tin-ue with your very own ES…………………..

Now that makes it a general census of 100% members that answered to your “Fred” (Everlasting Story, You add your bit.)

Lett-uce play.

I have shown you mine, now show me yours…………………………. :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win

This is how you continue the story :D , I add that this is my imagination :D I write as I get the thought. :o

The story continues

I was now freezing so were the two that were waiting the bus finally arrived 15 minutes late, medium.jpgI paid my ticket for the train station, the journey was about 20 mins, I looked round at the other passengers not that there was many, they looked as if they were on a no where journey. two kids were asleep on there mothers breast she looked tired, well it was 9pm at night. The bus arrived at the train station,

large.jpgI got my ticket for the airport, the train had a stop right outside the airport so I was lucky not much messing about with transportation.


I went to the coffee shop


got a large mug of really hot coffee :D and a ham roll :D , as I moved away I something caught my eye :D it was the girl from the bus stop, looking flustered ,so me being me I went over and asked 'Sorry to ask but are you okay' She replied 'Well no I got my ticket but lost my change somehwere' :D I asked 'Did you want a drink' She started crying' I gave her some loose change enough for a drink and snack, She threw her arms round me and said 'Your a truly a good samaritan'.


To be continued


TNES © will Khun-Tin-You

P.S. All Photos are my own work

Kan win

Pat on the back pic thread very good. well done the story will continue



Well here we go the story continues:

The girl did let go of me, I thought whats wrong with teenagers of today, but the thought past as a train pulled in, the lass said 'Thats my train see you and thanks' then she was gone.

I settled down bought a local paper full of the usual rubbish, nice hot coffee the ham roll well think my dog may have turned his nose at it, the crossword was easy.

The tannoy went with a message about my train I could not believe my ears. 'The train arriving at platform 2 is delayed due to debri on the line'. Your joking I thought how long what about my plane ticket, I went to the ticket office as usual they were as helpful as a clock with no hands. Now what?

Tannoy announcement: 'Damage to line train to be diverted'. This is my life nothing straight forward I thought always something getting in the way. The clock ticked if the train did not arrive in the next 30 mins I have missed my flight. Even if I got a taxi I would not get there in time, clock still ticking, another visit to ticket office still no up-date despair now setting in.

What the hel_l was my attitude now, I have only me to think about so why worry let life take its path to somewhere.

To be Continued



Next Chapter

I sat on the bench pondering the clock ticked and moved past my cut-off point. I looked around the platform there were six other people waiting, were they all waiting for the same train, I went asked again about the train just then the Tannoy blasted out 'The train for platform 2 will arrive in 40 mins linking directly to the airport' My heart sank I missed my flight'.

Just then I heard a woman shout 'Help my son my son ' the voice was urgent, I turned and saw the woman on the other platform her son seemed to be choking, for some unknown reason I just leapt onto the rail track and ran across to where she was, the boy was about 11 yrs old his face was blue I could see he as not breathing, what do I do I thought instantly I grabbed him turned him upside down and banged him in the middle of his back still know response I banged harder. his mother was distraught the boy sudddenly coughed and was sick then started breathing, I lowered him on to the bench on the platform the colour came back to his face,his mother hugged her son, I said to her 'Was he eating anything' She replied "Yes an apple" That explained it. I fealt exhausted I sat on the bench to gather myself, the woman said, "You seemed to appear from nowhere, if it was not for you" Then she started crying her son was now sat up looked at me and smiled. The woman said "What train are you waiting for" I replied "To the airport" She replied "Me too, but I think I will go to a Hotel if you are doing the same allow me to pay for a room for you its the least I can do after what you did. I replied "Its no problem" She said you have been a samaritan I insist" I momentarily thought how can I be called a samaritan twice in a few hours, then I dissmissed the thought.

to be continued



Well give me your thoughts so far those of you that are reading the story:

Can you continue it or do you want to see where I take the Story line. Are you finding it interesting are you thinking what will happen next



Next Episode:

I took the women up on her offer, at the Hotel she paid for a single room for me and shook my hand with a thank you again thrown in.

I sat on the bed thinking what had happenend in the last few hours, then laid back and fell asleep, I awoke next morning about 10 am, blimey I thought must have been tired, I remember dreaming about flashing lights and spot lights but never mind, must have been exhaustion.

I showered shaved went packed my hold-all and went down for breakfast, there a few in the restaurant but I did not see the women and her son from the Railway Station. A hearty breakfast with coffee well accepted.

Now I had to consider my plane ticket what to do with this needed to re-book or see if I have to pay/or lose money for not making trhe flight. mmmm wheres my mobile ring the travel agent, pockets no mobile, bag no mobile, thats strange I thought its always in the same jacket pocket. Think re-trace what happened mentally, helped that teenager she gave me hug, no still had my phone when she had gone, next I ran across the railway track, Oh no I thought it must have fell out my pocket when I jumped onto the track, now what, back to the Station ask if it has been found.

This was done, but negative at the staion, now my communication had gone.

My thoughts huh! I help two people and lose my phone in the doing. Okay I got money not mess about taxi this time to the airport sort things out when I get there.

To be continued



Hi Op I find your style of writing boring.

I took the women up on her offer, at the Hotel she paid for a single room for me and shook my hand with a thank you again thrown in.

What happened here?

sat on the bed thinking what had happenend in the last few hours, then laid back and fell asleep, I awoke next morning about 10 am, blimey I thought must have been tired, I remember dreaming about flashing lights and spot lights but never mind, must have been exhaustion.

So what happened?

Do not be so detailed and just describe and let some room for imagianation.


Hi Op I find your style of writing boring.

I took the women up on her offer, at the Hotel she paid for a single room for me and shook my hand with a thank you again thrown in.

What happened here?

sat on the bed thinking what had happenend in the last few hours, then laid back and fell asleep, I awoke next morning about 10 am, blimey I thought must have been tired, I remember dreaming about flashing lights and spot lights but never mind, must have been exhaustion.

So what happened?

Do not be so detailed and just describe and let some room for imagianation.


Okay got that this is how you spell imagination for you information. What is happening here I am typing as I get the thoughts its not planned. YOU TRY IT



And so it continues:

I hailed a taxi to the airport, decided to sit in the back and relax during the trip. I dozed off into a deep sleep dreaming.

I seemed to have been asleep for ages I heard voices in the distance saying we got him back his eyes are flickering, we got a heart beat . I could just imagine distant lights flashing red and blue, my eyes opened I saw a Paramedic I fealt numb, He said 'You very lucky mate we lost you for quite a while good job you were in the back of the cab.

I stuttered 'What'

Your cab was in a headon accident.

My thoughts went to the Samaritan may be I nearly died and was an angel helping people.

So I had not been getting a bus or getting a train and there was not a teenager or women with the sick kid, is this what happens when you on the brink mmmmmmmmmmmmm I feel lucky then for another chance.

The End

Life in the Islands must be reducing your intellect and light heartedness :o

no offence - just thought the story couldve been spiced up a bit - a few racy sex scenes, a murder or two etc.


Life in the Islands must be reducing your intellect and light heartedness :o

no offence - just thought the story couldve been spiced up a bit - a few racy sex scenes, a murder or two etc.


I could do the murder thing, but racey sex scenes I would get carried away ang get kicked off here :D:D

No offence taken


And so it continues:

I feel lucky then for another chance.

The End

Sounded like a “Sheik Spear Ian” type of story to me. :o

Come on “Macbeth” join us in a not so “more-bit” tale in “The Never Ending Story:D

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

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