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British academic detained in Thailand after exposing official as plagiarist

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So now....the good British Academic can sue the various people and various entities that are further making his life miserable and see where that gets him.

I also would like to see justice applied while the various Thai players are reprimanded in some meaningful way.

If that is the case you can almost be assured the British academic will be further harassed as those that would be or could reprimanded would have no choice but to retaliate as that is their mindset and mentality concerning a foreigner damaging their reputation and making them lose face while they know that nearly all other Thais will take their side on the issue and agree that such foreigners should be taught a lesson and learn to respect a Thai person....as that is how it works ...in their minds.

Furthermore if there is anyone hesitant to get involved then some financial persuasion can quickly change their thinking....lol.

Now here is a thought:

What do you think would happen if all the foreign Embassies here in Thailand were to organize a rally of some sort and all the foreigners living in Thailand were to gather together and protest this case in a pubic display of support for the British Academic.....say similar to what is going on in Malaysia right now.

Not that it would or could ever happen.....but ........Just saying


Love your idea but Charter 44 would come down on you like a ton of bricks for an "illegal" gathering. The foreign embassies have no interest in supporting you they are to busy kow towing/bowing to the system here. They enjoy collecting a big paycheck here and elsewhere in the political backwaters of the world where a embassy job is political payback. Yes a good rally would be nice to see but in the end we are all talk and no action because we here on precarious grounds to say the least. You can be mentally whipped at will or by someones whim. Its a no win situation sadly but its one of the drawbacks of living here. There will be no rally leaders stepping forth all we can do is rail on here on TV.


This is what society is like when there is no Rule Of Law is GONEEE......

And without Rule of Law there is NO democracy.

Thailand is a lot of "fluff" and absolutely NO substance. BTW if you see any integrity please let us know.


Wait a minute here. As I read it, the "academic" had his British Passport flagged and he only had trouble at the airport because he "lost" his Thai Passport

Where does his negligence (loosing ones passport) begin and where does the Thai Immigration officer enforcing the law end ?


I am near falling over laughing at the hysterical rantings of those who fail to actually read ! Contained in this thread are numerous snippets of information which illustrate a saga which is not originated so recently. In my original post I proposed that the headline which started this thread left much to imagination, speculaation, and yes...self righteuos hysteria. ( Ok, I did not use those words. But I did say that the "whole" story would be possibly more relevant. Journalistic sensationalism may earn a quick bonus but as usual is not eventually productive to public perceptions.


American Erika Fry was also charged with criminal defamation as a consequence for reporting in the B****** Post the story written by Ellis about Director of the National Innovation Agency Supachai's plagarism. Her story was published in June 2009.

While attempting to clear her name, Erika left Thailand for the USA later in 2009 with permission of the Thai government but chose not to return.

Her experiences with Supachai's defamation charge are appalling. Read more in her article "Escape From Thailand"


Thank you. I've fwd this on G+. Let the world have a realistic view of Lack of Sanctions/Land of Scams aka LOS


We should be hugging each other when we see each other on the streets, not avoiding each other.

Going by many of the nut cases that wash up on Thailand's shores, I think I'll give that a miss.

So once the guy won his case in a Thai court of law and exposed some Thai official for the lazy dishonest fool he really is, the academic is told to get out (after 30 trouble-free years of living here) because he's now a national threat? Seriously? Is this the situation in a nutshell?

I'm speechless as to offering any idea of how some of these people's minds work. Amazing Thailand, indeed.

I think it really is time for the General to sever all relations, communication, and business agreements with foreign nations because Thais are perfect and never cause any problems for their country, and foreigners cause ALL the troubles of Thailand. If Thailand could remove all non-nationals and close the border entry-points, airports, etc, then Thailand would be a perfect place, Let these talented, intelligent, highly-educated epitomes of human perfection called Thais create the obvious flourishing Utopia that Thailand would obviously be if the rest of the world would just F-off.


yeah but that's apples and oranges. But least you know what to expect in the Philippines.

But Thailand is much more under the international spotlight through its continual desire to be seen as a tourist mecca (much more than the Philippines) and to be the potential hub of everything on earth.rolleyes.gif

You can't continually portray the image that you are a tourist friendly and business friendly destination when at the same time high ranking officials can engineer a situation where you can call your government mates and arrange for a person to be held in detention like this for no reason even when the judicial system has given him a green light. bah.gif

The original complaint to have him deported was in 2009, SIX years ago, so please don't blame the current government who most probably were as surprised as everybody else. Try a little research before posting.

Assumption is the mother of all <deleted!> I know but seeing a this bloke Supachai was in at Chula and Mr Ellis in that video says a high ranking army doctor was loitering outside of his house for days you can get an idea of who Supachai's mates are.

Not that it makes much of a difference, the girl that rammed the mini van off the tollway killing 9 people was during the democrats reign, redbull heir's case was during PTP. The elite always have enough sway one way or the other.

Isn't that what you have just done? Made an unfounded assumption of who Supachai's friends are, or do you really know who each and every friend of his is?


yeah but that's apples and oranges. But least you know what to expect in the Philippines.

But Thailand is much more under the international spotlight through its continual desire to be seen as a tourist mecca (much more than the Philippines) and to be the potential hub of everything on earth.rolleyes.gif

You can't continually portray the image that you are a tourist friendly and business friendly destination when at the same time high ranking officials can engineer a situation where you can call your government mates and arrange for a person to be held in detention like this for no reason even when the judicial system has given him a green light. bah.gif

The original complaint to have him deported was in 2009, SIX years ago, so please don't blame the current government who most probably were as surprised as everybody else. Try a little research before posting.

Assumption is the mother of all <deleted!> I know but seeing a this bloke Supachai was in at Chula and Mr Ellis in that video says a high ranking army doctor was loitering outside of his house for days you can get an idea of who Supachai's mates are.

Not that it makes much of a difference, the girl that rammed the mini van off the tollway killing 9 people was during the democrats reign, redbull heir's case was during PTP. The elite always have enough sway one way or the other.

Isn't that what you have just done? Made an unfounded assumption of who Supachai's friends are, or do you really know who each and every friend of his is?

Yes. Read it again I acknowledged that it was an assumption on my part. What's your point?


The problem with refusing deportation on the basis of citizenship (because it grants you absolute right of abode and return) is that the alternative is to jail you. You're a citizen, if they can't find you guilty of an offense which nullifies your citizenship, and thus can't deport you, then they can still make your life miserable.

That said, does anyone think that Dr. Ellis won't find that certain parties come up with an excuse to nullify his citizenship and then compelled, physically if necessary, to board a flight? That's not a bet I'd take.

Or worse, he could have an accident God forbid...hasn't he had numerous death threats? It's an unprovable easy out, and to the face-losers, justice has been done because a farang shaming them in their own country is a worse crime than some petty plagiarism which is the norm


I hear the good professor has been released finally. Does this rank as the #1 blunder so far in the sorry Prayuth administration? One would think so. Is he going out of his way to do poor work? Is he going out of his way to embarrass his nation? Or does just happen when he opens his mouth?


I hear the good professor has been released finally. Does this rank as the #1 blunder so far in the sorry Prayuth administration? One would think so. Is he going out of his way to do poor work? Is he going out of his way to embarrass his nation? Or does just happen when he opens his mouth?

#1 blunder? I wouldn't even put it in the top 20. But there is a long list!!


I hear the good professor has been released finally. Does this rank as the #1 blunder so far in the sorry Prayuth administration? One would think so. Is he going out of his way to do poor work? Is he going out of his way to embarrass his nation? Or does just happen when he opens his mouth?

Fast draw McGraw, is it? May I repeat the quick fact check checklist, posted earlier?

Thai academic abuses authority many years ago, persuades Immigration to blacklist UK passport holder. That's not a blunder by any of the governments of the past few years.

It is a reflection of how we are treated like 2nd class citizens, by THAIS.

Using your logic, your are suggesting that if this happened in 2013, then you'd be calling it one of the worst blunders by the Yingluck government.

I know that Thais are not educated to develope their logic processing skills. .

As a presumed western educated contributor, one would imagine that you would apply a better level of logic, in your post.


I hear the good professor has been released finally. Does this rank as the #1 blunder so far in the sorry Prayuth administration? One would think so. Is he going out of his way to do poor work? Is he going out of his way to embarrass his nation? Or does just happen when he opens his mouth?

Fast draw McGraw, is it? May I repeat the quick fact check checklist, posted earlier?

Thai academic abuses authority many years ago, persuades Immigration to blacklist UK passport holder. That's not a blunder by any of the governments of the past few years.

It is a reflection of how we are treated like 2nd class citizens, by THAIS.

Using your logic, your are suggesting that if this happened in 2013, then you'd be calling it one of the worst blunders by the Yingluck government.

I know that Thais are not educated to develope their logic processing skills. .

As a presumed western educated contributor, one would imagine that you would apply a better level of logic, in your post.

Thanks for the education. Was not familiar with that detail. The reality is, the general can step in any time, if he is truly interested in reform. He has the power. There is a constant claim of moving the country forward. I am a show me kind of guy. Action, not words, make the man.

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