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Korat cop fired for demanding free food, beating cashier (video)

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Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

your off ya head buddy !

This country has never run like yours. You think your rules apply world wide or even in Thailand your a moron. You try living of 12-20K thb a month you know nothing about this country

15 years sunshine and my Thai police friends do just fine without resorting to corruption !

see how they come running when you get into bother you will get jack shit from them you dreamer

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Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

you are joking? this is extortion? I can't believe your comment you don't think a Police Colonel should pay his bill??? you think the restaurant owners are so RICH they can give it away to any passing Policemen? unbelievable!!!


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

maybe, but they often want payment before they start work. Start offering free food then where does it stop,free beer as well ? for him and his mates, a little family outing maybe. A restaurant owner cant be made responsible for the poor police pay, they make up for that with enough scams.


Well it would be much better had the policeman faced criminal charges for his attack, judges tend to take a dim view of members of the constabulary taking the law into their own hands, in some countries at least.

However demanding free meals isn't the preserve of Thailand. For many years J Edgar Hoover with his friend used to go to the same restaurant and were never presented with a bill. When a new owner took over Hoover was presented with the first bill in many years and when told he had to pay from then on refused to go there any more.

Didn't you mean, 'J.Edgar Hoover with is male lover'?

I guess if you're straight or gay, having a name like 'hoover' is a good thing.



Maybe to an inactive post ... I wonder how many times in the past he's had a free lunch or coerced some money? Its Thai culture. Not sub culture

I wonder how many times he's paid for a meal since he's been promoted to lt col.... Probably hasn't been paying for food or drink for years... Hence the outrage when the young boy asked him to pay his bill...


Maybe to an inactive post ... I wonder how many times in the past he's had a free lunch or coerced some money? Its Thai culture. Not sub culture

I wonder how many times he's paid for a meal since he's been promoted to lt col.... Probably hasn't been paying for food or drink for years... Hence the outrage when the young boy asked him to pay his bill...

And I wonder how he made it to Lt. Col.


Lost Face and his Job,,the cashier better watch his back now,,,maybe he better get a Body guard,,,

I'm sure a waiter in korat can afford a bodyguard :) ... While he's working, the bodyguard can wait in the limo with the chauffeur...

I think the waiter is in a bad place at the moment and will regret this even though he did the right thing.... Being a waiter is not the right job to be a hero

What about the other cops that who eat there? Are they going to stop going there or start paying ?

If one restaurant in the area will stop feeding the pigs they will obviously need to eat at another restaurant but the other restaurants will have to cover extra meals unless they all take a stand like this one did....


He might be back again soon!

I expect you are right.The 'lt col' position is up for bid again, I'd think. He may even get a discount for the position this time.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

Are you serious?

Just like the traffic cop who lives in a 10 Mm Baht house and drives a new BMW next to me.

Maybe the official salary is not very high but they make enough on the sideline.

A good police friend of my told me once, A honest cop never will be rich.

And there lies the problem, since when do policemen have the right to become rich?

Firstly, the police should be paid a sensible, liveable wage with pension and health plans for them and their families. This takes away the stupid excuse i keep hearing that policemen do this because they dont earn enough money,,, what a pile a crap,,, if I rob a bank because my job doesn't pay enough is that excusable and / or understandable?

Secondly, place a zero tolerance policy for corruption in the police, including high ranking officers and start enforcing the law and replace the ridiculous commercial entity that is currently known as RTP..

I am not going to hold my breath though..


The thieving bum should have been arrested for assault leading to injury.

Good to see an everyday Thai citizen standing up to these corrupted bums.


Talking about freebies and police, a couple of years ago I was sat outside one of the go go's in Soi Cowboy watching the world go by (as you do) when along came the boys in brown. They proceeded up to the small bar serving drinks outside and started to ask for ID's whilst there a round of drinks was ordered, most seemed to be drinking soft drinks but one of them ended up with a half of larger on draft (unbelievable)

Nothing surprises me in Thailand, expect the unexpected, common sense does not prevail (this is what makes it an adventure)


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

your off ya head buddy !

This country has never run like yours. You think your rules apply world wide or even in Thailand your a moron. You try living of 12-20K thb a month you know nothing about this country

Your wrong amerasianex, by any other name it is still call EXTORTION (whatever little sum of money is involved). With a moniker like yours I don't know what you know about America (where I'm not from), but in the 1930's and 40's there was a quaint little group called the mafia, they also dabbled in extortion, and other forms of corruption. Do you get my drift.

I can bet I have lived in Thailand longer than you were first a shine in your Daddy's eye, and I can say that a majority of Thai Mum and Dad shop holders would not agree with you. These cops who hang out in shops are a sponging pests.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

The bill was 1400 THB, not some 30-50 THB.

People need to read the whole article, otherwise it's useless for them to have an opinion.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police don't get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

A Lt Col in the police force is NEVER a poor man. I would think that he survived very well on both his official salary and the other one. He is so poor that he managed to run up a bill of 1,400 baht in 2 days. Really?

quote from the OP.

"Lt. Col. Prakarn Korpsiripat was expelled from the police force after returning to the Sor Sunthorn restaurant in Nakhon Ratchasima province on 31 Aug. and attacking the cashier who reported his refusal to pay bills totalling 1,400 baht on 29 and 30 Aug., police said yesterday."


Surely this sort of thing ought lead to a change of rank, perhaps rear admiral colonel superior judicious.

I demand a promotion and a move to some other area.

Perhaps were the police to stop providing promotions to the rank of colonol , general , major etc. the buggers would not feel so self important as to beleive they deserve free food and moeny everywhere tehy go.,

jsut a though,

or perahps a bigger promotion to save face


While it's good they are making an example of this cop I really got to wonder about the "He has to take at least 45 days off from work to heal his nose," bit. 45 days off for a broken nose ? It normally takes 6 weeks to mend a broken bone ! Our mechanic was dicking around on his motorbike 2 weeks ago and took a nasty tumble. Big scrapes on his arms, legs and face. 2 days later back at work fixing motorcycles. I figured he should have been off (and being bandaged and cared for) for a week at least but I guess he wasn't going to get paid if he did so back to work it was).

I think someone is angling for a payoff if they are claiming 45 days to heal a broken nose.

You say a broken nose takes 6 weeks to heal, the victim is taking 45 days off work. 6x7=42 is the extra 3 days really an angle for a payoff, doctor?

You haven't considered a possible death threat?


...give the police a free meal...fine...but 1400 baht in 2 days....???

..this guy was abusive....as is evident in the video....

...maybe tall in stature...but a very little man.....

...and one would think that he should be arrested...if not for extortion...for assault....

...now as for the rest of the 'protectors' that do the same...or many times worse.....

...it takes courage to do what the waiter did....besides...why and how should/couId he 'foot the bill'....


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police don't get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

A Lt Col in the police force is NEVER a poor man. I would think that he survived very well on both his official salary and the other one. He is so poor that he managed to run up a bill of 1,400 baht in 2 days. Really?

quote from the OP.

"Lt. Col. Prakarn Korpsiripat was expelled from the police force after returning to the Sor Sunthorn restaurant in Nakhon Ratchasima province on 31 Aug. and attacking the cashier who reported his refusal to pay bills totalling 1,400 baht on 29 and 30 Aug., police said yesterday."

This cop ain't gonna be happy...

Imagine being kicked off the gravy train for refusing to pay a restaurant bill and the embarrassment of this happening in public ... big promotion to lt col probably doesn't come cheap so he's potentially lost millions of baht and the work of a lifetime over being too greedy to pay a restaurant bill

That cashier better watch out... He needs a bulletproof jacket even more than the Hong Kong journalist needed one now :)


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....


Two bills totalling 1400 Baht? oh by the way it is the police forces job to help the public when they are in trouble. It is not there job to extort from the public which is a common occurrence here.


a crooked cop this must be such a rarity in Thailand will be quite a shock to most Thai people who trust the police above all else


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

Excuse me , but this was no lowly constable usually riding around on a motorbike.

Oh no, this was a Lieutenant Colonel, no less. I am sure he gets a good salary plus all his other under the table perks. PG Tips etc

He ran up a tab of B1400 and then beat the restaurant cashier up for reporting him for not paying his bill.

What part of this picture do you not understand. facepalm.gif

Simple transfer him to paid inactive duty case solved. Play nice or kick him out of the sandbox for a while and put him in the penalty box.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

I know you are joking but anyways. if you give me your address i can sent it to nearby policestations so they can come for free meals at your home. Because i guess you also call the police when you got problem..


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

Whatever the reason the police actions are not acceptable. If he had a problem he should have talked to the manager and not acted in such a way. Hardly surprising very few people have any respect for the Thai police when you read about this sort of thing. It is good to read he was sacked and charged.

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