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Thai police say suspect handed backpack to Bangkok bomber


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Thai police say suspect handed backpack to Bangkok bomber

BANGKOK (AP) — Thai police said Wednesday that a key suspect has admitted to meeting the alleged Bangkok shrine bomber outside a train station and handing him a heavy backpack containing a bomb just before the blast occurred the night of Aug. 17.

Police announced the development as they escorted the suspect, identified as Yusufu Mierili, to the scene of the alleged handover and also to the Erawan Shrine, where the blast killed 20 people, for a public reenactment of his role and movements before and after the explosion.

Public reenactments conducted in front of the media are a common part of Thai criminal investigations, although they have been criticized for implying a suspect's guilt before a trial. The suspect in Wednesday's reenactment has not yet been formally charged but police say he was a member of the network that carried out the attack.

The latest disclosure by the police appeared to be another element in reconstructing the attack, which has growing links to China's Uighur extremists, although Thai authorities have not explicitly acknowledged that. Authorities have said that publicly calling the blast an act of terrorism would harm its image as a tourist destination.

Thai authorities have suggested that at least two of the suspects are Turkish and that Mierili holds a Chinese passport, boosting a theory that the bombing was to avenge Thailand's forced repatriation of more than 100 ethnic Uighurs to China in July. Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs) are related to Turks, and Turkey is home to a large Uighur community.

On Wednesday, police and armed commandoes escorted Mierili to Bangkok's Hua Lamphong train station where he allegedly handed a heavy backpack to the suspected bomber, who was seen in security camera footage wearing a yellow T-shirt and leaving a large, black backpack at the open-air shrine just minutes before the blast.

"This place is where he met with the yellow-shirt man to exchange a backpack," national police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri told reporters outside the train station.

"Yusufu said the backpack that he carried was heavy and it was a bomb," Prawut said. It remained unclear who made the bomb and who allegedly placed it inside the backpack. Prawut did not say if Mierili's involvement was limited to carrying the backpack or if he is suspected of also being a bomb-maker.

Mierili told police that he had carried the backpack from an apartment in the Nong Chok district of Bangkok's outskirts, an apartment where police found bomb-making materials during a raid on Aug. 29.

After the hand-off the two men went their separate ways, Prawut said.

Mierili — who police have also identified as Yusufu Mieraili — was arrested Sept. 1 at the Thai-Cambodia border. Police say they found his fingerprints on a container of gunpowder at the apartment in Nong Chok. He faces charges of conspiracy to possess unauthorized explosives.

Associated Press journalist Papitchaya Boonngok contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-09

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"Thai police say suspect handed backpack to Bangkok bomber."

And they believe his statement? Why? Because his dna wasn't found on the taxi driver's 20-baht note, or in his taxi cab? Nice police work. I think they need to get some corroboration, before they issue a press release saying that this suspect's story is true.

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Bangkok shrine attack suspect 'gave device to bomber'

BANGKOK: -- Thai police say a key suspect in the Bangkok shrine bombing has confessed to giving a bag containing a device to the man who carried out the attack.

National police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri's announcement came as the suspect, Yusufu Mieraili, was taken to a train station in Bangkok to re-enact the alleged handover.

The 17 August blast at the Erawan Shrine killed 20 people.

Two foreign men are in custody, but the bomber himself has not been found.

The man, wearing a yellow T-shirt, was seen placing a backpack at the popular shrine and leaving, shortly before the explosion.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34194680

-- BBC 2015-09-09

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After he handed the bomb to the bomber he went to photograph the explosion, also other reports say he admitted making the bomb, and still more that he knew yellow shirt and blue shirt as they had stayed at the same apartment or visited, Min Buri.

To me although just my opinion he's lyeing through his teeth, and looks just like the idenditkit picture.

But then could be wrong but the likeness is quite strong especially the Hair Style.

Maybe to close for comfort for Chinese loseing face and Thai also.

None of the new suspects who police have posted pictures of in media reasemble the bomber but I still think this guy does --heaps.

Police have stated that hid DNA dont match the polutted if any DNA that they are supposed to have.

Yussufu knows they dont have a clear pic of the bomber and police say your DNA dont match so why confess?????????????????

Maybe he will get off without the death penalty as long as he gives up many involved and does what he is told.

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If the CCTV had been working they would be able to prove if this person was telling the truth.

The authorities are suggesting that it was not a terrorist attack, as that would hurt tourism. What do they think kills an average of 500 people every year in the South ???????

If this attack was caused by Chinese Muslims then Thailand is being attacked by MUSLIMS on 2 fronts.

Now I don't have a problem with people worshiping any God they choose BUT when a group tries to justify killing children in the most barbaric way, saying it is Allah's Will then the world

has a problem. AND Thailand has a problem with terrorists.

At the moment half of the world's Muslims are fleeing their own countries, bypassing the few stable Muslim countries and asking non Muslim EU to help them get away from extreme Muslims .

THEN, when they are given help they want non Muslims to change their way of life to accommodate Islam.

Try going to Iran or Pakistan and promote Christianity or try to sell a bible see how far you get.

Islam kills tens of thousands innocent people EVERY year and that has got to stop or there will be repercussions.

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If the CCTV had been working they would be able to prove if this person was telling the truth.

The authorities are suggesting that it was not a terrorist attack, as that would hurt tourism. What do they think kills an average of 500 people every year in the South ???????

If this attack was caused by Chinese Muslims then Thailand is being attacked by MUSLIMS on 2 fronts.

Now I don't have a problem with people worshiping any God they choose BUT when a group tries to justify killing children in the most barbaric way, saying it is Allah's Will then the world

has a problem. AND Thailand has a problem with terrorists.

At the moment half of the world's Muslims are fleeing their own countries, bypassing the few stable Muslim countries and asking non Muslim EU to help them get away from extreme Muslims .

THEN, when they are given help they want non Muslims to change their way of life to accommodate Islam.

Try going to Iran or Pakistan and promote Christianity or try to sell a bible see how far you get.

Islam kills tens of thousands innocent people EVERY year and that has got to stop or there will be repercussions.

There is already repercussions building up

Innocent Muslims will be targeted by vigilante gangs unfortunately if the extremists keep cutting off heads and setting off bombs or promising to wage war on the west.... The future is not bright

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"Thai police say suspect handed backpack to Bangkok bomber."

And they believe his statement? Why? Because his dna wasn't found on the taxi driver's 20-baht note, or in his taxi cab? Nice police work. I think they need to get some corroboration, before they issue a press release saying that this suspect's story is true.

I am thinking the police have no corroborating evidence to support the suspects story. Therefore, they are parading him around as if a "re-enactment" is some sort of evidence.

Not to mention the incredibly prejudicial nature of this spectacle. (Oh well, it is not as if there will be a jury, or an open trial, or transcripts...)

"Thai Criminal Justice System".

I'm surprised there was not a nuclear explosion from putting those words so close together.

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Well I have to admit I am pleasantly surprised that the BIB are making arrests and putting together the network responsible for this terrorist act (even though they refuse to call it terrorism for tourist reasons).

I really didn't think they stood a chance of finding anyone so I will admit I was wrong and congratulate them for this.

I guess as long as Thais are not involved/responsible for the bombings, as in ALL of the other bombings, then they are happy to catch those involved.

I still doubt they did it alone and most likely had help from outside intelligence agencies.

I just wish they would stop this pathetic parading of suspects through these useless and unjust re-enactments.

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...I hope that he is not just 'playing along' so that the real perps can make their getaway....

...but how would he ever expect to be released in the end.....

..it is quite confusing though,too, how the list of suspects keeps growing....

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If the CCTV had been working they would be able to prove if this person was telling the truth.

The authorities are suggesting that it was not a terrorist attack, as that would hurt tourism. What do they think kills an average of 500 people every year in the South ???????

If this attack was caused by Chinese Muslims then Thailand is being attacked by MUSLIMS on 2 fronts.

Now I don't have a problem with people worshiping any God they choose BUT when a group tries to justify killing children in the most barbaric way, saying it is Allah's Will then the world

has a problem. AND Thailand has a problem with terrorists.

At the moment half of the world's Muslims are fleeing their own countries, bypassing the few stable Muslim countries and asking non Muslim EU to help them get away from extreme Muslims .

THEN, when they are given help they want non Muslims to change their way of life to accommodate Islam.

Try going to Iran or Pakistan and promote Christianity or try to sell a bible see how far you get.

Islam kills tens of thousands innocent people EVERY year and that has got to stop or there will be repercussions.

i agree with you

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Has it been reported anywhere if any of the suspects have been asked (and answered) why they planted the bomb(s)?

If it has, the police haven't mentioned it

Its one of the burning questions I'd also like to see answered...

Why would a young (seemingly smart) guy throw his life down the toilet to bomb innocent tourists?

1:He believed the revenge attack was justified

2:he or his family was threatened(maybe still are)

3:he was paid a pile of cash because they knew he had the knowledge etc

4:he's a scape goat ?

5:he was brainwashed, used, then dumped by more important members of the gang etc

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