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Jealous Thai husband brutally murders wife in Samut Prakan shopping mall

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its not only sad but unfortunate too. The man killed the lady but deprived the three kids from Mothers love and fathers love too, as a result the entire family will suffer now, and these kids will grow up without parents.

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99% of all Thais suffered from severe stunted growth caused by the ancient educational system still currently in use.

Let me guess... you have no Thai friends, you know no wealthy Thais who've live and been educated overseas and your only exposure to Thais is bar girls and loso Thais?


As posted above , yes it does happen all over the world but here guns are carried around in cars , " Sawasdee khap " and a smile at times just doesn't work for them . It is all about loosing face, I think Thai males are wired different.


Hardly unique to Thailand. A close friend of mine at college in the U.K. back in 1992 went home to discover his road sealed off by the police. His father had defied a court order banning him from coming within 200 yards of my friend's mother after they had a messy divorce. That night he stalked his ex-wife on the way home from a game of bingo and smashed her head with a rock multiple times until her features were unrecognizable.

That was in England. This was in Thailand. Same sick world.


A very selfish man concerned only for his own feelings, not of his wife, nor his children or those forced to witness it.

But as posted it is not such a rare thing worldwide.


Might be phycosis from all the yaa baa that these truckers smoked to stay awake on long runs. I have no idea but i dont think you see thai people doing these sort of attacks in broad daylight in such a public environment unless theres drugs involved.


Broken heart, the concept, in Thailand, is a Strange thingy... 5 years in prison max this fella... Love kills.

Yes, his lawyer will probably plead "brain spasm" or something equally nonsensical.

The bloke should never get out.


Another tragic ending, all because of jealousy. So sad and happens all too often.

And anyone who uses that stupid term "Thainess" has a similar mentality to the moron who killed his ex. thumbsup.gif

I agree ... TAT has a similar mantality as the moron ...


So very sad for the three children who have lost a mother and a father now and under such hideous circumstances.

I've seen this attitude in more than one Thai... lack of education and civilisation if he's not mentally un-hinged.

I feel it will be a generation or two at least before this sort of thing becomes rare in Thailand. Sadly!


There's no amount of education can prepare a normal person for what emotional jealously can do to them.

It happens to be the 3rd most common cause of murder worldwide and a Thais heart is as easily broken as yours

I am not making excuses for this hideous act I can't read this guys mind or possibly know what makes him tick but your post is just silly


Broken heart, the concept, in Thailand, is a Strange thingy... 5 years in prison max this fella... Love kills.

Yes, his lawyer will probably plead "brain spasm" or something equally nonsensical.

The bloke should never get out.

As much as I can understand that people do some crazy things while temporarily emotionally unbalanced I can't understand any judge being lenient.

Let's say it was a "Brain Spasm" as you put it and he gets out in 5 years, meets a nice girl, gets married, she leaves him.....I think you know where I'm heading.


So very sad for the three children who have lost a mother and a father now and under such hideous circumstances.

I've seen this attitude in more than one Thai... lack of education and civilisation if he's not mentally un-hinged.

I feel it will be a generation or two at least before this sort of thing becomes rare in Thailand. Sadly!


There's no amount of education can prepare a normal person for what emotional jealously can do to them.

It happens to be the 3rd most common cause of murder worldwide and a Thais heart is as easily broken as yours

I am not making excuses for this hideous act I can't read this guys mind or possibly know what makes him tick but your post is just silly

I'm currently living back in Oz, an average of two murders per week of females by their current or ex partner.


Murdering in a fit of jealous rage is counted as mitigating circumstances here, and he will most likely get a fairly light sentence of 7 to 10 years.

Out on parole in about 3 and looking for a new wife.

Going to her place of work armed with a knife 10 days after their break up hardly counts as a "fit of rage".

Cold blooded premeditated murder is a better fit.


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

What exactly are you "just saying"? Sounds an awful lot like, "she kinda had it coming".

Such a shame nobody was able to intervene. Understand a single person being hesitant to get involved and possibly get killed themselves, but there's power in numbers, even if those numbers aren't very strong. Half a dozen people bundling on top of him and screaming like crazy would have probably done the trick. The shock and surprise element in itself can work as much as the physical act. A bit like those Americans who took out the train gunman the other week.

Those Americans were CIA, different story, but yes, it's a shopping mall, there are lots of things lying around to crack the f-er on the head with. If the brave men who were kicking the guy after he was down would've paid more attention in First Aid class at school maybe someone could've saved her. Suck a shame. RIP


but we never get any follow up of these, herendous acts do we, like recently on my page a guy raped/killed a young girl and was out in 4 months, the only reason it came to light was the young girls friends posted on media about him being out.they were disgusted as were most others i would think.i could say a lot more, don't think i had better ??


If America is the capital of cold blooded murder then Thailand is the capital of hot blooded murder. Thais are remarkably thin skinned and the culture is geared toward supressing conflict so that even minor slights to image or masculinity can rapidly escallate to murderous rage with no regard to consequences. Just look at all of the road rage videos on youtube. Be wary. Many Thais can go from "I don't like what you said/did." to "I must kill you for what you said/did." in very short order. I wish the culture could learn to voice complaints openly and early in order to blow off steam instead of holding everything in untill explosion is the result. I've even seen this in grade school kids over the 10 years I've lived here.


The prosecution also should do some research into Jaipuk's own background. If it is found that he maintained two or three "mia nois" or "gigs" during his marriage, his eventual sentence should be doubled. because he "punished" his wife for allegedly doing exactly what he might have been doing all along. Still, the pair had already separated, so she had every right to see another man if she wanted to.

Despite all my years in Thailand I am still frequently shocked about how brutal many of these supposed Buddhists can be. Particularly males - besides being emotionally immature even at advanced age, never having learned to control their feelings - seem to be walking pressure cookers ready to go off at the slightest provocation, imagined or real.

And to the Thai apologists: Yes, we all know that such cases can and do happen in other countries, too. But that still doesn't change the fact that Thailand has one of the highest homicide rates globally.

And to the authorities, including assorted army and police generals: Here is proof again that your nationalistically skewed theory "Thais could never do that" is fundamentally wrong, because "Thais do that" on a daily basis to one another.

Another anti-Thai using lies to sprought his anti-Thai venom. The UNODC report on intentional homicides by country places Thailand at 107 out of 215 countries, with 5.0/100000 inhabitants. The world average was 6.2..Hardly makes Thailand one of the worlds worst.

And all these Expats who think it's so bad here, but still live here..if they're right how stupid are they?????


The prosecution also should do some research into Jaipuk's own background. If it is found that he maintained two or three "mia nois" or "gigs" during his marriage, his eventual sentence should be doubled. because he "punished" his wife for allegedly doing exactly what he might have been doing all along. Still, the pair had already separated, so she had every right to see another man if she wanted to.

Despite all my years in Thailand I am still frequently shocked about how brutal many of these supposed Buddhists can be. Particularly males - besides being emotionally immature even at advanced age, never having learned to control their feelings - seem to be walking pressure cookers ready to go off at the slightest provocation, imagined or real.

And to the Thai apologists: Yes, we all know that such cases can and do happen in other countries, too. But that still doesn't change the fact that Thailand has one of the highest homicide rates globally.

And to the authorities, including assorted army and police generals: Here is proof again that your nationalistically skewed theory "Thais could never do that" is fundamentally wrong, because "Thais do that" on a daily basis to one another.

Another anti-Thai using lies to sprought his anti-Thai venom. The UNODC report on intentional homicides by country places Thailand at 107 out of 215 countries, with 5.0/100000 inhabitants. The world average was 6.2..Hardly makes Thailand one of the worlds worst.

And all these Expats who think it's so bad here, but still live here..if they're right how stupid are they?????

How do you trust information from a corrupt Nation ,


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

Nobody is forced to be with anybody. People (including women) are allowed to come and go as they please. Get over this idea that women are personal property.

Breaking someone's heart or making them lose face is no excuse for any violence whatsoever.

My advice for any man or woman that's been left and can't quite fathom it; grow up, get over it and move along.

You are wasting your breath on a Thai audience, this is East not West.


This day in age women change husbands at will. Without Thinking of shoes feelings they hurt. And its not always the mans fault. He thinks like a man. Or can't control his feelings. Just saying.

Nobody is forced to be with anybody. People (including women) are allowed to come and go as they please. Get over this idea that women are personal property.

Breaking someone's heart or making them lose face is no excuse for any violence whatsoever.

My advice for any man or woman that's been left and can't quite fathom it; grow up, get over it and move along.

I think he has a good point. We should be careful to not play with a person's heart. We don't know how crazy someone can be. Example wife cut husband's pe*is. It's not about property or not. But you know love life how is it like. Lol if you ever have one. Should not play with fire. Womanizer beware!

Hypergamy woman beware!

And R.I.P

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


RIP Jinkanya and her husband Not the sharpest tool in the box by the looks of him but then again I suppose a typical Thai youth of today self-centred and no thoughts or consideration for others only for himself, and the worst thing in any man Thai or farang is one who raises his hand to a woman shows complete cowardess in my book just because they are frightened to take on a man even someone who is shag*ing his wife that he believed, not even the intelligence to talk and woo her back into his arms rather use a knife instead of his brain just shows his intellect.

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