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UK officials say number of terrorism arrests at record high


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I am dumbfounded. The same England that fought off Hitler after he schmoozed his way into power in Germany can't see that it's being fooled by something perhaps worse and global. The same tough and nationalist country that wouldn't bow to Hitler's force now bows to PC attitudes and a borderless group.

The same Germany... I guess fools don't learn.

It will be interesting to see who owns Europe in 20 years - the Muslims who will keep immigrating and out-breeding while refusing to assimilate, or Russia which will be needed again and which is resisting these ME invaders.

I expect I may live long enough to see the smirks get wiped of the faces of the gddmm Europeans who make fun of 100 million Americans who won't give up their guns... whistling.gif

We're going to have a party one of these days...


too much Leo last night??? Who says Muslims don't want to assimilate? The thing is we have to give them options how to do!

I got the impression that Muslims are for you all terrorists. In many EU countries we have Muslims in the government ot parliaments. In your eyes they are sent by ISIS for espionage? There is more in this world than only white and black, Laddie!

In the muslim world it is very much black and white, there are no shades of grey....laddie.

You are muslim...or you are not...laddie.

BS. It's mostly Muslims that fight each other in the Middle East.

He's absolutly right, muslims only fight if you are either the right kind of muslim or you are not.... ladies. er sorry not enough d's. Oh more sorry, sometimes they cutoff Chistian heads by mistake.
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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

I thought you would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Your usual nasty inflammatory personal commentary. In no way does your comment mirror 7x7's post.

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

NO, I DON'T KNOW THAT. If you would give IRELAND independance you would not have had any "TERRORISTS". Laddie

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

I thought you would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Yet again I am accused of excusing terrorists, even being chums with them!

Yet again I challenge you to produce any post of mine where I have done any such thing.

Yet again you will be unable to do so; because such a post does not exist.

What is it you do not understand about "where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law."?

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

NO, I DON'T KNOW THAT. If you would give IRELAND independance you would not have had any "TERRORISTS". Laddie

If you don't know how the policy of internment without trial increased IRA support, then I suggest you do some reading about the effects of that misbegotten policy.

The Republic of Ireland is independent!

Northern Ireland is part of the UK because the majority of people living there wish it to be so. Even Sinn Fein now agree with that. Maybe you don't believe in democracy?

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

I thought you would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Yet again I am accused of excusing terrorists, even being chums with them!

Yet again I challenge you to produce any post of mine where I have done any such thing.

Yet again you will be unable to do so; because such a post does not exist.

What is it you do not understand about "where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law."?

Members here want to hang B2 yet our efforts here and elsewhere have turned things around, but you, yes you, will not come to terms that a religion is killing innocent folk daily. Why is that.......?

Because a religion is not killing innocent folk daily.

Terrorists, led by people using a perverted form of a religion for their own political ends, are killing innocent people.

Unfortunately, some, usually young, people have been duped by those terrorists into joining them.

But as has been shown many times in other topics, the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support them.

Two more examples of that condemnation to add to the already very lengthy list:

Young British Muslims declare own jihad against Isis and other terrorists who 'hijack' Islam

Indian Muslims Condemn Islamic State Group as 'Un-Islamic'

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Countries should be judged by the way they treat their minorities.

The Protestant majority in Ulster would probably far less of a problem if the Catholic minority in Ulster would be treated as equal.

Yes, civil rights for Catholics in Northern Ireland (not Ulster; part of Ulster is in the Republic) used to be atrocious.

Not any more.

But we are wandering off topic.

I used Northern Ireland as an example of the dangers of a policy of internment without trial. If you, or anyone else, wants to discuss the actual history of the Troubles etc. further, I suggest we do so in a new topic.

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I was unaware the Christians from anywhere were joining IS; but there are terrorists using Christianity as the excuse for their atrocities; in the Central African Republic for example.

I have never denied that there are terrorists using Islam as the excuse for their atrocities, neither have I ever denied that some Muslims fall for their lies and join them; the opposite in fact! Indeed, I said just that above!

But, unlike you and others, I am not blinded by ignorant prejudice which causes me to believe they act or speak for all Muslims; especially when the worldwide condemnation of them, such as the examples above, shows that they most certainly do not.

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You blame Islam for the atrocities of the terrorists.

You ignore the fact that the vast majority of Muslims condemn them.

You ignore the fact that Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

You ignore those two facts because to accept them means accepting your prejudice against Islam is just that; ignorant prejudice.

I have already commented on the use of religion, any religion, to justify terrorism.

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

I thought you would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Yet again I am accused of excusing terrorists, even being chums with them!

Yet again I challenge you to produce any post of mine where I have done any such thing.

Yet again you will be unable to do so; because such a post does not exist.

What is it you do not understand about "where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law."?

What you do is rather endlessly minimize, deflect and obfuscate on behalf of the religion.

If you are interested in supporting your claim then give us some statistics. What percentage of the people who are involved in suicide bombings, for example are Christian? How many of those being detained in the UK for links to terrorism are Christian.

It's not what you say you never said. It is what you have never admitted to, and then argue with others that they are wrong.

The link between one specific religion and terrorism is strong and it is undeniable and there is very, very little being done by members of that religion to stop it, prevent it or report it.

A few calls from people who come across some of the web sites would go a long way toward helping. Instead, what we see is parents to get upset with the authorities for not stopping their daughters from heading off to join the terrorists.

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You blame Islam for the atrocities of the terrorists.

You ignore the fact that the vast majority of Muslims condemn them.

You ignore the fact that Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

You ignore those two facts because to accept them means accepting your prejudice against Islam is just that; ignorant prejudice.

I have already commented on the use of religion, any religion, to justify terrorism.

Heeeeeeey, I never mentioned Islam, I mentioned Muslims. Now come on chap...rolleyes.gif

So what does your frequent use of the term 'a religion' when talking about the motivations of IS and Muslim terrorists mean if it does not mean Islam?

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(Nested quote removed to comply with forum rules)

I thought you (7b7) would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Yet again I am accused of excusing terrorists, even being chums with them!

Yet again I challenge you to produce any post of mine where I have done any such thing.

Yet again you will be unable to do so; because such a post does not exist.

What is it you do not understand about "where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law."?
What you do is rather endlessly minimize, deflect and obfuscate on behalf of the religion.

If you are interested in supporting your claim then give us some statistics. What percentage of the people who are involved in suicide bombings, for example are Christian? How many of those being detained in the UK for links to terrorism are Christian.

It's not what you say you never said. It is what you have never admitted to, and then argue with others that they are wrong.

The link between one specific religion and terrorism is strong and it is undeniable and there is very, very little being done by members of that religion to stop it, prevent it or report it.

A few calls from people who come across some of the web sites would go a long way toward helping. Instead, what we see is parents to get upset with the authorities for not stopping their daughters from heading off to join the terrorists.

What do you mean by "What you do is rather endlessly minimize, deflect and obfuscate on behalf of the religion?"

What I have done many times is show that, despite what some here and the hate sites they garner their opinions from believe, most Muslims want nothing to do with the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of their religion. Instead most Muslims condemn them as unIslamic!

What have I never admitted to?

That there are terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam? You must have missed the many posts in this and other topics where I have said exactly that!

Of course, the major terrorism threat at the moment in Europe and North America comes from the supporters of IS and other Islamic terrorists; no one will deny that; I certainly never have.

But, as I and others have repeatedly shown; they are not representative of the vast majority of Muslims worldwide.

As I and others have repeatedly shown; there is worldwide condemnation, from Muslim leaders both political and religious, spokespeople, groups and individuals, of the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of their religion

Even if you ignore the many links to such condemnation posted in this and other topics, it is easy to find this condemnation for yourself. Simply put “Islamic condemnation of IS” or similar into Google.

I hope you will then accept this condemnation exists and those making it represent the opinions of the vast majority of Muslims worldwide.

Unless you have had your head buried in the sand, you must know of acts of terrorism carried out by groups and individuals claiming to be acting in the name of Christianity; in Africa, India, the USA, Europe etc.

From the bombing of abortion clinics in the USA to the massacre of whole villages in Central Africa.

Yet no one blames Christianity for their actions; there is no mass call for Christians to condemn them!

America Snores When Christian Terrorist Threatens to Massacre Muslims

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How much of this increase is due to an increased number of potential terrorists, and how much is down to improved intelligence etc.?

299 people arrested, how many were Muslim?

OK, probably most of them, but even if it's all of them it's still an insignificant fraction of the British Muslim population.

Doesn't stop the usual suspects from posting their ignorant rubbish, though.

Islamic terrorism is a major world problem, but demonising all Muslims and calling them terrorists or spies for terrorists or supporters of terrorists and claiming that all Muslims want to conquer us and force us to live under strict Sharia law is nonsense.

BTW, despite the headline, this is nowhere near a record for terrorism arrests in the UK.

In August 1971 342 suspected terrorists were arrested in one day!

Between August 1971 and December 1975 a total of 1,981 suspected terrorists were arrested.

That was in just one small part of the UK, not all of it.

As we all know, that policy of internment without trial in Northern Ireland had one effect and one effect only; increased support for the terrorists!

I hope the government has remembered that lesson and does not intend a similar policy of internment without trial for suspected Islamic terrorists.

Of course, where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law.

I thought you would be along soon to excuse your chums..

You still can't grasp that your religious chums are causing todays global violent problems, can you..?

Yet again I am accused of excusing terrorists, even being chums with them!

Yet again I challenge you to produce any post of mine where I have done any such thing.

Yet again you will be unable to do so; because such a post does not exist.

What is it you do not understand about "where sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual, then they should be prosecuted and if found guilty suitably punished to the full extent of the law."?

What you do is rather endlessly minimize, deflect and obfuscate on behalf of the religion.

If you are interested in supporting your claim then give us some statistics. What percentage of the people who are involved in suicide bombings, for example are Christian? How many of those being detained in the UK for links to terrorism are Christian.

It's not what you say you never said. It is what you have never admitted to, and then argue with others that they are wrong.

The link between one specific religion and terrorism is strong and it is undeniable and there is very, very little being done by members of that religion to stop it, prevent it or report it.

A few calls from people who come across some of the web sites would go a long way toward helping. Instead, what we see is parents to get upset with the authorities for not stopping their daughters from heading off to join the terrorists.

Obviously it's correct Islam is being utilised by some to justify violent extremism. However, members of the Islamic faith have lost their lives in the tens of thousands fighting Islamic extremism. I don't know what security agencies have said in the U.K. regards co-operation by members of the public from a Muslim heritage, but here in Australia the retiring Director General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation stated security agencies have received a great deal of assistance from members of the Islamic community.

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. . . . most Muslims want nothing to do with the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of their religion. Instead most Muslims condemn them as unIslamic!

The "progressive" apologists for Muslim violence make two main arguments (if you could call them that) which are, typically, quite contradictory.

1) The people who carry out these atrocities shouting "Allahu Akbar" are "unIslamic", according to their fellow Muslims.

2) These attacks only happen because of Western provocation of Islam (as with the much-touted reason for 9/11 that "the chickens are coming home to roost").

You can't have it both ways.

If the reason for the atrocities is Western provocation of Islam, then it can only be true Muslims carrying out the brutality. Because if the people carrying out the attacks are "unIslamic", then why would they care about provocation of Islam? Where is their outrage coming from?

Furthermore, the silent majority is irrelevant.

It's the minority who fly aeroplanes into high-rise buildings, indiscriminately bomb trains and buses, kidnap, rape and enslave young girls, or wade into private businesses spraying lead from AK-47s that concern us. There's quite enough of them to be going on with, and there are going to be more, whether or not IS is correct in its boast that it has infiltrated 4,000 terrorists into Europe under the guise of refugees.

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So what does your frequent use of the term 'a religion' when talking about the motivations of IS and Muslim terrorists mean if it does not mean Islam?

Because I do not demonise Islam, I point at Muslim sects, but you protect ALL.........

Protect all?

I, yet again, ask you to back up your accusation with just one post where I have 'protected' any terrorists, extremists, promoters of violence, murderers etc.; whatever their politics, religion or other motivation.

Put up, or shut up.

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. . . . most Muslims want nothing to do with the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of their religion. Instead most Muslims condemn them as unIslamic!

The "progressive" apologists for Muslim violence make two main arguments (if you could call them that) which are, typically, quite contradictory.

1) The people who carry out these atrocities shouting "Allahu Akbar" are "unIslamic", according to their fellow Muslims.

2) These attacks only happen because of Western provocation of Islam (as with the much-touted reason for 9/11 that "the chickens are coming home to roost").

You can't have it both ways.

If the reason for the atrocities is Western provocation of Islam, then it can only be true Muslims carrying out the brutality. Because if the people carrying out the attacks are "unIslamic", then why would they care about provocation of Islam? Where is their outrage coming from?

Furthermore, the silent majority is irrelevant.

It's the minority who fly aeroplanes into high-rise buildings, indiscriminately bomb trains and buses, kidnap, rape and enslave young girls, or wade into private businesses spraying lead from AK-47s that concern us. There's quite enough of them to be going on with, and there are going to be more, whether or not IS is correct in its boast that it has infiltrated 4,000 terrorists into Europe under the guise of refugees.

Speaking personally, I am most certainly not an apologist for Muslim violence and I don't want it both ways!

I agree with the first, but not the second.

What you call the silent majority are anything but silent; and they are not irrelevant. Though impossible to calculate, of course, it is a certainty that the widespread condemnation by their fellow Muslims has dissuaded some from joining the IS cause.

Of course, as said many times, it is the terrorists the security services should be concentrating upon; and I trust that they are.

Are you really gullible enough to believe the boast of one man claiming to be a people smuggler working for IS?

There may very well be some IS terrorists who are using the humanitarian crisis to get into Europe; but 4,000?

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30 Brits were shot sunbathing in Tunisia, why was that.......?

A terrible murder; condemned by all right thinking people; but relevant to your accusations against me how?

Produce a post where I have attempted to protect, excuse, apologise for terrorists.

Or withdraw what you know is a false accusation.

To do neither will only prove one thing about you.

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As the murderer is a known IS member, there is no need for me to say who did commit this atrocity!

Produce a post where I have attempted to protect, excuse, apologise for terrorists.

Or withdraw what you know is a false accusation.

To do neither will only prove one thing about you.

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There may very well be some IS terrorists who are using the humanitarian crisis to get into Europe; but 4,000?

That's precisely why I said "whether or not IS is correct in its boast . . ."

I have no insight as to how many terrorists may be being welcomed into Europe pretending to be refugees, but as you point out, the number is unlikely to be zero.

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This topic is not about YOU. Stop discussing yourself and your posts and stick to the topic.

Suspensions will be given if this personal discourse doesn't cease.

Understood, Scott.

But surely when I am accused of apologising for terrorists, even supporting them, I am entitled to defend myself and ask for evidence to back up those accusations?

However, I will desist.

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Understood, Scott.

But surely when I am accused of apologising for terrorists, even supporting them, I am entitled to defend myself and ask for evidence to back up those accusations?

However, I will desist.

It's sometimes challenging not to respond, but as people say "don't feed the trolls"

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