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Bed Bugs


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Seems that I picked up these little critters at a hotel while looking for an apartment.

ProbablyI can not mention the name of it in this forum.

I have had this problem a few times as I travel a lot.

Have used the Hot Shot Room Fogger and found it quite effective.

The trick is to do it for 5 days in a row, killing them as soon as they hatch.

Does anyone know where I can buy this product here in Bangkok?


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no idea.


i checked the ACTIVE INGREDIENTS,, so you can write these ingredients down and check some Thai pharmacys. (Boots and watsons may have these too,,, but will be more expensive). also see if HOME PRO or Supermarkets if they sell anything containing any of these ingredients:


Pyrethrins .......................................................................................................................... 0.05%

(S)-cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl-(S)-4-chloro-alpha-(1-methylethyl)benzeneacetate... 0.10%

*Piperonyl butoxide............................................................................................................ 0.10%

**N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide ............................................................................ 0.16%

2-[1-Methyl-2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy) ethoxy] pyridine......................................................... 0.10%

Also, you can call the company directly (with skype) and ask them if they sell in thailand and where...

if they dont sell this brand in thailand

yoy can search online for any companies that send international.

it does look like a good product,,, better than spraying cans of chemicals around.

you can also make your own DIY bedbug traps (seartch online),, using DRY ICE and upside-down dog bowls !!

you need several of these traps in the room ... cleaning and replenishing them each day.

Dry Ice you can buy from ANY swensons. (very cheap). but dont put too much Dry Ice in the room if you will also sleep in there (coz it emits a lot of Carbon Dioxide and will reduce the amount of Oxygen in the room temporarily.

be so careful of the chemicals of the Fogger or anything else,, they can REALLY damage your respiritary and immune system and even your Neural pathways can be damaged.

Edited by easybullet3
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Can you find any cedar oil (from cedar trees?)

Is there anything similar in Thailand? It disrupts the breeding and feeding cycle of most insects and they stop biting and leave. Cedar chests are the old world answer to moths and other insects.

When I was a kid we got the occasional infestation of bed bugs or fleas no matter how clean the house was. We'd go cut some cedar boughs and put one under each bed and each piece of overstuffed furniture and one in at least every room. Within minutes they'd stop biting and within a day there were none to be found. Apparently they can't smell you to bite with that cedar smell in the room and they have a way of packing their bags and leaving very quickly.

I keep a bottle around now and it lasts "forever".


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Thanks guys.

I tried on-line and calling the company.

They sell only in the US.

Walmart and Amazon said they can not ship an aerosol can by air and declined my on-line order.

I bought a flea-killer pump spray for dogs at The Big C and spray the mattres, sheets, pillow cases and even the t-shirt I sleep in, every night!

It seems to have worked as I have had no new bites within 2 days of starting this procedure, last week.

A professional told me that the eggs hatch in 5 days so, this seems to have worked.

Will stop in a day or so and keep you posted.

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I stopped spraying the dog flea-killer 2 nights ago and sure enough, new bites today.

Looks like it dose keep them away--but not kill them.

Will start the nightly bed & pillow straying tonight and just keep doing it.


Someone suggested a fabric steamer, as the only way to really get rid of them is heat.


All apartments in Las Vegas have bed bugs. While living there in 2010, I asked the professional about this.



He said the management would not pay for the second treatment 5 days later.

This treatment requires that the tenant leave the apartment for 24 hours.

I left when they did my room and never went back, leaving everything there.

So, didn't bring any bugs with me and lived bed bug-free until I started traveling again in 2012.

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you need to spray some chainrite bug killer on everything ....

Where can I get that.

I'll try anything.

Try covering yourself with honey and standing in the middle of the room. If the insects don't have a sweet tooth you can always stick slices of bacon on top of the honey.

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