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The Nation demands immediate release of reporter


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To make this clear: no journalist or editor (or anyone else, for that matter) should ever go to jail or attitude adjustment (or worse) for his/her opinion or reporting!

...but some paper just got to reap, what is sow...coffee1.gif

It's tempting indeed to say som nam na to Yoon and the Nation. it really is the most appalling rag. But Pravit is one of the very few sane voices there.

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Does anybody here have even half a brain to work out what this whole charade is about? A charade that has been boiling away for years. It is about what Thailand will look like after that which we cannot discuss comes to pass, About where the locus of power and control will rest. Other societies would possibly be able to navigate this issue however the strict stratification of Thai society is fueling the inevitable.

Yes, it's been crystal clear for some time and the "message" to those who have an intimate interest in that subject was reinforced recently by Prayut apparently usurping the use of the Royal Prerogative when dealing with a certain person's legacy police rank...................

As much as I think AMM tends to be a bit of a One Trick Pony with his analysis of Thai establishment & politics, in this case I think his assessment of the machinations of the establishment & the military is probably pretty accurate.

It doesn't take much of a brain to figure out the military isn't going anywhere until after 'The Event' occurs, so it can control the entire narrative, which could happen any day now

Edited by GinBoy2
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It seems people are trying their hardest to get called in 'for adjustment' simply so they can use that as their story. Those hypocritical students were the same : I wonder if the 30 who died during the REAL protests lay on their conscience.

Quite pathetic. They obviously know nothing bad will happen to them. They didn't try any of this when the punishment would be a grenade on their front porch.

Your argument has all the commitment of a sponge, it just don't hold water mate.

"Those hypocritical students were the same" Think you need to have a look at the word "hypocritical" and it's definition.............................

They were peaceful and were reported as peaceful, supported with photo and video evidence as peaceful but because they had the STONES to stand up to the establishment they were taken for their AA, They themselves even refused bail on principle as they said their arrest (detention) (invitation) was not legal, (military holding civilians) so where oh where is the hierocracy as you claim???????????? Let me guess EJ your military takes people and holds them against their will because they have a different opinion than the government of the day right?????????????

Why don't you show your courage of conviction and go out too a "red" strong hold and say your peace just like the tom boy did that protested Yingluk that was given a golden whistle by Suthep... yeah right good luck with that.

BTW what did YINGLUK say? let her go, she has the right to her opinion and to express them. That is also back up fact mate, dam your looseing credibility by the secondwhistling.gif

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Okay, let's get real here. The red-shirt television channel was closed down because they broke the law. Any comments against the government are actually illegal.

Now then, the government has got to show consistency. And indeed, removing this journalist does show a small amount of consistency. The Nation is, after all, a mouth-piece of Thailand's Chinese yellow-shirts. Closing down the Nation really will show the consistency that all governments should show.

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Even the yellow rag is getting fed up of this now.

What was his crime? Saying he and others weren't happy in Prayuth's supreme land of happiness?

Pravit is a long time red shirt. He been publishing articles in The Nation for many years. The Nation publishes opinion pieces from red shirt authors on a regular basis. Of course anything other than parroting 'Voice of Thaksin' 100% of the time is a 'yellow rag' for many here

I don't know whether he is or not, still it makes little difference. Are you denying that overall The Nation is biased? It clearly is.

Edited by lildragon
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Okay, let's get real here. The red-shirt television channel was closed down because they broke the law. Any comments against the government are actually illegal.

Now then, the government has got to show consistency. And indeed, removing this journalist does show a small amount of consistency. The Nation is, after all, a mouth-piece of Thailand's Chinese yellow-shirts. Closing down the Nation really will show the consistency that all governments should show.

"Closing down the Nation" Taking a jurno's for AA isn't quite "closing down the Nation" but yet another slap in the face of freedom of speech which is apparently guaranteed by the junta, as long as it is within party lines,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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It seems people are trying their hardest to get called in 'for adjustment' simply so they can use that as their story. Those hypocritical students were the same : I wonder if the 30 who died during the REAL protests lay on their conscience.

Quite pathetic. They obviously know nothing bad will happen to them. They didn't try any of this when the punishment would be a grenade on their front porch.

What warped sense of reality are you living in? These are people who are being detained for expressing an opinion and your painting them as wrongdoers. What in the world gives the junta the right to take control of this country, and then to set their own archaic laws that infringe on basic human rights with the fear of imprisonment for speaking your mind?

They have no right whatsoever, however this poster seems to believe that anything is better than a Shinawatra as PM.

They willingly support this bunch of clowns, and will support any speudo return to "Democracy Thai Style" in order to prevent any of the Thaksin lot to return to power, regardless the whishes of a large part of the population of the country they are a guest in. Go figure.

It seems old EJ and others like djjamie bought into this coup 100% and a bit like some Thais can't bare to loose face and admit they may have been wrong. Djjamie has been quiet of late but you can trust good old EJ to try and spin this one as being just about the ego of some journalist rather than the current junta being worse than he could ever imagine.

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The current rash of AA is a nice build up for the PM's starring role at the UN but of course everyone will understand and approve no doubt when reported here.

It amazes me how the posters on TVF think that the UN is some kind of disciplinary board for wayward leaders. Have they done much about North Korea, Iran and Egypt? The UN is a gutless farce. A solid block of people in its host country now support a military coup in the US. http://www.rt.com/usa/315126-americans-back-military-coup/ Maybe the UN has some kind of meaning to the Euros, but it's clear other parts of the world don't put much faith in its opinions. I wouldn't be surprised at some point in the near future, it is moved to Brussels.

The US had the coup in 2000 didn't they?

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"Worse, he said the incident would further tarnish the image of the country as far as free expression was concerned."

Oh, I think Thailand has gone far beyond that point.

Thailand ranks 134 out 180 countries in the 2015 World Press Freedom Index. In 2014 it ranked 130.

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The Junta has lost all credibility - silence everyone is their game and line their pockets while they have the chance

Thomas Jefferson said what the PEOPLE need to do!!!! I'm glad I'm not Thai.

Leaving the place is the best option.

Fine for those who want to leave. For those who don't, the future is more about whether they will be given an option to stay.

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Okay, let's get real here. The red-shirt television channel was closed down because they broke the law. Any comments against the government are actually illegal.

Now then, the government has got to show consistency. And indeed, removing this journalist does show a small amount of consistency. The Nation is, after all, a mouth-piece of Thailand's Chinese yellow-shirts. Closing down the Nation really will show the consistency that all governments should show.

Absolute ballocks...Khun Pravit has always been a solid "elections only are democracy and then do what you bloody like as undemocratically and corrupt as you can" supporter. As were many others that used to Nation OP post who are now hiding out overseas, since the Junta shouted "boo" at them, who were even more undemocratic. Perhaps you are erring the same as many on here in that those of a yellow shirt persuasion stand for full democracy with open checks and balances not win an election, put your stoogies in positions of control so those checks and balances are dissolved, threaten the last remaining democratic process, the judiciary, into submission and then rape and pillage as if it is your right.

The Nation has always been balanced and fair minded and open to both sides of Thailand's very wide opposing views. The only constraint that has been imposed is that currently by the Junta and previous Thai laws.

As for Pravit. Perhaps he is enjoying the challenge of serious debate with consequence with the Junta's boys for once as opposed to the say what you like with no consequence, and taking time out for a few hands of cards and pigging out on somtam. Or perhaps he is shitting his pants at the "boo". Will be interesting to see when he is back from his maximum one week sojourn to see what he is prepared to post...lao deh khon khap...definitely balls on the line stuff.

Edited by Roadman
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It seems people are trying their hardest to get called in 'for adjustment' simply so they can use that as their story. Those hypocritical students were the same : I wonder if the 30 who died during the REAL protests lay on their conscience.

Quite pathetic. They obviously know nothing bad will happen to them. They didn't try any of this when the punishment would be a grenade on their front porch.

I think they are quite brave, better than cowering in a corner doing as you are told

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The Nation's letter to NCPO chief
Managing Editor

BANGKOK: -- PERTAINING to the detention of our senior reporter Pravit Rojanaphruk, who was "invited" by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to report himself on Sunday and detained without proper charges, The Nation calls for him to be released immediately.

The Nation's executives and Pravit's family have not been able to contact him and are worried about his safety and welfare.

Though government spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd provided an explanation on Pravit's detention yesterday, we call on the authorities to try him via normal legal procedures if he has indeed violated the law.

It is only fair that Pravit be released as soon as possible if the NCPO does not have sufficient evidence to warrant his detention.

We also call on Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, in his capacity as NCPO chief, to consider Pravit's release as soon as possible, as well as to disclose the location where he is being held. We believe he should be allowed visits from members of his family and his supervisors, so they can be assured of his well-being, and that he be granted access to a lawyer.

Detaining journalists without clear charges raises concerns about media freedom in Thailand as well as giving rise to questions about the sincerity of the NCPO's claim to be restoring democracy.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/The-Nations-letter-to-NCPO-chief-30268819.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-15

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The Nation's letter to NCPO chief


Managing Editor

BANGKOK: -- PERTAINING to the detention of our senior reporter Pravit Rojanaphruk, who was "invited" by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to report himself on Sunday and detained without proper charges, The Nation calls for him to be released immediately.

The Nation's executives and Pravit's family have not been able to contact him and are worried about his safety and welfare.

Though government spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd provided an explanation on Pravit's detention yesterday, we call on the authorities to try him via normal legal procedures if he has indeed violated the law.

It is only fair that Pravit be released as soon as possible if the NCPO does not have sufficient evidence to warrant his detention.

We also call on Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, in his capacity as NCPO chief, to consider Pravit's release as soon as possible, as well as to disclose the location where he is being held. We believe he should be allowed visits from members of his family and his supervisors, so they can be assured of his well-being, and that he be granted access to a lawyer.

Detaining journalists without clear charges raises concerns about media freedom in Thailand as well as giving rise to questions about the sincerity of the NCPO's claim to be restoring democracy.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/The-Nations-letter-to-NCPO-chief-30268819.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-15

That's a very tame, limp-wristed way to approach the matter.

Weak. It's just lip-service to a protestation, with no real demands or anger.

With the PM's UN meeting coming up, and "face" being all so important, he can not afford to have the label of media-gagger. Now is the time for The Nation to pull out all guns. They can hardly call all the writers in, can they?

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It seems people are trying their hardest to get called in 'for adjustment' simply so they can use that as their story. Those hypocritical students were the same : I wonder if the 30 who died during the REAL protests lay on their conscience.

Quite pathetic. They obviously know nothing bad will happen to them. They didn't try any of this when the punishment would be a grenade on their front porch.

pathetic apologist for the Junta arresting journalists you would be at home in North Korea

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To make this clear: no journalist or editor (or anyone else, for that matter) should ever go to jail or attitude adjustment (or worse) for his/her opinion or reporting!

...but some paper just got to reap, what is sow...coffee1.gif

It's tempting indeed to say som nam na to Yoon and the Nation. it really is the most appalling rag. But Pravit is one of the very few sane voices there.

I loath The Nation but would defend Pravit Rojanaphruk or any other journalist to report anything they wished

Jailing Journalists is the mark of a repressive State and should not be allowed even from yellow royalist rags and only a black heart would support such measures

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Just follow the rules.

As stated this is Not A Democracy.

Follow the rules, easy for now.

Consequences of not following the rules are apparent.

Not a believer in "civil disobedience"?

Hmm I wonder what Gandhi would think? or Nelson Mandela or Steven Biko Martin Luther King would think? But wit a sec, what would Socrates think? after all he was murdered by the state for not following the rules and not just shutting up, but officially for corrupting the youth and not believing, worshiping the gods, codzwhollop, but for his critical thinking, questioning the powers that be.

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Okay, let's get real here. The red-shirt television channel was closed down because they broke the law. Any comments against the government are actually illegal.

Now then, the government has got to show consistency. And indeed, removing this journalist does show a small amount of consistency. The Nation is, after all, a mouth-piece of Thailand's Chinese yellow-shirts. Closing down the Nation really will show the consistency that all governments should show.

Absolute ballocks...Khun Pravit has always been a solid "elections only are democracy and then do what you bloody like as undemocratically and corrupt as you can" supporter. As were many others that used to Nation OP post who are now hiding out overseas, since the Junta shouted "boo" at them, who were even more undemocratic. Perhaps you are erring the same as many on here in that those of a yellow shirt persuasion stand for full democracy with open checks and balances not win an election, put your stoogies in positions of control so those checks and balances are dissolved, threaten the last remaining democratic process, the judiciary, into submission and then rape and pillage as if it is your right.

The Nation has always been balanced and fair minded and open to both sides of Thailand's very wide opposing views. The only constraint that has been imposed is that currently by the Junta and previous Thai laws.

As for Pravit. Perhaps he is enjoying the challenge of serious debate with consequence with the Junta's boys for once as opposed to the say what you like with no consequence, and taking time out for a few hands of cards and pigging out on somtam. Or perhaps he is shitting his pants at the "boo". Will be interesting to see when he is back from his maximum one week sojourn to see what he is prepared to post...lao deh khon khap...definitely balls on the line stuff.

Surely, we all agree that the Nation is an anti-Thaksin and pro-Abhisit newspaper ? It's a pro-yellow shirt newspaper ? Who on earth is going to claim that the Nation are a load of pro reds ?

Now then, we all agree that there was a red-shirt television channel, and it was closed down. That red channel made a few antigovernment comments. Now then, all I'm trying to say, is, is that they should close down the Nation newspaper in order to show consustency. The Nation is ALSO making anti-government comments. The removal of this one journalist, in my opinion, does not actually go far enough. It doesn't go far enough in order to produce the consistency that all governments should show.

Why close down the red television channel, but allow the Nation to carry on ? I think it's because the Nation represents some of the Chinese yellow-shirts, and this is why it has been allowed to get away with it for all this time. The pressure is on to close down the Nation. The pressure is on.

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