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Australia's prime minister faces leadership challenge


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Australia's prime minister faces leadership challenge
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia's beleaguered Prime Minister Tony Abbott could face a second challenge to his position this year, after a senior minister on Monday called on Abbott to allow a vote on his party leadership.

Former Liberal Party leader and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he asked the prime minister to open up the party's leadership to an internal vote, as the two-year-old conservative coalition government struggles in opinion polls.

It was not immediately clear if Abbott will agree, but he is now under intense pressure to prove he has the support of his colleagues.

"Ultimately, the prime minister has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs," Turnbull told reporters. "He has not been capable of providing the economic confidence that business needs."

Turnbull might not be the only candidate to replace Abbott. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, the Liberal Party deputy leader, is regarded as a possible contender, as is Social Services Minister Scott Morrison.

Nick Economou, a Monash University political scientist, was not prepared to predict an outcome.

"The Liberals have done enormous damage to themselves, regardless of the outcome," Economou said. "I find it hard to believe that someone would move on the leadership unless they were absolutely confident of their numbers."

The possible leadership vote continues an extraordinarily volatile period in Australian federal politics, especially as the Liberals were elected in 2013 as a stable alternative to the then Labor government. Labor came to power under Kevin Rudd at elections in 2007, only to dump him in the face of poor opinion polling for his deputy Julia Gillard in 2010 months ahead of elections. The bitterly divided and chaotic government then dumped Gillard for Rudd just months before the 2013 election.

Before Rudd was elected in 2007, John Howard was in power for almost 12 years.

The government has trailed the opposition in a range of opinion polls since April last year. Abbott survived a leadership challenge from within his party in February that was prompted by those polls and what some say were questionable judgments he made. At the time, Abbott asked his colleagues to give him six months to improve his government's popularity.

That deadline passed without the government regaining a lead over the opposition in the polls. General elections are due around September next year.

Turnbull, a 60-year-old former lawyer and merchant banker known for his moderate views, has long been considered Abbott's chief rival. Turnbull was opposition leader for two years before he lost a party-room ballot by a single vote to Abbott in 2009. His downfall was his belief that Australia should make polluters pay for their greenhouse gas emissions.

Opinion polls show that Turnbull is more popular than Abbott, but many of those who prefer him vote for the center-left Labor Party.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-14

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geezzzz ...... what a bunch of moronic misfits !!

2 weeks ago Abbott is telling the press he's sick & tired of the UN whinging all the time. Then he rolls over once a bit of pressure is applied. I didn't mind their border protection policy as it stopped the boats coming, but then he turned and allowed 12,000

I hope they kick him out hard .............. not that Turnbull seems any better !!

What a circus AUSTRALIAN politics has turned out to be .......... all clowns !!!

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geezzzz ...... what a bunch of moronic misfits !!

2 weeks ago Abbott is telling the press he's sick & tired of the UN whinging all the time. Then he rolls over once a bit of pressure is applied. I didn't mind their border protection policy as it stopped the boats coming, but then he turned and allowed 12,000

I hope they kick him out hard .............. not that Turnbull seems any better !!

What a circus AUSTRALIAN politics has turned out to be .......... all clowns !!!

Show me a country where politics is not a 3 ring circus. These clowns are all cut from the same piece of greedy cloth. A great example is the circus in the USA call the GOP presidential race. They keep spouting the same canned message when they occasionally manage to get their foot out of their mouth. They all suffer from foot and mouth disease. The Donald is the best of the worst. The offerings on the other side are not much better. Hillary had this thing sewed up and then she managed to self destruct. Her best answer to date is "Do you mean did I polish the computer?"

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Unforunatly there should be, although there isn't, a third or fourth party to give voters a choice. the last time a party looked like causing waves the present PM organised a sham investigation that led to the leader of the party going to jail on charges that were later found to be unfoundered! No apology, no explanation....just a cabal of media and pollies making sure that no-one else can get their snouts into the trough!

Think about it, the party concerned recieved over 3 million votes in an Australian federal electon and didn't get a seat in Parliment!

Good old Ozy politics! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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A dismal array of choices...

Australia needs a leader like lungs need oxygen but I don't see any outstanding offerings!

But I'm just an outside observer so what would I know?

Yes your correct. A government does not have to do a good job today. They just concentrate on making the opposition look worse. At election time they just sit back and hurl SB's. Yes there is only a dismal array of choices its why voters are fed up to the teeth with these b******s. Its almost like they have some kind of alternating agreement to be in power steal as much as possible bow out and await their next turn at the trough. I am glad that I am at the age I am. To stand back and watch this abomination for another couple decades would surely drive me around the bend. On the flip side I was amazed that on the anniversary of 9/11 a lot of young people had no clue as to what it was.

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Unforunatly there should be, although there isn't, a third or fourth party to give voters a choice. the last time a party looked like causing waves the present PM organised a sham investigation that led to the leader of the party going to jail on charges that were later found to be unfoundered! No apology, no explanation....just a cabal of media and pollies making sure that no-one else can get their snouts into the trough!

Think about it, the party concerned recieved over 3 million votes in an Australian federal electon and didn't get a seat in Parliment!

Good old Ozy politics! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Bad politics is a world wide disease you Ozy's do not have a monopoly on it. In the scenario you mentioned in politics its divide the opposition and come up through the middle and win. Splitting the vote is a favorite ploy in multi party politics. Watch the Canadian election in October. Its all about appearing to be the best of the worst and throw in a little fear over what is happening on the world stage and the Conservatives will come up with a dirty victory again. Its all down to a fine science. Nothing is left to doubt.

Edited by elgordo38
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A dismal array of choices...

Australia needs a leader like lungs need oxygen but I don't see any outstanding offerings!

But I'm just an outside observer so what would I know?

Yes your correct. A government does not have to do a good job today. They just concentrate on making the opposition look worse. At election time they just sit back and hurl SB's. Yes there is only a dismal array of choices its why voters are fed up to the teeth with these b******s. Its almost like they have some kind of alternating agreement to be in power steal as much as possible bow out and await their next turn at the trough. I am glad that I am at the age I am. To stand back and watch this abomination for another couple decades would surely drive me around the bend. On the flip side I was amazed that on the anniversary of 9/11 a lot of young people had no clue as to what it was.

Abbot is actually a nice guy and not lacking in intelligence (Rhodes scholar) . But that does NOT a leader make! Clearly!!

The Millennial generation never stops amazing me. For so many, if it's not on Facebook they don't know about it!

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Unforunatly there should be, although there isn't, a third or fourth party to give voters a choice. the last time a party looked like causing waves the present PM organised a sham investigation that led to the leader of the party going to jail on charges that were later found to be unfoundered! No apology, no explanation....just a cabal of media and pollies making sure that no-one else can get their snouts into the trough!

Think about it, the party concerned recieved over 3 million votes in an Australian federal electon and didn't get a seat in Parliment!

Good old Ozy politics! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

I think there should be no parties, just elected officials who can be removed if they are not up to par. With the multi party system of an opposition government it is almost impossible to accomplish anything. 1 Person 1 vote you either like it or you don't but stop this BS of only supporting the party, support the counrty for a change.

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Call me crazy , call me stupid !! today I checked out the APP website ( Australian Protectionist Party ) and I agree and like all their policies....

They seem to represent what the average working Australian would want ....... so why are they not getting noticed and why are they not more involved in politics ?

Anybody know ? is it a lot of bla .. bla .. bla .... whingers running it ??

just curious !!!!!!!

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Call me crazy , call me stupid !! today I checked out the APP website ( Australian Protectionist Party ) and I agree and like all their policies....

They seem to represent what the average working Australian would want ....... so why are they not getting noticed and why are they not more involved in politics ?

Anybody know ? is it a lot of bla .. bla .. bla .... whingers running it ??

just curious !!!!!!!

They are neither Labour nor Liberal. Just like in the states, people vote blindly for a party not a platform. In fact most would probably not really know what a platform is.

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Call me crazy , call me stupid !! today I checked out the APP website ( Australian Protectionist Party ) and I agree and like all their policies....

They seem to represent what the average working Australian would want ....... so why are they not getting noticed and why are they not more involved in politics ?

Anybody know ? is it a lot of bla .. bla .. bla .... whingers running it ??

just curious !!!!!!!

They are neither Labour nor Liberal. Just like in the states, people vote blindly for a party not a platform. In fact most would probably not really know what a platform is.

Thanks for the info. If I was them I would be out rallying and getting support !

I'm sure if they got 50% support of the voters they would have some say ??????

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Abbot is actually a nice guy and not lacking in intelligence (Rhodes scholar) . But that does NOT a leader make! Clearly!!

The Millennial generation never stops amazing me. For so many, if it's not on Facebook they don't know about it!

Abbott is not a nice guy!

His churlish revenge sacking of various public servants who, in doing their job, presented reports inconvenient and contrary to his electoral scare campaign, is a case in point.

At the very last minute he overturned a diplomatic posting to America of a very competent, retired politician who just happened to come from the other side of politics..

He's abused the system of Royal Commissions in using them as a political tool.

He savagely cut the budget of the national broadcasting commission without a thought for the consequences to people who depend on the service in remote areas and overseas, because he considered the ABC to be leaning too far to the left.

He has attempted to divide the country, USA style, in a them or us scenario.

In two years in government his every action has been to blame others for every setback, and about retaining power for himself, not about governing the country for the good of all.

I'm a bit in two minds, I wanted to see him slaughtered at the next election, but I also hope tonight will be the end of the worst PM in Australia's history. ( Perhaps apart from Billy!)

Edited by Old Croc
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If I was PM ........

two things matter the most : unemployment and border protection !!!

I would build factories, create forestry again , build roads , build hospitals , make work for the dole priority , create new industries , I would make unemployed get jobs ...... even if they were not skilled they can learn

I would make huge farms for producing crops.


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If I was PM ........

two things matter the most : unemployment and border protection !!!

I would build factories, create forestry again , build roads , build hospitals , make work for the dole priority , create new industries , I would make unemployed get jobs ...... even if they were not skilled they can learn

I would make huge farms for producing crops.


And motherhood, don't forget motherhood.

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Rod Tiffen, an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Sydney, told Reuters.

"It's pretty amazing to think that we will have had two prime ministers overthrown in their first terms, which hasn't happened since World War Two. This shows the degree of instability within parties that we now have."sad.png

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Abbot is actually a nice guy and not lacking in intelligence (Rhodes scholar) . But that does NOT a leader make! Clearly!!

The Millennial generation never stops amazing me. For so many, if it's not on Facebook they don't know about it!

Abbot is an ex Jesuit priest----- so his life was dedicated to believing there was a man sitting on a cloud in the sky deciding what should happen & controlling events in the world. When he dies ---if he is good----he will go and join him.

This is the man that you feel is not lacking intelligence...........................coffee1.gif

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Julie Bishop was Tunbull's deputy when he was the leader in opposition. She then jumped ship and became Abbotts deputy when he deposed Turnbull. She has now jumped ship again and joined Turnbull. She was also the one that shut down the Australian Network TV being televised into Asia for free. Turnbull watch you back.

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geezzzz ...... what a bunch of moronic misfits !!

2 weeks ago Abbott is telling the press he's sick & tired of the UN whinging all the time. Then he rolls over once a bit of pressure is applied. I didn't mind their border protection policy as it stopped the boats coming, but then he turned and allowed 12,000

I hope they kick him out hard .............. not that Turnbull seems any better !!

What a circus AUSTRALIAN politics has turned out to be .......... all clowns !!!

It sure is. What's even more unbelievable, is that one of the chief clowns responsible for turning this country upside down is actually been hired to run the campaign for a complete scoundrel in Canada.

This pretty much says it all.

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Call me crazy , call me stupid !! today I checked out the APP website ( Australian Protectionist Party ) and I agree and like all their policies....

They seem to represent what the average working Australian would want ....... so why are they not getting noticed and why are they not more involved in politics ?

Anybody know ? is it a lot of bla .. bla .. bla .... whingers running it ??

just curious !!!!

Nobody represents what the average worker wants anywhere anymore period. Life today reminds me of a good series I am watching called The Strain. We are all being zombieanized picked off by "The Master" to do their bidding in a somewhat similar way. On a more serious note I feel that people are truly frightened today really afraid feeling isolated and do not know what to do. They do not know whether they should fight or run away and as such they are vulnerable. Fear is the biggest destabilizer on the planet. Politicians always play to the fear factor in all of us. Its the one way we let them control us. I must say I found some of the answers on this thread interesting. We are finally waking up. To bad they could not be woven together in a cohesive plan.

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Call me crazy , call me stupid !! today I checked out the APP website ( Australian Protectionist Party ) and I agree and like all their policies....

They seem to represent what the average working Australian would want ....... so why are they not getting noticed and why are they not more involved in politics ?

Anybody know ? is it a lot of bla .. bla .. bla .... whingers running it ??

just curious !!!!!!!

They are neither Labour nor Liberal. Just like in the states, people vote blindly for a party not a platform. In fact most would probably not really know what a platform is.

APP is a far right party, the vast majority of Australians do not support far right political ideology. Policies include no population growth by way of migrant intake. Policies that would quickly destroy the Oz economy, such as increasing foreign import tariffs & repeal of free trade agreements. APP support other far right parties such as Reclaim Australia whose rallies attract hundreds, not thousands.

Various APP candidates have run in different elections and received less than 1% of votes, they were de-registered by the Australian Electoral Commission June 2015.

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