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Urinating Brits visit Pattaya Police station following viral Facebook video

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Some times these people can be so two faced, the other post are right. Thai throw their mini pee pee organ out and urinate any and every where. My wife and I were walking done Sukhumvit three days ago and a Thai man was watering a tree right in front of Times Square at 2 PM. You can not drive or walk down Tha Kham Road or Rama II without seeing Motorcycle and Taxi drivers peeing.

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This woman could follow a few motorbike taxi drivers around who do this sober! (or are they?)

Two wrongs dont make a right, totally unacceptable, they are the guests.

So based on your response, is that if you are a local, you can piss anywhere?

Based on my response, if want to crap on my living room floor, I will, but if anybody else tries it, god help them.


Gee, I guess they are pissed off? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Damn, get it together, dogs shit in the Rai? People whom work the farms do the same, so it there like a problem with this? Seems to me it has been going on for years.

I live in Las Vegas, and yes Thais come to my house and when they see the dogs, they do not want the harvest. Does a bear shit in the woods? Get over it. My wife is trying to become PC/ I just give her a hint, you can go back anytime! Just a thought? How pure one can become.... Already told the wife if you do not like it, I know how to buy a one-way-ticket....

Great things about dogs? They have unconditional LOVE. wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif


"They later told Police Colonel Sukthat at Pattaya Police Station that they were not aware that urinating in a public place would cause so much offense."

What must Thais think about the UK after reading the Thai language version of this story... ? Makes me wonder about the place myself.


I have only seen a farang do this once. It was in a soi in Chiang Mai during the afternoon. He peed outside one bar and in full view of another bar across the soi. I knew the bloke and chipped him quietly about it. His response was to throw a glass of beer in my face. And you got it right - same nationality. Maybe they have week bladders.


Surprise surprise from the North of England.

As usual giving us decent Brits a bad name in Pattaya,

Usually on a daily basis, Drunk, Drugs , Fighting, Property scamming.

I will stop there as my breakfast is getting cold.


Even the Chinese are not bad like that, guess they are more quality as those two guys.

I will hold on to this topic next time people from countries that consider them-self quality start to complain about other countries. Just to show them that every nation has his idiots and all the chest beating and huffing and puffing about nationalism is stupid because there will always be idiots in your own country too.


If they did that in China...it would of been as common as coughing or sneezing.

But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.


Just the publicity Manchester United would want! - I think not.

Mind you, that's a nice touch, the Thai wristband to go with the flowers. Patronising jerks.


The problem seems to be the thinking that says it's OK to urinate in the street in the UK (or have sex or anything else it seems) so it must be OK here, what's wrong with that picture!

Actually you do not see it much in the UK, relative to Thailand and a few other European countries. But I believe there is some ancient British law that permits urination on the back fender of a taxi-cab. Perhaps that just applies to the horse.

Rather shameful behaviour and they appear to have learned some lesson from their drunken antics.

Yes, I've also heard of the law dating back to the times of horse drawn carriages. I believe that it actually permits urinating against the rear near-side wheel and has never been withdrawn from the books.


They should be thrown out of Thailand and have their passports stamped "never" to be allowed back

The "Jocks" behaviour doesn't surprise me, you only have to look at him to see what kind of creature he is.......and he would be better keeping that excuse of a "penis" out of sight......that proves what a small brained "<deleted>" he is....

It is little wonder that people think we Brits are ALL problem makers with baffoons like this breathing Gods air

Clear off you "Low Lifes" you are not wanted here (or anywhere for that matter)

I think you are overreacting a little bit. After all this is pattaya. If a similar thing happened in Las Vegas you would suggest a similar punishment?

shame on ya, ye dobber heid cnuts!!! deport thaim both to where they belang to, westministerland and scumland

So, Glaswegian, from the state of your writing I'll assume you couldn't read the story properly.

One was a Jock, the other a Northerner defined as a Jock whose ancestor could climb walls.


If they did that in China...it would of been as common as coughing or sneezing.

But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.

`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif


This woman could follow a few motorbike taxi drivers around who do this sober! (or are they?)

Two wrongs dont make a right, totally unacceptable, they are the guests.

Two wrongs certainly don't make a right. Neither does selective law enforcement.

These pissed up prats deserve their fine and moment of contrition.

Regularly we see taxi drivers stop and piss at the side of the road in full view. When was the last time one was arrested or fined?


Simple really he should not have done it in the open and broad daylight (irrelevant of the country)

Also its sad that someone felt the need to film it.

Its not just the British that have this type of fools they come from all countries, especially after a few drinks.

Dress sense leaves a lot to be desired especially when you know you are going to the police station (public office) the Thai flag wrist band was a nice touch.

Make an apology get a verbal wrist slapping and thank you for the flowers.

Afterwards off to the bar for a session until the next time.


If they did that in China...it would of been as common as coughing or sneezing.

But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.

`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif

I have yet to read of Chinese pulling stunts like this in Pattaya, so it is confirmed that these 2 guys are worse as Chinese tourists.

Always fun to read about how Chinese, Indians, Arabs are so bad and then we have two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners, outdoing them all in a show of bad manners.

I am no expert, I just believe that every country has his idiots and many Thaivisa posters are far to nationalistic and blind for the faults of their own.


Quality tourists for sure. Funny how alcohol turns them from nice guys in the day time to idiots after dark. Circumstances changes people like Thais really nice people on average till they get behind the wheel of a car. Formula 1 here we come. Most young people come here for an alcohol fueled holiday away from family and friends. When your a tourist destination this type of behavior which I do not condone is to be expected. It goes with the territory with todays youth. Getting blotto at night can sometimes put you in a dangerous situation as well(the island incident last year comes to mind) and while inebriated you can drop your guard or do rash things. Been there done that. If you want "sober" tourists just allow only church groups to enter the country but then all the bars would go belly up and the bar girls would get bibles instead of imbibing bodies looking for fun and excitement you just cannot have it both ways.


"They later told Police Colonel Sukthat at Pattaya Police Station that they were not aware that urinating in a public place would cause so much offense."

What must Thais think about the UK after reading the Thai language version of this story... ? Makes me wonder about the place myself.

That beggars another dimension to hospitality, i.e farangs in Thailand.

The girl who posted the video, sparked the story, is youngish, bilingual and well traveled. She socializes across SES classes and nationalities and appears well educated. I mentioned this because she seems to have the lassitude needed to excuse the event if it were just 'reasonable' as you would hope anyone would anywhere.

Whether it was her shop or not, she was pissed off, [no pun intended] at the event less than a metre from the shop's perimetre. The viral aspect of the social media storm is the readiness of anti farang element that lives close to the surface.

My point in that summation, is that many farangs do not care that they have no empathy, hold no value for Thai culture. Thais are offended by that. It is their country. Hosts to ungrateful guests by and large. It is a domestic problem that generates everything from unsavory anger to outright criminal responses.

And whilst i do not want to inflame those boys' indiscretion, [they reacted better than most would the next day!!] it illuminates why farangs are not liked in Thailand. The symbiotic aspect of that mindset that can rationalize such behavior, pontificate on so many trans-cultural issues and yet offer poor practicable standards in return is hard to digest.


They should be thrown out of Thailand and have their passports stamped "never" to be

allowed back

The "Jocks" behaviour doesn't surprise me, you only have to look at him to see what kind of creature he is.......and he would be better keeping that excuse of a "penis" out of sight......that proves what a small brained "<deleted>" he is....

It is little wonder that people think we Brits are ALL problem makers with baffoons like this breathing Gods air

Clear off you "Low Lifes" you are not wanted here (or anywhere for that matter)

I think you are overreacting a little bit. After all this is pattaya. If a similar thing happened in Las Vegas you would suggest a similar punishment?

I would recommend it anywhere somebody thinks it ok to behave in this manner.......especially in broad daylight

As for the flowers.....the policeman should have stuck them up the Jocks backside.......


Surprise surprise from the North of England.

As usual giving us decent Brits a bad name in Pattaya,

Usually on a daily basis, Drunk, Drugs , Fighting, Property scamming.

I will stop there as my breakfast is getting cold.

Yeah right. One was from Scotland the other Northern England. Makes a change from all the tattooed Essex boy chav types, wannabee gangster druggies; or the older ex SAS, foreign legion or whatever Walter Mitty's; or the creepy looking pervy types you hear talking loudly on the plane about the whores - all 3 sexes, they've had in Pattaya.

Yes, Pattaya really knows how to attract the quality tourists and expats - from Europe, US, Aussie and Kiwi land.

Just two more examples - presumably pissing in the street in full public view is something they do back home too.

Enjoy your cooked breakfast. Mind where you tread if you go for a walk afterwards!


Quality tourism I must say....and they didn't know it's not acceptable to urinate on the street in public in broad daylight...is that common behavior in Scotland and Northern England I wonder?


If they did that in China...it would of been as common as coughing or sneezing.

But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.

`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif

I have yet to read of Chinese pulling stunts like this in Pattaya, so it is confirmed that these 2 guys are worse as Chinese tourists.

Always fun to read about how Chinese, Indians, Arabs are so bad and then we have two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners, outdoing them all in a show of bad manners.

I am no expert, I just believe that every country has his idiots and many Thaivisa posters are far to nationalistic and blind for the faults of their own.

Weren't there some threads about Chinese / Asian tourists pissing, crapping in the street and even in temples? And washing their feet and privates in public toilet wash basins?

India - where a significant percentage of the population crap in the street and the government are resorting to paying people to use a public toilet as part of the education not to do it.

Every country does have its idiots and lowlifes for sure. But, Chinese and Indian "accepted" behavior is very different to what most Westerners would find acceptable.

Blowing snot out into the ash trays or wast bins in public - even right next to someone else is a Chinese habit that springs to mind.


We all get taken by surprise but I am disgusted by these guys -I am British and live in Thailand with my Thai wife .

I guess the guys go to Pattaya for sex and booze but even in the UK this would be against the law!


In Nathon Town, all the taxi meter, song tiew, mini-bus drivers urinate on the rocks. There are public bathrooms on the pier! They are just too lazy. I think we need Policemen or Policewomen that will enforce the law--surely there must be a Thai law against peeing in public. Call it vandalism or littering or whatever... It is ugly, unsanitary, a health hazard for everyone else--I just imagine all the little children climbing and playing in and around these rocks, placing all their little fingers where some lazy taxi driver once urinated. Let's put a 10,000 THB fine to all who liter, urinate, make illegal left turns (without looking right first), fail to wear motorcycle helmets, not buying car insurance, not paying road tax... Shall I go on? Put a very steep economic penalty for vehicular homicide, and all these things that to them seem petty, but in the big picture, this is what's holding the country back from progress, and competing on a level stage with the rest of the world.


If they did that in China...it would of been as common as coughing or sneezing.

But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.

`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif

I have yet to read of Chinese pulling stunts like this in Pattaya, so it is confirmed that these 2 guys are worse as Chinese tourists.

Always fun to read about how Chinese, Indians, Arabs are so bad and then we have two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners, outdoing them all in a show of bad manners.

I am no expert, I just believe that every country has his idiots and many Thaivisa posters are far to nationalistic and blind for the faults of their own.

`Seems` like you have a bit of an axe to grind.

`I have yet to read ...` I think the Thais of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai would have a story or many for you regarding Chinese tourists but surely you`ve read about many incidents already, right?

What they did is disgusting and really there`s no excuse for it.

However, as some have said, throw alcohol into the mix and any nationality, even the Dutch play up from time to time.

You keep reading that Indians and Arabs are bad. Really? I haven`t had the pleasure so can`t comment on that one.

`two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners`

What county might that be? Newcastle, Manchester, Surrey perhaps.

One of the guys was Scottish, right? When has Scotland be renowned for good manners? Funny one that.

`every country has his idiots`

Yes every country does have its idiots, that I agree with.

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