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Disabled German man left stranded in Thailand after being robbed by ladyboy


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Sorry dude but, that's what you get for knocking around with gutter trash ladyboys on the beat and second, how could you be so foolish not to plan accordingly should you fall into this predicament?

I'm sorry but you should always keep your cash and valuables secure and a backup card elsewhere.

Sorry, but the only gutter trash here are the puny little weasels blaming the victim. Sickening. This is what you bring to Thailand? Your small-town parochial judgements and self-righteous chest thumping?

"Ya's fancy-pants, alla yas" - from Miller's Crossing

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Those that throw stones!!!! LOL. I can't wait until some of these posters get in an accident, have a disability, marry a ladyboy, and then get robbed and we all laugh at them!!!!

I am sure this guy was 100% sober, it was at noon, and ...........you get the idea.

I wonder why there are so many people reading on ladyboys???? LOL

we need a new visa stamp

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Oh cmon.

It is well known that the insurance home gives like 30% of his money back. Thats why all exagerate when they are being robbed etc. If someone crash your window on your car you always say you have this and this etc. Just normal behaviour

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Story sounds a little fishy. 14,000 euro whats that like $20,000 USD? Who in their right mind would carry that much cash on them even if able bodied ,young and a martial artist. Secondly having the credit /debit cards stolen doesn't strand him in Thailand. The ladyboy can't used without pass code and if he calls bank and cancells them the cards are useless. He could have replacements sent over in a few days.

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Who would have 14,000 euros in his room, that was accessible? When I am in hotekls, if the valuables are not in the safe, they are locked up in my luggage, where they are out of sight. Why was this guy so careless?

Because he's a d***head would be a fair guess?? 140000 Euros in cash in his room? I don't believe it.

Check well, you have added your own zero. 14000 and not 140000.

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'... ladyboy Mr Supakrit was in custody where she explained ...' He/she, her/him, it. Either the ladyboy or the media needs to make up its mind.

Let me 'splain it to you - a "ladyboy" retains the legal identity of a male for ID and driver's license purposes, so if the police use official records to Identify him or her it will be by "Mr." whatever. They are unable to officially marry because of this. There is a big issue in the US over this, the gender indicated on official records, military and such. We have made progress. So when the law discloses the identity as officially male, the press repeats it. Ignorant (not meant as an insult) people will be confused by the notion of transgender people, but outside of official lack of recognition, they identify as female, and it is proper to call them "she". Inside they "are" female, regardless of all else including physical attributes. In this case "she" is a lowlife scumbag piece of $hit, but still a she albeit with extra equipment

I beg to differ... Nature is definitive... Animals don't have the luxury of chosing their gender. Monkeys with dicks retain them indefinitely and testosterone is the aggressive spark in a Ladyboy. Original identity from birth insures Mikey doesn't scam Jimmy with his brand new pussy and hormone treatments. There are many men who have more Y than X and feel more feminine than masculine. Nevertheless, he is still a man. You can go sit in a barn with dairy cows and moo with them, eat like them... Hell even smell like them but your ugly ass will still be you because science (hold my breath) hasn't made it possible to change your species.

As a kid I felt like I was superman. Met the ground from two stories up. As I was falling I discovered feelings are just feelings but that hard ass ground... confirmation.

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He is old , disabled , if its SCI then he is drugged to the eyeballs in nerve pain medication, could be a bit senile as well and its pretty obvious he isn't thinking straight if he really did have 14,000 euro just laying around

56 is not old mate.

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I dont believe that 14k Euro story at all. Either he is trying an insurance scam or the article got it wrong , could be 14000 baht. I don't even carry that much with me in my wallet. 2-3000 in cash and an ATM card is all you need.

Edited by balo
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I dont believe that 14k Euro story at all. Either he is trying an insurance scam or the article got it wrong , could be 14000 baht. I don't even carry that much with me in my wallet. 2-3000 in cash and an ATM card is all you need.

cash is never insured!

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Whatever float ones boat.. But I can't for the life of me understand how he had all that cash in his room, and why in the world would he take someone back to his room? Just seems like asking for trouble, isn't that why there are 1 hour hotels all around?

Although I never bring anyone home I always make sure I don't have loads of cash in my room, and try to hide my laptop as well as I can. I have worked in hospitality before, and to trust some room service cleaners is not always that smart. While most are honest working people there will always be someone who sees an opportunity.

They all have steps! (Please don't ask).

But this case is mostly about trusting the honesty of a LB prostitute, surely a degree more risky than the cleaners. It is also possible he kept his valuables on him.So they guy flew in on a one-way ticket?

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Yes, he did a lot of foolish things, including not having a purchased return flight home and probably no travel insurance. On the other hand, this is a disabled gentleman who was assaulted by a ladyboy. I would hope that the CM police are quite harsh with the ladyboy taking advantage of a disabled man. However, they'll probably just take their share of the loot and turn this ladyboy back onto the street to assault another helpless victim.

Let's hope not.

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Well, it certainly was stupid to leave that much cash open in a hotel room. Maybe the German gets it back and learns his lesson.

Would be nice if posters here would stop bashing all ladyboys.

Most of them are not prostitutes, and only a small minority of them are aggressive or criminal.

Some Farangs prefer ladyboys to women, guess it's not ours to judge.

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I dont believe that 14k Euro story at all. Either he is trying an insurance scam or the article got it wrong , could be 14000 baht. I don't even carry that much with me in my wallet. 2-3000 in cash and an ATM card is all you need.

Man... You must be skinny with an ugly Thai girlfriend.

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I have always carried 1-2000 dollars in baht in my pockets without any problems in Thailand and throughout Asia.

Here's my secret: 1) I obey the hotel rules, usually posted in the room or in that nice leather folder on the desk, (usually in bold print for the visually impaired) warning you against leaving any VALUABLES in the room and the lack of responsibility on their part. 2) I don't bring prostitutes, future Mrs. Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere's nor girls with dicks to my room.

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All his money in cash in a guest house room unsecured! Sorry for your disability, but where is your common sense?

Disability. An inability to learn life's lessons. Or even have a plan of any kind?!!!!!

It does make you wonder.

Sitting in a wheelchair doesn't mean you're mentally retarded.

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News reports are most often incomplete. Maybe the valuables were in the room safe and the ladyboy ran off with the safe. They are easy to open. Or maybe he thought the safe was not so safe as it was not attached to anything - I've seen that often and they are pretty portable.

I accept maybe that he had the money in full view and invited this ladyboy in just to take it which is equally incredible. Whatever these people are scum stealing from step be whose life is already disadvantaged so badly. It does sum up a lack of compassion which many Thai people seem to possess.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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