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Foreigner arrested at Suvarnabhumi with cocaine worth 20 million Baht

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These busts are staged as photo-ops for the police to make people think they are competent. How come we never get to hear when these drug carriers go to court or get sentenced. There are two today, the other one a Thai guy with 2.3 million yaba pills. Guess its a slow news day for the bombing investigation.

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Why risk a flight, much better chance going over the border by land.

Overland from Dubai to Bangkok - is that even possible? They got in on an inbound flight from Dubai...


Expect to see a sudden rise in RTP officers sniffing their noses, rubbing their gums and babbling nonsense (although the last bit is nothing out of the ordinary).


He obviously liked living on the edge if he/they were prepared to route through Dubai with a suitcase full of the stuff........................wink.png

It is known that Dubai and a few other airports do not ex ray the baggage, a well know fact by smugglers worldwide.


If this guy had given it any thought he would realize that a Bolivian is likely to be looked at.

He should have said no and handed the drugs to A European or American tourist type.

Of course like most poor peasants he was so desperate he decided he had nothing to lose.


There must be a lot of people out there using cocaine and without them this guys cargo is worthless.

So really it is a reflection on the sad state of humanity that there is a market for drugs.

So is the dealer the criminal or the user? If the user isnt then why is the supplier?

Laws that cause suffering because basically there are a lot of stupid humans around.

WIthout the laws this product would be worth a few hundred dollars.

It is a bit of a conundrum. We make all these laws and accept them without question and make criminals.


if he was in transit,

why would his checked bag be xray'd

or a completely inexperienced dealer routing this way

( this guy is just a mule and if he was lucky was being paid $10,000)


There must be a lot of people out there using cocaine and without them this guys cargo is worthless.

So really it is a reflection on the sad state of humanity that there is a market for drugs.

So is the dealer the criminal or the user? If the user isnt then why is the supplier?

Laws that cause suffering because basically there are a lot of stupid humans around.

WIthout the laws this product would be worth a few hundred dollars.

It is a bit of a conundrum. We make all these laws and accept them without question and make criminals.

Until Bing Crosby is resurrected there will always be a market for cocaine to make the godawful pap that passes for music these days listenable to.


If we take his (the Bolivian's) story at face value, then he is simply a drug mule. Indeed, it is most unlikely that he is a kingpin; he surely wouldn't

be attempting to carry this quantity of coke personally and risk being put behind bars for life. A kingpin would surely be too smart for that.

Although one cannot condone narcotics smuggling, I cannot help feeling sorry for the "mule", if he was tempted by a sum of money which is

meaningful in his life. We cannot know his personal circumstances; we do not know his level of sophistication. We have not "walked in his shoes".

If he is a simple person, how would he have made contact with a distribution organization in Thailand or Cambodia that could handle this quantity

of drugs? I don't think it is simply a matter of Googling it. There are even language differences to consider.

And it's a dollar to a dime that someone in the know snitched to Thai customs!


Definitely a mule that had probably nothing to lose or a lot too lose.

you never know what happend that he had to do soemthing this stupid. Thai law is very abusive if it comes to drugs


Cocaine makes the user feel they are better than they really are, hence BKK is a transit point. There is no market in Thailand as they have their own equivalent - Thainess!


Some more high quality tourist and investment ops.

Colombia reaches out for Thai investments


Bring on that white line fever. cheesy.gif

He is a drug smuggler not a tourist

Not a smuggler....just a courier (or "mule" in the common parlance of our time)....the "smuggler" label implies it was all his operation. I doubt the boss is gonna be carrying as well as scheming.......especially if he's got kg's lying about. People who go about slinging the "drug smuggler" label willy nilly are just following the popular media led lame game of sensationalism. He a courier of illegal plant extracts. Probably poor and desperate. Interestingly, in terms of dependence/addictive potential, tobacco comes closer to cocaine than all the other "illicit" drugs except for heroin. In any case there's loads more where that came from. Fighting a drug war to stamp out drug markets is like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out. Ludicrous. There's always gonna be a demand because of human wiring..the neural chemistry. Humans have receptors that get activated by certain chemicals..... programmed to like it too. Nothing can be done to change it. You could ban sex too, but would people stop doing it?

So with a steady demand, all that remains is the supply....and if you mess with the supply, the demand doesn't decrease, the price simply increases, as does the incentive to supply the demand ...and on and on and on and on....

Would be more effective to just let people have at it. Just get a film crew and document the downfall of a few unfortunates who really over did things, put together a series of prime time TV info dramas. Sure you're always gonna crack a few eggs, but the best way to learn something is dangerous, is to see it happen. It's not as if the way things are now is an anyway optimal for a healthy society now....problem is too many leeches making mint from fighting this pseudo "war".


I just read on the internet that it is so addictive, if you train a mouse to get a tiny bit each time it presses a lever, eventually it will simply stand there pressing the lever until it dies from overdose. It wont stop for a drink or food or anything.

You just read that but it's an old study that has been discredited (and that quite a while ago). The rats were alone in cages, that's why they hit on the coke non-stop. When put in a fun environment aka Rat Park (that's what you can look up since I doubt you'll take my word) the addictive hitting on the coke stopped.

Check it out.

The interesting take away from this is that it's isolation that causes addictive behaviour and follow-up studies with inmates on drug charges and their post-release situation has confirmed this.


If we take his (the Bolivian's) story at face value, then he is simply a drug mule. Indeed, it is most unlikely that he is a kingpin; he surely wouldn't

be attempting to carry this quantity of coke personally and risk being put behind bars for life. A kingpin would surely be too smart for that.

Although one cannot condone narcotics smuggling, I cannot help feeling sorry for the "mule", if he was tempted by a sum of money which is

meaningful in his life. We cannot know his personal circumstances; we do not know his level of sophistication. We have not "walked in his shoes".

If he is a simple person, how would he have made contact with a distribution organization in Thailand or Cambodia that could handle this quantity

of drugs? I don't think it is simply a matter of Googling it. There are even language differences to consider.

And it's a dollar to a dime that someone in the know snitched to Thai customs!

refreshing to see a measured intelligent answer:) thumbsup.gif rather than all the smug one-liners...


Really risking life imprisonment for $590.000, that is really sad.

He may be forced to do this otherwise he is stupid ass <deleted>.

He was going to get paid a small fraction of that, probably a few thou. So even sadder.


Excuse me as I am no expert in this, but aren't you supposed to move drugs from a poor country to a rich one? What good are they in a country that the average person only makes a couple of dollars a day? It seems to me it is like trying to get them to deep in the jungle at the Golden Triangle.

In Saudi Arabia they also have the Death Penalty for trying to smuggle in drugs. I had a Saudi Friend who used to work for Customs their. He told me they would catch quite a few each month. He told me most of the Mules came from poor countries like Pakistan. When I asked him why people would do such a crazy thing like this he told me that some did this for as little as $100. Made me wonder how some people from other countries can value their life for so little.


Excuse me as I am no expert in this, but aren't you supposed to move drugs from a poor country to a rich one? What good are they in a country that the average person only makes a couple of dollars a day? It seems to me it is like trying to get them to deep in the jungle at the Golden Triangle.

In Saudi Arabia they also have the Death Penalty for trying to smuggle in drugs. I had a Saudi Friend who used to work for Customs their. He told me they would catch quite a few each month. He told me most of the Mules came from poor countries like Pakistan. When I asked him why people would do such a crazy thing like this he told me that some did this for as little as $100. Made me wonder how some people from other countries can value their life for so little.

I think you will find that the final destination would have been Australia or somewhere else, as mentioned by a previous poster.

Some people from "other countries" don't have the choices in life that most of us do. Plus $100 to some is like $100,000 to others.

So you were correct in saying you are no expert in this...


There must be a lot of people out there using cocaine and without them this guys cargo is worthless.

So really it is a reflection on the sad state of humanity that there is a market for drugs.

So is the dealer the criminal or the user? If the user isnt then why is the supplier?

Laws that cause suffering because basically there are a lot of stupid humans around.

WIthout the laws this product would be worth a few hundred dollars.

It is a bit of a conundrum. We make all these laws and accept them without question and make criminals.

Until Bing Crosby is resurrected there will always be a market for cocaine to make the godawful pap that passes for music these days listenable to.

Dreaming of a white Xmas.......

Scumbag give him the death penalty same as i would do any drug smuggler.

Would you sentence someone to death who'd smuggled Cigarettes or Alcohol ?

Is that what YOU would do, is it Ray? Wow...watch out everyone...Ray's gonna be doling out some justice!



He obviously liked living on the edge if he/they were prepared to route through Dubai with a suitcase full of the stuff........................wink.png

Keep in mind that he was just in Transit

What was he doing driving a Tranny van through Swampy. cheesy.gif


I would far rather be sitting next to this lad with his 5 k's on a plane, than next to Kamronwit with his loaded and unregistered gun. Doubt the punishment will reflect that.

Well, I am not so sure I would agree with that for this reason.

I used to fly out of India where I was working to visit my Girl Friend in Poland. On my first trip their I was surprised that the sniffer dog had my suitcase detected and pulled out for drugs. The first time I honestly wondered if I had something in their or perhaps a pill bottle open up and the dog detected something. But after it was hand inspected by the Customs Official everything was in order and I was let go.

But on my next trip back in to Poland I was again surprised when this same sniffer dog pulled out my suitcase again, and again after that. It must have happen 5 or 6 times in a row. It was getting so bad that I got to know the Customs Official by his first name and "Brutus" the dog would smile at me when he saw me coming.

I finally asked the Customs Official why Brutus always sniffed my bag out, and although he did not know for sure he gave me a plausible explanation. He said it could be that my suitcase rubbed with another suitcase that did have drugs in it and the Brutus could still detect that. Amazing how a dogs nose can work that way. Makes me wonder why mine likes to lie down next to my feet.

But anyway I did get a new suitcase next trip and sure enough I was allowed to pass with no problems. Although Brutus still smiled at me and wagged his tail every time I walked by him. So now I wonder what would have happened to me if I was sitting next to a guy who was handling drugs and some of that go on me instead of my suitcase.

The way I got it figured, that is unless you like to be strip searched at every airport you land in, and get the Old "Stoonga" up the "Petunia" in a body cavity search, in think I would rather be sitting next to a man with a gun then one with drugs.

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