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PM slams remarks by an ambassador

Lite Beer

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Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

You know as much about Americans as you do about Mr Kent which is nothing. Do you want me to guess what little country you come from that educates its few citizens in such a shoddy manner as you?

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Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

See post # 180 rolleyes.gif

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Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

Obviously, you don't know very many Americans, do you?

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Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

Obviously, you don't know very many Americans, do you?

Or British Ambassadors who speak fluent Thai. Allanos wrote, "Mark Kent is a career diplomat, there is actually every chance that he doesn't understand very much about Thailand - if anything at all."

Edited by lostoday
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Unless H.E. Mark Kent is a career diplomat, there is actually every chance that he doesn't understand very much about Thailand - if anything at all.

Ambassadorships are very often political appointments, and, in this respect, America is no different to the majority of countries around the world.

An ambassadorship can be, and most likely is, a reward by a serving head of state (Obama?) to someone who has helped such head, politically.

These ambassadors are not obliged to know very much about the countries they are appointed to.

Well, he has specialist staff to advise him. Plus, to have clambered thus far up the greasy pole, he will have a pretty good understanding of people and their behaviour. Democracy and it's working too I should think.

Thais rather like to pretend they're surpassingly subtle and shrewd, but there are only a few buttons to press, most of them related to self-interest in one way of another. Or face too of course, though that's in the same forlorn (and pretty primitive) basket of motivators.

A supplementary explanation prompted by a couple of people sniffing around my profile - on the look-out for a pretext perhaps. The expression 'primitive motivators' does not imply primitive people and is not pejorative in any way. I can tell you that we all have primitive (meaning evolutionarily old) motivators and nationality is unimportant.

For the avoidance of doubt. And misunderstanding.

Edited by AnnieT
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Unless H.E. Mark Kent is a career diplomat, there is actually every chance that he doesn't understand very much about Thailand - if anything at all.

Ambassadorships are very often political appointments, and, in this respect, America is no different to the majority of countries around the world.

An ambassadorship can be, and most likely is, a reward by a serving head of state (Obama?) to someone who has helped such head, politically.

These ambassadors are not obliged to know very much about the countries they are appointed to.

Mark Kent graduated in Law from the University of Oxford. He gained a Master’s degree in European Law and Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, and has a postgraduate qualification in Business Administration from the Open University. He has studied Thai at Chiang Mai University, Khon Kaen University and Chulalongkorn University.

Now Miss or Mr allanos you may say how foolish you feel. wai2.gif

Khon Kaen must be proud of him. But as for upsetting the Thai PM. Maybe he could write a letter of apology? Smoothing the U.K and Thailand relations. Just a thought.

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I have changed my mind after researching about the fore mentioned ambassador. He seems a good man that has done alot of work for charities and is advocate for human rights. I think now that his comments were not as offensive as first thought abd that maybe the Thai PM is a little under the weather lately. Most encouraging of all is the ambassadors backing of human rights activist Andy Hall. He must be proud to have you as a friend. Well done and never mind Big P, he'll cheer up soon, we all hope.

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... Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

Honestly I think the Supreme Leader should stay home from UN in NYC - he will def feel most unwelcome there, just like if Jung-Un suddenly showed up unexpected ...

If Kim went, it'd be Jung-Un and Wrong-Un.

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Outsiders understand 100% what's going on in Thailand and that's why he's so upset.

He is always upset.

He is like a spoiled child that has no maturity to see the big picture and how Thailand fits in it....or not. His tantrums are like the spoiled kid expecting his allowance as an entitlement whilst rebelling about having to comply with family rules. Let western powers halt foreign aid or even apply sanctions and watch him whimper as elites "transfer' him to oblivion.

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Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

Done it, left in May after a long on/off relationship since 1966, for what looks like the last time. TBH I fell out of love with Thailand years ago after all my favourite places were encased in concrete, heck I don't even like paved roads, dirt bikes n 4wd used to be much more fun. As me and her indoors broke up in April can't think of any reasons to go back, it's not even cheap anymore, Malaysia, Cambodia n Vietnam are cheaper, maybe even Burma, not tried there yet.

Sawasdee Thailand, it's been lots of fun.

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Sounds like Glyn Davies written all over it. If it was him he would have understood exactly what Prayut said in Thai especially since Glyn and his wife and kids did the intense Thai language training. They even introduced themselves to the Thai people on video showing off those new polished language skills.

When one comes from a background like Davies that has seen him meddling in Korean politics he must be forgiven for thinking that it is normal for America to have complete and utter control and manipulation over another country like they have over South Korea.

Maybe Davies should have spent more time studying Thai politics and history and less time studying the language.

It wasn't him, maybe you should have spent more time studying the thread instead of running off at the mouth, as usual.

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"Outsiders do not understand"

yup we 'outsiders', we lowly 'farang' and 'aliens' do not understand about precious Thailand that xenophobic of countries

truth is... most Thais don't 'get it' either... but DAMN you Ambassadors!!! go home !!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes we do understand. The problem is we don't agree with you simple as that. A big difference. if this man is to become a real PM then he needs to grow thick skin, a backbone and stop offering to have a 'straightener' with anyone who disagrees with him. Very childish IMO.

I often here from Thai that outsiders don't understand Thailand. Many of us have been here long enough to fully understand. It is we just don't agree with you. Please deal with it. I deal with the fact that your views are often different to mine.

I agree.

I'll make a bold - or not so bold - statement that most Thais do NOT understand the world at large; outside it's tiny borders/mindset/experience/education.

Not bold at all, just the truth, most Thais have no knowledge of, or interest in the rest of the world.

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Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

I love Thailand and most of the people. I avoid Canadian winter by coming here every year for 6 months. However, I cannot respect corruption.

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Sounds like Glyn Davies written all over it. If it was him he would have understood exactly what Prayut said in Thai especially since Glyn and his wife and kids did the intense Thai language training. They even introduced themselves to the Thai people on video showing off those new polished language skills.

When one comes from a background like Davies that has seen him meddling in Korean politics he must be forgiven for thinking that it is normal for America to have complete and utter control and manipulation over another country like they have over South Korea.

Maybe Davies should have spent more time studying Thai politics and history and less time studying the language.

It wasn't him, maybe you should have spent more time studying the thread instead of running off at the mouth, as usual.

Tries to shoehorn some tired Anglo-European hypocritical attack on US policy ( pot, meet kettle) based on the flimsiest relation to this case. Fails.

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I guess we should expect the police to show up for another visit to make sure we "Outsiders" aren't up to any mischief.

Like the last time, the wife and dogs will show up at the front gate to assure them that the farang in under control. And my bitch will let them know how unwelcome they are inside the fence. What a good dog. Big heart, bigger teeth, dislikes "outsiders" regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality. And beautiful too. Perfect dog.

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Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

Absolutely, hit the nail right on the head. No external or outside interference should be tolerated "if any advice or expertise is needed they'll ask".

This will be a long process, I hope they don't make to many mistakes and always try to do right thing.

I appreciate and support the way they try to work things out and lay a strong foundation for a better, stronger and happier Thailand.

Way to go, I'm lucky to be here and I'm not the only one who feels like this.

So what you are saying is "only Thai's know what is the right thing to do about everthing" Much as I love Thailand, if you stay here for any length of time you may find you are more than slightly ambitious in your perceptions. No country is always right about everything and all countries should be willing and able to reach out for foreign advice and accept foreign criticism when it is offered, especially at government level. Thais are not a totally unique species of human beings, their problems are the same as everyone elses. No country with a democratically elected government (no matter how imperfect) has been improved by a military takeover and it must be expected that the Ambasador of any 1/2 civilised country will make known his countries desquite about the political situation here. It is simply juvenile to react to an Ambassadors comments in this way. It reminds me of the rantings of dictators of times past and we all know what happens under dictatorships. It is not universal happiness.
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I agree that foreigner do not understand Thailand completely, e.g. some of the finer details of how they are dividing the goods among the government officials and exact amount of tea money when and to whom, can be confusing for many foreigners, and we will probably never really understand this finely tuned system.

That aside, I do believe, like others, that the PM is referring to H.E. Mark Kent's blog. In his blog post about democracy he talks of "the components of civil society – including a free press, charities, NGOs, religious organisations and international bodies such as the UN – all have a key role to play in a democracy." I think that is a sound advise that many of the world's nations would agree upon, but apparently it is not an advise that Thailand can use, because here we are much more special than any other country?

In Europe different opinions and disagreement is respected, but not here. In Europe it is not uncommon to ask for outside help in e.g. international police cases, environmental issues, trafficking, copyright issues, fraud etc. etc., but not here. I believe the blog post is meant as a friendly advise, that if you do not allow disagreement, the road to democracy will be a very long one - perhaps never.

Saying that H.E. doesn't understand Thailand is a bit of a stretch, he is after all the official representative of his government and therefore has access to much more information and intelligence reports than any ordinary person will ever have.

Such childish remarks from a PM doesn't really go well with the international community if you want to be respected by others - and really want that coveted UN Security Council seat.

Childish remarks! What childish remarks? He told the truth and about time too. Foreigners stay out of Thai affairs. Is that childish to say that? Pls explain...
Then what the deleted is he doing going to the UN? Please explain.
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Considering he receives briefings from the political section of the embassy prepared by Thais and has access to chat the the most powerful in the country, I would think he understands Thailand perfectly well.

Sometimes a spade is just, well, a spade....

Of course, he could have given a discourse on what is going on in Thailand at the moment, but he would probably need a bit of re-education and be up for lese majeste.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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When will the burning of Union Jack flags start???

Talk about getting your knickers in a twist and drawing attention to your own problems.


Yes, talking about getting things wrong, the British Flag is called the Union Flag, NOT the Union Jack. The Union Flag is flown in HM Ships and is called Union Jack. wai2.gif

Well that only means that "they" will just have to be patient and wait for a couple of HM ships to show up before "they" can get their hands on a jack or two to burn. Might be a bit damp though. Maybe "they" could wipe out a red duster whilst waiting.
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Will he ever stop his mishandling, xenophobic ranting and raving on everything

under his watch .. a half assed drive for 'quality tourists', airport taxes, urine testing old women, visa clampdowns and his backing of the corrupt Koh Tao case .. he's really damaged Thailands image in the west /set tourism back 10 years imo

not that he cares what we think

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