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Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

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It's about time the world woke up to this nasty sandpit LINK

Thse of us who have worked there know what a place it is. Unfortunately on TV you can only say nice things about them. I spent a number of years there and in my opinion it would make a nice nuclear testing ground

I believe, sir, the politically correct term we use here nowadays is "to glass it". giggle.gif For those not in the know, what does sand do when exposed to extremely high temperatures.thumbsup.gif

Due to a thermo-nuclear process, I agree. There again the ones of a Neutron bias wouldnt do that.

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Crucifixion is usually reserved for the worst of crimes.

I accidentally encountered one in the south of the country many years ago. A Sudanese had killed 7 co-workers by hitting them on the head with a hammer as they slept one pay night to steal their money. His body with the head still partially attached was left in Chop square for the rest of the day attached to a cross in the shape of the letter X.

Another crucifixion from that area I remember but didn't see was a Saudi who had broken into a home, raped a mother then killed her and her baby.


Thats Muslims for you, and please lets not hear that they are not all Muslims, the country is a un- civilized Muslim run country, And the only reason countries put up with their shit is because they have oil, And people in other countries moan about silly little things, go live there then

Countries creep to these people as they make billions of dollars from the supply of military equipment


just find an alternate source of energy and let them do what they want with their market-less oil.

free energy exists. just freaking do it!

Change to gas. Saudi doesnt have any worth considering


just find an alternate source of energy and let them do what they want with their market-less oil.

free energy exists. just freaking do it!

brilliant idea! thumbsup.gif

i'll start to look for that free energy tomorrow after breakfast. could you give me a small hint in which direction i should freaking look?

Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

Incorrect dramatic headline and thread title.

Reading the report he is to be beheaded, then his headless body crucified.

So no, he isn't facing death by crucifixion unless he his body lives on without his head. rolleyes.gif



Someone's facing death for a crime they did not commit, and some of us are attempting to play with symantics. I am pretty sure that wasnt one of the reasons for inventing language or indeed one of the reasons why we use language.


Someone's facing death for a crime they did not commit, and some of us are attempting to play with symantics. I am pretty sure that wasnt one of the reasons for inventing language or indeed one of the reasons why we use language.

How do you know he didnt commit it? Because he said he didnt?


Someone's facing death for a crime they did not commit, and some of us are attempting to play with symantics. I am pretty sure that wasnt one of the reasons for inventing language or indeed one of the reasons why we use language.

How do you know he didnt commit it? Because he said he didnt?

Read the original source:
He was accused by the government of carrying a firearm, attacking security forces and even armed robbery. None of those charges could be proven but he confessed nonetheless. He didn’t have a lawyer and some say the confession was drawn from the teenager via torture.
Other reasons:
1) punishment does not fit the crime.
2) I cannot accept that he did what he is accused (and convicted of doing) due the circumstances of the case.

Someone's facing death for a crime they did not commit, and some of us are attempting to play with symantics. I am pretty sure that wasnt one of the reasons for inventing language or indeed one of the reasons why we use language.

How do you know he didnt commit it? Because he said he didnt?

Read the original source:
He was accused by the government of carrying a firearm, attacking security forces and even armed robbery. None of those charges could be proven but he confessed nonetheless. He didn’t have a lawyer and some say the confession was drawn from the teenager via torture.
Other reasons:
1) punishment does not fit the crime.
2) I cannot accept that he did what he is accused (and convicted of doing) due the circumstances of the case.

It doesnt really matter if you accept it or not. Saudi is not Europe. Like it or not he will be executed. If you had been to Saudi you would realise how tings work there.


Advanced?? I've spent a recent six years there. The infrastructure is terrible, driving there is like "Mad Max--Fury Road" and people behave horribly in public (although they are gracious if they know you.) Overall, it's a theocratic fascist nightmare. We don't need their oil anymore, either, so the poster who said we should disengage from this country is spot on. Only 6% the US oil supply comes from the Tragic Kingdom, and we could easily wind it down to 0% in short order.


Saudi is not Europe

Saudi is a country, Europe is a continent.

It doesn't really matter if you accept it or not.

It matters to ME and millions of others around the world. You are clearly deluded and/or have a misconception about the purpose of this forum. That is to air your views and opinions.

If you had been to Saudi....

I have no intention of going somewhere where they behead and crucify people or deport people for taking pictures of a car parked on a disabled parking bay then post them on social media.

By the way, the prime minister of Thailand recently blamed the economic problems of Thailand on

the international economy

Read in to it what you may....

Hint: The Oil won't last forever.


Why aren't the refugees heading there,

come on all you tree huggers, what do

you say to that.

Fed up of the scorching summers?


@Meltingpot2015 Yes you can and others can express theirs. Opinions are not exclusive to you. As for Saudi they operate too their rules and if you dont like them or cant handle them then dont go there. I suspect most of the people here have never been to Saudi and it is noticeble by the comments. Because people have different ideas doesnt make them bad just different but if you cant stand an alternative view point then dont post


They have even banned Corned Beef

That was a new one to me.

Over a year ago, it was banned due to Mad Cow Disease or something similar in Argentina and Brazil. blink.png


The Saudis are the good one and our friends, right?

Assad, the socialist which equality for men and women and freedom of religion, separation of state and religion is the evil one, right? So we support the radical Muslims to get rid of his sick culture.

I am a bit confused now....or could it be that all is about money only and the politicians lie to us?

Prisoner Ali Mohammed al-Nimr facing death by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia

Incorrect dramatic headline and thread title.

Reading the report he is to be beheaded, then his headless body crucified.

So no, he isn't facing death by crucifixion unless he his body lives on without his head. rolleyes.gif


not pedantic but a justified logical comment to shame sensational and misleading journàrselism.


Advanced?? I've spent a recent six years there. The infrastructure is terrible, driving there is like "Mad Max--Fury Road" and people behave horribly in public (although they are gracious if they know you.) Overall, it's a theocratic fascist nightmare. We don't need their oil anymore, either, so the poster who said we should disengage from this country is spot on. Only 6% the US oil supply comes from the Tragic Kingdom, and we could easily wind it down to 0% in short order.

and with this wet dream the rest of the world will keep on living happily ever after whistling.gif


They have even banned Corned Beef

That was a new one to me.

Over a year ago, it was banned due to Mad Cow Disease or something similar in Argentina and Brazil. blink.png

That was to do with vCJD from bovine products which included some lipstick. It could also be said that lipstick was banned.


I hope they dont get any ideas here concerning methods of punishment - they already use torture to get confessions (B2) so I guess its not that different from these disgusting Middle East Countries ...


Thats Muslims for you, and please lets not hear that they are not all Muslims, the country is a un- civilized Muslim run country, And the only reason countries put up with their shit is because they have oil, And people in other countries moan about silly little things, go live there then

The country is an Un-civilzed country because it exicutes people by beheading them.

Why can't they learn from the self proclaimed most civilized country in the world, and keep them in death row for many years prior to either:

1. Strapping them in a chair and apply a massive voltage to their head and limbs, allowing an electrical current to run through their bodies until it kills them.


2. Strap them in a chair and only allow them to breath a mixture of noxious gases until it kills them.


3. Strap them to a bed and inject them with a concoction of chemicals that will run through their bodies until it kills them.


4. Tie a rope around their neck, remove what they stand on, and let them "hang by their necks until they are dead".

I believe that any country that takes the life of any of it's citizens, by any of what it deems a civilised meens, is in fact deluded and uncivilized.

Yes and all the above sentences are for killing someone, as that is the penalty for a death, who did this guy kill, cos i missed that bit


Gandalf, I like your question, but the answer may lie somewhere in........

Why are cinemas banned,

Why are women banned from driving,

Why are mixed sex beaches banned,

Why is alcohol banned ( yet they all go to Bahrain at the weekends!! )

Why is the Bible banned,

Why is gambling banned,

Why are fireworks banned

Why are single men banned from shopping malls after 4p.m.

They have even banned Corned Beef !!!

Shall I go on...whistling.gif

Sounds like Rick Santorum's concept of a perfect world (except for the Bible ban).

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