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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim


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How stupid are the American people? Trump will start WWIII and destroy the world. No, I am not American

Don't worry…he will never be elected…..his support is limited to white folks who have begun to feel like strangers in their own country…thats why he speaks so strongly about illegal immigration….i ant be surprised if he's a democrat mole put in there to split the vote.

Looks like it will be Hillary for prez.

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Obama is the son of a muslim, therefore under Sharia law he is and will always be muslim.

And I was baptized Catholic, but I neither practice nor believe in any of its hocus pocus, even after 12 years of indoctrination. But in your world, I'm still Catholic, according to Catholic law. President Obama is a practicing Christian, and therefore cannot believe in Sharia law, which follows that he is not a Muslim.

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Obama is the son of a muslim, therefore under Sharia law he is and will always be muslim.

And I was baptized Catholic, but I neither practice nor believe in any of its hocus pocus, even after 12 years of indoctrination. But in your world, I'm still Catholic, according to Catholic law. President Obama is a practicing Christian, and therefore cannot believe in Sharia law, which follows that he is not a Muslim.

Which makes me wonder, if Americans saw him pray in a mosque would they have voted for him?

The point is America has never voted for a President who was not a Christian. For that matter I doubt a Jew could ever be voted in as President. So even if Obama was a closet Muslim he could hardly admit it could he?

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Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.

But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.

And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not

By Debbie Schlussel

I am not sure if he is a Muslim, but I have lttle doubt that he is not a sincere Christian. Besides the things listed above, his stepfather was also a Muslim and young Barack studied in Muslim schools. If nothing else, he is certaily partial towards Islam, but his far left ideology is what concerns me most..I realize that he has not always governed in a far left manor, but, IMO, that is only because he can't get away with it.

Can't help but wonder what is your idea of a sincere Christian. Is it a Kim Davis, or a Mike Huckabee? Is it a Jimmy Swaggert, or a Pat Robertson? Or, is it you? Pray tell.

So, in your narrow world view, a liberal cannot be a sincere Christian, right? Such utter right wing nonsense.

YOU have no way of knowing if President Obama is sincere or not in his Christian faith.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.

But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.

And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not

By Debbie Schlussel

I am not sure if he is a Muslim, but I have lttle doubt that he is not a sincere Christian. Besides the things listed above, his stepfather was also a Muslim and young Barack studied in Muslim schools. If nothing else, he is certaily partial towards Islam, but his far left ideology is what concerns me most..I realize that he has not always governed in a far left manor, but, IMO, that is only because he can't get away with it.

Can't help but wonder what is your idea of a sincere Christian. Is it a Kim Davis, or a Mike Huckabee? Is it a Jimmy Swaggert, or a Pat Robertson? Or, is it you? Pray tell.

So, in your narrow world view, a liberal cannot be a sincere Christian, right? Such utter right wing nonsense.

YOU have no way of knowing if President Obama is sincere or not in his Christian faith.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

That is BS. Every President elect has made a play of their religiousness, it is part and parcel of running for president. One would imagine a sincere Christian would not need to highlight the practising of his faith to get elected!

I would also suggest that by it's nature a president cannot be a Christian and a president at the same time. they are not compatible.

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Always amazes me how the right wing in the USA are frightened by the thought that someone is Muslim. I have many friends who are Muslim (one is actually called Jesus) and many friends who are Jewish, Buddhist, Christians and Atheists. Racial hatred is nothing new and is alive and well all over the world. It is almost always due to ignorance and bad or biased media bullsh*t.

If you look you can always find reasons to attach atrocities to one religion or another. Catholic priests anyone?

Obama may be a Muslim though I seriously doubt it. It is the fastest growing religion in the world whereas the Christian religion is shrinking fast.

Fear not, Trump has no chance of being the "leader of the free world". A term that has past it's sell by date in recent years

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" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

This would appear to corroborate the comment Trump didn't correct. If nothing else, pay attention at the 1:00 minute mark and hear it for yourself.

Why not listen to entire interviews and speeches rather than listening to these snippets taken out of context? Oh yeah, because then we would see what he was actually saying and it wouldn't pander to your Obama hating agenda.

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How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

I can explain it for you. Hussein was the prophet Muhammad's grandson. It is a name that was not in use pre-Islam, it is indeed a Quranic name. In certain religions you automatically follow a parent's religion. In Judaism you follow your mother's religion; I'm Jewish because my mum was Jewish and she was Jewish because her mum was etc. Islam follows the father's line. A child follows his father's religion automatically and irrevocably. He is always seen by other Muslims as a Muslim. The weird thing is that Obama's father converted from Catholicism to Islam so whether Obama likes or not, he's a Muslim in the eyes of Islam. Another strange thing is that prior to Obama becoming President there is no mention anywhere at all of him being a Christian. I guess like most non-practicing Muslims (or Jews) he never gave it a thought, before it became a topic of controversy anyway! The people of America are very fickle, Obama has a Quranic name so therefore he is a Muslim terrorist (I guess the fact that after 9-11 the only flight allowed to take off was Bin Laden's family from Saudi)? Yet these same blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

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The man at the Trump rally verbalized what million of Americans believe in their hearts...that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer and punishes Christians...

Many believe he became President under false pretense...having a personal agenda to change America forever to promote and benefit his personal causes...

Edited by ggt
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He clearly lost the 2nd debate. It is just a matter of time until his star fades. People are figuring one this two position pony. He is an empty suit who is shaking things up.

You think Bush is a heavyweight? Did you watch the whole 3 hour debate? I did. I like the general better than anyone there and I don't like him at all. But all better than Hillary or Biden god forbid.

Edited by lostoday
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How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

I can explain it for you. Hussein was the prophet Muhammad's grandson. It is a name that was not in use pre-Islam, it is indeed a Quranic name. In certain religions you automatically follow a parent's religion. In Judaism you follow your mother's religion; I'm Jewish because my mum was Jewish and she was Jewish because her mum was etc. Islam follows the father's line. A child follows his father's religion automatically and irrevocably. He is always seen by other Muslims as a Muslim. The weird thing is that Obama's father converted from Catholicism to Islam so whether Obama likes or not, he's a Muslim in the eyes of Islam. Another strange thing is that prior to Obama becoming President there is no mention anywhere at all of him being a Christian. I guess like most non-practicing Muslims (or Jews) he never gave it a thought, before it became a topic of controversy anyway! The people of America are very fickle, Obama has a Quranic name so therefore he is a Muslim terrorist (I guess the fact that after 9-11 the only flight allowed to take off was Bin Laden's family from Saudi)? Yet these same blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

Yep, Barack Obama is the spittin' image of his mother and there's just no black blood in him whatsoever laugh.pngcheesy.gif

And Idi Amin was "the first black President" besides. cheesy.gif Blinkered as he wuz. facepalm.gif

I've said before that the black community in the US publicly considered Bill Clinton at the time to be the first black president, which then would make Barack Obama the first non-white president. smile.png

Reality is that while I was living in the South in a 90% Muslim province one of my Muslim friends told me there was an American guy in a neighboring province who had just become a Muslim. I told my friend it's called 'conversion' in English and that a Christian is free to do that. It was 2006 so Hussein hadn't been elected prez yet.

I anyway asked my Muslim friend if a Muslim can convert to another religion. He said it was equivalent to telling your (man-woman only marriage) parents you were gay (back in the bad old dayze anyway).

Got to know a lot of Muslims in the South over several years and at least half of 'em did not observe Ramadan and a whole bunch of 'em never went to mosque except when someone got married or someone else died. A lot of Scotch gets downed down there during Ramadan. In the US about 40% of students at a private boarding school where I taught were Muslims from the ME who were rich, pretty devout, fluent in several languages, pretty ordinary teens. As devout as they were, however, very few of 'em observed Ramadan while at the academy because it was impractical to their studies and to each highly scheduled and demanding day, 24/7. They agonized over not honoring Ramadan in the normal ways, but they also recognized it was just impractical to observe it for an entire month of the high energy total academy experience.

So it could seem, and it probably is so, that most Muslims are like most Christians, i.e., both groups have their holy books but both groups go about their daily lives doing what's necessary to get ahead in life.

Barack Obama showed during the funeral in Charleston SC for the six people murdered in their church that he is a natural at practicing black community Americana Christianity. Trump himself has yet to take any kind of lead in anything specifically religious, which probably means he's avoiding the trap of direct participation in anything publicly religious in its nature.

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How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

I can explain it for you. Hussein was the prophet Muhammad's grandson. It is a name that was not in use pre-Islam, it is indeed a Quranic name. In certain religions you automatically follow a parent's religion. In Judaism you follow your mother's religion; I'm Jewish because my mum was Jewish and she was Jewish because her mum was etc. Islam follows the father's line. A child follows his father's religion automatically and irrevocably. He is always seen by other Muslims as a Muslim. The weird thing is that Obama's father converted from Catholicism to Islam so whether Obama likes or not, he's a Muslim in the eyes of Islam. Another strange thing is that prior to Obama becoming President there is no mention anywhere at all of him being a Christian. I guess like most non-practicing Muslims (or Jews) he never gave it a thought, before it became a topic of controversy anyway! The people of America are very fickle, Obama has a Quranic name so therefore he is a Muslim terrorist (I guess the fact that after 9-11 the only flight allowed to take off was Bin Laden's family from Saudi)? Yet these same blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

Yep, Barack Obama is the spittin' image of his mother and there's just no black blood in him whatsoever laugh.pngcheesy.gif

And Idi Amin was "the first black President" besides. cheesy.gif Blinkered as he wuz. facepalm.gif

I've said before that the black community in the US publicly considered Bill Clinton at the time to be the first black president, which then would make Barack Obama the first non-white president. smile.png

Reality is that while I was living in the South in a 90% Muslim province one of my Muslim friends told me there was an American guy in a neighboring province who had just become a Muslim. I told my friend it's called 'conversion' in English and that a Christian is free to do that. It was 2006 so Hussein hadn't been elected prez yet.

I anyway asked my Muslim friend if a Muslim can convert to another religion. He said it was equivalent to telling your (man-woman only marriage) parents you were gay (back in the bad old dayze anyway).

Got to know a lot of Muslims in the South over several years and at least half of 'em did not observe Ramadan and a whole bunch of 'em never went to mosque except when someone got married or someone else died. A lot of Scotch gets downed down there during Ramadan. In the US about 40% of students at a private boarding school where I taught were Muslims from the ME who were rich, pretty devout, fluent in several languages, pretty ordinary teens. As devout as they were, however, very few of 'em observed Ramadan while at the academy because it was impractical to their studies and to each highly scheduled and demanding day, 24/7. They agonized over not honoring Ramadan in the normal ways, but they also recognized it was just impractical to observe it for an entire month of the high energy total academy experience.

So it could seem, and it probably is so, that most Muslims are like most Christians, i.e., both groups have their holy books but both groups go about their daily lives doing what's necessary to get ahead in life.

Barack Obama showed during the funeral in Charleston SC for the six people murdered in their church that he is a natural at practicing black community Americana Christianity. Trump himself has yet to take any kind of lead in anything specifically religious, which probably means he's avoiding the trap of direct participation in anything publicly religious in its nature.

Yeah, that's really good, I particularly like the use of emoticons to highlight your attempts at humour! I didn't say Obama had no black blood, he is mixed race and has as much white blood as he does black. So he's mixed race, not black. The fact that he's mixed race doesn't stop people believing he's black though, does it. I never said Idi Amin was the 1st black president, I said Idi Amin was a president before Obama (and he was very black as is Rober Mugabe etc)

I don't know if you mis-read my comment because you seem to just confirm most of what I was saying about converting religions etc.

I did a contract in Bangladesh for 12 months, Bangladesh is very much an Islamic country and all Muslims participate in Ramadan. However, most men love a drink and there many private clubs where they go indulge in drinking and smoking - another taboo for Muslims. These clubs are usually linked to Army units or universities. My experience of Islam up close and working together with many Muslims is that it's a religion of hypocrisy. Bangladeshi people re generally very gentle, nice people though. To be honest, I couldn't give a rat's what religion Obama is, in my opinion religion is the biggest, longest running scam in history! I was simple explaining to the previous poster why people might assume Obama was a Muslim just because his name is Hussein!


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Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.

But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.

And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not

By Debbie Schlussel

I am not sure if he is a Muslim, but I have lttle doubt that he is not a sincere Christian. Besides the things listed above, his stepfather was also a Muslim and young Barack studied in Muslim schools. If nothing else, he is certaily partial towards Islam, but his far left ideology is what concerns me most..I realize that he has not always governed in a far left manor, but, IMO, that is only because he can't get away with it.

Can't help but wonder what is your idea of a sincere Christian. Is it a Kim Davis, or a Mike Huckabee? Is it a Jimmy Swaggert, or a Pat Robertson? Or, is it you? Pray tell.

So, in your narrow world view, a liberal cannot be a sincere Christian, right? Such utter right wing nonsense.

YOU have no way of knowing if President Obama is sincere or not in his Christian faith.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

That is BS. Every President elect has made a play of their religiousness, it is part and parcel of running for president. One would imagine a sincere Christian would not need to highlight the practising of his faith to get elected!

I would also suggest that by it's nature a president cannot be a Christian and a president at the same time. they are not compatible.

Then try to explain your last line to former President Jimmy Carter.

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please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

I can explain it for you. Hussein was the prophet Muhammad's grandson. It is a name that was not in use pre-Islam, it is indeed a Quranic name. In certain religions you automatically follow a parent's religion. In Judaism you follow your mother's religion; I'm Jewish because my mum was Jewish and she was Jewish because her mum was etc. Islam follows the father's line. A child follows his father's religion automatically and irrevocably. He is always seen by other Muslims as a Muslim. The weird thing is that Obama's father converted from Catholicism to Islam so whether Obama likes or not, he's a Muslim in the eyes of Islam. Another strange thing is that prior to Obama becoming President there is no mention anywhere at all of him being a Christian. I guess like most non-practicing Muslims (or Jews) he never gave it a thought, before it became a topic of controversy anyway! The people of America are very fickle, Obama has a Quranic name so therefore he is a Muslim terrorist (I guess the fact that after 9-11 the only flight allowed to take off was Bin Laden's family from Saudi)? Yet these same blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

blinkered people hoot on about him being the first black President when he clearly isn't, he's mixed race - his mother is white, yet everybody forgets that bit and he is the 1st black President. (He isn't, Idi Amin was a president before Obama).

Yep, Barack Obama is the spittin' image of his mother and there's just no black blood in him whatsoever laugh.pngcheesy.gif

And Idi Amin was "the first black President" besides. cheesy.gif Blinkered as he wuz. facepalm.gif

I've said before that the black community in the US publicly considered Bill Clinton at the time to be the first black president, which then would make Barack Obama the first non-white president. smile.png

Reality is that while I was living in the South in a 90% Muslim province one of my Muslim friends told me there was an American guy in a neighboring province who had just become a Muslim. I told my friend it's called 'conversion' in English and that a Christian is free to do that. It was 2006 so Hussein hadn't been elected prez yet.

I anyway asked my Muslim friend if a Muslim can convert to another religion. He said it was equivalent to telling your (man-woman only marriage) parents you were gay (back in the bad old dayze anyway).

Got to know a lot of Muslims in the South over several years and at least half of 'em did not observe Ramadan and a whole bunch of 'em never went to mosque except when someone got married or someone else died. A lot of Scotch gets downed down there during Ramadan. In the US about 40% of students at a private boarding school where I taught were Muslims from the ME who were rich, pretty devout, fluent in several languages, pretty ordinary teens. As devout as they were, however, very few of 'em observed Ramadan while at the academy because it was impractical to their studies and to each highly scheduled and demanding day, 24/7. They agonized over not honoring Ramadan in the normal ways, but they also recognized it was just impractical to observe it for an entire month of the high energy total academy experience.

So it could seem, and it probably is so, that most Muslims are like most Christians, i.e., both groups have their holy books but both groups go about their daily lives doing what's necessary to get ahead in life.

Barack Obama showed during the funeral in Charleston SC for the six people murdered in their church that he is a natural at practicing black community Americana Christianity. Trump himself has yet to take any kind of lead in anything specifically religious, which probably means he's avoiding the trap of direct participation in anything publicly religious in its nature.

Yeah, that's really good, I particularly like the use of emoticons to highlight your attempts at humour! I didn't say Obama had no black blood, he is mixed race and has as much white blood as he does black. So he's mixed race, not black. The fact that he's mixed race doesn't stop people believing he's black though, does it. I never said Idi Amin was the 1st black president, I said Idi Amin was a president before Obama (and he was very black as is Rober Mugabe etc)

I don't know if you mis-read my comment because you seem to just confirm most of what I was saying about converting religions etc.

I did a contract in Bangladesh for 12 months, Bangladesh is very much an Islamic country and all Muslims participate in Ramadan. However, most men love a drink and there many private clubs where they go indulge in drinking and smoking - another taboo for Muslims. These clubs are usually linked to Army units or universities. My experience of Islam up close and working together with many Muslims is that it's a religion of hypocrisy. Bangladeshi people re generally very gentle, nice people though. To be honest, I couldn't give a rat's what religion Obama is, in my opinion religion is the biggest, longest running scam in history! I was simple explaining to the previous poster why people might assume Obama was a Muslim just because his name is Hussein!


Y'know on the US Census Form sent by the Bureau of the Census of the Department of Commerce it asks each citizen to self-identify. There is a list of self-identities, from "white" to Pacific Islander or Hmong, to Black or African American to everything imaginable except Martian Hillbilly.

A glance at the actual Form shows the many categories of race, ethnicity, ancestry, historical origins and much more.


The far out Alpha Centauri Right has given the world every possible reason to investigate the personal background and history of Barack Hussein Obama and everyone in his life, yet the crackpots have come up with nothing specific or concrete. When the official government and other documents disprove the bogus and absurd accusations of the lunar right they say the documents are false, which is their only defense. It is also a bogus and assinine [sic] defense.

Reasonably objective independent researchers have documented the life of Barack Obama from birth to the present.


Donald Trump is arguably the highest profile moonstruck birther.

Edited by Publicus
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Donald Trump's squint.

Been trying to work out what it is that he reminds me of. Now I have it. It's Derek Zoolander. Trump's facial contortions look pretty much like that. Add the comments that he makes and there you have it. He's Derek Zoolander with a New York accent. Yep, Donald Zoolander, that's him.

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Donald Trump's squint.

Been trying to work out what it is that he reminds me of. Now I have it. It's Derek Zoolander. Trump's facial contortions look pretty much like that. Add the comments that he makes and there you have it. He's Derek Zoolander with a New York accent. Yep, Donald Zoolander, that's him.

Good one!



Bernie in Back to the Future


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How stupid are the American people? Trump will start WWIII and destroy the world. No, I am not American

Don't worry…he will never be elected…..his support is limited to white folks who have begun to feel like strangers in their own country…thats why he speaks so strongly about illegal immigration….i ant be surprised if he's a democrat mole put in there to split the vote.

Looks like it will be Hillary for prez.

According to polls - Trump has 25% of African Americans on his side and 31% of the Hispanic voters too.

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Donald Trump's squint.

Been trying to work out what it is that he reminds me of. Now I have it. It's Derek Zoolander. Trump's facial contortions look pretty much like that. Add the comments that he makes and there you have it. He's Derek Zoolander with a New York accent. Yep, Donald Zoolander, that's him.

Good one!



Bernie in Back to the Future


Doc Sanders! Trying to go back to the future of the Roosevelt years!

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How stupid are the American people? Trump will start WWIII and destroy the world. No, I am not American

Don't worry…he will never be elected…..his support is limited to white folks who have begun to feel like strangers in their own country…thats why he speaks so strongly about illegal immigration….i ant be surprised if he's a democrat mole put in there to split the vote.

Looks like it will be Hillary for prez.

According to polls - Trump has 25% of African Americans on his side and 31% of the Hispanic voters too.

Well, they can't ALL be clever can they?

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How stupid are the American people? Trump will start WWIII and destroy the world. No, I am not American

Don't worry…he will never be elected…..his support is limited to white folks who have begun to feel like strangers in their own country…thats why he speaks so strongly about illegal immigration….i ant be surprised if he's a democrat mole put in there to split the vote.

Looks like it will be Hillary for prez.

According to polls - Trump has 25% of African Americans on his side and 31% of the Hispanic voters too.

Polls don't translate into votes always.

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I would really, really like to see a poll/polls, who/what was responsible for them and how they were worded that says Trump has 25% of African Americans and 31% of the Hispanic voters too. Have a link or a names? I envision 0% of Americans with more than one working brain cell would vote for the leader of the clown bus.

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