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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim


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" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

Greetings. Please count me among those proudly impugned by this suggestion, and that of the OP. An OP that bears this title clearly opens the topic to its validity- Obama and islam.

Gaslighting the narrative that Obama is not a muslim, that saying so is a "falsehood" or is "incorrect" is no more than ad hominem libel. The truth is no man can know the heart of another and presuming so is arrogant and base. Saying Obama is "not a muslim" is equally retarded. A man's faith is his own and only public property when it acts upon the public polity/space. However, a man can be judged, and inferences made, by his actions. Every single islam related initiative Obama has effected in his years in office has enabled islam in a way that is antithetical to the West, and virtually legitimatized radical islam, both sunni and shia. This does not make Obama muslim, however.

It is noteworthy that Obama has claimed to be muslim, attended mulsim school, recited koranic passages in arabic, and was registered otherwise as muslim. But it is none of anyone's business. It may be a choice to weigh this beside his attendance in Rev Wright's Anti American pews but it is just a choice. It is no more valid to conclude Obama is not muslim then to declare he is. The real crime is implying those who think he might be muslim by virtue of his actions are haters. After all, we are all the total of our deeds (and thoughts). What are his deeds?

In this case, why one's faith may be of issue, is suggested by Carson's suicidal but fair comment that one who follows sharia should not be president. So, this is the issue- the oath, the allegiance, not the islamic faith itself. The fact is, sharia is not negotiable, nor is it a choice like Vatican II or Latin, virgin birth or joseph. Sharia demands our deeds act in the public space; the faith falters without the underlying sharia. Sharia fundamentally acts upon the public space and in this regard one can make inferences, or muse reverse engineer motivations. It does not mean the conclusion is correct but it is equally ridiculous to impugn those who see Obama's consistent islamic preference as suspect. In this regard, the notion that Obama is muslim continues and even has grown in the US because his actions have served to primarily further islam globally.

" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim " So what? Should a man have a litmus test of his faith? If so, why not islam? Why would other faiths be okay? Have the conversation, but don't pretend there is no difference; there is!

"Every single islam related initiative Obama has effected in his years in office has enabled islam in a way that is antithetical to the West, and virtually legitimatized radical islam, both sunni and shia...the notion that Obama is muslim continues and even has grown in the US because his actions have served to primarily further islam globally."

The statement quoted from the dubious post needs serious documentation that is extensive, thorough, credible. If the escape hatch of the statement might be that it is merely an opinion, then it would be an opinion that is extreme, radical, outlandish, boorish, tired pulp fiction.

Got to know a lot of Muslims in the Thailand South over several years and at least half of 'em did not observe Ramadan and a whole bunch of 'em never went to mosque except when someone got married or someone else died. A lot of Scotch gets downed down there during Ramadan.

In the US about 40% of students at a private boarding school where I taught were Muslims from the ME who were rich, pretty devout, fluent in several languages, pretty ordinary teens. As devout as they were, however, very few of 'em observed Ramadan while at the academy because it was impractical to their studies and to each highly scheduled and demanding day, 24/7. They agonized over not honoring Ramadan in the normal ways, but they also recognized it was just impractical to observe it for an entire month of the high energy total academy experience.

So it could seem, and it probably is so, that most Muslims are like most Christians, i.e., both groups have their holy books but both groups go about their daily lives doing what's necessary to get ahead in life.

Barack Obama showed during the funeral in Charleston SC for the six people murdered in their church that he is a natural at practicing black community Americana Christianity. From age 10 Barack was raised by his Christian maternal grandmother, a Methodist in Honolulu, Hawaii. The fringe marginal right ignores the fact because it does not suit their contemptible narrative and agenda.

Edited by Publicus
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Ah, but that source, like all right wingnut sources, is full of lies and misinformation, unlike mine

The irony. cheesy.gif

I agree. Would be better if people quoted a source that could be objectively seen to be unbiased, fair and balanced. Fox News, RT, Pravda, Pyongyang Herald-Tribune and the now defunct KYTV.

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Ah, but that source, like all right wingnut sources, is full of lies and misinformation, unlike mine

The irony. cheesy.gif

I agree. Would be better if people quoted a source that could be objectively seen to be unbiased, fair and balanced.

And which source would that be? It sure isn't the New York Times.

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Ah, but that source, like all right wingnut sources, is full of lies and misinformation, unlike mine

The irony. cheesy.gif

I agree. Would be better if people quoted a source that could be objectively seen to be unbiased, fair and balanced.

And which source would that be? It sure isn't the New York Times.

Fox News, RT, Pravda, Pyongyang Herald-Tribune and the now defunct KYTV.

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Classic OTT rightwing political and ideological spam.

Is Spam progressivespeak for a compelling body of circumstantial evidence?

if you can be bothered dig though some of the allegations and they are either false or have been spun out of context

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His actions have never shown any favoritism towards muslims, nor has he claimed to be a muslim, in fact the opposite. That is in the mind of those that want to believe he is a "secret moooslim". Come on he has never embraced or helped radical islam. Yes he may have attended a muslim school, not much choice as a child. I didn't have any choice but to attend baptist sunday school, church either as a child. Too much bratbart etc. and faux (not the) news there and you are far more intelligent than that. As far as the 38 lies. Jesus h. christus, what a load of crap. 38 outright lies, provide anything near a credible source for that, no not bratbart or some other loony tune right wing lying bullcrap hate mongering racist link. USMC Vet the Reverent Wright is a Christian, has never condemned his own faith and has some strong words to say about the treatment of black people in the US. For sure, they would make many white folks uncomfortable, not me. Really nothing in those 38 lies are worth the time to reply, I repeat, LIES. Where is a source of real, true information. Classical right wing misdirection, yet again. Here is one your right wingers won't like and even if you read will refuse to believe because it describes you: http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/8-reasons-white-people-get-suckered-racial-demagogues-donald-trump?akid=13508.85778.iB2RbZ&rd=1&src=newsletter1042842&t=4

I did read through this and it is a good illustration of leftists' view towards the right:

1. White identity politics --> identity politics belong to the left, who see people as "groups" rather than "individuals", despite the fact that only individuals can think or act.

2. Right-wing producerism --> perfect illustration of leftist's take on the right as being evil bigots.

3. Herrenvolk politics --> again pulling the "racist bigot" card. Also note the author's inclusion of Israel with Nazi Germany.

4. Partly an accurate depiction of conservative mindset but again infected with the leftist "conservatives are bigots" take. Other research has found that leftists display shallow understanding of right-wing thought because - my observation - they consider themselves morally superior and the right to be evil.

5. "Racist bigots" - again.

6. "Conservatives vote for a strong father figure." Partially accurate but the corresponding phenomenon on the left is "leftists vote for a caring mother figure," and see government (ie: leftist politicians such as themselves) as knowing how to care for people better than they can do for themselves.

7. Performance art and spectator politics - fairly accurate and Trump is a master at this, like Obama.

8. "Paranoid style" - would agree that this is part of the conservative movement, which after all is based in preserving/conserving things as they are and protecting them from foreign and domestic enemies.

All in all a good illustration of leftist demonization and silencing of its opponents - ignorant, evil racist bigots. Ironic since leftists see people in terms of "groups", and see "groups" like "black/brown people" and "Muslims" as victims in need of their protection. Quite ironic since - in accordance with the law of unintended outcomes - doing so actually increases racial tension, and policies that intend to promote "fairness" in certain groups backfire as with the welfare state and Marxism/socialism the world over.

Here's another take on how leftist politics has harmed - not helped - minorities in the US: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/08/why_black_conservatives_unsettle_fox_vs_msnbc_political_correctness_and_our_polarized_racial_conversation/

Edited by squarethecircle
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A well written article by what many would call an "Oreo". He is intelligent and to some degree right, but everything put together, wrong. Contrary to popular right wing belief, those that lean left, at least by today's standards, are just as much individuals as those right wingers that claim the title. By today's standards, President Eisenhower, the last real conservative president, would be considered a left wing radical. I'm far, far to the left and believe me I'm very much an individualist as are most of my friends. But we recognize the need to take care of others, to show humanity, to not blow up the world. On the other hand, the Donald is a blatant racist biggot pandering to the blatant racist biggoted right wing wacko's. I thank you for a measured response. Unlike Publicas, I tend to be very blunt, like right wingers. As my friends used to say back in the days when someone asked about my long hair, "he's an 'ol redneck and uses the hair to start a fight with rednecks". When reason fails, force prevails and one cannot reason with a right wingnut wacko. Ahem, my view of the right wing wackos is a lot more harsh than the well reasoned article.

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Well always amusing to see leftists - the first people to shout "racist" and "bigot" - also popping out instantly with terms like "Oreo" or "Uncle Tom" when a successful, well-spoken, conservative black appears. And apparently Trump is surprisingly popular among both blacks and Latinos:


And according to a recent poll around 25% of black voters would cast their vote for him - and he's beating out Hillary:


All of this is calculated on his part: the failing to correct the "Obama is Muslim" part too ~ the lefty PC do-gooder crew may hopefully bite their dust on this one.

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Being an successful by acquiring riches means nothing to me, although the ability to acquire riches seems to influence the Donald crowd. Goes to show a bit about character and being a follower. I don't think 25% of black voters, except the 2 or 3 in the Republican party would ever vote for that racist bigot. He may beat Hillary amongst Republican voters, being even how ignorant the American voter is, never amongst the general population. He certainly won't beat Bernie Sanders, the only decent human being in the race. No lefty do-gooder here and certainly not PC correct. Yes, to me he is an Oreo. I never thought about Uncle Tom, but.... . I'd like to see how the questions were asked in the automated calls for the poll. The right wing idiots can continue to think Obama is a muslim, communist, nazi, socialist, etc. all they want. They are in the minority no matter what they think. Without gerrymandering, voter suppression and voting machine manipulation, they cannot and will not win.

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