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Where has the Spell Checker gone?


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This has been covered before and I've searched all threads BUT:-

Try as I may I can't get the red "riggle" line under miss-spelt words on this forum. Works fine on ALL other forums and open text boxes I use and was OK here up to a few weeks ago! "SPELLING CHECKER" is ticked.

I've done nothing to my ISP (FireFox with 2 simple addons)!

Thank you

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I fiddled over a couple of days on this, even cleared all FF add ons and reloaded some including spellchecker and dictionary, bloody pain sorting things out again....facepalm.gif and SC still did not work earlier today!

I am using Mac, but I think it was on one of the FF forums I read about the problem... it was affecting PC's too...sad.pngPerhaps some people don't have the latest version of FF 40... whatever it is! whistling.gif

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I have cranked up my NoteBook, it has the same version of FF as I'm using on my PC = 35.0.1 (yes I know it's out of date) The options are the same. This spell checker is working fine!

I have been through all the same motions as @samuijimmy and still no joy on the PC.

AS stated earlier the PC spell checking works fine on other forums and text boxes?

I'm about to upgrade FF on the PC to see what happens but not holding my breath.

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