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Property Fraud on Phuket

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This probably won't surprise many people on TV, but this item about a Brit (allegedly) defrauded out of his Phuket home by his wife and crooked lawyer was on BBC TV today.

Certainly doesn't surprise me!


There are many with more money than sense !

On one hand I can have some sympathy but on the other I have to acknowledge that some people willingly (and knowingly) enter into illegal property and other "scams" hoping to secure personal benefit/gain.


The funniest thing about the link is the headline below about a breakout of super gonorrhea in Leeds :-)

They're all links to videos, actually, as is my original link - you may need to be behind a proxy server to watch it in Thailand - I don't think I''m allowed to give details of those on here though.



These old farangs guys don't have clue about law or anything in Thailand and they trying to compare court system with back home haha

You get embarrassed to just watch this shit!


since the whole thai nominee company owning land think is an end run around the law, i'm not surprised the courts aren't too sympathetic. good video through, i do feel bad for them.

my wife owns everything i have here so no need to forge my signature if she wants to scam me. i'm pretty confident i'm ok however, and Buddha is keeping a close eye on her!


I'm a very lucky or maybe smart man. I own next to nothing in Thailand. My wife has 50 rai in her name right next to the major highway just outside of Sa Kaeow.


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought


How is it entering a "scam" when his signature was forged? How is it his fault when bank officers and police refuse to behave in ethical manners? These were houses that were stolen, not land he used a nominee to own illegally. Last I looked, foreigners can own buildings.

How is it anyone's fault they are preyed upon when information is censored to such a degree that text from a site that has been following this case for a long time cannot be reprinted

Heck, isn't a general attitude saying " TiT " when this sort of news item is discussed a dispersion upon Thai culture?


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

Could be happening on a large scale ?

How could we know, censorship is rampant. People go to jail for damaging reputations.


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

And yet I have had a divorce where all was fair no problems about the property right here in Thailand. Guess it all depends on what kind of girl you get. If your twice her age and she looks great and you look like a fat slob there is a big chance she is after your money.

For me the buying worked out cheaper and it can for others too. Sure you have to protect your assets (just like back home). But you can't always live in fear and have to take some risks.


Next time use your thumb print as signature sure cannot be forge .thumbsup.gif

This is how it is done in Cambodia.

Fingerprints on paperwork for any significant purchase. Even the sale of a motorbike.


The whole set of problems would have easily been avoided by staying legal. All these 'company to own property' and 'more than 49%' loopholes are illegal. Just play safe, rent a place and be happy. And never do a insurance contract in favour of someone you are not trusting 200%. But some people will learn it the hard way. sad.png


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

" Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose"

Why would anyone invest what they can't afford to lose anywhere in the world?


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

" Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose"

Why would anyone invest what they can't afford to lose anywhere in the world?

Is a gambling world Always be prepare to lose when you invested .


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

"When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " - I've never subscribed to this ideology. It's poor advice.

This advice lends itself to the belief that it's acceptable to "gamble" with your money in Thailand, because you can "afford" to walk away from the table, after losing. That's all it is in Thailand, a gamble, with the odds on winning, or breaking even, firmly against a foreigner in Thailand.

My ideology is, "Don't give them anything." This way, there is nothing a Thai can take from you, except for extortion by police, but if you stay away from drugs, and minimise your time on the road here, one should be fine.

Worse case scenario is you lose a months rent, maybe some household applicances, and possibly, a months worth of living expenses in a Thai Bank, and possibly a vehicle. Nothing that will threaten, or even remotely put at risk, your financial future, and therefore, your future lifestyle.

I sleep well at night knowing I have "nothing on the table" in Thailand that is a gamble. That is, a gamble with love / relationship, a gamble with changes of the Thai Law, a gamble with changes in the visa rules, a gamble with any fraudsters / criminals / corrupt in business, a gamble with property ownership, a gamble with the Thai economy, a gamble with Thailand's financial institutions (banks / SET)

The guy in the OP, in a way, is lucky - he's still alive. How many have been "suicided" in Thailand for their assets?

Any significant purchase/s in Thailand, by a foreigner, just paints the target for those seeking to relieve you of it.


Would it be possible to give the innocent victims of crime an ounce of respect? Would it be possible to keep the negative comments pointed into the direction of the scams and criminals that commit them?


Having watched the programme the message that I have taken is definitely Buyer Beware IN Thailand . You would assume that being married for 13 years and having 3 children it must be a happy marriage and trusting relationship . But behind his back all of his assets were being swindled away by his deceitful wife who in turn got ripped off by the money lenders/ buyers . Imprisoning her was an easy exercise for the police but when it came to retrieving the lost assets it is almost mission impossible . Are there any honest lawyers who can be trusted to act on your behalf for an agreed fee . It seems that lawyers here are not regulated and its a lucky dip to whether you get a good one or not . Also the Thai legal system has many steps compared to the western world and so legal actions can be long drawn out affairs .

I know of two other guys who lost everything in similar circumstances , very scarry . Could be happening on a large scale ?

When I first came to Thailand I was given the advice " Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose " and I have friends far wealthier than I who use that guidance e.g. rent a house rather than own , sterling bank accounts etc , food for thought

" Don't invest in Thailand what you cannot afford to lose"

Why would anyone invest what they can't afford to lose anywhere in the world?

I don't think this guy "invested" in property here.

I think he purchased a family home, with the old idea that "paying rent is dead money" which may be true in the west, but as a foreigner in Thailand, definately not.

In Thailand, it's the opposite - paying rent IS YOUR SECURITY here.


i just met a great girl and she will marry me if i buy her and her mom and brother each a house.

say what you want.....this time it's different

.....love is in the air.......


Would it be possible to give the innocent victims of crime an ounce of respect? Would it be possible to keep the negative comments pointed into the direction of the scams and criminals that commit them?

Where do you draw the line????

Should respect be given to those who lose money in a Nigerian email scam?

What about those getting involved in Ponzi schemes?

The story states, clearly, Thailand does not have the consumer protections that are in place in western countries. Something we all know.

For those new to Thailand, a quick Google reveals a lot of information. There are books in every Thai airport about guys who have lost the lot here.

I think you are confusing "respect" with "sympathy."


Would it be possible to give the innocent victims of crime an ounce of respect? Would it be possible to keep the negative comments pointed into the direction of the scams and criminals that commit them?

Where do you draw the line????

Should respect be given to those who lose money in a Nigerian email scam?

What about those getting involved in Ponzi schemes?

The story states, clearly, Thailand does not have the consumer protections that are in place in western countries. Something we all know.

For those new to Thailand, a quick Google reveals a lot of information. There are books in every Thai airport about guys who have lost the lot here.

I think you are confusing "respect" with "sympathy."

No Im not confusing anything. Respect his situation and position vs talking out your butt as you are doing right here. He and the other guy are victims of scans and his ex wife is in jail for the crime. Keep your comments towards that and quit with the asinine blame game and judgmental comments directed toward him as he is a victim.


Would it be possible to give the innocent victims of crime an ounce of respect? Would it be possible to keep the negative comments pointed into the direction of the scams and criminals that commit them?

Where do you draw the line????

Should respect be given to those who lose money in a Nigerian email scam?

What about those getting involved in Ponzi schemes?

The story states, clearly, Thailand does not have the consumer protections that are in place in western countries. Something we all know.

For those new to Thailand, a quick Google reveals a lot of information. There are books in every Thai airport about guys who have lost the lot here.

I think you are confusing "respect" with "sympathy."

No Im not confusing anything. Respect his situation and position vs talking out your butt as you are doing right here. He and the other guy are victims of scans and his ex wife is in jail for the crime. Keep your comments towards that and quit with the asinine blame game and judgmental comments directed toward him as he is a victim.

So, you don't think ANY blame / responsibility should be assigned to him, at all????

What about his own words, towards the end of the clip, "Don't do it." - or words to this effect. Something he would have already known, prior.

So, why did he?


Don't worry, it is not a speciality only here.

Saw recently a documentary about online trading fraud. According to them between 2009 and 2012 about 13000 victims lost around 175 million Euros.

They showed an Israeli company based in Bulgaria they sell you a specialised website for 8000 Euros and another 8000 Euros for a personalised software to start your own online trading and forex business. On top of that, they get 14% of every transaction.

In the beginning victims have fabulous returns and when everything went down the drain, the contacts of the trading website miraculously disappear.

For an additional fee, this company is even handling possible complaints.

I am sure these scams exists on all continents and the victims are most of the time well educated.

Must be in the human nature to try to make more and more money.

I have been victim of a check fraud here in Phuket too by a German/Thai couple. I guess I can esteem myself a bit lucky as I got a verdict from the Criminal court in my favour and getting little by little my money back.

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