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PM to present Sufficiency Economy at 70th UN General Assembly in New York

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


The poor sap will be laughed out of the building.

Amazing that they're still peddling this absolute load of rubbish, the "Sufficiency Economy"? AKA, "Keep Somchai down on the farm, dumb, in debt and happy to be barely alive".

Maybe he could speak about "Thai Sufficiency Democracy"? "Just enough democracy to make a military junta look palatable".


Does anybody believe this career military man, now self-appointed Prime Minister, has ever given serious thought to the concepts of sustainability and sufficiency? This topic fits him poorly.


Does anybody believe this career military man, now self-appointed Prime Minister, has ever given serious thought to the concepts of sustainability and sufficiency? This topic fits him poorly.

That's a bit harsh.I'm sure he has given plenty of thought to the sustainability and sufficiency of the multitudinous Thai generals with their fake bomb detectors and blimps.


Does anybody believe this career military man, now self-appointed Prime Minister, has ever given serious thought to the concepts of sustainability and sufficiency? This topic fits him poorly.

That's a bit harsh.I'm sure he has given plenty of thought to the sustainability and sufficiency of the multitudinous Thai generals with their fake bomb detectors and blimps.

Don't forget sustainable submarines.


Does anybody believe this career military man, now self-appointed Prime Minister, has ever given serious thought to the concepts of sustainability and sufficiency? This topic fits him poorly.

No idea.. but you will read about how he pulled it of (or not) in the newspapers. Just try to read some foreign ones and then you will see if it was a success or not.

There is also a big chance Thailand does get its seat in the UN (not because they are so good but lack of competition) Still it would be something he could use back home as an achievement. (as would any Thai government)


The real Thai version of "Sufficiency Economy" means the 'elite' get to amass all the wealth they can, by whatever means necessary, while the rest of the Thai get screwed every way possible.


The real Thai version of "Sufficiency Economy" means the 'elite' get to amass all the wealth they can, by whatever means necessary, while the rest of the Thai get screwed every way possible.

True.. but I would count all politicians, generals, police generals as elite, not just the ones you don't like.


The real Thai version of "Sufficiency Economy" means the 'elite' get to amass all the wealth they can, by whatever means necessary, while the rest of the Thai get screwed every way possible.

True.. but I would count all politicians, generals, police generals as elite, not just the ones you don't like.

Did I say I liked ANY of them? My 18 yr old law student niece has the right idea. Have a Thai version of the French Revolution, round up every police and military officer above the rank of Captain, strip them of their illegal wealth, and sentence them all to a life of hard labor. And, surprisingly, most of her friends agree with her. So there's hope for the younger generation yet! lol


Perhaps he should look at what happened when India tried that. When they abandoned "self sufficiency" model their economy took off like a rocket.


The PM is going to be mightily disappointed when he finds out that his speech will not be televised live by every TV station in the US.

but on the Comedy Channel for sure, for sure.


I was not aware Thailand had implemented any of these policies. Where might one find information about it?

You might begin by studying the UN initiative known as Agenda 21, which was put into action in 1992... Funny how this announcement coincides with the push for Agenda 2030 which is being announced at the UN's 70th General Assembly...



He was only invited so those in attendance could have a laugh. It was either the pm or Bozo the clown. Bozo was booked elsewhere.

Thailand is one of only two nations from the area being considered for a seat on the security council - speaking of Bozo's.

Think the other is North Korea.

Speaking of Bozo's the other is Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan dosnt have many of the problems that Thailand has. Police are everywhere over in Kazakhstan


The real Thai version of "Sufficiency Economy" means the 'elite' get to amass all the wealth they can, by whatever means necessary, while the rest of the Thai get screwed every way possible.

True.. but I would count all politicians, generals, police generals as elite, not just the ones you don't like.

Did I say I liked ANY of them? My 18 yr old law student niece has the right idea. Have a Thai version of the French Revolution, round up every police and military officer above the rank of Captain, strip them of their illegal wealth, and sentence them all to a life of hard labor. And, surprisingly, most of her friends agree with her. So there's hope for the younger generation yet! lol

Ask your niece how that worked out in Cambodia....don't stop with the police and military....execute anyone who doesn't have a calloused hand (Ooops that might just include law students).

Maybe suggest to her she does a Law/History degree.


In 1956 as part of the American soil bank program farmers were paid to create fish ponds to conserve water.

Viscount Townshend of Raynham in 1687. He was an able politician, reaching the position of Secretary of State in the reign of George I. He retired from politics in 1730 and turned his attention to his estate in Norfolk. Townshend introduced a new type of crop rotation which was already practised in Holland. It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation.

The gradual enclosure of land, together with the four year rotation system, had two major effects on agriculture. The first was that the harvest increased in yield. In 1705, England exported 11,5 million quarters of wheat. By 1765, wheat export had risen to 95 million quarters. The second effect was that livestock, which no longer needed to be slaughtered before the winter months, increased in both quantity and quality.

It would be interesting to see a blueprint of sufficiency economy how and when and where it was working in Thailand.


The real Thai version of "Sufficiency Economy" means the 'elite' get to amass all the wealth they can, by whatever means necessary, while the rest of the Thai get screwed every way possible.

True.. but I would count all politicians, generals, police generals as elite, not just the ones you don't like.

Did I say I liked ANY of them? My 18 yr old law student niece has the right idea. Have a Thai version of the French Revolution, round up every police and military officer above the rank of Captain, strip them of their illegal wealth, and sentence them all to a life of hard labor. And, surprisingly, most of her friends agree with her. So there's hope for the younger generation yet! lol

Ask your niece how that worked out in Cambodia....don't stop with the police and military....execute anyone who doesn't have a calloused hand (Ooops that might just include law students).

Maybe suggest to her she does a Law/History degree.

You're not the first one to convert what was said about "sentence them to a life of hard labor" into "executions". Please show me ANYWHERE in my post I used the word "execute". Sorry, but you can't.

I hate to say it, but it appears that some of you simply can not read what is written, and have to have your own "interpretation" of simple English words. Perhaps English isn't your first language? Or perhaps you're just morons who think they're "clever" by changing what was written into something more "graphic".

If you're going to comment on the post, then comment on WHAT IS WRITTEN, instead of making a complete ass out of yourself with your own interpretation of it. If you can't do that, then just shut the hell up and don't comment at all.


The sufficiency economy is still "being explained" by successive governments after 4 decades. It must be crystal clear then!!

It seems to me it is NOT an economic policy, as it is sometimes touted as; it is NOT a method of governance, it is rather a philosophy.

It could best be described as a series of homilies. These pieces of advice surely are familiar in all languages. We have them in English.

"Be thankful for what you've got."

"Never a borrower or lender be."

"Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves."

"Don't get above your station."

At worst, it could be described as paternalism and double standards, the ruling classes in Thailand being some of the most status and money obsessed people on earth.

Why does Ocho think anybody is interested in an old idea, by a third world guy, that has not worked for 40 years has any significance to anyone?

Oh, you say he just wants a free trip to New York while using the opportunity to impress his third world population that cannot even find Thailand on a map...


You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.


In 1956 as part of the American soil bank program farmers were paid to create fish ponds to conserve water.

Viscount Townshend of Raynham in 1687. He was an able politician, reaching the position of Secretary of State in the reign of George I. He retired from politics in 1730 and turned his attention to his estate in Norfolk. Townshend introduced a new type of crop rotation which was already practised in Holland. It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation.

The gradual enclosure of land, together with the four year rotation system, had two major effects on agriculture. The first was that the harvest increased in yield. In 1705, England exported 11,5 million quarters of wheat. By 1765, wheat export had risen to 95 million quarters. The second effect was that livestock, which no longer needed to be slaughtered before the winter months, increased in both quantity and quality.

It would be interesting to see a blueprint of sufficiency economy how and when and where it was working in Thailand.

It is working as planned. Average citizens are doing without whilst the elites spend conspicuously.


In 1956 as part of the American soil bank program farmers were paid to create fish ponds to conserve water.

Viscount Townshend of Raynham in 1687. He was an able politician, reaching the position of Secretary of State in the reign of George I. He retired from politics in 1730 and turned his attention to his estate in Norfolk. Townshend introduced a new type of crop rotation which was already practised in Holland. It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation.

The gradual enclosure of land, together with the four year rotation system, had two major effects on agriculture. The first was that the harvest increased in yield. In 1705, England exported 11,5 million quarters of wheat. By 1765, wheat export had risen to 95 million quarters. The second effect was that livestock, which no longer needed to be slaughtered before the winter months, increased in both quantity and quality.

It would be interesting to see a blueprint of sufficiency economy how and when and where it was working in Thailand.

It is working as planned. Average citizens are doing without whilst the elites spend conspicuously.

According to the opinion expressed in a leaked top secret cable from the US ambassador in Thailand to the US Secretary of State, the tenets of sufficiency economy are "vague and malleable"

After a meeting with Ministry of Finance officials where the need for more sufficiency was explained, Standard & Poor's director of sovereign ratings noted, "No one knows what [sufficiency economy] really means

  1. The philosophy is not consistent with the realities of Thailand's economic development
  2. Nobody understands what "sufficiency economy" really means and there are several vague interpretations



Of course the Americans would not support it- the American system of materialistic capitalism wants only systems it can control and make money from. If people are self sufficient they would not be interested in American exports.


You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

Show some evidence the current PM has been an advocate for years. I am skeptical.

Someone better....

Yingluck Shinawatra. Elected. Poised. Internationally acceptable.

I know, hopelessly tainted with her bother's legacy and long reach.

But infinitely better than the current usurper. Yingluck could have been voted out. The current guy with all the guns? He seems to be settling in.


You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

Read the section, "Self-sufficiency as a political agenda in Thailand"



Mrs Yingluck was and will go down in history as one of the worst Prime Minster's Thailand has ever had. Her manipulation of the rice market which undoubtedly was the work of her brother but carried out by her plunged Thailand's rice market into a free fall which saw Thailand move from the Number 1 exporter of rice down the ladder. No one in their right mind would pay farmers a higher price than what the World price is and then let the rice sit in silos rotting away. She was never qualified to be the leader of Thailand and her actions proved it. Whether she was democratically elected is in dispute. The Shin clan for years and years subverted the Democratic process and that is why the General stepped forward. There is also another reason which we cannot discuss on the board and also why I cannot explain his belief in the sufficiency economy.. Normally, I would oppose a coup but in this case it was the only answer to a situation in which Thailand was being torn apart and its cultural identity threatened. The General is not a smooth talker like a politician but he believes he can lead Thailand back to a healthy political climate.

I really cannot understand why people will not give him a chance. and then judge him on the results. You might want to Google Thailand and the Sufficiency Economy- the explanation will be there and why the General will present it to the UN.


Mrs Yingluck was and will go down in history as one of the worst Prime Minster's Thailand has ever had. Her manipulation of the rice market which undoubtedly was the work of her brother but carried out by her plunged Thailand's rice market into a free fall which saw Thailand move from the Number 1 exporter of rice down the ladder. No one in their right mind would pay farmers a higher price than what the World price is and then let the rice sit in silos rotting away. She was never qualified to be the leader of Thailand and her actions proved it. Whether she was democratically elected is in dispute. The Shin clan for years and years subverted the Democratic process and that is why the General stepped forward. There is also another reason which we cannot discuss on the board and also why I cannot explain his belief in the sufficiency economy.. Normally, I would oppose a coup but in this case it was the only answer to a situation in which Thailand was being torn apart and its cultural identity threatened. The General is not a smooth talker like a politician but he believes he can lead Thailand back to a healthy political climate.

I really cannot understand why people will not give him a chance. and then judge him on the results. You might want to Google Thailand and the Sufficiency Economy- the explanation will be there and why the General will present it to the UN.

I took your advice and googled it and found the below.

On initial inspection there does seem to be an inverse relationship between adherence to the principles of sufficiency economy and a positive performance on UNDP’s Human Achievement Index.

UN Development Programs (need to) do some serious institutional soul-searching to understand why it has been used in this way or has been complicit in promoting military-backed government.

The truth that emerges from these contradictions seems to be that Sufficiency Ecomomy is so broadly defined that it really is whatever one wants it to be. The wealthy can enjoy their wealth so long as they do so within their means. For the poor, the advice is to do better with what they have; make do. In class terms, SE becomes an ideology to justify the very inequality the UNDP report claims is of concern.

Kevin Hewison

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

Before launching into a sanctimonious lecture on a subject you seem ignorant about, it would be as well to understand the background and issues involved.

I am not quite sure why in your fatuous comments you feel an army general is qualified to be taken seriously on the subject.I doubt if he has the slightest idea of the practical detail involved.But let us hope he manages to interest world leaders but the sad truth is most of them will want nothing to do with him.Rightly or wrongly his international reputation is not good.The perception is he has damaged Thailand badly.I understand however Burkino Faso has just had a coup led by another wannabe dictator.Perhaps they can get together in a UN cupboard to discuss co-operation on the matter.

Joking apart it would be a great pity if the subject of The Sufficiency Economy was tarnished by fools seeking to exploit it for political advantage

The subject is dealt with comprehensively in the UNDP's 2007 Report "Sufficiency Economy and Human Development".

A summary of the context is provided in the article by Dr Chris Baker in The Nation.


The article highlights a common mistake of some who "confuse sufficiency with self sufficiency, turning inward, rejecting globalisation or retreating towards the mirage of a simpler world."


You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

Before launching into a sanctimonious lecture on a subject you seem ignorant about, it would be as well to understand the background and issues involved.

I am not quite sure why in your fatuous comments you feel an army general is qualified to be taken seriously on the subject.I doubt if he has the slightest idea of the practical detail involved.But let us hope he manages to interest world leaders but the sad truth is most of them will want nothing to do with him.Rightly or wrongly his international reputation is not good.The perception is he has damaged Thailand badly.I understand however Burkino Faso has just had a coup led by another wannabe dictator.Perhaps they can get together in a UN cupboard to discuss co-operation on the matter.

Joking apart it would be a great pity if the subject of The Sufficiency Economy was tarnished by fools seeking to exploit it for political advantage

The subject is dealt with comprehensively in the UNDP's 2007 Report "Sufficiency Economy and Human Development".

A summary of the context is provided in the article by Dr Chris Baker in The Nation.


The article highlights a common mistake of some who "confuse sufficiency with self sufficiency, turning inward, rejecting globalisation or retreating towards the mirage of a simpler world."

It is also reviewed by Kevin Hewison

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I have a feeling that sustainable agriculture may be a better phrase to understand what is meant by sufficiency economy.


Lets hear what he has to say!

It may surprise you.

If so it would be the first time unless you can point to another link where anyone has described what sufficiency economy really is or what it has done. I invite you to post.wai2.gif because I'm just trying to find out what it is and what it has done.smile.png

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