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Confirmed: New multiple entry tourist visa for Thailand available from November

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Let's say I buy a double entry TR visa in UK.

It will cost me 2500 baht.

After 60 days I pay 1900 baht to extend for 30 days. After this 30 days (90) I have to do border run (Cambodia) cost around 2300 baht to start my 2nd entry. I then have to extend again at Immigration for 1900 baht to make my stay equate to 6 months.


Let's say I buy a triple entry TR visa in UK.

It will cost me 3750 baht.

To get the 6 months I would not need immigration extensions, I would need to do 2 x border runs costing 2300 x 2 to start the 2nd and 3rd parts of my triple entry


It seems financially better to buy a triple than a double until you realise that to save 250 baht, you have the inconvenience of doing 2 x border runs as opposed to 1 border run and 1 shorter trip to immigration

Let's say I buy a ME Visa

It will cost me 5000 baht

I understand that if I come and go as often as I want, the amount I spend on travel and accom whilst out of Thailand will be personal to the me. But . . .

1) Are there any other costs that need to be taken into account that are requirements in respect of charges?

2) Does the visa holder have a set amount of time in Thailand before they have to leave? Is it again a 60 day maximum?

3) If question 2 is the case, if I leave after 60 days, can I spend 3 months in VN then come back to Thailand with 120 days still valid on my ME visa

4) If question 3 is incorrect, does anybody know over what period of time the 6 months has to be used up without losing any days?

My point is that if 60 days is again the maximum period before you need to leave, that means at least 2 exits at a further cost on top of the 5000.

making it near 10.000 baht. Any more trips to take advantage of the multi-entry status as I say is up the individual.

Also, if I buy a ME visa lets say on the 1st Jan 2016, does it expire on 1st Jul 2016? Or does it stop and start as to when you are in and out of Thailand? IE - how long in effect could a ME visa actually be 'live' for?

By the way, I am NOT one of the people trying to live here on TR visas and neither am I saying there is anything wrong with doing that, after all, people do what they have to to be where they want to be, if it's only playing the system and not illegal, it really isn't anybody's business what others do. I am coming back on visa exempt on 21Oct and WILL be leaving on 19Nov

Im simply asking for the sake of knowing in case in the future I want to stay longer if I get a girl I like for example. I just cannot make sense of all the differing opinions on this topic and hope that by giving examples to my doubts, I will get the info basically in layman's terms.


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See also this topic:


Nothing I have seen so far in news articles about the METV suggests that this visa is designed for tourists who desire to get as long a continuous stay in Thailand as possible with just a couple of border runs.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

Any idea if you can get extensions on it, or is it just as you quoted. No more, no less.

I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

From your description it looks like you have a tourist visa valid for three entries.

The multiple-entry tourist visa (METV), which is the subject of this thread, will be available only starting 13 November 2013.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

From your description it looks like you have a tourist visa valid for three entries.

The multiple-entry tourist visa (METV), which is the subject of this thread, will be available only starting 13 November 2013.

That would be £75 then not £70. Something's a miss.

I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

No you didn't - you just got the old triple entry (3-stack) tourist visa.


Some have raised an interesting point regarding the "old" triple tourist visas.....and that is that there is no guarantee you'll get one.

some consulates won't or are reluctant to issue triple visas. I believe Vientiane was doing this around April this year.

It seems to me that those who vehemently criticise the new visa are taking a rather blinkered or self-centred view of the thing.

Thailand likes to see itself as a hub of this and that, and this is a genuine bonus for TOURISTS who want to make Thailand the centre of a major S.E.Asian/Australasian trip. I think it will be a boon to many who want to visit the region and it will also encourage these people to make Thailand the "hub" of their trip.


Readng the other thread about the METV proposals from the Rome consulate, there may be more into this multi-entry 6 month tourist visa than meets the eye.

Understanding that all consulates/embassies make up their own requirements, it appears that Rome will no longer issue double or triple entry tourist visas from 13th November and there will be a requirement for the person applying for the METV to prove they have 6,000 Euro (approx. 240,000 baht) before issue.

IMO, if the other consulates/embassies adopt this, it will restrict the issue of the METV for many.

Just something to think about.

Not sure if these reports have been verified officially or not.


The visa is intended for 2 important groups of visitors;

1. People who are wealthier and have a higher spend rate than the typical visitor to Thailand and,

2. Asian nations not part of the ASEAN visa waiver system (Taiwan, Hong Kong,South Korea and Japan)

This visa is not directed at the foreigners who are of limited financial means or who come to Thailand for extended periods.

All of the people commenting are from western countries and may be oblivious to the travel habits of wealthy Asians. Many wealthy Asians like to pop over to Thailand for a week or weekend on a regular basis. There are some who would like to have second homes and come more often.

Thailand is to Hong Kong what Florida and the Carribean is to Canadians and Americans living in the North American Northeast, or what Spain and the Azores are to the UK and continental Europe.Thailand is Taiwan, South Korea and Japan what Hawaii and Mexico are to western North Americans. The visa structure to date, was a hassle for these people. They want to be able to come and go when they want.

This new Visa is ideal for the wealthy Americans and Canadians who like to travel or who for personal or investment reasons can only stay in Thailand a few weeks or months at a time. It's brilliant.


The visa is intended for 2 important groups of visitors;

1. People who are wealthier and have a higher spend rate than the typical visitor to Thailand and,

2. Asian nations not part of the ASEAN visa waiver system (Taiwan, Hong Kong,South Korea and Japan)

This visa is not directed at the foreigners who are of limited financial means or who come to Thailand for extended periods.

All of the people commenting are from western countries and may be oblivious to the travel habits of wealthy Asians. Many wealthy Asians like to pop over to Thailand for a week or weekend on a regular basis. There are some who would like to have second homes and come more often.

Thailand is to Hong Kong what Florida and the Carribean is to Canadians and Americans living in the North American Northeast, or what Spain and the Azores are to the UK and continental Europe.Thailand is Taiwan, South Korea and Japan what Hawaii and Mexico are to western North Americans. The visa structure to date, was a hassle for these people. They want to be able to come and go when they want.

This new Visa is ideal for the wealthy Americans and Canadians who like to travel or who for personal or investment reasons can only stay in Thailand a few weeks or months at a time. It's brilliant.

Only Taiwanese require a VOA

Japan and Hong Kong 1 month visa exemption

South Korea 90 days visa exemption

How is this visa less hassle than no visa?


Amazing all the comments, and mainly they are coming NOT from genuine tourists, but from long stay individuals

Immigration needs to define tourist, and exclude long stays from using it

There are retirement and marriage visa extensions

There are working visa for school teachers etc

There is the Investment visa

There is the elite card

You can choose from quite a generous list but long stay should not be using tourist

Thai Immigration needs to completely drop the word 'Tourist' from any visa classifications. It is arcane and in this day and age, totally redundant. Most countries subscribe to a non-immigrant "Visitor" visa and sub-categories for business, investor, education, work, etc.. Clinging to this 'Tourist' label shows how myopic their whole view on the rapidly changing, totally dynamic nature of international travel and migration.

It would also serve to shut down the noisome debates that erupt frequently on TV between the pontifical over-50's that qualify for some form of domicile here and the younger, more mobile traveler, squatter, digital pikey, who can't retire, don't want to get married, invest or pay taxes, etc..

Exactly, why can't an under 50 show x amount of money in the bank (Thai or Foreign) and get the same visa. It's ageist in my opinion

I often asked the same question, that it exists for a 50 year old but not a 49 yo.

Basically Thailand tell you when you can retire if you want to qualify for a retirement visa

Common sense has just gone straight over the top.

I get my government pension at 65, not 64, the conversion rate is 54.6, they wont let me have 55. my birthday is the 20th not the 19th.


The visa is intended for 2 important groups of visitors;

1. People who are wealthier and have a higher spend rate than the typical visitor to Thailand and,

2. Asian nations not part of the ASEAN visa waiver system (Taiwan, Hong Kong,South Korea and Japan)

This visa is not directed at the foreigners who are of limited financial means or who come to Thailand for extended periods.

How does having $6k in the bank guarantee that person will be a big spender? People could just have 6k USD in the bank when applying and still not spend anything here... like some people on retirement just keep 800k THB in the bank to meet the criteria.

$6k is not exactly wealthy either.

The visa is more likely intended to weed out people working in Thailand (illegal tour guide, teacher etc.) $6k is six months of a TEFL teacher's salary, in the bank already, so that person probably isn't going to seek work here.

All of the people commenting are from western countries and may be oblivious to the travel habits of wealthy Asians. Many wealthy Asians like to pop over to Thailand for a week or weekend on a regular basis. There are some who would like to have second homes and come more often.

Thailand is to Hong Kong what Florida and the Carribean is to Canadians and Americans living in the North American Northeast, or what Spain and the Azores are to the UK and continental Europe.Thailand is Taiwan, South Korea and Japan what Hawaii and Mexico are to western North Americans. The visa structure to date, was a hassle for these people. They want to be able to come and go when they want.

This new Visa is ideal for the wealthy Americans and Canadians who like to travel or who for personal or investment reasons can only stay in Thailand a few weeks or months at a time. It's brilliant.

Those people could already do that perfectly conveniently on visa waivers. They fit the profile of tourists and would never be questioned at borders.

Just turning up and getting 30 days free is a lot more convenient than applying for this new visa and showing bank statements, they'll probably continue to do that.


The important aspect of this Visa is where it will be available.

It seems that numerous embassy's have stated that you can only apply from it from your home Country . although this doesnt seem to have been officially announced by Bangkok .

Just my observation, or maybe me just being pessimistic , but it could be possible that Bangkok will announces that ALL Visas must be applied from, from your home Country


Extrapolating from the information available, I predict the cost of the METV in the UK will be (5 x £25) + £10 = £135.

  • 2 weeks later...

As already mentioned. Why the word Tourist and why the "stigma" that TV posters who seems to have this superior attitude towards someone coming here for longer than 2 weeks. You don't own the place coz they have any other kind of stamp in their passport.

No one throws a fit because someone with pots of money can sit on a St Tropez beach for weeks on end or even if they are a total bum with just enough money to last them through the summer.

I have met many Europeans, taxi drivers, bin men, builders etc, who work long and hard enough through their summer months to save up and come to LoS from November to March.

What's the big deal with that?

The bottom line with Thai Visa's is money.....they come up with all manner of cockamamy convoluted ways to mess foreign people around on dangerous mini busses and long sweaty queues at borders to get more money in their grubby pockets.

Anyone that has been here long enough knows that if you pay anywhere from 12,000 to 22,000 baht to the right person/agent/official you can get the visa you want......no matter what the criteria.


Last time I looked, "tourist" was not a dirty word and I see no stigma attached to it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

From your description it looks like you have a tourist visa valid for three entries.

The multiple-entry tourist visa (METV), which is the subject of this thread, will be available only starting 13 November 2013.

That would be £75 then not £70. Something's a miss.

Yes 70 or 75..............I do not remember exactly. A six month triple entry visa is what I got.


I just got one in London, I think. 6 months consisting of 3 60 day periods. It cost 70 pounds.

From your description it looks like you have a tourist visa valid for three entries.

The multiple-entry tourist visa (METV), which is the subject of this thread, will be available only starting 13 November 2013.

That would be £75 then not £70. Something's a miss.

Yes 70 or 75..............I do not remember exactly. A six month triple entry visa is what I got.

No info on Multiple Entry Tourist Visas up on any of the UK Thai Embassy or Consulates' sites.

All still showing as offering singles, doubles and triples.


Anyone that has been here long enough knows that if you pay anywhere from 12,000 to 22,000 baht to the right person/agent/official you can get the visa you want......no matter what the criteria.

Could you PM some details please ?


whistling.gif The 64 thousand dollar question is, will that visa be available to those living in Thailand if they can show the financial and residence requirements after November 13.

My guess is no, but the final answer hasn't been officially announced yet.

My question is, if you can show you have the funds to support yourself in Thailand WITHOUT working for 6 months why should that fact be considered a bad thing?

Seems to be extremely short-sighted on the part of Thai immigration to penalize such people regardless of their age.


The 64 thousand dollar question is, will that visa be available to those living in Thailand...

I'm not sure I understand the question. A visa, any visa, is for somebody living outside Thailand who wants to travel to Thailand.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I like this news! This means that if I stop working I can go to Mae Sot every 2 months and just re-enter instead of trying to get an extension at the immigration checkpoint!

Those who work at the border are nice but the ladies in the office are just nasty and makes their own rules:

No extension of tourist visa unless you live in Tak or Sukhothai province. Last time I went there having a tourist visa they refused to extend it as I lived in Kamphaeng Phet at that time, I had to go to a funeral in Mera Mat so I was passing Mae Sot on my way.

No flexibility. They refused to extend my non-b visa based on that my TOEIC exam was 25 month old. So I went to Phitsanulok which is even wrong immigration checkpoint (live in Sukhothai) and they gave me the extension with no problem!

Yes immigration offices are rude and not know there own jobs... I avoid them like a virus


More money scamming from immigration

Not worry like everything it will fold

There in dream land another hub that won't last.. They always have a cure which is similar to the disease lol



A stock broker and currency buyer that I trust very much informed me that the THB will drop sharply shortly

Well I was not suprirised for obvious reasons.

God Bless there VISA games

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