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Auschwitz: Woman, 91, accused of complicity in murder of 260,000 Jews

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The real irony is that there are over 300,000 survivors.

Estimates, I think, cite 200,000 survivors. But why is that ironic? More than a million were murdered there.

until 1990 there was a plaque at Auschwitz stating that 4 million people perished there

no doubt this was based on the confession by torture that the British got from one time commandant of Auschwitz Rudolph



after the fall of the Soviet Union documents were uncovered that proved this number could not be upheld

so now there is a plaque that reads 1 1/2 million perished

the 6 million overall figure remains unchanged

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Finally, we get a modecum of truthful "clarity" on the issueclap2.gif Is anyone grieving for 70+ years about the millions (considerably more than six) of Native Americans who were systematically eradicated, via U.S. governmental policy, both before and after the Civil War? How about the huge number of Black people who have been politically disenfranchised, terrorized, kidnapped and murdered (just for being born black) by members of the Klu Klux Klan, and just for the "sport" of it. Many American-Jews have been active (not just complicit) participators in many of those despicable events ~ http://www.jewish-history.com/civilwar/Default.htm

Yet the global Jewelry perpetually whines about their "little" holocaust for 70+ years, via the Jewish controlled news media. Theodore Hertzel (the flipside face of the fascist coin) was far more worse than Adolf Hitler. Ask any black person who was born in the present, so-called State of Israel, and has served honorably in the Israeli Armed Forces. Global Jewry needs to start cleaning-up it's own house, for a change. Just the facts, whistling.gif


Finally, we get a modecum of truthful "clarity" on the issueclap2.gif Is anyone grieving for 70+ years about the millions (considerably more than six) of Native Americans who were systematically eradicated, via U.S. governmental policy, both before and after the Civil War? How about the huge number of Black people who have been politically disenfranchised, terrorized, kidnapped and murdered (just for being born black) by members of the Klu Klux Klan, and just for the "sport" of it. Many American-Jews have been active (not just complicit) participators in many of those despicable events ~ http://www.jewish-history.com/civilwar/Default.htm

Yet the global Jewelry perpetually whines about their "little" holocaust for 70+ years, via the Jewish controlled news media. Theodore Hertzel (the flipside face of the fascist coin) was far more worse than Adolf Hitler. Ask any black person who was born in the present, so-called State of Israel, and has served honorably in the Israeli Armed Forces. Global Jewry needs to start cleaning-up it's own house, for a change. Just the facts, whistling.gif

There's a difference between a "sports" and an industrially organized genocide, Sir.


The prosecution of a 91 year old woman for crimes she supposedly committed as a teenager will create a backlash of disgust and ill will against the people who lead these witch hunts.

Exactamundo,clap2.gifIts already in the karmic works.


The prosecution of a 91 year old woman for crimes she supposedly committed as a teenager will create a backlash of disgust and ill will against the people who lead these witch hunts.

Let the cards fall as they may, she should be prosecuted!


could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

If you want to troll a word like "allegedly'' in the context of the deliberate extermination of millions of people (not only Jews) in Hitlers mad world. You deserve only contempt.

I believe HJ was referring to the fact that no documented evidence has been found from the millions of documents seized after the end of the war stating that there was a deliberate policy to exterminate the jewish people

Good Grief man, if you want to post on such serious subject at least take the trouble to do a tiny bit of research and you will find that you are totally wrong. It was a stated policy of the Nazis and there is tons and tons (literally) of documentary evidence that it was a deliberate policy to eliminate Jews and many other "undesirables" ; plus to completely eliminate the whole of the Polish population and all the populations of captured Russian territory, either by direct means or starving them to death - yes starving them to death as a policy. I am doing you the courtesy of assuming you are simply ignorant of the facts and not another troll of which there seem to be plethora on this subject in which case you are equally contemptible.

Indeed, the thoroughness and fastidiousness of the German's to keep a record of literally everything, leaves the world in no doubt whatsoever regarding what they did. I use German's in the same breath as Nazis for this particular era as there is little doubt that what occurred could never have happened without the willingness and cooperation of most of the German population.


There has been talk of the Genocide of the Jews and other groups at the hands of the Nazis, but I would like to remind people here of another genocide going on right now at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. When all is finally over and done with the current ISIS situation, I wonder how many will have been murdered at the hands of ISIS. Just as Jews and other have been murdered at the hands of the Nazis, let us remember those who have lost their lives at the hands of ISIS, be it Christians, Jews, Kurds, and other peoples (essentially for the crime of not being a Muslim by ISIS standards). Seems history sadly repeats itself, and little is being done to end it


This is about a woman who worked in Auschwitz, assisting the butchers.

There should only be one outcome, let her spend her remaining years behind bars remembering what she saw there and how she was complicit.


Remaining years, days, minutes ... whatever works.

I wouldn't be one to convict her before a case in court is made though and it's not clear there ever will be such a case.


There has been talk of the Genocide of the Jews and other groups at the hands of the Nazis, but I would like to remind people here of another genocide going on right now at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. When all is finally over and done with the current ISIS situation, I wonder how many will have been murdered at the hands of ISIS. Just as Jews and other have been murdered at the hands of the Nazis, let us remember those who have lost their lives at the hands of ISIS, be it Christians, Jews, Kurds, and other peoples (essentially for the crime of not being a Muslim by ISIS standards). Seems history sadly repeats itself, and little is being done to end it

Yes, ISIS is terrible, but that's not really the topic here.


There has been talk of the Genocide of the Jews and other groups at the hands of the Nazis, but I would like to remind people here of another genocide going on right now at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. When all is finally over and done with the current ISIS situation, I wonder how many will have been murdered at the hands of ISIS. Just as Jews and other have been murdered at the hands of the Nazis, let us remember those who have lost their lives at the hands of ISIS, be it Christians, Jews, Kurds, and other peoples (essentially for the crime of not being a Muslim by ISIS standards). Seems history sadly repeats itself, and little is being done to end it

Yes, ISIS is terrible, but that's not really the topic here.

I wonder why people don't start their own thread about ISIS etc?

TV likes to start threads like this as they know it's going to get a lot of response.

Anything to do with Jews, Israel and the Holocaust, you can be sure to find a thread about it on TV.


Still so many mentally diseased Jew haters in the world and we've got our share posting on this forum. Maybe wait until the evidence is presented in this particular case before anyone passes judgment on her culpability. Again this is what the German authorities decided to do ... it's up to them.

Personally I will be happy to see the last of these cases. The really big Nazi fish either escaped completely, already tried, and/or long dead. These cases against the Nazi flotsam and jetsam seem to largely serve to rile up the Jew haters.

I thought it was to keep assorted 'war crimes' employees in gainful employment.

No more prosecutions is the end of their particular gravy train.


I am Jew, and my family was murdered in Auschwitz.

Was war, and many people in the German Army do not had other choice that obey or be killed by their superiors.

I am Jew, and I was proud of what other Jews created in Israel after 1948. Not of what are doing now, in Israel and abroad, with the support of some Western countries. Killing hundred of thousand of innocent people for power and money.

Those people, from the Israeli PM to former and present politicians in the US and BK, are FREE, wealthier than ever, and creating revolutions and wars to keep the killing going.

Those are real mass murderers, not a 91 years old lady that is just another victim of WW2.

That was well stated, sir. Thank you for sharing the more broader, humanitarian view of Jewish thought. wai.gif


I am Jew, and my family was murdered in Auschwitz.

Was war, and many people in the German Army do not had other choice that obey or be killed by their superiors.

I am Jew, and I was proud of what other Jews created in Israel after 1948. Not of what are doing now, in Israel and abroad, with the support of some Western countries. Killing hundred of thousand of innocent people for power and money.

Those people, from the Israeli PM to former and present politicians in the US and BK, are FREE, wealthier than ever, and creating revolutions and wars to keep the killing going.

Those are real mass murderers, not a 91 years old lady that is just another victim of WW2.

That was well stated, sir. Thank you for sharing the more broader, humanitarian view of Jewish thought. wai.gif

More like someone posing as a Jew to attack Israel and promote Jew hating tropes and/or a REAL self hating Jew. Yes, they exist.


I am Jew, and my family was murdered in Auschwitz.

Was war, and many people in the German Army do not had other choice that obey or be killed by their superiors.

I am Jew, and I was proud of what other Jews created in Israel after 1948. Not of what are doing now, in Israel and abroad, with the support of some Western countries. Killing hundred of thousand of innocent people for power and money.

Those people, from the Israeli PM to former and present politicians in the US and BK, are FREE, wealthier than ever, and creating revolutions and wars to keep the killing going.

Those are real mass murderers, not a 91 years old lady that is just another victim of WW2.

That was well stated, sir. Thank you for sharing the more broader, humanitarian view of Jewish thought. wai.gif

More like someone posing as a Jew to attack Israel and promote Jew hating tropes and/or a REAL self hating Jew. Yes, they exist.

It's so fake and poorly put together, you just have to laugh at such feeble attempts.


There has been talk of the Genocide of the Jews and other groups at the hands of the Nazis, but I would like to remind people here of another genocide going on right now at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. When all is finally over and done with the current ISIS situation, I wonder how many will have been murdered at the hands of ISIS. Just as Jews and other have been murdered at the hands of the Nazis, let us remember those who have lost their lives at the hands of ISIS, be it Christians, Jews, Kurds, and other peoples (essentially for the crime of not being a Muslim by ISIS standards). Seems history sadly repeats itself, and little is being done to end it

Yes, ISIS is terrible, but that's not really the topic here.

I wonder why people don't start their own thread about ISIS etc?

TV likes to start threads like this as they know it's going to get a lot of response.

Anything to do with Jews, Israel and the Holocaust, you can be sure to find a thread about it on TV.

but any meaningful discussion is stifled while the pro jew lobby on here are allowed to brand people hater, nazi and anti semite

The problem is that both Jew haters and honest not liking Israel's policies are both posting.

And just as the right wing bigots don't see themselves as discriminators the jew haters don't see themselves as antisemitic.

The problem is that both Jew haters and honest not liking Israel's policies are both posting.

And just as the right wing bigots don't see themselves as discriminators the jew haters don't see themselves as antisemitic.

'Don't see themselves as anti-semitic'? Don't kid yourself. It is core to their politics.


The problem is that both Jew haters and honest not liking Israel's policies are both posting.

And just as the right wing bigots don't see themselves as discriminators the jew haters don't see themselves as antisemitic.

'Don't see themselves as anti-semitic'? Don't kid yourself. It is core to their politics.

I think you're right for some.

Remaining years, days, minutes ... whatever works.

I wouldn't be one to convict her before a case in court is made though and it's not clear there ever will be such a case.

Without further information it is impossible to speculate why she was charged. But it is a relatively safe assumption that it was not simply for being a typist.

The real irony is that there are over 300,000 survivors.

Estimates, I think, cite 200,000 survivors. But why is that ironic? More than a million were murdered there.

until 1990 there was a plaque at Auschwitz stating that 4 million people perished there

no doubt this was based on the confession by torture that the British got from one time commandant of Auschwitz Rudolph



after the fall of the Soviet Union documents were uncovered that proved this number could not be upheld

so now there is a plaque that reads 1 1/2 million perished

the 6 million overall figure remains unchanged

Perhapse you are unaware that more than 2 million Russians alone were murdered in Auschwitz.

until 1990 there was a plaque at Auschwitz stating that 4 million people perished there

no doubt this was based on the confession by torture that the British got from one time commandant of Auschwitz Rudolph



after the fall of the Soviet Union documents were uncovered that proved this number could not be upheld

so now there is a plaque that reads 1 1/2 million perished

the 6 million overall figure remains unchanged

Perhapse you are unaware that more than 2 million Russians alone were murdered in Auschwitz.

The best estimates of the number of victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp complex, including the killing center at Auschwitz-Birkenau, between 1940 and 1945 are: Jews (1,095,000 deported to Auschwitz, of whom 960,000 died); Poles (147,000 deported, of whom 74,000 died); Roma (23,000 deported, of whom 21,000 died); Soviet prisoners of war (15,000 deported and died); and other nationalities (25,000 deported, of whom 12,000 died).

It is estimated that the SS and police deported at least 1.3 million people to the Auschwitz complex between 1940 and 1945. Of these, the camp authorities murdered approximately 1.1 million.

From http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005189


Alarmingly when I responded to a post in another thread about how to deal with the current refugee crises in Europe, I provokingly asked if Auschwitz should be opened again to "solve" the refugee crisis, there was a response that that would be a good idea (with a few likes on the answer too).

I am often being (incorrectly) called antisemitic on TV because of my strong point of view against the murderous, fascist regime of Nethanyahu. Well you can call me antisemitic anytime as long as I dont get associated with idiots that would like to see Auschwitz re-opened, while these same idiots ironically also challenge my viewpoints on the Likud party.....


The problem is often a simple one. Every adult Jew on the planet believes him/herself to be an expert on the academic view of the holocaust when reality, it is the emotional side that they, with exceptions of course, understand. There are classes in Holocaust studies at various colleges and universities. Debra Lipstadt is a very knowledgeable Jewess who is used often as an expert witness. She is a professor of Holocaust studies at Emory University in Atlanta and knows her stuff.

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