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Is this normal Thai girl dating style ?


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Assumed midle class girl, age approx 24-25

Has car, expensive mobile, expensive Macbook Air

Claims to graduate university as accountant

Drives from Nakhonn Sawan to stay with me many times.

Handles multiple video calls from various guys (ask me to be quiet or leaves room

This is not fiction, is real story

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The explosion of social media and dating sites has seen a new demographic of Thai females on the prowl looking for gullible foreigners.

Not that they didnt exist before, just that farangs had no access to them.

They have good jobs, come from conservative families, drive new cars, and in most cases are incredibly spoilt.

They may look flashy, with the new clothes and accessories, but most are riddled with debt and are merely looking for a farang to replace their daddy role as provider.

Farangs think its cool that these girls go "dutch" for the first month or so.

In the long term they will surely help you waste ALL your money as quick as they did theirs, then its off to find a new mark!

You've been warned farang..stick with the darkies!

These ones are way to high maintenance!

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