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Facebook privacy campaign advances after EU court opinion


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Facebook privacy campaign advances after EU court opinion
By Leo Kelion

LONDON: -- A privacy campaigner has scored a legal victory that could bolster his attempts to prevent Facebook from being able to pass EU citizens' data to the US authorities.

An opinion issued by the European Court of Justice says that current data-sharing rules between the 28-nation bloc and the US are "invalid".

The decision could affect other tech firms' abilities to send Europeans' information to US data centres.
However, it is not a final judgement.

Although the EU's highest court tends to follow the opinions of its legal adviser, the 15 judges involved have yet to issue a conclusive ruling of their own on the matter.

Even so, Max Schrems - the activist who prompted the case - suggests there could be far-reaching consequences.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34336111

-- BBC 2015-09-24

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