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Pattaya taxi scam


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September 2015. Taxis in Thailand are notorious for scamming foreigners in all creative ways from hiding or refusing to use the taxometer, adding extra surprise fees, taking an extra long route or not taking you where you want.

Anyone who has been to Pattaya knows that a songtaeow (also known as baht bus or tuk tuk) costs 10 baht, in some cases 20 baht. For 40 baht you can take a songteow all the way down to Sattahip town, which is 30 km. A taxi will cost you 200-300 baht for at least 15 km.
The scam story: As the bus from Suvarnabhumi dropped us off on Sukhumvit road at Pattayaklang (Central Road), which is about 1-2 km to Pattayaklang at Second Road. A lady asked me where I was going to. I answered. "Here is taxi", she said. "No thank you, I take the songtaeow" I said while I was turning around and about to walk in the opposite direction to the songtaeows. "Hey this is songtaeow!" the lady responded. "Is this a songtaeow?" I asked. "Yes, songtaeow" she confirmed. Okay, so I jumped in the songtaeow. I jumped off the songtaeow in Central Road close to Second Road. I gave the driver a 50 baht note while I was expecting some change. "No no, I don't want 50 baht. It cost 300 baht per person" the driver responded. I argued with him that I was told this is a songtaeow and not a taxi. The driver stepped out of the car and started to become aggressive. At one point even physical threatening. I offered to pay 50 baht, which was not accepted. While I looked around I saw a US/UK pair from the songtaeow also was in argument about the same issue with the thai lady. The thai scammers's argument was that this songtaeow was different from other songtaeows because this had a light blue colour instead of dark blue. The pair suggested to call the police instead of paying what they demanded. The thai police came, but did about nothing. After around half an hour, the scammers finally agreed on 50 baht per person, which still was overpaying, but tolerable.
If a taxi in Pattaya ever demands 300 baht PER PERSON for 1-2 KM you are for sure being scammed. There were about 6-8 persons, so that would give them an income of around 2000 baht for a 2 km drive. Don't pay, but rather call the police. If everyone just pais because 300 baht isn't that much anyway in your own currency, than the taxi scammers will forever continue scamming people.

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The thai police came, but did about nothing.

Nothing is going to happen until the Army or Navy accompany the police to see they do their job...

The real problem is much can be lost in translation particularly when it is intentional, the simple answer is the all Songtaeow should clearly state if the are a bus or taxi, if running a bus service they should clearly state their route.

Another possible answer to this where a Songtaeow is acting as a taxi prices should be agreed be for the journey commences, drivers should writes down the destination and fare in duplicate book giving a copy to the charter, failure to do so means they would not be entitled to collect payment.

It would be nice if the police were to change their attitude, and realise Pattaya would be nothing without tourists, and when they turn up actually ask the driver for proof that a fare was agreed, if he can not prove tell the taxi to bugger off with no payment.

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From the color of this "taxi" on the video,

it's clearly *not* an official Pattaya bahtbus.

Don't understand why you accepted boarding it

while being not far from the official bahtbus "station" on Pattaya Klang ?

Exactly, this was a light blue colour in opposite to dark blue colour, and that was their argument. We boarded because the thai lady convinced us and confirmed for us that this was a songtaeow and not a taxi.

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Were you on your own OP?

Yes, but met a US/UK pair in the scamtaeow and we jumped off at the same stop in Central Road between the beach and saisong. A guy jumped off by his hotel before us, and as he had jumped off and paid, he told us he just gave the driver 300 baht. Very generous tipper we thought. So actually he paid for the whole route at taxi fare.

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The light blue ones that are parked at Big C Extra always charge 200-300. They hang around and wait for charter hire.

The dark blue ones parked opposite big c extra are your run of the mill 10 baht buses. They wait and fill up and then head down Central Rd usually these days to Beach Rd to Walking St.

Pretty hard for those who don't know how Pattaya works to figure that out but light blue buses are not your 10baht buses.

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A few things wrong here.

Firstly I have never used a light blue songtaeow in Pattaya, alarm bell # 1

Songtaeow's all around Pattaya double as taxis, in other words you can private hire them to go where you want, off the main track which is what this one did. She saying yeah songtaeow doesn't mean it's not going off it's route and becoming a private hiretaxi.

Not asking how much the fair was from a non descriptive songtaeow

If the airport bus dropped you at Sukhumvit and Pattaya klang then the songtaoew would have to drive to almost Pattaya Tai before he could turn around. Means extra drive, not his route and more time = they will charge for that, it's not his area.

You did not agree to a fare. From that same location I paid 80 baht for a motocy taxi to Pattaya klang (shorter distance than your trip)

I would say you not speaking any Thai and them having little english that there would have been confusion and lost communication on both sides.

Don't worry about it, but thanks for warning everyone else. How could you ever know light blue songtaeows don't have central Pattaya routes. Don't worry about it and have a good vacation.

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Looks like the OP needs to learn a lot!cheesy.gif

The baht bus shown in the video, which he caught on Sukhumvit is a baht bus that runs between Huai Yai and Naklua. It doesn't go to downtown Pattaya as part of it's normal route! He did a custom charter through his ignorance!

None of the baht buses that run down Sukhumvit run to downtown Pattaya as part of their normal route!

He really needs to learn the routes and colors before he bitches.

Like the baht bus driver says in the Video, "He no Understand!" clap2.gif

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Looks like the OP needs to learn a lot!cheesy.gif

The baht bus shown in the video, which he caught on Sukhumvit is a baht bus that runs between Huai Yai and Naklua. It doesn't go to downtown Pattaya as part of it's normal route! He did a custom charter through his ignorance!

None of the baht buses that run down Sukhumvit run to downtown Pattaya as part of their normal route!

He really needs to learn the routes and colors before he bitches.

Like the baht bus driver says in the Video, "He no Understand!" clap2.gif

1. The colour of the bus is not any guarantee of anything, but more a rule of thumb. All the exceptions for the colour code, makes it a non bullettproof identifying method.

2. The woman knew I wanted a songtaeow and not a taxi as I was walking towards the songtaeows at the Sukhumvit end of Pattayaklang.

3. She confirmed for me that this was a songtaeow, not a taxi.

4. Even if this was a taxi, it would still be a scam, as the route is at max worth 300 baht TOTAL. They demanded 300 baht PER PERSON.

5. A songtaeow costs 10 baht, 20 baht in some cases, and 40 baht all the way down to Sattahip town. The required price was far out of songtaeow pricing, even far out of taxi price. It was nothing but a scamtaeow.

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using the word songtaew to distinguish private-hire/charter vs route running normal service means nothing to the Thais, songtaew means two row, and asking the driver if his vehicle is a song taew is valid regardless of if he decides to be a rip-off charter taxi or a public transport, even if the vehicle is under charter, the physical nature of the vehicle still doesn't suddenly transform into other things than a two-row converted pick up truck

asking how much would be more useful, but still not rip-off proof

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Looks like the OP needs to learn a lot!cheesy.gif

The baht bus shown in the video, which he caught on Sukhumvit is a baht bus that runs between Huai Yai and Naklua. It doesn't go to downtown Pattaya as part of it's normal route! He did a custom charter through his ignorance!

None of the baht buses that run down Sukhumvit run to downtown Pattaya as part of their normal route!

He really needs to learn the routes and colors before he bitches.

Like the baht bus driver says in the Video, "He no Understand!" clap2.gif

1. The colour of the bus is not any guarantee of anything, but more a rule of thumb. All the exceptions for the colour code, makes it a non bullettproof identifying method.

2. The woman knew I wanted a songtaeow and not a taxi as I was walking towards the songtaeows at the Sukhumvit end of Pattayaklang.

3. She confirmed for me that this was a songtaeow, not a taxi.

4. Even if this was a taxi, it would still be a scam, as the route is at max worth 300 baht TOTAL. They demanded 300 baht PER PERSON.

5. A songtaeow costs 10 baht, 20 baht in some cases, and 40 baht all the way down to Sattahip town. The required price was far out of songtaeow pricing, even far out of taxi price. It was nothing but a scamtaeow.

I'm sorry to say, you're wrong! Colors do matter! But unfortunately, there's no way to distinguish the routes the dark blue buses take.

You still don't seem to understand. It is a songtaeow that is being chartered! And yes it's not a taxi! It doesn't even look like a taxi! Songtaeow literly means "two rows" refering to the two rows of seats in the back!

Since you have a problem understanding Thai or the baht bus system, I doubt it was 300/person, but 300 baht for the charter! Which is pretty normal for the Huai Yai baht buses to charge for a charter to/from Pattaya!

Since you have no understanding of the system, I won't try explaining it further to you!

Anyway since you failed to negotiate a price for the charter, This thread is nothing but a troll! Unfortunately, I took the bait trying to explain it to you that you weren't scammed!

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From the color of this "taxi" on the video,

it's clearly *not* an official Pattaya bahtbus.

Don't understand why you accepted boarding it

while being not far from the official bahtbus "station" on Pattaya Klang ?

Exactly, this was a light blue colour in opposite to dark blue colour, and that was their argument. We boarded because the thai lady convinced us and confirmed for us that this was a songtaeow and not a taxi.

So what ? A private songtaeow is about the same price as a taxi. You always have to ask about the price first. No sympathy from me.

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The low lifes that drive these vehicles prey on those who don't know or understand the system.

If you are not on a baht bus route then you need to say where you are going and negotiate a price.

It seems from the OPs post he just got in and thought they would charge 10baht. That was his mistake but still they are taking the mickey asking all passengers for 300baht.

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Looks like the OP needs to learn a lot!cheesy.gif

The baht bus shown in the video, which he caught on Sukhumvit is a baht bus that runs between Huai Yai and Naklua. It doesn't go to downtown Pattaya as part of it's normal route! He did a custom charter through his ignorance!

None of the baht buses that run down Sukhumvit run to downtown Pattaya as part of their normal route!

He really needs to learn the routes and colors before he bitches.

Like the baht bus driver says in the Video, "He no Understand!" clap2.gif

1. The colour of the bus is not any guarantee of anything, but more a rule of thumb. All the exceptions for the colour code, makes it a non bullettproof identifying method.

2. The woman knew I wanted a songtaeow and not a taxi as I was walking towards the songtaeows at the Sukhumvit end of Pattayaklang.

3. She confirmed for me that this was a songtaeow, not a taxi.

4. Even if this was a taxi, it would still be a scam, as the route is at max worth 300 baht TOTAL. They demanded 300 baht PER PERSON.

5. A songtaeow costs 10 baht, 20 baht in some cases, and 40 baht all the way down to Sattahip town. The required price was far out of songtaeow pricing, even far out of taxi price. It was nothing but a scamtaeow.

Well done for identifying yourself as another ignorant "farang" who couldn't be bothered to find out how things work in your "paradise" holiday town.

Songthaew (two-row) describes a category of vehicle, not the type of service it provides.

The difference between songthaews operating as charters/taxis and songthaews operating as baht buses is in all the guide books I have read.

She told you the truth - it was a songthaew operating in charter/taxi mode.

The songthaews that operate in and around the bus station/drop-off at the Sukhumvit/Klang intersection operate as individual drop-off charters/taxis. They will drop you at a location of your choice (at a price). You may find yourself doing a drop-off round-tour of Pattaya with other passengers who have also negotiated a price. The songthaews in Pattaya Nua bus station operate the same way.

If you make it across Sukhumvit (being alert, nimble and quick) to the end of Klang you will find other songthaews operating in baht bus mode down Klang to 2nd Road (although you may find one operating as a charter/taxi) You can tell which ones are the baht buses because the driver (and passengers) will be sitting staring vacantly into space and no one will ask you where you want to go.

Just in case you haven't got it yet:

A songthaew may be operated as a baht bus, as a taxi or even a removal van (my neighbour chartered one to take him, his GF, their dog and possessions from Pats to Udon!)

PS: If someone offers you a ride in Pattaya you always ask "tao rai". Same at the Bus Station, Soi 6 or Beach Road,gigglem.gif

PPS: Wow! I just noticed this bit: "a songtaeow (also known as baht bus or tuk tuk)" cheesy.gif

Edited by Enoon
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From the color of this "taxi" on the video,

it's clearly *not* an official Pattaya bahtbus.

Don't understand why you accepted boarding it

while being not far from the official bahtbus "station" on Pattaya Klang ?

The OP may not have understood the colour being different meant anything.

However, yes, it's not the usual baht bus colour.

The OPs mistake was not asking price from driver before getting on, but from some woman that was probably in on the scam.

If it was 300, should be for private hire. That they were asking 300 from everyone is obvious scam.

Also should have called tourist police not ordinary police.

I never get on baht bus unless from a proper waiting area, or driving along and I stop them, preferably with other people, especially Thais, on board.

The ones that come to the Sukhumvit bus stop to meet a bus are not the normal ones and always a rip off for farangs.

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That bahtbus in the video is a light blue Sukumvit one but it does seem to have a number stencilled on the side, so it should be registered. The number plate isnt visible but those also indicate whether the bahtbus is real or not.

As it has a number you can report the incident and I would do so. I would also report the woman who seems to be acting as a wrangler. Report them to the tourist police also, and the city hall call centre. Only by reporting and publicising these scams will they ever stop.

I think that these scams are totally shameful for Thailand and I'm always amazed that so many Thais are happy to let their countrymen besmirch their country in this way. In a country that worries so much about saving face you would think they would have more pride. Of course it's all 100 times worse in Phuket than here, but even so.

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It's not a scam as such. The songtaew is not on a set route. You should have known that if you gave them a destination to go to. Always agree a price. They do wait there for a people to get off the bus from the airport. I paid 200 baht for 2 people but had large cases. It seemed like the opposite has some experience but took too much for granted. TIT

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Yes my fault that I didn't ask how much. I never ask how much in a songtaeow because they are always cheap, so doesn't matter if it's 10 or 20 baht.

using the word songtaew to distinguish private-hire/charter vs route running normal service means nothing to the Thais, songtaew means two row, and asking the driver if his vehicle is a song taew is valid regardless of if he decides to be a rip-off charter taxi or a public transport, even if the vehicle is under charter, the physical nature of the vehicle still doesn't suddenly transform into other things than a two-row converted pick up truck

asking how much would be more useful, but still not rip-off proof

What the etymology of the word songtaeow is, is not important. What's matter is that using the word songtaeow has worked for me many times in real life to distinguish from taxi when speaking with the thai drivers. It happens quite common actually that as I jump in a dark blue songtaeow, the driver asks me "hey where you go". I ask him then if this is a songtaeow, to which he then responds "no, no. Taxi".

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Well done for identifying yourself as another ignorant "farang" who couldn't be bothered to find out how things work in your "paradise" holiday town.

Why do you start your post with an insulting statement like this?

Songthaew (two-row) describes a category of vehicle, not the type of service it provides.

you might be right about the etymology, but see my post above where this has always worked for me for distinguishing taxi vs bus.

The difference between songthaews operating as charters/taxis and songthaews operating as baht buses is in all the guide books I have read.

She told you the truth - it was a songthaew operating in charter/taxi mode.

As I walked away while saying "No thanks, I'll go to the songtaeows" when she first said this was a taxi, she knew EXACTLY what I meant, where I was heading and why I was about to walk. At that moment she saw it as benefical to suddenly change the name from "taxi" to "songtaeow". It was misleading at best, and she knew it very well that she was misleading me, as she knew exactly it was not what I wanted, but made me believe this was the same thing.

The songthaews that operate in and around the bus station/drop-off at the Sukhumvit/Klang intersection operate as individual drop-off charters/taxis. They will drop you at a location of your choice (at a price). You may find yourself doing a drop-off round-tour of Pattaya with other passengers who have also negotiated a price. The songthaews in Pattaya Nua bus station operate the same way.

If you make it across Sukhumvit (being alert, nimble and quick) to the end of Klang you will find other songthaews operating in baht bus mode down Klang to 2nd Road (although you may find one operating as a charter/taxi) You can tell which ones are the baht buses because the driver (and passengers) will be sitting staring vacantly into space and no one will ask you where you want to go.

Just in case you haven't got it yet:

A songthaew may be operated as a baht bus, as a taxi or even a removal van (my neighbour chartered one to take him, his GF, their dog and possessions from Pats to Udon!)

PS: If someone offers you a ride in Pattaya you always ask "tao rai". Same at the Bus Station, Soi 6 or Beach Road,gigglem.gif

PPS: Wow! I just noticed this bit: "a songtaeow (also known as baht bus or tuk tuk)" cheesy.gif

I can't see the humour in that, whether it's correct or not. Most people don't distinguish between them, and those who do, are not even always consistent with each other.

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