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Almost a third of Americans would support a military coup

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The US Government is now being viewed by many as a large blob of goo...growing out of control...devouring resources and people into it's blob so that fewer people are left to produce goods and services for the ever growing blob...

The blob hands down punishing edicts and decrees...sapping the energy of the economy and those productive people trying to grow the economy...while exempting the blob from having to adhere to it's own rules and regulations...

People are fed up with blob representatives looking out for their own interests and ignoring the plight of the workers...

The recent popularity of NON-blob citizens running for office is a good indication of the disdain for blob insiders...

The blob will not voluntarily reduce it's size or relinquish control to the people...thus setting the stage for an uncertain future...

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I'm not sure where to start on the total absurdity of this post, or so called poll.

The idea that a minority of Americans would support a coup is ludicrous, let alone the military brass even contemplating it.

This comes from a report in a 'Newspaper' (I use that term with some irony) that does tries as best it can to deflect, obfuscate any rational criticism or discussion on the political reality of life in Thailand.

Dream on Fanboys...

What does The Guardian have to do with life in Thailand?

If the idea that a minority supports a coup is ludicrous, it must be a majority. Now that I find ludicrous, I really hope it is only a minority.


I'm not sure where to start on the total absurdity of this post, or so called poll.

The idea that a minority of Americans would support a coup is ludicrous, let alone the military brass even contemplating it.

This comes from a report in a 'Newspaper' (I use that term with some irony) that does tries as best it can to deflect, obfuscate any rational criticism or discussion on the political reality of life in Thailand.

Dream on Fanboys...

Add to this the fact that there are something like 245,520,000 adults in the US, and we're discussing what 300 people would support? A survey of 1,000 self-selected adults in the US has no bearing on anything, and is ridiculous.

The headline for this article is flagrantly misleading. "Almost a third of Americans would..." One third of adult (voting age) Americans would be 81,840,000 Americans, not 300 Americans.


The British newspaper was merely reporting the survey, the British had nothing to do with it!

YouGov (American) performed the survey!

Reading and actually understanding the post would help.


30% of Americans describe themselves as evangelical and vote accordingly.

30% 0f Americans would vote for Donald Trump.

30% of Americans would support a military coup.

I think I see a trend.

What about the other 10%?

I rather suspect that the three 30%s have close to 100% overlap! wink.png


The "mighty" US military couldn't pull it off.

If they couldn't whip the N. Korean and Vietnam militaries, who would be foolish enough to think they could whip 100 million armed Americans on their own soil? They couldn't use bombs and other methods of destruction.

They'd have to take control door to door and confiscate guns or they'd have insurgents perpetually after them. They'd have to try to ID the insurgents who'd look, act, and blend with all of the population. There just aren't enough government or military people to pull it off.

100 million. The largest army the world has ever known. It outnumbers the US military 50:1.

Then there's the huge land mass to cover, door to door.

Then there's the question as to whether members of the military would turn against their own people, which I doubt seriously.

Nice fantasy on the part of some anti-US writer, though.


30% of Americans describe themselves as evangelical and vote accordingly.

30% 0f Americans would vote for Donald Trump.

30% of Americans would support a military coup.

I think I see a trend.

What about the other 10%?

No, the question is, "What does the Venn diagram look like?"...

Obviously not the same 30% in all cases.


The coup already happened on November 22 1963.

Tin foil hat time. What took so long?

Actually, I think this has some validity. Certainly the spirit of patriotism and the expectation of fair government gave way to cynicism and antagonism between the people and a government increasingly bought and paid for by large corporations. The rest was/is bound to follow...

I have long felt that JFK's murder, along with those of his brother and MLK, started the decline of America, and her values...

And I prefer lead foil for my headgear.


30% of Americans describe themselves as evangelical and vote accordingly.

30% 0f Americans would vote for Donald Trump.

30% of Americans would support a military coup.

I think I see a trend.

30% of Americans are very poor losers.

As a result, they will lose again, and again and.....

The GOP is dead and does not know it yet.


That's interesting because I don't think most Americans really understand the concept of coups.

I think many of the people who said yes are thinking more revolutions of the people rising up vs. a typical military government coup.

Personally I am sympathetic to that idea ... that the people rising up should always be an option if government becomes too oppressive.

No..it is actually your lack of understanding of what the american people know..or do not know...that is interesting. On one hand..people like you blame americans for every coup that happens....then on the other...you say we know nothing of coups. How baseless can that be?

I find your insight very naive...


That's interesting because I don't think most Americans really understand the concept of coups.

I think many of the people who said yes are thinking more revolutions of the people rising up vs. a typical military government coup.

Personally I am sympathetic to that idea ... that the people rising up should always be an option if government becomes too oppressive.

No..it is actually your lack of understanding of what the american people know..or do not know...that is interesting. On one hand..people like you blame americans for every coup that happens....then on the other...you say we know nothing of coups. How baseless can that be?

I find your insight very naive...

People like me? Dude, there is only one me. Please don't do bizarre projections of what I'm supposed to think according to you on me.


That's interesting because I don't think most Americans really understand the concept of coups.

I think many of the people who said yes are thinking more revolutions of the people rising up vs. a typical military government coup.

Personally I am sympathetic to that idea ... that the people rising up should always be an option if government becomes too oppressive.

No, the question was pretty clear that it was about the military.

"9. Is there any situation in which you could imagine yourself supporting the U.S. military taking over the powers of federal government?"

This was one among a series questions about attitudes towards the miliatary, police and politicians the one about the coup.

But this wasn't a random poll, either. It was an online poll in which respondents are self-selected.

Why argue a poll without controls? The polsters have no way of determining whether the opt-in respondents are Americans or anything else. Move along, nothing to see here. coffee1.gif


The coup already happened on November 22 1963.

Tin foil hat time. What took so long?

Actually, I think this has some validity. Certainly the spirit of patriotism and the expectation of fair government gave way to cynicism and antagonism between the people and a government increasingly bought and paid for by large corporations. The rest was/is bound to follow...

I have long felt that JFK's murder, along with those of his brother and MLK, started the decline of America, and her values...

And I prefer lead foil for my headgear.

Perhaps Thaivisa should introduce their own version of 'Godwin's Law'. This version would state that as soon as a poster accuses another poster of wearing a Tin Foil Hat, they are deemed to have lost the argument!


Anyone who actually believes an internet poll is in any way valid - should live in a dictatorship - as they're too stupid to vote.


The "mighty" US military couldn't pull it off.

If they couldn't whip the N. Korean and Vietnam militaries, who would be foolish enough to think they could whip 100 million armed Americans on their own soil? They couldn't use bombs and other methods of destruction.

They'd have to take control door to door and confiscate guns or they'd have insurgents perpetually after them. They'd have to try to ID the insurgents who'd look, act, and blend with all of the population. There just aren't enough government or military people to pull it off.

100 million. The largest army the world has ever known. It outnumbers the US military 50:1.

Then there's the huge land mass to cover, door to door.

Then there's the question as to whether members of the military would turn against their own people, which I doubt seriously.

Nice fantasy on the part of some anti-US writer, though.

I think you have to also take into consideration that a coup does necessarily have result in the installation of a Junta. The whole purpose of the coup may be for the singular purpose of ejecting corrupted or captured government. Without appointments to the executive in place of elected officials the public service can probably go for awhile. Unfortunately governments do not usually have legal structure that would permit say a single executive role to be taken by someone that expressly allows only the execution of a general election and otherwise keeps the rest of the executive power as a whole off limits.

Without throwing out the existing laws and writing new ones (or legislating defensively in advance for this type fo event)

, kinda difficult to avoid a Junta or a non representative care taker government at best.


The respondents mostly came from the NRA (gun owners and manufacturers) mailing list. They always respond to eveything controversial involving the government, while others are busy working or taking care of their families.

The government wants people to be too busy working and taking care of their families, to the point that they don't have a clue what the government is doing.

I'm glad some people have their eyes wide open.


most Americans watch 7h of TV a day, so forget a coup d'etat , all have been lobotomised since years.

this is years that the USA government is spitting on the Constitution and human rights and nothing has been done so far. they have created a police state with working poors and slaves in jails.

God bless America (So I get a free burger :) )



most Americans watch 7h of TV a day, so forget a coup d'etat , all have been lobotomised since years.

this is years that the USA government is spitting on the Constitution and human rights and nothing has been done so far. they have created a police state with working poors and slaves in jails.

God bless America (So I get a free burger smile.png )


You should stick to troll posts.


Biden/Warren 2016, Sanders secy HHS

Warren 2020 - Americas last hope

Clinton - janitor in old post office pavilion

Yeah, Obama has been a disapointment, but the obstruction on GOPs part and overt racism is well over the top. He never had a chance. It was either we don't want Dems to have ANY victory or we don't want any negro in the whitehouse to have even the smallest victory or a legacy. By contrast, look at W, what a clusterF that was! We are still recovering and US may never will given the gerrymandering and Wall St bail outs.

One thing true...one percent has a target on its back perhaps literally going into the 2020-2030 decade.

Carter recently stated, US is notbing more than an oligarchy. That sThat coming from a Navy Admiral, Pc Prize winner and former US preznit.


How many people in the USA, how many have computers and are on the internet?

They asked 1,000 people via internet then claim this is an accurate analysis.


Better have a good look at all surveys then.

The party of Lincoln has become the party of neo-secessionists and unrepentant racists. The lunatic fringe is now the base.

Your rhetoric and cast iron confidence that your view is the sole one of any virtue may go some way to explaining the results of the survey.

Your posts show you are the epitome of the base.


That's interesting because I don't think most Americans really understand the concept of coups.

I think many of the people who said yes are thinking more revolutions of the people rising up vs. a typical military government coup.

Personally I am sympathetic to that idea ... that the people rising up should always be an option if government becomes too oppressive.

Statements like yours and the professed beliefs of the right wing do confirm my belief that the United States is slowly devolving into a third world country. It is now very common for the right wing wack jobs to simply dismiss those parts of the U.S. Constitution if they disagree. Huckabee and Cruz, and I am sure other "candidates" have decided that the Supreme Court is not tasked by the Constitution to settle matters of Constitutional law. Perkins, the California VC guy beleives you should have to be a property owner to be allowed to vote.

Unfortunately, the American political process combined with the Bill of Rights, do confuse many living elsewhere. But, it will get sorted out, democratically.


How many people in the USA, how many have computers and are on the internet?

They asked 1,000 people via internet then claim this is an accurate analysis.


Better have a good look at all surveys then.

The only "survey" that matters is the election. All those polls are just guesswork based on a miniscule number of replies to loaded questions.


Military coup or this days governments ....what the difference?

People are lost in confusion and media is the powerful source of any information coming from those who wants lead them.

People use to have a big power exchanging information personally in older days but today everyone has own tv, own mobile phone and computer which is the only source of information.

Not many are using own brain and most important people are afraid more and more to be accused of things media is spreading everywhere.

"first to divide then conquer "

We are already divided.....


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