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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees… or are they?

Lite Beer

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I read yesterday in an English Newspaper a South of England Hospital removed an RAF Man because his Uniform may offended some immigrants. Not that many years ago his parents were defending England to make it safe for them to flood in.They wouldn't be there if they lost in the Air to Germany. P.C. folks make me puke.

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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

If they wanted to go stay in the outback there probably wouldn't be a problem, but they want to live in the cities and have jobs.

Off topic, but to respond...

Regional Australia already has major problems with the numbers of unemployed due to lack of work opportunities. The allocation of refugees will be down to the State / Territory governments as to how many will be accepted. NSW has indicated it will accept 7,000 of the 12,000, with fiscal support from Federal government. By way of comparison ACT will accept 250. For the moment the budget for the 12,000 is AUD700 million over four years.

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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees…

Just a guess, but maybe they're not fond of Shia muslims, Alawites, or Christians? Hence the Wahhabi/radical Sunni backed genocide in the first place. Something to consider, 'eh?

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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

They wouldn't let me in either even though I was in the IT industry when I looked into it...40 years old...too old. So I don't have any tears for their immigration policy. It's strict, but it's their country. No different than Thailand.

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I feel bad about the ordeal the real refugees are facing, but I also believe that many are not refugees and are using the opportunity to emigrate legally to countries that even will pay them to stay, and some times, even given them a job in place of a native citizen. Many, so many, may become bad elements and source of many problems, because the difficulties in assimilate to a new culture.

About the Gulf states?... Its discriminates emigration for many reasons, and the principal one is differences in religion. Syrian and Lybia refugees are Sunnies, Shias, Kurds, Christians, etc, etc....with centuries of history of internal conflicts and violence.

Most Islamic countries are happy that Europe is taking the cost and the risk involved in welcoming those "refugees"....

Who knows if ISIS is not sending "refugees" to Europe?

To reinforce my opinion. ....Just now online:

The German PM said that there are indications that half of the refugees declaring that its are from Syria, are from other countries...

God saves Europe.

Edited by umbanda
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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees…

Just a guess, but maybe they're not fond of Shia muslims, Alawites, or Christians? Hence the Wahhabi/radical Sunni backed genocide in the first place. Something to consider, 'eh?

Iran was Sunni until Shah Ismail I came along and essentially said "Convert to Shi'a or die".

Something to consider, eh?


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A friend sent me some photos of the "village" near Mecca, built to house the Haj pilgrims. Fire-proof tents, all with air con, and room for 3 million. It would provide accom for a lot of refugees ?? Not used for 11 months of the year?

This one:


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Its absolutely shameful that a country like Saudi Arabia is not taking in any refugees. I understand that their excuse is that they cant take in refugees because they don't have "refugee" as a status in Saudi Arabia (SA doesn't even have a tourist status....not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA).

Besides that, a lot of the refugees are Shia Muslims (fleeing from the Sunni IS). Of course most of the gulf states are Sunni too.

Try googling the Huffington post, they published an article claiming 100,000 Syrian children were currently being educated in Saudi schools, the total number being around 300,000. The press has somehow 'overlooked' the fact Saudi Arabia does not classify migrants in a way the UN refugee agencies recognize.

P.s I have no love for Saudi Arabia, but for once I think they are being judged hastily.


It would seem to be the case that nobody has bothered to read the link provided by Steely Dan in post number 24.

His link is from the Huffington Post affiliate and is... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anhvinh-doanvo/europes-crisis-refugees_b_8175924.html

A read of this would find that Saudi Arabia has already taken in some 2.5 million from Syria but does not call them "refugees" They are provided with resident papers, housing, education, medical care and jobs. (7by7 emphasis)

From the HuffPost article:

"With Saudi Arabia's non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees."

Because the noted treaties establish treatment standards for refugees, some might raise concerns regarding the conditions that Saudi Arabia's refugees may be living in. However, Al-Arabiya, a news outlet based in the UAE, has noted that "Saudi authorities granted Syrians the right of residency and work, and provided them with education and health services for free." According to the Saudi government, over 100,000 children are currently receiving education in the country's schools. Saudi Arabia is not alone in attempts to provide education for the refugees, with Lebanon now providing schooling for another 100,000 child refugees.

The silence on this issue has redirected the conversation to an absurd idea instead of progressing towards verification of Saudi Arabia's treatment of Syrian refugees. By focusing on a myth that could easily be debunked with even a cursory look at the UN's procedures for publishing refugee statistics, the West's media organizations have been too distracted to verify the Saudi government's claims."

Unfortunately there are always those who prefer the ignorant propaganda to the truth; as shown by many posts in this topic..

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Quite ironic that they are fleeing a country suffering civil war, only to be attempting to enter countries in Europe that will soon be in the same situation!

Where will they run away to when that happens?

To the poster who ended their comment by saying that they could remain in safety on the Syrian border and eventually "go back" . . . ?

Have you got your eyes closed? Do you really think they will go back once ISIS are defeated? Course not! They will just bring any remaining relatives into Europe where they are. They should be given 6 month temp visas in whichever country they are in and if the conflict still remains after 6 months, renew the visa until all this is over, then advise them we have helped them but it is now time to return to your country.

IMHO you are not a true refugee if you believe you can cherry pick the country you go to. A real refugee who truly lives in fear would feel so relieved to be in the 1st safe country they step foot in would be happy to stay there. The fact that they are prepared to travel thousands of miles past the 1st safe country tells me they are after a free ride on easy street that many Euro countries are to weak to deny,

I would also like to point out that by UN law/rules, a refugee has to stay in the 1st safe country they enter. In this case it is Turkey, so why the hell are they allowed to travel via Turkey and onwards to countries of their choice?

Something else I would like to point out . . . how come they are showing aggression and violence to the police in Hungary and beyond, yet they will not fight for their own land? I am sick of turning on the news and seeing these ungrateful, hard done to deleteds crying because they aren't getting the red carpet rolled out for them.

Get Putin in, destroy ISIS, and give these economic migrants no excuse to leave their country ever again

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Not sure if the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish, or Cornish and people from the North of England come to that, consider the Union Flag to be Anglo Saxon!

You remind me of the idiots who repeat the lie that Bradford Town Hall refuses to fly the Union Flag!


But what your ridiculous post has to do with Saudi Arabia, only you know.

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What a funny comment.Teacher from Bradford no doubt.Anglo Saxons are from all over Europe. Some don't want Isis covertly infiltrated into their Homes via Dim ,gullible ,lefties

Anglo Saxons from all over Europe? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The Angles came from Angeln, the Saxons from Saxony; now both part of modern Germany. Hardly all over Europe!

They didn't even settle all of what is now England, let alone the whole British Isles; you're forgetting the other settlers from Europe at the time; the Jutes, Friesians, Danes etc..

Not to mention the original inhabitants; the Celts, Picts etc.

As you are showing a complete ignorance of your own history, assuming you are actually British, it is no wonder you also display astounding ignorance in other areas.

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Your post only shows your ignorance. perhaps you should learn something about a country's history before commenting on it!

Speaking as a Brit who actually lives in the UK, most other Brits I know, whatever their ethnicity or religion, aren't keen on any scroungers, not just non white ones!

Named and shamed: Five of Britain's biggest benefits cheats who stole £4.5m from the taxpayer

Guess what; four of them are white!

But what all this has got to do with how many Syrian refugees the Gulf States have accepted, only you know.

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As already said, what your ignorant comments on British and European history have to do with the 2.5 million plus Syrian refugees taken in by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states; only you know.

If you want to display your ignorance of life in the UK further, there is a topic in Outside the Box where you can join others of your ilk who regularly do just that.

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It is easy to understand they know what the great Syrian refugees are really.

Read the link below.


Washington post. 0

Saudi Arabian minister of foreign affairs 100,000 permits issued how many people staying?

However, according to the Saudi Press Agency, an unnamed official of the Saudi foreign ministry has said that nearly 2.5 million Syrians have been given shelter in the Islamic kingdom.

According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

Those are a lot of different numbers. How many is it really?

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It is easy to understand they know what the great Syrian refugees are really.

Read the link below.


Washington post. 0

Saudi Arabian minister of foreign affairs 100,000 permits issued how many people staying?

However, according to the Saudi Press Agency, an unnamed official of the Saudi foreign ministry has said that nearly 2.5 million Syrians have been given shelter in the Islamic kingdom.

According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

Those are a lot of different numbers. How many is it really?

UNHCR has a different protocol for reporting on number of refugees in KSA to the kingdom's authorities; if you're that interested email the relevant Saudi authority.

Perhaps, as the article suggests, it is more important to note the apparently deliberate misinformation being reported by Western media outlets & to understand the reasons why this is so. The same question can be asked why media outlets report every single negative story about Muslims in the EU, but zero mention of the millions who do not create problems.

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