Broken Record Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Oh p[lease.... the boat drivers RAN AWAY, they are what they are. No apologies required. I would have thought they swam away.
Bluespunk Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Oh p[lease.... the boat drivers RAN AWAY, they are what they are. No apologies required. I would have thought they swam away. Swam. Ran. Drove away as soon as hit land. Whatever. They chicken shitted it out of there as soon as they could rather than stay to face the consequences of their deadly stupidity.
Broken Record Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Don't these boats have navigation lights. Do the operators know the rules of who gives way and to which side? You see how the idiots drive on the roads??? putting them in a boat doesnt change that Don't ever use Thai Airways, they have Thai pilots.
Nobb Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Hope they drug tested both of the boat operators. After accident and not a day later as they have been known to do!
ratcatcher Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Hope they drug tested both of the boat operators. After accident and not a day later as they have been known to do! Hope they drug tested both of the boat operators. Assuming they have managed to locate them after their escape.
Chicog Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Ruh Roh that's another 30,000 baht in compensation they've got to find somewhere.
Mudcrab Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 I think W was just playing on the old joke about a cop in the old US south who approached a white guy that had rear ended a car driven by a black guy and asked: "How fast was that boy backing up when he hit you mister". This was a popular joke among many of the black guys in the army in the 1960's when they discussed an accident. This was also on a party record which I think was by Brother Dave Gardner. For you younger guys, party records were normally 78 RPM vinyl records that contained jokes/skits which were often considered lewd at that time. Redd Foxx, Rusty Warren and Dave Gardner were some of the popular artists in the US. ROFL the only sad thing about this joke that it's probably true. The black guy had to be blamed in an accident with a white regardless if he was in front or at the back. Thanks for the explanation. I never would have got the joke had it not been for your thoughtfulness in posting. Glad you ROFLed, but apparently didn't LMAO though.
sandyf Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Don't these boats have navigation lights. Do the operators know the rules of who gives way and to which side? The boats pick up in the middle of the village and it is a bit narrow, if I remember right it operates like a one way system. As in most accidents someone was doing something they shouldn't be, like reversing up a one way street. There are quite a few bends on the way out to the river so anyone going the wrong way is asking for trouble.
fakser Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 It is amazing. Every time an item about an accident or a felony in Thailand is published, a bunch of grumpy members of the forum, spread their cinical and nasty remarks regarding the country that they dispise somuch but will live nowhere else. Hey guys. If it is so bad here, go back to your homeland and live happily there. Otherwise, take it or leave it. Well looks like more good news for the tourism sector here. Average tourist who is coming to Thailand will probably never hear of it, hardly a major disaster that's going to hit the world headlines is it ? All you guys that predict the death of Thailand's tourism industry with every event that happens in Thailand, how many of you that live here are going to leave, how many of you that do not live here but come to Thailand for vacation, will stop coming because of a boat accident ? Thought so....
Basil B Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Why are so many people sick in the head. A woman dies and others injured. What speed was the boat going. Tourism industry is finished etc. I agree with BrewsterBudgen post. Our sincere condolencies to the loss of life and injured. From the thaivisa bloggers that have hearts. Yes it was a tragic accident, condolences etc, OK lets get on with life, this was another stupid accident that should never of happened, and I for one will continue ridicule the powers that be who seem to do nothing about the standard of those who operate boats in the Kingdom, until such time as things improve. I believe in preventing further accidents is more important than keep shut because it may offend.
txp158 Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Why are so many people sick in the head. A woman dies and others injured. What speed was the boat going. Tourism industry is finished etc. I agree with BrewsterBudgen post. Our sincere condolencies to the loss of life and injured. From the thaivisa bloggers that have hearts. Yes it was a tragic accident, condolences etc, OK lets get on with life, this was another stupid accident that should never of happened, and I for one will continue ridicule the powers that be who seem to do nothing about the standard of those who operate boats in the Kingdom, until such time as things improve. I believe in preventing further accidents is more important than keep shut because it may offend. A woman died in boat crash. It's a common sense to demand the responsibility from the boat owner, not the entire tourism industry of Thailand. All the negative comments here don't offend anybody...Thai... because they (the Thais) don't and can't comprehend farang's writings. All it does is showing how sick in the head a farang can be to another farang.
kannot Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Well looks like more good news for the tourism sector here. Average tourist who is coming to Thailand will probably never hear of it, hardly a major disaster that's going to hit the world headlines is it ? All you guys that predict the death of Thailand's tourism industry with every event that happens in Thailand, how many of you that live here are going to leave, how many of you that do not live here but come to Thailand for vacation, will stop coming because of a boat accident ? Thought so.... let us know when its your family member If a member of my family was killed in an accident I would leave the country, is that what you mean ? If it is, then you of course are wrong, accidents happen in all countries, if accidents to family members caused the remaining family members to emigrate the whole world would be in a bit of a mess, be good for the airline business though. I know this is ThaiVisa and it appears that many of the members here enjoy events that give them the opportunity to bash Thailand and Thai people, yet oddly enough, they choose to remain in the very country they appear to dislike, very strange indeed. It won't influence the Millions of tourists who choose to come to Thailand each year, just as tragic events don't stop me living here by choice and has no influence on others that came here by choice, and choose to remain here. I'm going out on a limb here and assume that most of the Thai Bashers also choose to stay in Thailand and are not here under duress, so even with the constant Thai Bashing it can't be that bad in Thailand really, else you wouldn't wait for a family member to have a boat accident, you'd be out of here already. Enjoy your stay. Try to remember that Thailand is a developing nation and has developing nation problems, it was also a developing nation when you chose to come here, if you were unaware of that, then you really didn't do your research, maybe you come from a 3rd world country and Thailand was a better choice than your own country, I don't know, but you really need to plan better, you're obviously very frustrated in Thailand ( Judging by your posts), chillax a bit and make plans for your next big move, but this time do some homework. I stay here for my W/ife only, mentioned before, most of Thailands "accidents" are not accidents at all they are down to blatant stupidity/laziness and as long as people die due to the stupidity Ill keep on " bashing" as you call it, away. No need to be condescending, once someone dies here, due to this stupidity/laziness ,the compensation payouts are just a joke and the perpetrator of any death carries on in EXACTLY the same way ready to "kill again" and this goes right to the top, witness "Mercedes or RedBull man" at the other end bottom feeders simply run away and hide up country Now, I stayed as my Wife works here, I have no liking for "Thai culture".............why would you choose to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness, I take it you accept these risks for you and your family? ( if you have one) Yes stupidity/laziness in all countries but not to such a high extent as Thailand I'd actually say it hasnt developed at all except into a nation of greedy and even more corrupt people than it was years ago where money is the only aim and by whatever means including death of others. A lot of these "incidents" are appearing regularly now certainly in the UK press and i personally know people who havent come here who were contemplating it, one for his 30th birthday just a few months back is the most recent. No need to drone on about 1 in 30000000 I would think most visitors to Thailand are singles/ couples not many families would choose it. The point was simple, if your Wife had been killed on that boat by the incompetent stupidity/laziness of the operator and you got no justice after dragging it through the courts for most likely years would you still be spouting the same line about Thailand back in your own country? ( assuming you arent Thai)
Broken Record Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 You're in a country you don't like, you married a Thai National, people you don't rate very highly, not only that, one that insists on having a job here putting you and your family in danger, grow a pair man, tell her it's either you or Thailand, you have one life, yours is obviously not a happy one, does your wife know of your dislike of her country and culture and fellow Thai's, has she no pity for you ? Me, I'm happy here, then again, I knew what I was going into when I moved to Thailand in 1990, I wasn't happy in the UK, so guess what, I left the UK. for fresh pastures, as I would never go back to the UK by choice, looks like I made the right choice to leave, I realised things in other countries are different and was able to adapt, I think you get used to things after a while. Sorry about your life, I hope you're able to escape one day, and in the meantime, stay away from boats, planes and automobiles. Best of luck to you, try not to judge all by the few, you have a Thai wife so they can't all be bad can they, even if she puts your life in danger by choosing to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness. I've been here 25 years and have ridden Motorcycles all over Thailand and have driven hundreds of thousands of KM's by Car and I've never had an accident, of course I've been in some hairy situations, but nothing that I couldn't get out of, maybe I've been lucky, I see lots of old Thai people in Thailand too, maybe they're lucky also. Thank christ I came to Thailand before ThaiVisa, I think things would have been different had I came to ThaiVisa for an overview on life in Thailand from experienced expats, negativity rules the roost here anything else is labeled as apologist, I tend to think of it as realistic and know if things were really as bad as some ThaiVisa posters make out, I wouldn't be here to read the posts, nor would they. Like me, you appear to be from the U.K., I moved here when I was 35 so I found it easy to adapt, now I'm 60 it just all seems normal to me, had I moved here when I was 60 things would have been more difficult for sure, in 1990 Thailand was a different place and massive changes have occurred since that time, some for the better, some not, but I have chosen to stay here and it's not through lack of choice, it's due to personal preference. So I sympathize with a fellow Brit and hope you can move on and get your life back, it must be terrible to have to endure such suffering, once again good luck.
kannot Posted September 29, 2015 Posted September 29, 2015 You're in a country you don't like, you married a Thai National, people you don't rate very highly, not only that, one that insists on having a job here putting you and your family in danger, grow a pair man, tell her it's either you or Thailand, you have one life, yours is obviously not a happy one, does your wife know of your dislike of her country and culture and fellow Thai's, has she no pity for you ? Me, I'm happy here, then again, I knew what I was going into when I moved to Thailand in 1990, I wasn't happy in the UK, so guess what, I left the UK. for fresh pastures, as I would never go back to the UK by choice, looks like I made the right choice to leave, I realised things in other countries are different and was able to adapt, I think you get used to things after a while. Sorry about your life, I hope you're able to escape one day, and in the meantime, stay away from boats, planes and automobiles. Best of luck to you, try not to judge all by the few, you have a Thai wife so they can't all be bad can they, even if she puts your life in danger by choosing to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness. I've been here 25 years and have ridden Motorcycles all over Thailand and have driven hundreds of thousands of KM's by Car and I've never had an accident, of course I've been in some hairy situations, but nothing that I couldn't get out of, maybe I've been lucky, I see lots of old Thai people in Thailand too, maybe they're lucky also. Thank christ I came to Thailand before ThaiVisa, I think things would have been different had I came to ThaiVisa for an overview on life in Thailand from experienced expats, negativity rules the roost here anything else is labeled as apologist, I tend to think of it as realistic and know if things were really as bad as some ThaiVisa posters make out, I wouldn't be here to read the posts, nor would they. Like me, you appear to be from the U.K., I moved here when I was 35 so I found it easy to adapt, now I'm 60 it just all seems normal to me, had I moved here when I was 60 things would have been more difficult for sure, in 1990 Thailand was a different place and massive changes have occurred since that time, some for the better, some not, but I have chosen to stay here and it's not through lack of choice, it's due to personal preference. So I sympathize with a fellow Brit and hope you can move on and get your life back, it must be terrible to have to endure such suffering, once again good luck. u must have a lot of time on your hands
Broken Record Posted September 30, 2015 Posted September 30, 2015 You're in a country you don't like, you married a Thai National, people you don't rate very highly, not only that, one that insists on having a job here putting you and your family in danger, grow a pair man, tell her it's either you or Thailand, you have one life, yours is obviously not a happy one, does your wife know of your dislike of her country and culture and fellow Thai's, has she no pity for you ? Me, I'm happy here, then again, I knew what I was going into when I moved to Thailand in 1990, I wasn't happy in the UK, so guess what, I left the UK. for fresh pastures, as I would never go back to the UK by choice, looks like I made the right choice to leave, I realised things in other countries are different and was able to adapt, I think you get used to things after a while. Sorry about your life, I hope you're able to escape one day, and in the meantime, stay away from boats, planes and automobiles. Best of luck to you, try not to judge all by the few, you have a Thai wife so they can't all be bad can they, even if she puts your life in danger by choosing to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness. I've been here 25 years and have ridden Motorcycles all over Thailand and have driven hundreds of thousands of KM's by Car and I've never had an accident, of course I've been in some hairy situations, but nothing that I couldn't get out of, maybe I've been lucky, I see lots of old Thai people in Thailand too, maybe they're lucky also. Thank christ I came to Thailand before ThaiVisa, I think things would have been different had I came to ThaiVisa for an overview on life in Thailand from experienced expats, negativity rules the roost here anything else is labeled as apologist, I tend to think of it as realistic and know if things were really as bad as some ThaiVisa posters make out, I wouldn't be here to read the posts, nor would they. Like me, you appear to be from the U.K., I moved here when I was 35 so I found it easy to adapt, now I'm 60 it just all seems normal to me, had I moved here when I was 60 things would have been more difficult for sure, in 1990 Thailand was a different place and massive changes have occurred since that time, some for the better, some not, but I have chosen to stay here and it's not through lack of choice, it's due to personal preference. So I sympathize with a fellow Brit and hope you can move on and get your life back, it must be terrible to have to endure such suffering, once again good luck. u must have a lot of time on your hands I had a spare 90 seconds, yes. I do miss the sense of humour of UK lads though.
kannot Posted September 30, 2015 Posted September 30, 2015 You're in a country you don't like, you married a Thai National, people you don't rate very highly, not only that, one that insists on having a job here putting you and your family in danger, grow a pair man, tell her it's either you or Thailand, you have one life, yours is obviously not a happy one, does your wife know of your dislike of her country and culture and fellow Thai's, has she no pity for you ? Me, I'm happy here, then again, I knew what I was going into when I moved to Thailand in 1990, I wasn't happy in the UK, so guess what, I left the UK. for fresh pastures, as I would never go back to the UK by choice, looks like I made the right choice to leave, I realised things in other countries are different and was able to adapt, I think you get used to things after a while. Sorry about your life, I hope you're able to escape one day, and in the meantime, stay away from boats, planes and automobiles. Best of luck to you, try not to judge all by the few, you have a Thai wife so they can't all be bad can they, even if she puts your life in danger by choosing to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness. I've been here 25 years and have ridden Motorcycles all over Thailand and have driven hundreds of thousands of KM's by Car and I've never had an accident, of course I've been in some hairy situations, but nothing that I couldn't get out of, maybe I've been lucky, I see lots of old Thai people in Thailand too, maybe they're lucky also. Thank christ I came to Thailand before ThaiVisa, I think things would have been different had I came to ThaiVisa for an overview on life in Thailand from experienced expats, negativity rules the roost here anything else is labeled as apologist, I tend to think of it as realistic and know if things were really as bad as some ThaiVisa posters make out, I wouldn't be here to read the posts, nor would they. Like me, you appear to be from the U.K., I moved here when I was 35 so I found it easy to adapt, now I'm 60 it just all seems normal to me, had I moved here when I was 60 things would have been more difficult for sure, in 1990 Thailand was a different place and massive changes have occurred since that time, some for the better, some not, but I have chosen to stay here and it's not through lack of choice, it's due to personal preference. So I sympathize with a fellow Brit and hope you can move on and get your life back, it must be terrible to have to endure such suffering, once again good luck. u must have a lot of time on your hands I had a spare 90 seconds, yes. I do miss the sense of humour of UK lads though. Im 93....laddy!
chiang mai Posted September 30, 2015 Posted September 30, 2015 You're in a country you don't like, you married a Thai National, people you don't rate very highly, not only that, one that insists on having a job here putting you and your family in danger, grow a pair man, tell her it's either you or Thailand, you have one life, yours is obviously not a happy one, does your wife know of your dislike of her country and culture and fellow Thai's, has she no pity for you ? Me, I'm happy here, then again, I knew what I was going into when I moved to Thailand in 1990, I wasn't happy in the UK, so guess what, I left the UK. for fresh pastures, as I would never go back to the UK by choice, looks like I made the right choice to leave, I realised things in other countries are different and was able to adapt, I think you get used to things after a while. Sorry about your life, I hope you're able to escape one day, and in the meantime, stay away from boats, planes and automobiles. Best of luck to you, try not to judge all by the few, you have a Thai wife so they can't all be bad can they, even if she puts your life in danger by choosing to stay in a country which could kill you or your family member due to stupidity/laziness. I've been here 25 years and have ridden Motorcycles all over Thailand and have driven hundreds of thousands of KM's by Car and I've never had an accident, of course I've been in some hairy situations, but nothing that I couldn't get out of, maybe I've been lucky, I see lots of old Thai people in Thailand too, maybe they're lucky also. Thank christ I came to Thailand before ThaiVisa, I think things would have been different had I came to ThaiVisa for an overview on life in Thailand from experienced expats, negativity rules the roost here anything else is labeled as apologist, I tend to think of it as realistic and know if things were really as bad as some ThaiVisa posters make out, I wouldn't be here to read the posts, nor would they. Like me, you appear to be from the U.K., I moved here when I was 35 so I found it easy to adapt, now I'm 60 it just all seems normal to me, had I moved here when I was 60 things would have been more difficult for sure, in 1990 Thailand was a different place and massive changes have occurred since that time, some for the better, some not, but I have chosen to stay here and it's not through lack of choice, it's due to personal preference. So I sympathize with a fellow Brit and hope you can move on and get your life back, it must be terrible to have to endure such suffering, once again good luck. +1, a man after my own heart, thank you for describing so succinctly the things I was unable to.
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